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Function std.datetime.timezone.PosixTimeZone.getTimeZone

Returns a TimeZone with the give name per the TZ Database. The time zone information is fetched from the TZ Database time zone files in the given directory.

static immutable(PosixTimeZone) getTimeZone(
  string name,
  string tzDatabaseDir = ""
) @trusted;

See Also

Wikipedia entry on TZ Database
List of Time Zones


name The TZ Database name of the desired time zone
tzDatabaseDir The directory where the TZ Database files are located. Because these files are not located on Windows systems, provide them and give their location here to use PosixTimeZones.


DateTimeException if the given time zone could not be found or FileException if the TZ Database file could not be opened.


version (Posix)
    auto tz = PosixTimeZone.getTimeZone("America/Los_Angeles");

    writeln(; // "America/Los_Angeles"
    writeln(tz.stdName); // "PST"
    writeln(tz.dstName); // "PDT"


Jonathan M Davis


Boost License 1.0.