Category | Functions |
Main date types | Date DateTime |
Other date types | Month DayOfWeek TimeOfDay |
Date checking | valid validTimeUnits yearIsLeapYear isTimePoint enforceValid |
Date conversion | daysToDayOfWeek monthsToMonth |
Time units | cmpTimeUnits timeStrings |
Other | AllowDayOverflow DateTimeException |
Source std/datetime/date.d
- alias
= core.time.TimeException; - Exception type used by std.datetime. It's an alias to core.time.TimeException. Either can be caught without concern about which module it came from.
- Represents the 12 months of the Gregorian year (January is 1).Examples:
writeln(Date(2018, 10, 1).month); // Month.oct writeln(DateTime(1, 1, 1).month); // Month.jan
Application outputRunning...
- Represents the 7 days of the Gregorian week (Sunday is 0).Examples:
writeln(Date(2018, 10, 1).dayOfWeek); // DayOfWeek.mon writeln(DateTime(5, 5, 5).dayOfWeek); // DayOfWeek.thu
Application outputRunning...
- alias
= std.typecons.Flag!"allowDayOverflow".Flag; - In some date calculations, adding months or years can cause the date to fall on a day of the month which is not valid (e.g. February 29th 2001 or June 31st 2000). If overflow is allowed (as is the default), then the month will be incremented accordingly (so, February 29th 2001 would become March 1st 2001, and June 31st 2000 would become July 1st 2000). If overflow is not allowed, then the day will be adjusted to the last valid day in that month (so, February 29th 2001 would become February 28th 2001 and June 31st 2000 would become June 30th 2000).AllowDayOverflow only applies to calculations involving months or years. If set to
.no, then day overflow is not allowed. Otherwise, if set toAllowDayOverflow
.yes, then day overflow is allowed. - immutable string[]
; - Array of the strings representing time units, starting with the smallest unit and going to the largest. It does not include "nsecs".Includes "hnsecs" (hecto-nanoseconds (100 ns)), "usecs" (microseconds), "msecs" (milliseconds), "seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months", and "years"
- struct
Jump to: add · date · day · dayOfGregorianCal · dayOfWeek · dayOfYear · daysInMonth · diffMonths · endOfMonth · fromISOExtString · fromISOString · fromSimpleString · hour · isAD · isLeapYear · isoWeek · isoWeekYear · julianDay · max · min · minute · modJulianDay · month · opBinary · opCmp · opOpAssign · roll · second · this · timeOfDay · toISOExtString · toISOString · toSimpleString · toString · year · yearBC
; - Combines the and structs to give an object which holds both the date and the time. It is optimized for calendar-based operations and has no concept of time zone. For an object which is optimized for time operations based on the system time, use std.datetime.systime.SysTime. std.datetime.systime.SysTime has a concept of time zone and has much higher precision (hnsecs).
is intended primarily for calendar-based uses rather than precise time operations.Examples:import core.time : days, seconds; auto dt = DateTime(2000, 6, 1, 10, 30, 0); writeln(; // Date(2000, 6, 1) writeln(dt.timeOfDay); // TimeOfDay(10, 30, 0) writeln(dt.dayOfYear); // 153 writeln(dt.dayOfWeek); // DayOfWeek.thu dt += 10.days + 100.seconds; writeln(dt); // DateTime(2000, 6, 11, 10, 31, 40) writeln(dt.toISOExtString()); // "2000-06-11T10:31:40" writeln(dt.toISOString()); // "20000611T103140" writeln(dt.toSimpleString()); // "2000-Jun-11 10:31:40" writeln(DateTime.fromISOExtString("2018-01-01T12:00:00")); // DateTime(2018, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0) writeln(DateTime.fromISOString("20180101T120000")); // DateTime(2018, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0) writeln(DateTime.fromSimpleString("2018-Jan-01 12:00:00")); // DateTime(2018, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)
Application outputRunning...
- pure @safe this(int
, intmonth
, intday
, inthour
= 0, intminute
= 0, intsecond
= 0); - Parameters:
int year
The year portion of the date. int month
The month portion of the date (January is 1). int day
The day portion of the date. int hour
The hour portion of the time; int minute
The minute portion of the time; int second
The second portion of the time; - const pure nothrow @nogc @safe int
); - Compares this DateTime with the given DateTime..Returns:
this < rhs < 0 this == rhs 0 this > rhs > 0 - The date portion of DateTime.
- pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe void
); - The date portion of DateTime.Parameters:
Date date
The Date to set this DateTime's date portion to. - The time portion of DateTime.
- pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe void
); - The time portion of DateTime.Parameters:
TimeOfDay tod
The to set this DateTime's time portion to. - Year of the Gregorian Calendar. Positive numbers are A.D. Non-positive are B.C.
- pure @property @safe void
); - Year of the Gregorian Calendar. Positive numbers are A.D. Non-positive are B.C.Parameters:
int year
The year to set this DateTime's year to. if the new year is not a leap year and if the resulting date would be on February 29th.Examples:writeln(DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(9, 7, 5)).year); // 1999 writeln(DateTime(Date(2010, 10, 4), TimeOfDay(0, 0, 30)).year); // 2010 writeln(DateTime(Date(-7, 4, 5), TimeOfDay(7, 45, 2)).year); // -7
Application outputRunning...
- Year B.C. of the Gregorian Calendar counting year 0 as 1 if isAD is true.Examples:
writeln(DateTime(Date(0, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(12, 30, 33)).yearBC); // 1 writeln(DateTime(Date(-1, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(10, 7, 2)).yearBC); // 2 writeln(DateTime(Date(-100, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(4, 59, 0)).yearBC); // 101
Application outputRunning...
- pure @property @safe void
); - Year B.C. of the Gregorian Calendar counting year 0 as 1 B.C.Parameters:
int year
The year B.C. to set this DateTime's year to. if a non-positive value is given.Examples:auto dt = DateTime(Date(2010, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(7, 30, 0)); dt.yearBC = 1; writeln(dt); // DateTime(Date(0, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(7, 30, 0)) dt.yearBC = 10; writeln(dt); // DateTime(Date(-9, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(7, 30, 0))
Application outputRunning...
- Month of a Gregorian Year.Examples:
writeln(DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(9, 7, 5)).month); // 7 writeln(DateTime(Date(2010, 10, 4), TimeOfDay(0, 0, 30)).month); // 10 writeln(DateTime(Date(-7, 4, 5), TimeOfDay(7, 45, 2)).month); // 4
Application outputRunning...
- pure @property @safe void
); - Month of a Gregorian Year.Parameters:
Month month
The month to set this DateTime's month to. if the given month is not a valid month. - Day of a Gregorian Month.Examples:
writeln(DateTime(Date(1999, 7, 6), TimeOfDay(9, 7, 5)).day); // 6 writeln(DateTime(Date(2010, 10, 4), TimeOfDay(0, 0, 30)).day); // 4 writeln(DateTime(Date(-7, 4, 5), TimeOfDay(7, 45, 2)).day); // 5
Application outputRunning...
- pure @property @safe void
); - Day of a Gregorian Month.Parameters:
int day
The day of the month to set this DateTime's day to. if the given day is not a valid day of the current month. - Hours past midnight.
