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Function std.string.wrap

Wrap text into a paragraph.

S wrap(S)(
  S s,
  in size_t columns = 80,
  S firstindent = null,
  S indent = null,
  in size_t tabsize = 8
if (isSomeString!S);

The input text string s is formed into a paragraph by breaking it up into a sequence of lines, delineated by \n, such that the number of columns is not exceeded on each line. The last line is terminated with a \n.


s text string to be wrapped
columns maximum number of columns in the paragraph
firstindent string used to indent first line of the paragraph
indent string to use to indent following lines of the paragraph
tabsize column spacing of tabs in firstindent[] and indent[]


resulting paragraph as an allocated string


writeln(wrap("a short string", 7)); // "a short\nstring\n"

// wrap will not break inside of a word, but at the next space
writeln(wrap("a short string", 4)); // "a\nshort\nstring\n"

writeln(wrap("a short string", 7, "\t")); // "\ta\nshort\nstring\n"
writeln(wrap("a short string", 7, "\t", "    ")); // "\ta\n    short\n    string\n"


Walter Bright, Andrei Alexandrescu, Jonathan M Davis, and David L. 'SpottedTiger' Davis


Boost License 1.0.