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Function std.csv.csvNextToken
Lower level control over parsing CSV
void csvNextToken(Range, Malformed ErrorLevel = Malformed .throwException, Separator, Output)(
ref Range input,
ref Output ans,
Separator sep,
Separator quote,
bool startQuoted = false
if (isSomeChar!Separator && isInputRange!Range && is(immutable(ElementType!Range) == immutable(dchar)) && isOutputRange!(Output, dchar));
This function consumes the input. After each call the input will start with either a delimiter or record break (\n, \r\n, \r) which must be removed for subsequent calls.
Name | Description |
input | Any CSV input |
ans | The first field in the input |
sep | The character to represent a comma in the specification |
quote | The character to represent a quote in the specification |
startQuoted | Whether the input should be considered to already be in quotes |
When a quote is found in an unquoted
field, data continues after a closing quote, or the quoted field was
not closed before data was empty.
import std .array : appender;
import std .range .primitives : popFront;
string str = "65,63\n123,3673";
auto a = appender!(char[])();
writeln(a .data); // "65"
writeln(str); // ",63\n123,3673"
str .popFront();
a .shrinkTo(0);
writeln(a .data); // "63"
writeln(str); // "\n123,3673"
str .popFront();
a .shrinkTo(0);
writeln(a .data); // "123"
writeln(str); // ",3673"
Jesse Phillips
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