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D Grammar
After the lexical analyzer has created tokens from the source text, the tokens are parsed into the following key constructs:
- A Module normally has DeclDefs.
- DeclDef can be a Declaration.
- Declaration includes:
- VarDeclarations, which declares one or more variables with a Type
- FuncDeclaration, which can have a BlockStatement
- BlockStatement can have Statements.
- Statement includes:
- BlockStatement
- DeclarationStatement, which has a Declaration
- ExpressionStatement, which has an Expression
Note: The remainder of this page is auto-generated, see the other pages for
semantic details.
Module: ModuleDeclaration ModuleDeclaration DeclDefs DeclDefs DeclDefs: DeclDef DeclDef DeclDefs DeclDef: AttributeSpecifier Declaration Constructor Destructor Postblit Invariant UnitTest AliasThis StaticConstructor StaticDestructor SharedStaticConstructor SharedStaticDestructor ConditionalDeclaration DebugSpecification VersionSpecification MixinDeclaration EmptyDeclaration EmptyDeclaration: ;
ModuleDeclaration: ModuleAttributesopt module ModuleFullyQualifiedName ; ModuleAttributes: ModuleAttribute ModuleAttribute ModuleAttributes ModuleAttribute: DeprecatedAttribute UserDefinedAttribute ModuleFullyQualifiedName: ModuleName Packages . ModuleName ModuleName: Identifier
Packages: PackageName Packages . PackageName PackageName: Identifier
ImportDeclaration: import ImportList ; static import ImportList ; ImportList: Import ImportBindings Import , ImportList Import: ModuleFullyQualifiedName ModuleAliasIdentifier = ModuleFullyQualifiedName ImportBindings: Import : ImportBindList ImportBindList: ImportBind ImportBind , ImportBindList ImportBind: Identifier Identifier = Identifier ModuleAliasIdentifier: Identifier
MixinDeclaration: mixin ( ArgumentList ) ;
Declaration: FuncDeclaration VarDeclarations AliasDeclaration AliasAssign AggregateDeclaration EnumDeclaration ImportDeclaration ConditionalDeclaration StaticForeachDeclaration StaticAssert TemplateDeclaration TemplateMixinDeclaration TemplateMixin
AggregateDeclaration: ClassDeclaration InterfaceDeclaration StructDeclaration UnionDeclaration
VarDeclarations: StorageClassesopt BasicType TypeSuffixesopt IdentifierInitializers ; AutoDeclaration IdentifierInitializers: IdentifierInitializer IdentifierInitializer , IdentifierInitializers IdentifierInitializer: Identifier Identifier TemplateParametersopt = Initializer Declarator: TypeSuffixesopt Identifier
StorageClasses: StorageClass StorageClass StorageClasses StorageClass: LinkageAttribute AlignAttribute AtAttribute deprecated enum static extern abstract final override synchronized auto scope const immutable inout shared __gshared Property nothrow pure ref
Initializer: VoidInitializer NonVoidInitializer NonVoidInitializer: ArrayInitializer StructInitializer AssignExpression
VoidInitializer: void
AutoDeclaration: StorageClasses AutoAssignments ; AutoAssignments: AutoAssignment AutoAssignments , AutoAssignment AutoAssignment: Identifier TemplateParametersopt = Initializer
AliasDeclaration: alias StorageClassesopt BasicType TypeSuffixesopt Identifiers ; alias StorageClassesopt BasicType FuncDeclarator ; alias AliasAssignments ; Identifiers: Identifier Identifier , Identifiers AliasAssignments: AliasAssignment AliasAssignments , AliasAssignment AliasAssignment: Identifier TemplateParametersopt = StorageClassesopt Type Identifier TemplateParametersopt = FunctionLiteral Identifier TemplateParametersopt = StorageClassesopt Type Parameters MemberFunctionAttributesopt
AliasAssign: Identifier = Type
AliasReassignment: Identifier = StorageClassesopt Type Identifier = FunctionLiteral Identifier = StorageClassesopt BasicType Parameters MemberFunctionAttributesopt
