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Struct core.sync.event.Event

represents an event. Clients of an event are suspended while waiting for the event to be "signaled".

struct Event;

Implemented using pthread_mutex and pthread_condition on Posix and CreateEvent and SetEvent on Windows.

import core.sync.event, core.thread, std.file;

struct ProcessFile
    ThreadGroup group;
    Event event;
    void[] buffer;

    void doProcess()
        // process buffer

    void process(string filename)
        event.initialize(true, false);
        group = new ThreadGroup;
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)

        buffer = read(filename);


this (manualReset, initialState) Creates an event object.


initialize (manualReset, initialState) Initializes an event object. Does nothing if the event is already initialized.
reset () Reset the event manually
setIfInitialized () Set the event to "signaled", so that waiting clients are resumed
terminate () deinitialize event. Does nothing if the event is not initialized. There must not be threads currently waiting for the event to be signaled.
wait () Wait for the event to be signaled without timeout.
wait (tmout) Wait for the event to be signaled with timeout.


Rainer Schuetze


Distributed under the Boost Software License 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE)