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Alias std.traits.getUDAs

Gets the matching user-defined attributes from the given symbol.

alias getUDAs(alias symbol, alias attribute) = Filter!(isDesiredUDA!attribute,__traits(getAttributes,symbol));

If the UDA is a type, then any UDAs of the same type on the symbol will match. If the UDA is a template for a type, then any UDA which is an instantiation of that template will match. And if the UDA is a value, then any UDAs on the symbol which are equal to that value will match.

See Also



struct Attr
    string name;
    int value;

@Attr("Answer", 42) int a;
static assert(getUDAs!(a, Attr).length == 1);
static assert(getUDAs!(a, Attr)[0].name == "Answer");
static assert(getUDAs!(a, Attr)[0].value == 42);

@(Attr("Answer", 42), "string", 9999) int b;
static assert(getUDAs!(b, Attr).length == 1);
static assert(getUDAs!(b, Attr)[0].name == "Answer");
static assert(getUDAs!(b, Attr)[0].value == 42);

@Attr("Answer", 42) @Attr("Pi", 3) int c;
static assert(getUDAs!(c, Attr).length == 2);
static assert(getUDAs!(c, Attr)[0].name == "Answer");
static assert(getUDAs!(c, Attr)[0].value == 42);
static assert(getUDAs!(c, Attr)[1].name == "Pi");
static assert(getUDAs!(c, Attr)[1].value == 3);

static assert(getUDAs!(c, Attr("Answer", 42)).length == 1);
static assert(getUDAs!(c, Attr("Answer", 42))[0].name == "Answer");
static assert(getUDAs!(c, Attr("Answer", 42))[0].value == 42);

static assert(getUDAs!(c, Attr("Answer", 99)).length == 0);

struct AttrT(T)
    string name;
    T value;

@AttrT!uint("Answer", 42) @AttrT!int("Pi", 3) @AttrT int d;
static assert(getUDAs!(d, AttrT).length == 2);
static assert(getUDAs!(d, AttrT)[0].name == "Answer");
static assert(getUDAs!(d, AttrT)[0].value == 42);
static assert(getUDAs!(d, AttrT)[1].name == "Pi");
static assert(getUDAs!(d, AttrT)[1].value == 3);

static assert(getUDAs!(d, AttrT!uint).length == 1);
static assert(getUDAs!(d, AttrT!uint)[0].name == "Answer");
static assert(getUDAs!(d, AttrT!uint)[0].value == 42);

static assert(getUDAs!(d, AttrT!int).length == 1);
static assert(getUDAs!(d, AttrT!int)[0].name == "Pi");
static assert(getUDAs!(d, AttrT!int)[0].value == 3);

struct SimpleAttr {}

@SimpleAttr int e;
static assert(getUDAs!(e, SimpleAttr).length == 1);
static assert(is(getUDAs!(e, SimpleAttr)[0] == SimpleAttr));

@SimpleAttr() int f;
static assert(getUDAs!(f, SimpleAttr).length == 1);
static assert(is(typeof(getUDAs!(f, SimpleAttr)[0]) == SimpleAttr));

struct FuncAttr(alias f) { alias func = f; }
static int add42(int v) { return v + 42; }
static string concat(string l, string r) { return l ~ r; }

@FuncAttr!add42 int g;
static assert(getUDAs!(g, FuncAttr).length == 1);
static assert(getUDAs!(g, FuncAttr)[0].func(5) == 47);

static assert(getUDAs!(g, FuncAttr!add42).length == 1);
static assert(getUDAs!(g, FuncAttr!add42)[0].func(5) == 47);

static assert(getUDAs!(g, FuncAttr!add42()).length == 0);

static assert(getUDAs!(g, FuncAttr!concat).length == 0);
static assert(getUDAs!(g, FuncAttr!concat()).length == 0);

@FuncAttr!add42() int h;
static assert(getUDAs!(h, FuncAttr).length == 1);
static assert(getUDAs!(h, FuncAttr)[0].func(5) == 47);

static assert(getUDAs!(h, FuncAttr!add42).length == 1);
static assert(getUDAs!(h, FuncAttr!add42)[0].func(5) == 47);

static assert(getUDAs!(h, FuncAttr!add42()).length == 1);
static assert(getUDAs!(h, FuncAttr!add42())[0].func(5) == 47);

static assert(getUDAs!(h, FuncAttr!concat).length == 0);
static assert(getUDAs!(h, FuncAttr!concat()).length == 0);

@("alpha") @(42) int i;
static assert(getUDAs!(i, "alpha").length == 1);
static assert(getUDAs!(i, "alpha")[0] == "alpha");

static assert(getUDAs!(i, 42).length == 1);
static assert(getUDAs!(i, 42)[0] == 42);

static assert(getUDAs!(i, 'c').length == 0);


Walter Bright, Tomasz Stachowiak (isExpressions), Andrei Alexandrescu, Shin Fujishiro, Robert Clipsham, David Nadlinger, Kenji Hara, Shoichi Kato


Boost License 1.0.