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Function rt.config.rt_configOption

get a druntime config option using standard configuration options opt name of the option to retrieve dg if non-null, passes the option through this delegate and only returns its return value if non-null reverse reverse the default processing order cmdline/envvar/rt_options to allow overwriting settings in the delegate with values from higher priority

string rt_configOption(
  string opt,
  scope nothrow @nogc string delegate(string) dg = cast(string delegate(string) nothrow @nogc)null,
  bool reverse = false
) nothrow @nogc;

returns the options' value if - set on the command line as "--DRT-=value" (rt_cmdline_enabled enabled) - the environment variable "DRT_" is set (rt_envvars_enabled enabled) - rt_options[] contains an entry "=value" - null otherwise


Rainer Schuetze


Distributed under the Boost Software License 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE)