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Function std.range.roundRobin
roundRobin(r1, r2, r3)
yields r1
, then r2
then r3
, after which it pops off one element from each and
continues again from r1
. For example, if two ranges are involved,
it alternately yields elements off the two ranges. roundRobin
stops after it has consumed all ranges (skipping over the ones that
finish early).
auto roundRobin(Rs...)(
Rs rs
if (Rs .length > 1 && allSatisfy!(isInputRange, staticMap!(Unqual, Rs)));
import std .algorithm .comparison : equal;
int[] a = [ 1, 2, 3 ];
int[] b = [ 10, 20, 30, 40 ];
auto r = roundRobin(a, b);
assert(equal(r, [ 1, 10, 2, 20, 3, 30, 40 ]));
Application output
roundRobin can be used to create "interleave" functionality which inserts an element between each element in a range.
import std .algorithm .comparison : equal;
auto interleave(R, E)(R range, E element)
if ((isInputRange!R && hasLength!R) || isForwardRange!R)
static if (hasLength!R)
immutable len = range .length;
immutable len = range .save .walkLength;
return roundRobin(
element .repeat(len - 1)
assert(interleave([1, 2, 3], 0). equal([1, 0, 2, 0, 3]));
Application output
Andrei Alexandrescu, David Simcha, Jonathan M Davis, and Jack Stouffer. Credit for some of the ideas in building this module goes to Leonardo Maffi.
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