- pure @property @safe void
); - Hours past midnight.Parameters:
int hour
The hour of the day to set this DateTime's hour to. if the given hour would result in an invalid DateTime. - Minutes past the hour.
- pure @property @safe void
); - Minutes past the hour.Parameters:
int minute
The minute to set this DateTime's minute to. if the given minute would result in an invalid DateTime. - Seconds past the minute.
- pure @property @safe void
); - Seconds past the minute.Parameters:
int second
The second to set this DateTime's second to. if the given seconds would result in an invalid DateTime. - pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe DateTime
(string units)(longvalue
, AllowDayOverflowallowOverflow
= AllowDayOverflow.yes)
if (units == "years" || units == "months"); - Adds the given number of years or months to this DateTime, mutating it. A negative number will subtract.Note that if day overflow is allowed, and the date with the adjusted year/month overflows the number of days in the new month, then the month will be incremented by one, and the day set to the number of days overflowed. (e.g. if the day were 31 and the new month were June, then the month would be incremented to July, and the new day would be 1). If day overflow is not allowed, then the day will be set to the last valid day in the month (e.g. June 31st would become June 30th).Parameters:
units The type of units to add ("years" or "months"). long value
The number of months or years to add to this DateTime. AllowDayOverflow allowOverflow
Whether the days should be allowed to overflow, causing the month to increment. Returns:A reference to the DateTime (this).Examples:auto dt1 = DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 12, 30, 33); dt1.add!"months"(11); writeln(dt1); // DateTime(2010, 12, 1, 12, 30, 33) auto dt2 = DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 12, 30, 33); dt2.add!"months"(-11); writeln(dt2); // DateTime(2009, 2, 1, 12, 30, 33) auto dt3 = DateTime(2000, 2, 29, 12, 30, 33); dt3.add!"years"(1); writeln(dt3); // DateTime(2001, 3, 1, 12, 30, 33) auto dt4 = DateTime(2000, 2, 29, 12, 30, 33); dt4.add!"years"(1,; writeln(dt4); // DateTime(2001, 2, 28, 12, 30, 33)
Application outputRunning...
- pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe DateTime
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(string units)(longvalue
, AllowDayOverflowallowOverflow
= AllowDayOverflow.yes)
if (units == "years" || units == "months"); - Adds the given number of years or months to this DateTime, mutating it. A negative number will subtract.The difference between rolling and adding is that rolling does not affect larger units. Rolling a DateTime 12 months gets the exact same DateTime. However, the days can still be affected due to the differing number of days in each month. Because there are no units larger than years, there is no difference between adding and rolling years.Parameters:
units The type of units to add ("years" or "months"). long value
The number of months or years to add to this DateTime. AllowDayOverflow allowOverflow
Whether the days should be allowed to overflow, causing the month to increment. Returns:A reference to the DateTime (this).Examples:auto dt1 = DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 12, 33, 33); dt1.roll!"months"(1); writeln(dt1); // DateTime(2010, 2, 1, 12, 33, 33) auto dt2 = DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 12, 33, 33); dt2.roll!"months"(-1); writeln(dt2); // DateTime(2010, 12, 1, 12, 33, 33) auto dt3 = DateTime(1999, 1, 29, 12, 33, 33); dt3.roll!"months"(1); writeln(dt3); // DateTime(1999, 3, 1, 12, 33, 33) auto dt4 = DateTime(1999, 1, 29, 12, 33, 33); dt4.roll!"months"(1,; writeln(dt4); // DateTime(1999, 2, 28, 12, 33, 33) auto dt5 = DateTime(2000, 2, 29, 12, 30, 33); dt5.roll!"years"(1); writeln(dt5); // DateTime(2001, 3, 1, 12, 30, 33) auto dt6 = DateTime(2000, 2, 29, 12, 30, 33); dt6.roll!"years"(1,; writeln(dt6); // DateTime(2001, 2, 28, 12, 30, 33)
Application outputRunning...
- pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe DateTime
(string units)(longvalue
if (units == "days");
pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe DateTimeroll
(string units)(longvalue
if (units == "hours" || units == "minutes" || units == "seconds"); - Adds the given number of units to this DateTime, mutating it. A negative number will subtract.The difference between rolling and adding is that rolling does not affect larger units. For instance, rolling a DateTime one year's worth of days gets the exact same DateTime. Accepted units are "days", "minutes", "hours", "minutes", and "seconds".Parameters:
units The units to add. long value
The number of units to add to this DateTime. Returns:A reference to the DateTime (this).Examples:auto dt1 = DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 11, 23, 12); dt1.roll!"days"(1); writeln(dt1); // DateTime(2010, 1, 2, 11, 23, 12) dt1.roll!"days"(365); writeln(dt1); // DateTime(2010, 1, 26, 11, 23, 12) dt1.roll!"days"(-32); writeln(dt1); // DateTime(2010, 1, 25, 11, 23, 12) auto dt2 = DateTime(2010, 7, 4, 12, 0, 0); dt2.roll!"hours"(1); writeln(dt2); // DateTime(2010, 7, 4, 13, 0, 0) auto dt3 = DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0); dt3.roll!"seconds"(-1); writeln(dt3); // DateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 59)
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @nogc @safe DateTime
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(string op)(Durationduration
if (op == "+" || op == "-"); - Gives the result of adding or subtracting a core.time.Duration from this DateTime.The legal types of arithmetic for DateTime using this operator are
DateTime + Duration --> DateTime DateTime - Duration --> DateTime Parameters:Duration duration
The core.time.Duration to add to or subtract from this DateTime. Examples:import core.time : hours, seconds; assert(DateTime(2015, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) + seconds(1) == DateTime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)); assert(DateTime(2015, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59) + hours(1) == DateTime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 59, 59)); assert(DateTime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0) - seconds(1) == DateTime(2015, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59)); assert(DateTime(2016, 1, 1, 0, 59, 59) - hours(1) == DateTime(2015, 12, 31, 23, 59, 59));
Application outputRunning...
- pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe DateTime
(string op)(Durationduration
if (op == "+" || op == "-"); - Gives the result of adding or subtracting a duration from this DateTime, as well as assigning the result to this DateTime.The legal types of arithmetic for DateTime using this operator are
DateTime + duration --> DateTime DateTime - duration --> DateTime Parameters:Duration duration
The duration to add to or subtract from this DateTime. - const pure nothrow @nogc @safe Duration
(string op)(DateTimerhs
if (op == "-"); - Gives the difference between two DateTimes.The legal types of arithmetic for DateTime using this operator are
DateTime - DateTime --> duration - const pure nothrow @nogc @safe int
); - Returns the difference between the two DateTimes in months.To get the difference in years, subtract the year property of two DateTimes. To get the difference in days or weeks, subtract the DateTimes themselves and use the core.time.Duration that results. Because converting between months and smaller units requires a specific date (which core.time.Durations don't have), getting the difference in months requires some math using both the year and month properties, so this is a convenience function for getting the difference in months. Note that the number of days in the months or how far into the month either date is is irrelevant. It is the difference in the month property combined with the difference in years * 12. So, for instance, December 31st and January 1st are one month apart just as December 1st and January 31st are one month apart.Parameters:
DateTime rhs
The DateTime to subtract from this one. Examples:assert(DateTime(1999, 2, 1, 12, 2, 3).diffMonths( DateTime(1999, 1, 31, 23, 59, 59)) == 1); assert(DateTime(1999, 1, 31, 0, 0, 0).diffMonths( DateTime(1999, 2, 1, 12, 3, 42)) == -1); assert(DateTime(1999, 3, 1, 5, 30, 0).diffMonths( DateTime(1999, 1, 1, 2, 4, 7)) == 2); assert(DateTime(1999, 1, 1, 7, 2, 4).diffMonths( DateTime(1999, 3, 31, 0, 30, 58)) == -2);
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- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe bool
(); - Whether this DateTime is in a leap year.
- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe DayOfWeek
(); - Day of the week this DateTime is on.
- Day of the year this DateTime is on.Examples:
writeln(DateTime(Date(1999, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(12, 22, 7)).dayOfYear); // 1 writeln(DateTime(Date(1999, 12, 31), TimeOfDay(7, 2, 59)).dayOfYear); // 365 writeln(DateTime(Date(2000, 12, 31), TimeOfDay(21, 20, 0)).dayOfYear); // 366
Application outputRunning...
- pure @property @safe void
); - Day of the year.Parameters:
int day
The day of the year to set which day of the year this DateTime is on. - The Xth day of the Gregorian Calendar that this DateTime is on.Examples:
writeln(DateTime(Date(1, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(0, 0, 0)).dayOfGregorianCal); // 1 writeln(DateTime(Date(1, 12, 31), TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59)).dayOfGregorianCal); // 365 writeln(DateTime(Date(2, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(2, 2, 2)).dayOfGregorianCal); // 366 writeln(DateTime(Date(0, 12, 31), TimeOfDay(7, 7, 7)).dayOfGregorianCal); // 0 writeln(DateTime(Date(0, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(19, 30, 0)).dayOfGregorianCal); // -365 writeln(DateTime(Date(-1, 12, 31), TimeOfDay(4, 7, 0)).dayOfGregorianCal); // -366 writeln(DateTime(Date(2000, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(9, 30, 20)).dayOfGregorianCal); // 730_120 writeln(DateTime(Date(2010, 12, 31), TimeOfDay(15, 45, 50)).dayOfGregorianCal); // 734_137
Application outputRunning...
- pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe void
); - The Xth day of the Gregorian Calendar that this DateTime is on. Setting this property does not affect the time portion of DateTime.Parameters:
int days
The day of the Gregorian Calendar to set this DateTime to. Examples:auto dt = DateTime(Date.init, TimeOfDay(12, 0, 0)); dt.dayOfGregorianCal = 1; writeln(dt); // DateTime(Date(1, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(12, 0, 0)) dt.dayOfGregorianCal = 365; writeln(dt); // DateTime(Date(1, 12, 31), TimeOfDay(12, 0, 0)) dt.dayOfGregorianCal = 366; writeln(dt); // DateTime(Date(2, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(12, 0, 0)) dt.dayOfGregorianCal = 0; writeln(dt); // DateTime(Date(0, 12, 31), TimeOfDay(12, 0, 0)) dt.dayOfGregorianCal = -365; writeln(dt); // DateTime(Date(-0, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(12, 0, 0)) dt.dayOfGregorianCal = -366; writeln(dt); // DateTime(Date(-1, 12, 31), TimeOfDay(12, 0, 0)) dt.dayOfGregorianCal = 730_120; writeln(dt); // DateTime(Date(2000, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(12, 0, 0)) dt.dayOfGregorianCal = 734_137; writeln(dt); // DateTime(Date(2010, 12, 31), TimeOfDay(12, 0, 0))
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @property @safe ubyte
(); - The ISO 8601 week of the year that this DateTime is in.See Also:
- const pure nothrow @property @safe short
(); - The year of the ISO 8601 week calendar that this DateTime is in.See Also:
- const pure nothrow @property @safe DateTime
(); - DateTime for the last day in the month that this DateTime is in. The time portion of endOfMonth is always 23:59:59.Examples:
assert(DateTime(Date(1999, 1, 6), TimeOfDay(0, 0, 0)).endOfMonth == DateTime(Date(1999, 1, 31), TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59))); assert(DateTime(Date(1999, 2, 7), TimeOfDay(19, 30, 0)).endOfMonth == DateTime(Date(1999, 2, 28), TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59))); assert(DateTime(Date(2000, 2, 7), TimeOfDay(5, 12, 27)).endOfMonth == DateTime(Date(2000, 2, 29), TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59))); assert(DateTime(Date(2000, 6, 4), TimeOfDay(12, 22, 9)).endOfMonth == DateTime(Date(2000, 6, 30), TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59)));
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe ubyte
(); - The last day in the month that this DateTime is in.Examples:
writeln(DateTime(Date(1999, 1, 6), TimeOfDay(0, 0, 0)).daysInMonth); // 31 writeln(DateTime(Date(1999, 2, 7), TimeOfDay(19, 30, 0)).daysInMonth); // 28 writeln(DateTime(Date(2000, 2, 7), TimeOfDay(5, 12, 27)).daysInMonth); // 29 writeln(DateTime(Date(2000, 6, 4), TimeOfDay(12, 22, 9)).daysInMonth); // 30
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- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe bool
(); - Whether the current year is a date in A.D.Examples:
assert(DateTime(Date(1, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(12, 7, 0)).isAD); assert(DateTime(Date(2010, 12, 31), TimeOfDay(0, 0, 0)).isAD); assert(!DateTime(Date(0, 12, 31), TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59)).isAD); assert(!DateTime(Date(-2010, 1, 1), TimeOfDay(2, 2, 2)).isAD);
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe long
(); - The Julian day for this DateTime at the given time. For example, prior to noon, 1996-03-31 would be the Julian day number 2_450_173, so this function returns 2_450_173, while from noon onward, the julian day number would be 2_450_174, so this function returns 2_450_174.
- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe long
(); - The modified Julian day for any time on this date (since, the modified Julian day changes at midnight).