Type: TypeCtorsopt BasicType TypeSuffixesopt TypeCtors: TypeCtor TypeCtor TypeCtors TypeCtor: const immutable inout shared BasicType: FundamentalType . QualifiedIdentifier QualifiedIdentifier Typeof Typeof . QualifiedIdentifier TypeCtor ( Type ) Vector TraitsExpression MixinType Vector: __vector ( VectorBaseType ) VectorBaseType: Type FundamentalType: bool byte ubyte short ushort int uint long ulong cent ucent char wchar dchar float double real ifloat idouble ireal cfloat cdouble creal void TypeSuffixes: TypeSuffix TypeSuffixesopt TypeSuffix: * [ ] [ AssignExpression ] [ AssignExpression .. AssignExpression ] [ Type ] delegate Parameters MemberFunctionAttributesopt function Parameters FunctionAttributesopt QualifiedIdentifier: Identifier Identifier . QualifiedIdentifier TemplateInstance TemplateInstance . QualifiedIdentifier Identifier [ AssignExpression ] Identifier [ AssignExpression ] . QualifiedIdentifier
Typeof: typeof ( Expression ) typeof ( return )
MixinType: mixin ( ArgumentList )
AttributeSpecifier: Attribute : Attribute DeclarationBlock Attribute: AlignAttribute AtAttribute DeprecatedAttribute FunctionAttributeKwd LinkageAttribute Pragma VisibilityAttribute abstract auto const final __gshared extern immutable inout override ref return __rvalue scope shared static synchronized FunctionAttributeKwd: nothrow pure AtAttribute: @ disable @ __future @ nogc @ live Property @ safe @ system @ trusted UserDefinedAttribute Property: @ property DeclarationBlock: DeclDef { DeclDefsopt }
LinkageAttribute: extern ( LinkageType ) extern ( C ++ , ) extern ( C ++ , QualifiedIdentifier ) extern ( C ++ , NamespaceList ) extern ( C ++ , class ) extern ( C ++ , struct ) LinkageType: C C ++ D Windows System Objective - C NamespaceList: ConditionalExpression ConditionalExpression , ConditionalExpression , NamespaceList
AlignAttribute: align ( default ) align align ( AssignExpression )
DeprecatedAttribute: deprecated deprecated ( AssignExpression )
VisibilityAttribute: export package package ( QualifiedIdentifier ) private protected public
UserDefinedAttribute: @ ( TemplateArgumentList ) @ TemplateSingleArgument @ Identifier ( NamedArgumentListopt ) @ TemplateInstance @ TemplateInstance ( NamedArgumentListopt )
PragmaDeclaration: Pragma ; Pragma DeclarationBlock PragmaStatement: Pragma ; Pragma NoScopeStatement Pragma: pragma ( Identifier ) pragma ( Identifier , ArgumentList )
Expression: CommaExpression
CommaExpression: AssignExpression CommaExpression , AssignExpression
AssignExpression: ConditionalExpression ConditionalExpression = AssignExpression ConditionalExpression += AssignExpression ConditionalExpression -= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression *= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression /= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression %= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression &= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression |= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression ^= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression ~= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression <<= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression >>= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression >>>= AssignExpression ConditionalExpression ^^= AssignExpression
ConditionalExpression: OrOrExpression OrOrExpression ? Expression : ConditionalExpression
OrOrExpression: AndAndExpression OrOrExpression || AndAndExpression
AndAndExpression: OrExpression AndAndExpression && OrExpression
OrExpression: XorExpression OrExpression | XorExpression
XorExpression: AndExpression XorExpression ^ AndExpression
AndExpression: CmpExpression AndExpression & CmpExpression
CmpExpression: EqualExpression IdentityExpression RelExpression InExpression ShiftExpression
EqualExpression: ShiftExpression == ShiftExpression ShiftExpression != ShiftExpression
IdentityExpression: ShiftExpression is ShiftExpression ShiftExpression ! is ShiftExpression
RelExpression: ShiftExpression < ShiftExpression ShiftExpression <= ShiftExpression ShiftExpression > ShiftExpression ShiftExpression >= ShiftExpression
InExpression: ShiftExpression in ShiftExpression ShiftExpression ! in ShiftExpression
ShiftExpression: AddExpression ShiftExpression << AddExpression ShiftExpression >> AddExpression ShiftExpression >>> AddExpression
AddExpression: MulExpression AddExpression + MulExpression AddExpression - MulExpression AddExpression ~ MulExpression
