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Struct std.digest.murmurhash.MurmurHash3

Implements the MurmurHash3 functions. You can specify the size of the hash in bit. For 128 bit hashes you can specify whether to optimize for 32 or 64 bit architectures. If you don't specify the opt value it will select the fastest version of the host platform.

struct MurmurHash3(uint size, uint opt = size_t.sizeof == 8 ? 64 : 32);

This hasher is compatible with the Digest API:

  • void start()
  • void put(scope const(ubyte)[] data...)
  • ubyte[Element.sizeof] finish()

It also provides a faster, low level API working with data of size Element.sizeof:


finalize () Incorporate element_count and finalizes the hash.
finish () Finalizes the computation of the hash and returns the computed value. Note that finish can be called only once and that no subsequent calls to put is allowed.
get () Returns the hash as an uint value.
getBytes () Returns the current hashed value as an ubyte array.
put () Adds data to the digester. This function can be called many times in a row after start but before finish.
putElement (block) Adds a single Element of data without increasing element_count. Make sure to increase element_count by Element.sizeof for each call to putElement.
putElements () Pushes an array of elements at once. It is more efficient to push as much data as possible in a single call. On platforms that do not support unaligned reads (MIPS or old ARM chips), the compiler may produce slower code to ensure correctness.
putRemainder () Put remainder bytes. This must be called only once after putElement and before finalize.


Element The element type for 32-bit implementation.


The convenient digest template allows for quick hashing of any data.

ubyte[4] hashed = digest!(MurmurHash3!32)([1, 2, 3, 4]);
writeln(hashed); // [0, 173, 69, 68]


One can also hash ubyte data piecewise by instanciating a hasher and call the 'put' method.

const(ubyte)[] data1 = [1, 2, 3];
const(ubyte)[] data2 = [4, 5, 6, 7];
// The incoming data will be buffered and hashed element by element.
MurmurHash3!32 hasher;
// The call to 'finish' ensures:
// - the remaining bits are processed
// - the hash gets finalized
auto hashed = hasher.finish();
writeln(hashed); // [181, 151, 88, 252]


Guillaume Chatelet


Boost License 1.0.