- const pure nothrow @safe string
const voidtoISOString
(W)(ref Wwriter
if (isOutputRange!(W, char)); - Converts this DateTime to a string with the format YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS. If
is set, the resulting string will be written directly to it.Parameters:W writer
A char accepting output range Returns:A string when not using an output range; void otherwise.Examples:assert(DateTime(Date(2010, 7, 4), TimeOfDay(7, 6, 12)).toISOString() == "20100704T070612"); assert(DateTime(Date(1998, 12, 25), TimeOfDay(2, 15, 0)).toISOString() == "19981225T021500"); assert(DateTime(Date(0, 1, 5), TimeOfDay(23, 9, 59)).toISOString() == "00000105T230959"); assert(DateTime(Date(-4, 1, 5), TimeOfDay(0, 0, 2)).toISOString() == "-00040105T000002");
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @safe string
const voidtoISOExtString
(W)(ref Wwriter
if (isOutputRange!(W, char)); - Converts this DateTime to a string with the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. If
is set, the resulting string will be written directly to it.Parameters:W writer
A char accepting output range Returns:A string when not using an output range; void otherwise.Examples:assert(DateTime(Date(2010, 7, 4), TimeOfDay(7, 6, 12)).toISOExtString() == "2010-07-04T07:06:12"); assert(DateTime(Date(1998, 12, 25), TimeOfDay(2, 15, 0)).toISOExtString() == "1998-12-25T02:15:00"); assert(DateTime(Date(0, 1, 5), TimeOfDay(23, 9, 59)).toISOExtString() == "0000-01-05T23:09:59"); assert(DateTime(Date(-4, 1, 5), TimeOfDay(0, 0, 2)).toISOExtString() == "-0004-01-05T00:00:02");
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @safe string
const voidtoSimpleString
(W)(ref Wwriter
if (isOutputRange!(W, char)); - Converts this DateTime to a string with the format YYYY-Mon-DD HH:MM:SS. If
is set, the resulting string will be written directly to it.Parameters:W writer
A char accepting output range Returns:A string when not using an output range; void otherwise.Examples:assert(DateTime(Date(2010, 7, 4), TimeOfDay(7, 6, 12)).toSimpleString() == "2010-Jul-04 07:06:12"); assert(DateTime(Date(1998, 12, 25), TimeOfDay(2, 15, 0)).toSimpleString() == "1998-Dec-25 02:15:00"); assert(DateTime(Date(0, 1, 5), TimeOfDay(23, 9, 59)).toSimpleString() == "0000-Jan-05 23:09:59"); assert(DateTime(Date(-4, 1, 5), TimeOfDay(0, 0, 2)).toSimpleString() == "-0004-Jan-05 00:00:02");
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @safe string
const voidtoString
(W)(ref Wwriter
if (isOutputRange!(W, char)); - Converts this DateTime to a string.This function exists to make it easy to convert a DateTime to a string for code that does not care what the exact format is - just that it presents the information in a clear manner. It also makes it easy to simply convert a DateTime to a string when using functions such as to!string, format, or writeln which use toString to convert user-defined types. So, it is unlikely that much code will call toString directly. The format of the string is purposefully unspecified, and code that cares about the format of the string should use toISOString, toISOExtString, toSimpleString, or some other custom formatting function that explicitly generates the format that the code needs. The reason is that the code is then clear about what format it's using, making it less error-prone to maintain the code and interact with other software that consumes the generated strings. It's for this same reason that DateTime has no fromString function, whereas it does have fromISOString, fromISOExtString, and fromSimpleString. The format returned by toString may or may not change in the future.
- pure @safe DateTime
(S)(scope const SisoString
if (isSomeString!S); - Creates a DateTime from a string with the format YYYYMMDDTHHMMSS. Whitespace is stripped from the given string.Parameters:
S isoString
A string formatted in the ISO format for dates and times. if the given string is not in the ISO format or if the resulting DateTime would not be valid. - pure @safe DateTime
(S)(scope const SisoExtString
if (isSomeString!S); - Creates a DateTime from a string with the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. Whitespace is stripped from the given string.Parameters:
S isoExtString
A string formatted in the ISO Extended format for dates and times. if the given string is not in the ISO Extended format or if the resulting DateTime would not be valid. - pure @safe DateTime
(S)(scope const SsimpleString
if (isSomeString!S); - Creates a DateTime from a string with the format YYYY-Mon-DD HH:MM:SS. Whitespace is stripped from the given string.Parameters:
S simpleString
A string formatted in the way that toSimpleString formats dates and times. if the given string is not in the correct format or if the resulting DateTime would not be valid. - static pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe DateTime
(); - static pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe DateTime
- struct
Jump to: add · day · dayOfGregorianCal · dayOfWeek · dayOfYear · daysInMonth · diffMonths · endOfMonth · fromISOExtString · fromISOString · fromSimpleString · isAD · isLeapYear · isoWeek · isoWeekAndYear · isoWeekYear · julianDay · max · min · modJulianDay · month · opBinary · opCmp · opOpAssign · roll · this · toISOExtString · toISOString · toSimpleString · toString · year · yearBC
; - Represents a date in the Proleptic Gregorian Calendar ranging from 32,768 B.C. to 32,767 A.D. Positive years are A.D. Non-positive years are B.C.Year, month, and day are kept separately internally so that
is optimized for calendar-based operations.Date
uses the Proleptic Gregorian Calendar, so it assumes the Gregorian leap year calculations for its entire length. As per ISO 8601, it treats 1 B.C. as year 0, i.e. 1 B.C. is 0, 2 B.C. is -1, etc. Use yearBC to use B.C. as a positive integer with 1 B.C. being the year prior to 1 A.D. Year 0 is a leap year.Examples:import core.time : days; auto d = Date(2000, 6, 1); writeln(d.dayOfYear); // 153 writeln(d.dayOfWeek); // DayOfWeek.thu d += 10.days; writeln(d); // Date(2000, 6, 11) writeln(d.toISOExtString()); // "2000-06-11" writeln(d.toISOString()); // "20000611" writeln(d.toSimpleString()); // "2000-Jun-11" writeln(Date.fromISOExtString("2018-01-01")); // Date(2018, 1, 1) writeln(Date.fromISOString("20180101")); // Date(2018, 1, 1) writeln(Date.fromSimpleString("2018-Jan-01")); // Date(2018, 1, 1)
Application outputRunning...
- if the resulting Date would not be valid.Parameters:
int year
Year of the Gregorian Calendar. Positive values are A.D. Non-positive values are B.C. with year 0 being the year prior to 1 A.D. int month
Month of the year (January is 1). int day
Day of the month. - pure nothrow @nogc @safe this(int
); - Parameters:
int day
The Xth day of the Gregorian Calendar that the constructed Date will be for. - const pure nothrow @nogc @safe int
); - Returns:
this < rhs < 0 this == rhs 0 this > rhs > 0 - Year of the Gregorian Calendar. Positive numbers are A.D. Non-positive are B.C.Examples:
writeln(Date(1999, 7, 6).year); // 1999 writeln(Date(2010, 10, 4).year); // 2010 writeln(Date(-7, 4, 5).year); // -7
Application outputRunning...
- pure @property @safe void
); - Year of the Gregorian Calendar. Positive numbers are A.D. Non-positive are B.C.Parameters:
int year
The year to set this Date's year to. if the new year is not a leap year and the resulting date would be on February 29th.Examples:writeln(Date(1999, 7, 6).year); // 1999 writeln(Date(2010, 10, 4).year); // 2010 writeln(Date(-7, 4, 5).year); // -7
Application outputRunning...
- Year B.C. of the Gregorian Calendar counting year 0 as 1 if isAD is true.Examples:
writeln(Date(0, 1, 1).yearBC); // 1 writeln(Date(-1, 1, 1).yearBC); // 2 writeln(Date(-100, 1, 1).yearBC); // 101
Application outputRunning...
- pure @property @safe void
); - Year B.C. of the Gregorian Calendar counting year 0 as 1 B.C.Parameters:
int year
The year B.C. to set this Date's year to. if a non-positive value is given.Examples:auto date = Date(2010, 1, 1); date.yearBC = 1; writeln(date); // Date(0, 1, 1) date.yearBC = 10; writeln(date); // Date(-9, 1, 1)
Application outputRunning...
- Month of a Gregorian Year.Examples:
writeln(Date(1999, 7, 6).month); // 7 writeln(Date(2010, 10, 4).month); // 10 writeln(Date(-7, 4, 5).month); // 4
Application outputRunning...
- pure @property @safe void
); - Month of a Gregorian Year.Parameters:
Month month
The month to set this Date's month to. if the given month is not a valid month or if the current day would not be valid in the given month. - Day of a Gregorian Month.Examples:
writeln(Date(1999, 7, 6).day); // 6 writeln(Date(2010, 10, 4).day); // 4 writeln(Date(-7, 4, 5).day); // 5
Application outputRunning...
- pure @property @safe void
); - Day of a Gregorian Month.Parameters:
int day
The day of the month to set this Date's day to. if the given day is not a valid day of the current month. - pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe Date
(string units)(longvalue
, AllowDayOverflowallowOverflow
= AllowDayOverflow.yes)
if (units == "years"); - Adds the given number of years or months to this Date, mutating it. A negative number will subtract.Note that if day overflow is allowed, and the date with the adjusted year/month overflows the number of days in the new month, then the month will be incremented by one, and the day set to the number of days overflowed. (e.g. if the day were 31 and the new month were June, then the month would be incremented to July, and the new day would be 1). If day overflow is not allowed, then the day will be set to the last valid day in the month (e.g. June 31st would become June 30th).Parameters:
units The type of units to add ("years" or "months"). long value
The number of months or years to add to this Date. AllowDayOverflow allowOverflow
Whether the day should be allowed to overflow, causing the month to increment. Returns:A reference to the Date (this).Examples:auto d1 = Date(2010, 1, 1); d1.add!"months"(11); writeln(d1); // Date(2010, 12, 1) auto d2 = Date(2010, 1, 1); d2.add!"months"(-11); writeln(d2); // Date(2009, 2, 1) auto d3 = Date(2000, 2, 29); d3.add!"years"(1); writeln(d3); // Date(2001, 3, 1) auto d4 = Date(2000, 2, 29); d4.add!"years"(1,; writeln(d4); // Date(2001, 2, 28)
Application outputRunning...
- pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe Date
Jump to: 2
(string units)(longvalue
, AllowDayOverflowallowOverflow
= AllowDayOverflow.yes)
if (units == "years"); - Adds the given number of years or months to this Date, mutating it. A negative number will subtract.The difference between rolling and adding is that rolling does not affect larger units. Rolling a Date 12 months gets the exact same Date. However, the days can still be affected due to the differing number of days in each month. Because there are no units larger than years, there is no difference between adding and rolling years.Parameters:
units The type of units to add ("years" or "months"). long value
The number of months or years to add to this Date. AllowDayOverflow allowOverflow
Whether the day should be allowed to overflow, causing the month to increment. Returns:A reference to the Date (this).Examples:auto d1 = Date(2010, 1, 1); d1.roll!"months"(1); writeln(d1); // Date(2010, 2, 1) auto d2 = Date(2010, 1, 1); d2.roll!"months"(-1); writeln(d2); // Date(2010, 12, 1) auto d3 = Date(1999, 1, 29); d3.roll!"months"(1); writeln(d3); // Date(1999, 3, 1) auto d4 = Date(1999, 1, 29); d4.roll!"months"(1,; writeln(d4); // Date(1999, 2, 28) auto d5 = Date(2000, 2, 29); d5.roll!"years"(1); writeln(d5); // Date(2001, 3, 1) auto d6 = Date(2000, 2, 29); d6.roll!"years"(1,; writeln(d6); // Date(2001, 2, 28)
Application outputRunning...
- pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe Date
(string units)(longdays
if (units == "days
"); - Adds the given number of units to this Date, mutating it. A negative number will subtract.The difference between rolling and adding is that rolling does not affect larger units. For instance, rolling a Date one year's worth of days gets the exact same Date. The only accepted units are "
".Parameters:units The units to add. Must be " days
".long days
The number of days to add to this Date. Returns:A reference to the Date (this).Examples:auto d = Date(2010, 1, 1); d.roll!"days"(1); writeln(d); // Date(2010, 1, 2) d.roll!"days"(365); writeln(d); // Date(2010, 1, 26) d.roll!"days"(-32); writeln(d); // Date(2010, 1, 25)
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @nogc @safe Date
Jump to: 2
(string op)(Durationduration
if (op == "+" || op == "-"); - Gives the result of adding or subtracting a core.time.Duration fromThe legal types of arithmetic for Date using this operator are
Date + Duration --> Date Date - Duration --> Date Parameters:Duration duration
The core.time.Duration to add to or subtract from this Date. Examples:import core.time : days; writeln(Date(2015, 12, 31) + days(1)); // Date(2016, 1, 1) writeln(Date(2004, 2, 26) + days(4)); // Date(2004, 3, 1) writeln(Date(2016, 1, 1) - days(1)); // Date(2015, 12, 31) writeln(Date(2004, 3, 1) - days(4)); // Date(2004, 2, 26)
Application outputRunning...
- pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe Date
(string op)(Durationduration
if (op == "+" || op == "-"); - Gives the result of adding or subtracting a core.time.Duration from this Date, as well as assigning the result to this Date.The legal types of arithmetic for Date using this operator are
Date + Duration --> Date Date - Duration --> Date Parameters:Duration duration
The core.time.Duration to add to or subtract from this Date. - const pure nothrow @nogc @safe Duration
(string op)(Daterhs
if (op == "-"); - Gives the difference between two Dates.The legal types of arithmetic for Date using this operator are
Date - Date --> duration - const pure nothrow @nogc @safe int
); - Returns the difference between the two Dates in months.To get the difference in years, subtract the year property of two Dates. To get the difference in days or weeks, subtract the Dates themselves and use the core.time.Duration that results. Because converting between months and smaller units requires a specific date (which core.time.Durations don't have), getting the difference in months requires some math using both the year and month properties, so this is a convenience function for getting the difference in months. Note that the number of days in the months or how far into the month either Date is is irrelevant. It is the difference in the month property combined with the difference in years * 12. So, for instance, December 31st and January 1st are one month apart just as December 1st and January 31st are one month apart.Parameters:
Date rhs
The Date to subtract from this one. Examples:writeln(Date(1999, 2, 1).diffMonths(Date(1999, 1, 31))); // 1 writeln(Date(1999, 1, 31).diffMonths(Date(1999, 2, 1))); // -1 writeln(Date(1999, 3, 1).diffMonths(Date(1999, 1, 1))); // 2 writeln(Date(1999, 1, 1).diffMonths(Date(1999, 3, 31))); // -2
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe bool
(); - Whether this Date is in a leap year.
- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe DayOfWeek
(); - Day of the week this Date is on.
- Day of the year this Date is on.Examples:
writeln(Date(1999, 1, 1).dayOfYear); // 1 writeln(Date(1999, 12, 31).dayOfYear); // 365 writeln(Date(2000, 12, 31).dayOfYear); // 366
Application outputRunning...
- pure @property @safe void
); - Day of the year.Parameters:
int day
The day of the year to set which day of the year this Date is on. if the given day is an invalid day of the year. - The Xth day of the Gregorian Calendar that this Date is on.Examples:
writeln(Date(1, 1, 1).dayOfGregorianCal); // 1 writeln(Date(1, 12, 31).dayOfGregorianCal); // 365 writeln(Date(2, 1, 1).dayOfGregorianCal); // 366 writeln(Date(0, 12, 31).dayOfGregorianCal); // 0 writeln(Date(0, 1, 1).dayOfGregorianCal); // -365 writeln(Date(-1, 12, 31).dayOfGregorianCal); // -366 writeln(Date(2000, 1, 1).dayOfGregorianCal); // 730_120 writeln(Date(2010, 12, 31).dayOfGregorianCal); // 734_137
Application outputRunning...
- pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe void
); - The Xth day of the Gregorian Calendar that this Date is on.Parameters:
int day
The day of the Gregorian Calendar to set this Date to. Examples:auto date = Date.init; date.dayOfGregorianCal = 1; writeln(date); // Date(1, 1, 1) date.dayOfGregorianCal = 365; writeln(date); // Date(1, 12, 31) date.dayOfGregorianCal = 366; writeln(date); // Date(2, 1, 1) date.dayOfGregorianCal = 0; writeln(date); // Date(0, 12, 31) date.dayOfGregorianCal = -365; writeln(date); // Date(-0, 1, 1) date.dayOfGregorianCal = -366; writeln(date); // Date(-1, 12, 31) date.dayOfGregorianCal = 730_120; writeln(date); // Date(2000, 1, 1) date.dayOfGregorianCal = 734_137; writeln(date); // Date(2010, 12, 31)
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @property @safe auto
(); - The ISO 8601 week and year of the year that this Date is in.Returns:An anonymous struct with the members isoWeekYear for the resulting year and isoWeek for the resulting ISO week.See Also:
- const pure nothrow @property @safe ubyte
(); - The ISO 8601 week of the year that this Date is in.See Also:
- const pure nothrow @property @safe short
(); - The year inside the ISO 8601 week calendar that this Date is in.May differ from year between 28 December and 4 January.See Also:
- const pure nothrow @property @safe Date
(); - Examples:
writeln(Date(1999, 1, 6).endOfMonth); // Date(1999, 1, 31) writeln(Date(1999, 2, 7).endOfMonth); // Date(1999, 2, 28) writeln(Date(2000, 2, 7).endOfMonth); // Date(2000, 2, 29) writeln(Date(2000, 6, 4).endOfMonth); // Date(2000, 6, 30)
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe ubyte
(); - The last day in the month that this Date is in.Examples:
writeln(Date(1999, 1, 6).daysInMonth); // 31 writeln(Date(1999, 2, 7).daysInMonth); // 28 writeln(Date(2000, 2, 7).daysInMonth); // 29 writeln(Date(2000, 6, 4).daysInMonth); // 30
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe bool
(); - Whether the current year is a date in A.D.Examples:
assert(Date(1, 1, 1).isAD); assert(Date(2010, 12, 31).isAD); assert(!Date(0, 12, 31).isAD); assert(!Date(-2010, 1, 1).isAD);
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe long
(); - The Julian day for this Date at noon (since the Julian day changes at noon).
- const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe long
(); - The modified Julian day for any time on this date (since, the modified Julian day changes at midnight).
- const pure nothrow @safe string
const voidtoISOString
(W)(ref Wwriter
if (isOutputRange!(W, char)); - Converts this Date to a string with the format YYYYMMDD. If
is set, the resulting string will be written directly to it.Parameters:W writer
A char accepting output range Returns:A string when not using an output range; void otherwise.Examples:writeln(Date(2010, 7, 4).toISOString()); // "20100704" writeln(Date(1998, 12, 25).toISOString()); // "19981225" writeln(Date(0, 1, 5).toISOString()); // "00000105" writeln(Date(-4, 1, 5).toISOString()); // "-00040105"
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @safe string
const voidtoISOExtString
(W)(ref Wwriter
if (isOutputRange!(W, char)); - Converts this Date to a string with the format YYYY-MM-DD. If
is set, the resulting string will be written directly to it.Parameters:W writer
A char accepting output range Returns:A string when not using an output range; void otherwise.Examples:writeln(Date(2010, 7, 4).toISOExtString()); // "2010-07-04" writeln(Date(1998, 12, 25).toISOExtString()); // "1998-12-25" writeln(Date(0, 1, 5).toISOExtString()); // "0000-01-05" writeln(Date(-4, 1, 5).toISOExtString()); // "-0004-01-05"
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @safe string
const voidtoSimpleString
(W)(ref Wwriter
if (isOutputRange!(W, char)); - Converts this Date to a string with the format YYYY-Mon-DD. If
is set, the resulting string will be written directly to it.Parameters:W writer
A char accepting output range Returns:A string when not using an output range; void otherwise.Examples:writeln(Date(2010, 7, 4).toSimpleString()); // "2010-Jul-04" writeln(Date(1998, 12, 25).toSimpleString()); // "1998-Dec-25" writeln(Date(0, 1, 5).toSimpleString()); // "0000-Jan-05" writeln(Date(-4, 1, 5).toSimpleString()); // "-0004-Jan-05"
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @safe string
const voidtoString
(W)(ref Wwriter
if (isOutputRange!(W, char)); - Converts this Date to a string.This function exists to make it easy to convert a Date to a string for code that does not care what the exact format is - just that it presents the information in a clear manner. It also makes it easy to simply convert a Date to a string when using functions such as to!string, format, or writeln which use toString to convert user-defined types. So, it is unlikely that much code will call toString directly. The format of the string is purposefully unspecified, and code that cares about the format of the string should use toISOString, toISOExtString, toSimpleString, or some other custom formatting function that explicitly generates the format that the code needs. The reason is that the code is then clear about what format it's using, making it less error-prone to maintain the code and interact with other software that consumes the generated strings. It's for this same reason Date has no fromString function, whereas it does have fromISOString, fromISOExtString, and fromSimpleString. The format returned by toString may or may not change in the future.
- pure @safe Date
(S)(scope const SisoString
if (isSomeString!S); - Creates a Date from a string with the format YYYYMMDD. Whitespace is stripped from the given string.Parameters:
S isoString
A string formatted in the ISO format for dates. if the given string is not in the ISO format or if the resulting Date would not be valid. - pure @safe Date
(S)(scope const SisoExtString
if (isSomeString!S); - Creates a Date from a string with the format YYYY-MM-DD. Whitespace is stripped from the given string.Parameters:
S isoExtString
A string formatted in the ISO Extended format for dates. if the given string is not in the ISO Extended format or if the resulting Date would not be valid. - pure @safe Date
(S)(scope const SsimpleString
if (isSomeString!S); - Creates a Date from a string with the format YYYY-Mon-DD. Whitespace is stripped from the given string.Parameters:
S simpleString
A string formatted in the way that toSimpleString formats dates. if the given string is not in the correct format or if the resulting Date would not be valid. - static pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe Date
(); - static pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe Date
- struct
Jump to: fromISOExtString · fromISOString · hour · max · min · minute · opBinary · opCmp · opOpAssign · roll · second · this · toISOExtString · toISOString · toString
; - Represents a time of day with hours, minutes, and seconds. It uses 24 hour time.Examples:
import core.time : minutes, seconds; auto t = TimeOfDay(12, 30, 0); t += 10.minutes + 100.seconds; writeln(t); // TimeOfDay(12, 41, 40) writeln(t.toISOExtString()); // "12:41:40" writeln(t.toISOString()); // "124140" writeln(TimeOfDay.fromISOExtString("15:00:00")); // TimeOfDay(15, 0, 0) writeln(TimeOfDay.fromISOString("015000")); // TimeOfDay(1, 50, 0)
Application outputRunning...