MulExpression: UnaryExpression MulExpression * UnaryExpression MulExpression / UnaryExpression MulExpression % UnaryExpression
UnaryExpression: & UnaryExpression ++ UnaryExpression -- UnaryExpression * UnaryExpression - UnaryExpression + UnaryExpression ! UnaryExpression ComplementExpression DeleteExpression CastExpression ThrowExpression PowExpression
ComplementExpression: ~ UnaryExpression
DeleteExpression: delete UnaryExpression
CastExpression: cast ( Type ) UnaryExpression CastQual
CastQual: cast ( TypeCtorsopt ) UnaryExpression
ThrowExpression: throw AssignExpression
PowExpression: PostfixExpression PostfixExpression ^^ UnaryExpression
PostfixExpression: PrimaryExpression PostfixExpression . Identifier PostfixExpression . TemplateInstance PostfixExpression . NewExpression PostfixExpression ++ PostfixExpression -- PostfixExpression ( NamedArgumentListopt ) TypeCtorsopt BasicType ( NamedArgumentListopt ) PostfixExpression IndexOperation PostfixExpression SliceOperation
ArgumentList: AssignExpression AssignExpression , AssignExpression , ArgumentList NamedArgumentList: NamedArgument NamedArgument , NamedArgument , NamedArgumentList NamedArgument: Identifier : AssignExpression AssignExpression
IndexOperation: [ ArgumentList ]
SliceOperation: [ ] [ Slice ] [ Slice , ] Slice: AssignExpression AssignExpression , Slice AssignExpression .. AssignExpression AssignExpression .. AssignExpression , Slice
PrimaryExpression: Identifier . Identifier TemplateInstance . TemplateInstance $ LiteralExpression AssertExpression MixinExpression ImportExpression NewExpression FundamentalType . Identifier TypeCtoropt ( Type ) . Identifier ( Type ) . TemplateInstance FundamentalType ( NamedArgumentListopt ) TypeCtoropt ( Type ) ( NamedArgumentListopt ) Typeof TypeidExpression IsExpression ( Expression ) SpecialKeyword RvalueExpression TraitsExpression LiteralExpression: this super null true false IntegerLiteral FloatLiteral CharacterLiteral StringLiteral InterpolationExpressionSequence ArrayLiteral AssocArrayLiteral FunctionLiteral
ArrayLiteral: [ ArgumentListopt ]
AssocArrayLiteral: [ KeyValuePairs ] KeyValuePairs: KeyValuePair KeyValuePair , KeyValuePairs KeyValuePair: KeyExpression : ValueExpression KeyExpression: AssignExpression ValueExpression: AssignExpression
FunctionLiteral: function RefOrAutoRefopt BasicTypeWithSuffixesopt ParameterWithAttributesopt FunctionLiteralBody delegate RefOrAutoRefopt BasicTypeWithSuffixesopt ParameterWithMemberAttributesopt FunctionLiteralBody RefOrAutoRefopt ParameterWithMemberAttributes FunctionLiteralBody BlockStatement Identifier => AssignExpression BasicTypeWithSuffixes: BasicType TypeSuffixesopt ParameterWithAttributes: Parameters FunctionAttributesopt ParameterWithMemberAttributes: Parameters MemberFunctionAttributesopt FunctionLiteralBody: => AssignExpression SpecifiedFunctionBody RefOrAutoRef: ref auto ref
AssertExpression: assert ( AssertArguments ) AssertArguments: AssignExpression AssignExpression , AssignExpression , AssignExpression AssignExpression , AssignExpression ,
MixinExpression: mixin ( ArgumentList )
ImportExpression: import ( AssignExpression )
NewExpression: new Type new Type [ AssignExpression ] new Type ( NamedArgumentListopt ) NewAnonClassExpression
TypeidExpression: typeid ( Type ) typeid ( Expression )
IsExpression: is ( Type ) is ( Type : TypeSpecialization ) is ( Type == TypeSpecialization ) is ( Type : TypeSpecialization , TemplateParameterList ) is ( Type == TypeSpecialization , TemplateParameterList ) is ( Type Identifier ) is ( Type Identifier : TypeSpecialization ) is ( Type Identifier == TypeSpecialization ) is ( Type Identifier : TypeSpecialization , TemplateParameterList ) is ( Type Identifier == TypeSpecialization , TemplateParameterList ) TypeSpecialization: Type TypeCtor struct union class interface enum __vector function delegate super return __parameters module package
RvalueExpression: __rvalue ( AssignExpression )
