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Function std.bigint.BigInt.toString

Convert the BigInt to string, passing it to the given sink.

void toString(Writer)(
  scope ref Writer sink,
  string formatString
) const;

void toString(Writer)(
  scope ref Writer sink,
  scope const ref FormatSpec!char f
) const;

void toString(
  scope void delegate(scope const(char)[]) sink,
  string formatString
) const;

void toString(
  scope void delegate(scope const(char)[]) sink,
  scope ref const(FormatSpec!(char)) f
) const;


sink An OutputRange for accepting possibly piecewise segments of the formatted string.
formatString A format string specifying the output format.
Available output formats:
"d" Decimal
"o" Octal
"x" Hexadecimal, lower case
"X" Hexadecimal, upper case
"s" Default formatting (same as "d")
null Default formatting (same as "d")


toString is rarely directly invoked; the usual way of using it is via std.format.format:

import std.format : format;

auto x = BigInt("1_000_000");
x *= 12345;

writeln(format("%d", x)); // "12345000000"
writeln(format("%x", x)); // "2_dfd1c040"
writeln(format("%X", x)); // "2_DFD1C040"
writeln(format("%o", x)); // "133764340100"


Don Clugston


Boost License 1.0.