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Function std.uri.encodeComponent

Encodes the UTF-8 string uriComponent into a URI and returns that URI. Any character not a letter, digit, or one of -_.!~*'() is escaped.

string encodeComponent(Char)(
  scope const(Char)[] uriComponent
if (isSomeChar!Char);


writeln("!@#$%^&*(".encodeComponent); // "!%40%23%24%25%5E%26*("
writeln("<>.@.™".encodeComponent); // "%3C%3E.%40.%E2%84%A2"
writeln("foo/&".encodeComponent); // "foo%2F%26"
writeln("dläng röcks".encodeComponent); // "dl%C3%A4ng%20r%C3%B6cks"
writeln("dlang+rocks!".encodeComponent); // "dlang%2Brocks!"


Walter Bright


Boost License 1.0.