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Template std.variant.tryVisit

Behaves as visit but doesn't enforce that all types are handled by the visiting functions.

template tryVisit(Handlers...);

If a parameter-less function is specified it is called when either variant doesn't hold a value or holds a type which isn't handled by the visiting functions.

Contained Functions



The return type of tryVisit is deduced from the visiting functions and must be the same across all overloads.


VariantException if variant doesn't hold a value or variant holds a value which isn't handled by the visiting functions, when no parameter-less fallback function is specified.


Algebraic!(int, string) variant;

variant = 10;
auto which = -1;
variant.tryVisit!((int i) { which = 0; })();
writeln(which); // 0

// Error function usage
variant = "test";
variant.tryVisit!((int i) { which = 0; },
                  ()      { which = -100; })();
writeln(which); // -100


Andrei Alexandrescu


Boost License 1.0.