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Function object.reserve
Reserves capacity for a slice. The capacity is the size that the slice can grow to before the underlying array must be reallocated or extended.
size_t reserve(T)(
ref T[] arr,
size_t newcapacity
) pure nothrow @trusted;
The new capacity of the array (which may be larger than the requested capacity).
//Static array slice: no capacity. Reserve relocates.
int[4] sarray = [1, 2, 3, 4];
int[] slice = sarray[];
auto u = slice .reserve(8);
assert(u >= 8);
assert(&sarray[0] !is &slice[0]);
writeln(slice .capacity); // u
//Dynamic array slices
int[] a = [1, 2, 3, 4];
a .reserve(8); //prepare a for appending 4 more items
auto p = &a[0];
u = a .capacity;
a ~= [5, 6, 7, 8];
assert(p == &a[0]); //a should not have been reallocated
assert(u == a .capacity); //a should not have been extended
Walter Bright, Sean Kelly
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