- pure @safe this(int
, intminute
, intsecond
= 0); - Parameters:
int hour
Hour of the day [0 - 24). int minute
Minute of the hour [0 - 60). int second
Second of the minute [0 - 60). if the resulting TimeOfDay would be not be valid. - const pure nothrow @nogc @safe int
); - Returns:
this < rhs < 0 this == rhs 0 this > rhs > 0 - Hours past midnight.
- pure @property @safe void
); - Hours past midnight.Parameters:
int hour
The hour of the day to set this TimeOfDay's hour to. if the given hour would result in an invalid TimeOfDay. - Minutes past the hour.
- pure @property @safe void
); - Minutes past the hour.Parameters:
int minute
The minute to set this TimeOfDay's minute to. if the given minute would result in an invalid TimeOfDay. - Seconds past the minute.
- pure @property @safe void
); - Seconds past the minute.Parameters:
int second
The second to set this TimeOfDay's second to. if the given second would result in an invalid TimeOfDay. - pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe TimeOfDay
(string units)(longvalue
if (units == "hours");
pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe TimeOfDayroll
(string units)(longvalue
if (units == "minutes" || units == "seconds"); - Adds the given number of units to this TimeOfDay, mutating it. A negative number will subtract.The difference between rolling and adding is that rolling does not affect larger units. For instance, rolling a TimeOfDay one hours's worth of minutes gets the exact same TimeOfDay. Accepted units are "hours", "minutes", and "seconds".Parameters:
units The units to add. long value
The number of units to add to this TimeOfDay. Returns:A reference to the TimeOfDay (this).Examples:auto tod1 = TimeOfDay(7, 12, 0); tod1.roll!"hours"(1); writeln(tod1); // TimeOfDay(8, 12, 0) auto tod2 = TimeOfDay(7, 12, 0); tod2.roll!"hours"(-1); writeln(tod2); // TimeOfDay(6, 12, 0) auto tod3 = TimeOfDay(23, 59, 0); tod3.roll!"minutes"(1); writeln(tod3); // TimeOfDay(23, 0, 0) auto tod4 = TimeOfDay(0, 0, 0); tod4.roll!"minutes"(-1); writeln(tod4); // TimeOfDay(0, 59, 0) auto tod5 = TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59); tod5.roll!"seconds"(1); writeln(tod5); // TimeOfDay(23, 59, 0) auto tod6 = TimeOfDay(0, 0, 0); tod6.roll!"seconds"(-1); writeln(tod6); // TimeOfDay(0, 0, 59)
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @nogc @safe TimeOfDay
Jump to: 2
(string op)(Durationduration
if (op == "+" || op == "-"); - Gives the result of adding or subtracting a core.time.Duration from this TimeOfDay.The legal types of arithmetic for TimeOfDay using this operator are
TimeOfDay + Duration --> TimeOfDay TimeOfDay - Duration --> TimeOfDay Parameters:Duration duration
The core.time.Duration to add to or subtract from this TimeOfDay. Examples:import core.time : hours, minutes, seconds; writeln(TimeOfDay(12, 12, 12) + seconds(1)); // TimeOfDay(12, 12, 13) writeln(TimeOfDay(12, 12, 12) + minutes(1)); // TimeOfDay(12, 13, 12) writeln(TimeOfDay(12, 12, 12) + hours(1)); // TimeOfDay(13, 12, 12) writeln(TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59) + seconds(1)); // TimeOfDay(0, 0, 0) writeln(TimeOfDay(12, 12, 12) - seconds(1)); // TimeOfDay(12, 12, 11) writeln(TimeOfDay(12, 12, 12) - minutes(1)); // TimeOfDay(12, 11, 12) writeln(TimeOfDay(12, 12, 12) - hours(1)); // TimeOfDay(11, 12, 12) writeln(TimeOfDay(0, 0, 0) - seconds(1)); // TimeOfDay(23, 59, 59)
Application outputRunning...
- pure nothrow @nogc ref @safe TimeOfDay
(string op)(Durationduration
if (op == "+" || op == "-"); - Gives the result of adding or subtracting a core.time.Duration from this TimeOfDay, as well as assigning the result to this TimeOfDay.The legal types of arithmetic for TimeOfDay using this operator are
TimeOfDay + Duration --> TimeOfDay TimeOfDay - Duration --> TimeOfDay Parameters:Duration duration
The core.time.Duration to add to or subtract from this TimeOfDay. - const pure nothrow @nogc @safe Duration
(string op)(TimeOfDayrhs
if (op == "-"); - Gives the difference between two TimeOfDays.The legal types of arithmetic for TimeOfDay using this operator are
TimeOfDay - TimeOfDay --> duration Parameters:TimeOfDay rhs
The TimeOfDay to subtract from this one. - const pure nothrow @safe string
const voidtoISOString
(W)(ref Wwriter
if (isOutputRange!(W, char)); - Converts this TimeOfDay to a string with the format HHMMSS. If
is set, the resulting string will be written directly to it.Parameters:W writer
A char accepting output range Returns:A string when not using an output range; void otherwise.Examples:writeln(TimeOfDay(0, 0, 0).toISOString()); // "000000" writeln(TimeOfDay(12, 30, 33).toISOString()); // "123033"
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @safe string
const voidtoISOExtString
(W)(ref Wwriter
if (isOutputRange!(W, char)); - Converts this TimeOfDay to a string with the format HH:MM:SS. If
is set, the resulting string will be written directly to it.Parameters:W writer
A char accepting output range Returns:A string when not using an output range; void otherwise.Examples:writeln(TimeOfDay(0, 0, 0).toISOExtString()); // "00:00:00" writeln(TimeOfDay(12, 30, 33).toISOExtString()); // "12:30:33"
Application outputRunning...
- const pure nothrow @safe string
const voidtoString
(W)(ref Wwriter
if (isOutputRange!(W, char)); - Converts this TimeOfDay to a string.This function exists to make it easy to convert a TimeOfDay to a string for code that does not care what the exact format is - just that it presents the information in a clear manner. It also makes it easy to simply convert a TimeOfDay to a string when using functions such as to!string, format, or writeln which use toString to convert user-defined types. So, it is unlikely that much code will call toString directly. The format of the string is purposefully unspecified, and code that cares about the format of the string should use toISOString, toISOExtString, or some other custom formatting function that explicitly generates the format that the code needs. The reason is that the code is then clear about what format it's using, making it less error-prone to maintain the code and interact with other software that consumes the generated strings. It's for this same reason that TimeOfDay has no fromString function, whereas it does have fromISOString and fromISOExtString. The format returned by toString may or may not change in the future.Parameters:
W writer
A char accepting output range Returns:A string when not using an output range; void otherwise. - pure @safe TimeOfDay
(S)(scope const SisoString
if (isSomeString!S); - Creates a TimeOfDay from a string with the format HHMMSS. Whitespace is stripped from the given string.Parameters:
S isoString
A string formatted in the ISO format for times. if the given string is not in the ISO format or if the resulting TimeOfDay would not be valid. - pure @safe TimeOfDay
(S)(scope const SisoExtString
if (isSomeString!S); - Creates a TimeOfDay from a string with the format HH:MM:SS. Whitespace is stripped from the given string.Parameters:
S isoExtString
A string formatted in the ISO Extended format for times. if the given string is not in the ISO Extended format or if the resulting TimeOfDay would not be valid. - static pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe TimeOfDay
(); - Returns midnight.
- static pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe TimeOfDay
(); - Returns one second short of midnight.
- pure nothrow @nogc @safe bool
Jump to: 2
(string units)(intvalue
if (units == "months" || units == "hours" || units == "minutes" || units == "seconds"); - Returns whether the given value is valid for the given unit type when in a time point. Naturally, a duration is not held to a particular range, but the values in a time point are (e.g. a month must be in the range of 1 - 12 inclusive).Parameters:
units The units of time to validate. int value
The number to validate. Examples:assert(valid!"hours"(12)); assert(!valid!"hours"(32)); assert(valid!"months"(12)); assert(!valid!"months"(13));
Application outputRunning...
- pure nothrow @nogc @safe bool
(string units)(intyear
, intmonth
, intday
if (units == "days"); - Returns whether the given day is valid for the given year and month.Parameters:
units The units of time to validate. int year
The year of the day to validate. int month
The month of the day to validate (January is 1). int day
The day to validate. Examples:assert(valid!"days"(2016, 2, 29)); assert(!valid!"days"(2016, 2, 30)); assert(valid!"days"(2017, 2, 20)); assert(!valid!"days"(2017, 2, 29));
Application outputRunning...
- pure @safe void
Jump to: 2
(string units)(intvalue
, stringfile
= __FILE__, size_tline
= __LINE__)
if (units == "months" || units == "hours" || units == "minutes" || units == "seconds"); - Parameters:
units The units of time to validate. int value
The number to validate. string file
The file that the DateTimeException will list if thrown. size_t line
The line number that the DateTimeException will list if thrown. Throws:DateTimeException if valid!units(value
) is false.Examples:import std.exception : assertThrown, assertNotThrown; assertNotThrown(enforceValid!"months"(10)); assertNotThrown(enforceValid!"seconds"(40)); assertThrown!DateTimeException(enforceValid!"months"(0)); assertThrown!DateTimeException(enforceValid!"hours"(24)); assertThrown!DateTimeException(enforceValid!"minutes"(60)); assertThrown!DateTimeException(enforceValid!"seconds"(60));
Application outputRunning...
- pure @safe void
(string units)(intyear
, Monthmonth
, intday
, stringfile
= __FILE__, size_tline
= __LINE__)
if (units == "days"); - Because the validity of the day number depends on both on the year and month of which the day is occurring, take all three variables to validate the day.Parameters:
units The units of time to validate. int year
The year of the day to validate. Month month
The month of the day to validate. int day
The day to validate. string file
The file that the DateTimeException will list if thrown. size_t line
The line number that the DateTimeException will list if thrown. Throws:DateTimeException if valid!"days"(year, month, day) is false.Examples:import std.exception : assertThrown, assertNotThrown; assertNotThrown(enforceValid!"days"(2000, Month.jan, 1)); // leap year assertNotThrown(enforceValid!"days"(2000, Month.feb, 29)); assertThrown!DateTimeException(enforceValid!"days"(2001, Month.feb, 29)); assertThrown!DateTimeException(enforceValid!"days"(2000, Month.jan, 32)); assertThrown!DateTimeException(enforceValid!"days"(2000, Month.apr, 31));
Application outputRunning...
- pure nothrow @nogc @safe int
, DayOfWeekdow
); - Returns the number of days from the current day of the week to the given day of the week. If they are the same, then the result is 0.Parameters:
DayOfWeek currDoW
The current day of the week. DayOfWeek dow
The day of the week to get the number of days to. Examples:writeln(daysToDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek.mon, DayOfWeek.mon)); // 0 writeln(daysToDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek.mon, DayOfWeek.sun)); // 6 writeln(daysToDayOfWeek(DayOfWeek.mon,; // 2
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- pure @safe int
, intmonth
); - Returns the number of months from the current months of the year to the given month of the year. If they are the same, then the result is 0.Parameters:
int currMonth
The current month of the year. int month
The month of the year to get the number of months to. Examples:writeln(monthsToMonth(Month.jan, Month.jan)); // 0 writeln(monthsToMonth(Month.jan, Month.dec)); // 11 writeln(monthsToMonth(Month.jul, Month.oct)); // 3
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- pure nothrow @nogc @safe bool
); - Whether the given Gregorian Year is a leap year.Parameters:
int year
The year to to be tested. Examples:foreach (year; [1, 2, 100, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2010]) { assert(!yearIsLeapYear(year)); assert(!yearIsLeapYear(-year)); } foreach (year; [0, 4, 8, 400, 800, 1600, 1996, 2000, 2004, 2008, 2012]) { assert(yearIsLeapYear(year)); assert(yearIsLeapYear(-year)); }
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- enum auto
(T); - Whether the given type defines all of the necessary functions for it to function as a time point.
- T must define a static property named min which is the smallest value of T as Unqual!T.
- T must define a static property named max which is the largest value of T as Unqual!T.
- T must define an opBinary for addition and subtraction that accepts core.time.Duration and returns Unqual!T.
- T must define an opOpAssign for addition and subtraction that accepts core.time.Duration and returns ref Unqual!T.
- T must define a opBinary for subtraction which accepts T and returns core.time.Duration.
Examples:import core.time : Duration; import std.datetime.interval : Interval; import std.datetime.systime : SysTime; static assert(isTimePoint!Date); static assert(isTimePoint!DateTime); static assert(isTimePoint!SysTime); static assert(isTimePoint!TimeOfDay); static assert(!isTimePoint!int); static assert(!isTimePoint!Duration); static assert(!isTimePoint!(Interval!SysTime));
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- pure nothrow @nogc @safe bool
...); - Whether all of the given strings are valid units of time."nsecs" is not considered a valid unit of time. Nothing in std.datetime can handle precision greater than hnsecs, and the few functions in core.time which deal with "nsecs" deal with it explicitly.Examples:
assert(validTimeUnits("msecs", "seconds", "minutes")); assert(validTimeUnits("days", "weeks", "months")); assert(!validTimeUnits("ms", "seconds", "minutes"));
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- pure @safe int
, stringrhs
); - Compares two time unit strings. "years" are the largest units and "hnsecs" are the smallest.Returns:
this < rhs < 0 this == rhs 0 this > rhs > 0 Throws:DateTimeException if either of the given strings is not a valid time unit string.Examples:import std.exception : assertThrown; writeln(cmpTimeUnits("hours", "hours")); // 0 assert(cmpTimeUnits("hours", "weeks") < 0); assert(cmpTimeUnits("months", "seconds") > 0); assertThrown!DateTimeException(cmpTimeUnits("month", "second"));
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- template
(string lhs, string rhs) if (validTimeUnits(lhs, rhs)) - Compares two time unit strings at compile time. "years" are the largest units and "hnsecs" are the smallest.This template is used instead of cmpTimeUnits because exceptions can't be thrown at compile time and cmpTimeUnits must enforce that the strings it's given are valid time unit strings. This template uses a template constraint instead.Returns:
this < rhs < 0 this == rhs 0 this > rhs > 0 Examples:static assert(CmpTimeUnits!("years", "weeks") > 0); static assert(CmpTimeUnits!("days", "days") == 0); static assert(CmpTimeUnits!("seconds", "hours") < 0);
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