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Function std.string.soundex

Like soundexer, but with different parameters and return value.

char[] soundex(
  scope const(char)[] str,
  scope return char[] buffer = null
) pure nothrow @safe;


str String to convert to Soundex representation.
buffer Optional 4 char array to put the resulting Soundex characters into. If null, the return value buffer will be allocated on the heap.


The four character array with the Soundex result in it. Returns null if there is no Soundex representation for the string.

See Also



writeln(soundex("Gauss")); // "G200"
writeln(soundex("Ghosh")); // "G200"

writeln(soundex("Robert")); // "R163"
writeln(soundex("Rupert")); // "R163"

writeln(soundex("0123^&^^**&^")); // null


Walter Bright, Andrei Alexandrescu, Jonathan M Davis, and David L. 'SpottedTiger' Davis


Boost License 1.0.