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Function std.experimental.allocator.makeMultidimensionalArray

Allocates a multidimensional array of elements of type T.

auto makeMultidimensionalArray(T, Allocator, ulong N)();


N number of dimensions
T element type of an element of the multidimensional arrat
alloc the allocator used for getting memory
lengths static array containing the size of each dimension


An N-dimensional array with individual elements of type T.


import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator : Mallocator;

auto mArray = Mallocator.instance.makeMultidimensionalArray!int(2, 3, 6);

// deallocate when exiting scope

writeln(mArray.length); // 2
foreach (lvl2Array; mArray)
    writeln(lvl2Array.length); // 3
    foreach (lvl3Array; lvl2Array)
        writeln(lvl3Array.length); // 6


Andrei Alexandrescu


Boost License 1.0.