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Enum member std.random.isSeedable
Test if Rng is seedable. The overload taking a SeedType also makes sure that the Rng can be seeded with SeedType.
enum isSeedable(Rng, SeedType) = isUniformRNG!Rng && is(typeof(()
Rng r = void;
SeedType s = void;
r .seed(s);
enum isSeedable(Rng) = isUniformRNG!Rng && is(typeof(()
Rng r = void;
alias SeedType = typeof(r .front);
SeedType s = void;
r .seed(s);
A seedable random-number generator has the following additional features:
- it has a 'seed(ElementType)' function
struct validRng
@property uint front() {return 0;}
@property bool empty() {return false;}
void popFront() {}
enum isUniformRandom = true;
static assert(!isSeedable!(validRng, uint));
static assert(!isSeedable!(validRng));
struct seedRng
@property uint front() {return 0;}
@property bool empty() {return false;}
void popFront() {}
void seed(uint val){}
enum isUniformRandom = true;
static assert(isSeedable!(seedRng, uint));
static assert(!isSeedable!(seedRng, ulong));
static assert(isSeedable!(seedRng));
Andrei Alexandrescu Masahiro Nakagawa (Xorshift random generator) Joseph Rushton Wakeling (Algorithm D for random sampling) Ilya Yaroshenko (Mersenne Twister implementation, adapted from mir-random)
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