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Alias std.meta.Stride

Selects a subset of Args by stepping with fixed stepSize over the sequence. A negative stepSize starts iteration with the last element.

alias Stride(int stepSize, Args...) = AliasSeq!();


stepSize Number of elements to increment on each iteration. Can't be 0.
Args Template arguments.


An AliasSeq filtered by the selected stride.


static assert(is(Stride!(1, short, int, long) == AliasSeq!(short, int, long)));
static assert(is(Stride!(2, short, int, long) == AliasSeq!(short, long)));
static assert(is(Stride!(-1, short, int, long) == AliasSeq!(long, int, short)));
static assert(is(Stride!(-2, short, int, long) == AliasSeq!(long, short)));

alias attribs = AliasSeq!(short, int, long, ushort, uint, ulong);
static assert(is(Stride!(3, attribs) == AliasSeq!(short, ushort)));
static assert(is(Stride!(3, attribs[1 .. $]) == AliasSeq!(int, uint)));
static assert(is(Stride!(-3, attribs) == AliasSeq!(ulong, long)));


Walter Bright, David Nadlinger


Boost License 1.0.