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Takes a token stream from the lexer, and parses it into an abstract syntax tree.

Specification D Grammar


Source parse.d

class Parser(AST, Lexer = dmd.lexer.Lexer): Lexer;
bool transitionIn;
-transition=in is active, in parameters are listed
this(const ref Loc loc, AST.Module _module, const(char)[] input, bool doDocComment, ErrorSink errorSink, const CompileEnv* compileEnv, const bool doUnittests) scope;
Use this constructor for string mixins.

Input loc = location in source file of mixin

this(AST.Module _module, const(char)[] input, bool doDocComment, ErrorSink errorSink, const CompileEnv* compileEnv, const bool doUnittests) scope;
Main Parser constructor.
AST.Dsymbols* parseModule();
Parse a module, i.e. the optional module x.y.z declaration and all declarations found in the current file.
the list of declarations or an empty list in case of malformed declarations, the module declaration will be stored as if found
final bool parseModuleDeclaration();
Parse the optional module declaration
false if a malformed module declaration was found
final AST.Dsymbols* parseModuleContent();
Parse the content of a module, i.e. all declarations found until the end of file.
the list of declarations or an empty list in case of malformed declarations
AST.Dsymbols* parseDeclDefs(int once, AST.Dsymbol* pLastDecl = null, PrefixAttributes!AST* pAttrs = null);
Parse declarations and definitions
int once !=0 means parse exactly one decl or def
AST.Dsymbol* pLastDecl set to last decl or def parsed
PrefixAttributes!AST* pAttrs keep track of attributes
array of declared symbols
RootObject parseTypeOrAssignExp(TOK endtoken = TOK.reserved);
Parse a Type or an Expression
RootObject representing the AST
AST.Parameter parseAssignCondition();
Parse an assignment condition for if or while statements.
The variable that is declared inside the condition
AST.Statement parseStatement(int flags, const(char)** endPtr = null, Loc* pEndloc = null);

Input flags PSxxxx

Output pEndloc if { ... statements ... }, store location of closing brace, otherwise loc of last token of statement

AST.Statement parseAsm(bool endOfLine);
Parse inline assembler block. Enters with token on the asm.

AsmStatement asm FunctionAttributes(opt) { AsmInstructionListopt }

AsmInstructionList AsmInstruction ; AsmInstruction ; AsmInstruction

bool endOfLine true if EOL means end of asm statement
inline assembler block as a Statement
void check(Loc loc, TOK value);
Issue error if the current token is not value, advance to next token.
Loc loc location for error message
TOK value token value to compare with
void check(TOK value);
Issue error if the current token is not value, advance to next token.
TOK value token value to compare with
void check(TOK value, const(char)* string);
Issue error if the current token is not value, advance to next token.
TOK value token value to compare with
const(char)* string for error message
enum NeedDeclaratorId;
bool skipParens(Token* t, Token** pt);
Skip parentheses.
Token* t on opening (
Token** pt *pt is set to token past ')' on true
true successful false some parsing error
AST.Expression parsePrimaryExp();
Expression Parser
static StorageClass isBuiltinAtAttribute(Identifier ident);
Recognize builtin @ attributes
Identifier ident identifier
storage class for attribute, 0 if not
immutable PREC[EXP.max + 1] precedence;
Set operator precedence for each operator.
Used by hdrgen
struct ParsedLinkage(AST);
The result of the ParseLinkage function
LINK link;
What linkage was specified
CPPMANGLE cppmangle;
If extern(C++, class|struct), contains the class|struct
AST.Identifiers* idents;
If extern(C++, some.identifier), will be the identifiers
AST.Expressions* identExps;
If `extern(C++, (some_tuple_expression)|"string"), will be the expressions