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Function std.uni.InversionList.opBinary
Sets support natural syntax for set algebra, namely:
Operator | Math notation | Description |
& | a ∩ b | intersection |
| | a ∪ b | union |
- | a ∖ b | subtraction |
~ | a ~ b | symmetric set difference i.e. (a ∪ b) \ (a ∩ b) |
import std .algorithm .comparison : equal;
import std .range : iota;
auto lower = unicode .LowerCase;
auto upper = unicode .UpperCase;
auto ascii = unicode .ASCII;
assert((lower & upper) .empty); // no intersection
auto lowerASCII = lower & ascii;
assert(lowerASCII .byCodepoint .equal(iota('a', 'z'+1)));
// throw away all of the lowercase ASCII
writeln((ascii - lower) .length); // 128 - 26
auto onlyOneOf = lower ~ ascii;
assert(!onlyOneOf['Δ']); // not ASCII and not lowercase
assert(onlyOneOf['$']); // ASCII and not lowercase
assert(!onlyOneOf['a']); // ASCII and lowercase
assert(onlyOneOf['я']); // not ASCII but lowercase
// throw away all cased letters from ASCII
auto noLetters = ascii - (lower | upper);
writeln(noLetters .length); // 128 - 26 * 2
Dmitry Olshansky
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