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static immutable dchar[2][] UAX31_Start;
UAX31 profile Start

Entries 136892

static immutable dchar[2][] UAX31_Continue;
UAX31 profile Continue

Entries 140026

alias FixedTable_C99_Start = FixedTable_C99_Continue;
C99 Start

Entries 34958

static immutable dchar[2][] FixedTable_C99_Continue;
C99 Continue

Entries 34958

alias FixedTable_C11_Start = FixedTable_C11_Continue;
C11 Start

Entries 971620

static immutable dchar[2][] FixedTable_C11_Continue;
C11 Continue

Entries 971620

static immutable dchar[2][] LeastRestrictive_OfAll;
Least restrictive with both Start and Continue

Entries 860486

static immutable dchar[2][] LeastRestrictive_Start;
Least restrictive Start

Entries 858717

static immutable dchar[2][] LeastRestrictive_Continue;
Least restrictive Continue

Entries 796056