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std.socket.Socket.this - multiple declarations

Function Socket.this

Create a blocking socket. If a single protocol type exists to support this socket type within the address family, the ProtocolType may be omitted.

  AddressFamily af,
  SocketType type,
  ProtocolType protocol
) @trusted;

  AddressFamily af,
  SocketType type
) @safe;

  AddressFamily af,
  SocketType type,
  scope const(char)[] protocolName
) @trusted;

Function Socket.this

Create a blocking socket using the parameters from the specified AddressInfo structure.

  scope const(AddressInfo) info
) @safe;

Function Socket.this

Use an existing socket handle.

  std.socket.socket_t sock,
  AddressFamily af
) pure nothrow @nogc @safe;


Christopher E. Miller, David Nadlinger, Vladimir Panteleev


Boost License 1.0.