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Struct std.experimental.allocator.building_blocks.bitmapped_block.BitmappedBlockWithInternalPointers

A BitmappedBlock with additional structure for supporting resolveInternalPointer. To that end, BitmappedBlockWithInternalPointers adds a bitmap (one bit per block) that marks object starts. The bitmap itself has variable size and is allocated together with regular allocations.

struct BitmappedBlockWithInternalPointers(ulong theBlockSize, uint theAlignment = platformAlignment, ParentAllocator);

The time complexity of resolveInternalPointer is Ο(k), where k is the size of the object within which the internal pointer is looked up.


this (data) Constructors accepting desired capacity or a preallocated buffer, similar in semantics to those of BitmappedBlock.


allocate (bytes) Allocator primitives.
allocateAll () Allocator primitives.
deallocate (b) Allocator primitives.
empty () Allocator primitives.
expand (b, bytes) Allocator primitives.
goodAllocSize (n) Allocator primitives.
resolveInternalPointer (p, result) Allocator primitives.


alignment Allocator primitives.

