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Class std.typecons.AutoImplement
automatically implements (by default) all abstract member
functions in the class or interface Base
in specified way.
class AutoImplement(Base, alias how, alias what)
if (!is(how == class));
class AutoImplement(Interface, BaseClass, alias how, alias what)
if (is(Interface == interface) && is(BaseClass == class));
The second version of AutoImplement
automatically implements
, while deriving from BaseClass
Name | Description |
Create instance of class specified by the fully qualified name classname. The class must either have no constructors or have a default constructor. |
Compare with another Object obj. |
Test whether this is equal to o .
The default implementation only compares by identity (using the is operator).
Generally, overrides and overloads for opEquals should attempt to compare objects by their contents.
A class will most likely want to add an overload that takes your specific type as the argument
and does the content comparison. Then you can override this and forward it to your specific
typed overload with a cast. Remember to check for null on the typed overload.
Compute hash function for Object. |
Convert Object to a human readable string. |
Name | Description |
Create instance of class specified by the fully qualified name classname. The class must either have no constructors or have a default constructor. |
Compare with another Object obj. |
Test whether this is equal to o .
The default implementation only compares by identity (using the is operator).
Generally, overrides and overloads for opEquals should attempt to compare objects by their contents.
A class will most likely want to add an overload that takes your specific type as the argument
and does the content comparison. Then you can override this and forward it to your specific
typed overload with a cast. Remember to check for null on the typed overload.
Compute hash function for Object. |
Convert Object to a human readable string. |
Name | Description |
how | template which specifies how functions will be implemented/overridden.
Two arguments are passed to how : the type Base and an alias
to an implemented function. Then how must return an implemented
function body as a string.
The generated function body can use these keywords:
what | template which determines what functions should be
An argument is passed to what : an alias to a non-final member
function in Base . Then what must return a boolean value.
Return true to indicate that the passed function should be
// Sees if fun returns something.
enum bool hasValue(alias fun) = !is(ReturnType!(fun) == void);
-------------------- |
Generated code is inserted in the scope of std
module. Thus,
any useful functions outside std
cannot be used in the generated
code. To workaround this problem, you may import
necessary things in a
local struct, as done in the generateLogger()
template in the above
- Variadic arguments to constructors are not forwarded to super.
- Deep interface inheritance causes compile error with messages like "Error: function std.typecons.AutoImplement!(Foo) does not override any function". [Bugzilla 2525]
- The
keyword is actually a delegate to the super class' corresponding member function. [Bugzilla 2540] - Using alias template parameter in
may cause strange compile error. Use template tuple parameter instead to workaround this problem. [Bugzilla 4217]
interface PackageSupplier
int foo();
int bar();
static abstract class AbstractFallbackPackageSupplier : PackageSupplier
protected PackageSupplier default_, fallback;
this(PackageSupplier default_, PackageSupplier fallback)
this .default_ = default_;
this .fallback = fallback;
abstract int foo();
abstract int bar();
template fallback(T, alias func)
import std .format : format;
// for all implemented methods:
// - try default first
// - only on a failure run & return fallback
enum fallback = q{
return default_.%1$s(args);
catch (Exception)
return fallback.%1$s(args);
} .format(__traits(identifier, func));
// combines two classes and use the second one as fallback
alias FallbackPackageSupplier = AutoImplement!(AbstractFallbackPackageSupplier, fallback);
class FailingPackageSupplier : PackageSupplier
int foo(){ throw new Exception("failure"); }
int bar(){ return 2;}
class BackupPackageSupplier : PackageSupplier
int foo(){ return -1; }
int bar(){ return -1;}
auto registry = new FallbackPackageSupplier(new FailingPackageSupplier(), new BackupPackageSupplier());
writeln(registry .foo()); // -1
writeln(registry .bar()); // 2
Andrei Alexandrescu, Bartosz Milewski, Don Clugston, Shin Fujishiro, Kenji Hara
Copyright © 1999-2025 by the D Language Foundation | Page generated by ddox.