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Alias std.traits.Promoted

Get the type that a scalar type T will promote to in multi-term arithmetic expressions.

alias Promoted(T) = CopyTypeQualifiers!(T,typeof(T.init+T.init));


ubyte a = 3, b = 5;
static assert(is(typeof(a * b) == Promoted!ubyte));
static assert(is(Promoted!ubyte == int));

static assert(is(Promoted!(shared(bool)) == shared(int)));
static assert(is(Promoted!(const(int)) == const(int)));
static assert(is(Promoted!double == double));


Walter Bright, Tomasz Stachowiak (isExpressions), Andrei Alexandrescu, Shin Fujishiro, Robert Clipsham, David Nadlinger, Kenji Hara, Shoichi Kato


Boost License 1.0.