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Struct std.regex.RegexMatch

A regex engine state, as returned by match family of functions.

struct RegexMatch(R)
if (isSomeString!R);

Effectively it's a forward range of Captures!R, produced by lazily searching for matches in a given input.


captures[get] inout(Captures!R)Same as .front, provided for compatibility with original std.regex.
empty[get] boolTest if this match object is empty.
front[get] inout(Captures!R)Functionality for processing subsequent matches of global regexes via range interface:
hit[get] RShorthands for front.pre,, front.hit.
post[get] RShorthands for front.pre,, front.hit.
pre[get] RShorthands for front.pre,, front.hit.


opCast () Same as !(x.empty), provided for its convenience in conditional statements.
popFront () Functionality for processing subsequent matches of global regexes via range interface:
save () Functionality for processing subsequent matches of global regexes via range interface:


Dmitry Olshansky,

API and utility constructs are modeled after the original std.regex by Walter Bright and Andrei Alexandrescu.


Boost License 1.0.