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Function dmd.aggregate.placeField

Place a field (mem) into an aggregate (agg), which can be a struct, union or class

uint placeField(
  ref uint nextoffset,
  uint memsize,
  uint memalignsize,
  dmd.astenums.structalign_t alignment,
  ref uint aggsize,
  ref uint aggalignsize,
  bool isunion
) pure nothrow @safe;


nextoffset location just past the end of the previous field in the aggregate. Updated to be just past the end of this field to be placed, i.e. the future nextoffset
memsize size of field
memalignsize natural alignment of field
alignment alignment in effect for this field
aggsize size of aggregate (updated)
aggalignsize alignment of aggregate (updated)
isunion the aggregate is a union


aligned offset to place field at


Walter Bright


Boost License 1.0