Statement: EmptyStatement NonEmptyStatement ScopeBlockStatement EmptyStatement: ; NoScopeNonEmptyStatement: NonEmptyStatement BlockStatement NoScopeStatement: EmptyStatement NonEmptyStatement BlockStatement NonEmptyOrScopeBlockStatement: NonEmptyStatement ScopeBlockStatement NonEmptyStatement: NonEmptyStatementNoCaseNoDefault CaseStatement CaseRangeStatement DefaultStatement NonEmptyStatementNoCaseNoDefault: LabeledStatement ExpressionStatement DeclarationStatement IfStatement WhileStatement DoStatement ForStatement ForeachStatement SwitchStatement FinalSwitchStatement ContinueStatement BreakStatement ReturnStatement GotoStatement WithStatement SynchronizedStatement TryStatement ScopeGuardStatement AsmStatement MixinStatement ForeachRangeStatement PragmaStatement ConditionalStatement StaticForeachStatement ImportDeclaration
ScopeStatement: NonEmptyStatement BlockStatement
ScopeBlockStatement: BlockStatement
LabeledStatement: Identifier : Identifier : Statement
BlockStatement: { } { StatementList } StatementList: Statement Statement StatementList
ExpressionStatement: Expression ;
DeclarationStatement: StorageClassesopt Declaration
IfStatement: if ( IfCondition ) ThenStatement if ( IfCondition ) ThenStatement else ElseStatement IfCondition: Expression IfConditionStorageClasses Identifier = Expression IfConditionStorageClassesopt BasicType Declarator = Expression IfConditionStorageClasses: IfConditionStorageClass IfConditionStorageClass IfConditionStorageClasses IfConditionStorageClass: scope auto ref TypeCtor ThenStatement: ScopeStatement ElseStatement: ScopeStatement
WhileStatement: while ( IfCondition ) ScopeStatement
DoStatement: do ScopeStatement while ( Expression ) ;
ForStatement: for ( Initialize Testopt ; Incrementopt ) ScopeStatement Initialize: ; NoScopeNonEmptyStatement Test: Expression Increment: Expression
AggregateForeach: Foreach ( ForeachTypeList ; ForeachAggregate ) ForeachStatement: AggregateForeach NoScopeNonEmptyStatement Foreach: foreach foreach_reverse ForeachTypeList: ForeachType ForeachType , ForeachTypeList ForeachType: ForeachTypeAttributesopt BasicType Declarator ForeachTypeAttributesopt Identifier ForeachTypeAttributesopt alias Identifier ForeachTypeAttributes: ForeachTypeAttribute ForeachTypeAttribute ForeachTypeAttributes ForeachTypeAttribute: enum ref scope TypeCtor ForeachAggregate: Expression
OpApplyDeclaration: int opApply ( scope int delegate ( OpApplyParameters ) dg ) ; OpApplyParameters: OpApplyParameter OpApplyParameter, OpApplyParameters OpApplyParameter: ForeachTypeAttributesopt BasicType Declarator
RangeForeach: Foreach ( ForeachType ; LwrExpression .. UprExpression ) LwrExpression: Expression UprExpression: Expression ForeachRangeStatement: RangeForeach ScopeStatement
SwitchStatement: switch ( IfCondition ) ScopeStatement CaseStatement: case ArgumentList : ScopeStatementListopt DefaultStatement: default : ScopeStatementListopt ScopeStatementList: StatementListNoCaseNoDefault StatementListNoCaseNoDefault: StatementNoCaseNoDefault StatementNoCaseNoDefault StatementListNoCaseNoDefault StatementNoCaseNoDefault: EmptyStatement NonEmptyStatementNoCaseNoDefault ScopeBlockStatement
CaseRangeStatement: case FirstExp : .. case LastExp : ScopeStatementListopt FirstExp: AssignExpression LastExp: AssignExpression
FinalSwitchStatement: final switch ( IfCondition ) ScopeStatement
ContinueStatement: continue Identifieropt ;
BreakStatement: break Identifieropt ;
ReturnStatement: return Expressionopt ;
GotoStatement: goto Identifier ; goto default ; goto case ; goto case Expression ;
WithStatement: with ( Expression ) ScopeStatement with ( Symbol ) ScopeStatement with ( TemplateInstance ) ScopeStatement
SynchronizedStatement: synchronized ScopeStatement synchronized ( Expression ) ScopeStatement
TryStatement: try ScopeStatement Catches try ScopeStatement Catches FinallyStatement try ScopeStatement FinallyStatement Catches: Catch Catch Catches Catch: catch ( CatchParameter ) NoScopeNonEmptyStatement CatchParameter: BasicType Identifieropt FinallyStatement: finally NoScopeNonEmptyStatement
ScopeGuardStatement: scope ( exit ) NonEmptyOrScopeBlockStatement scope ( success ) NonEmptyOrScopeBlockStatement scope ( failure ) NonEmptyOrScopeBlockStatement
AsmStatement: asm FunctionAttributesopt { AsmInstructionListopt } AsmInstructionList: AsmInstruction ; AsmInstruction ; AsmInstructionList
MixinStatement: mixin ( ArgumentList ) ;
ArrayInitializer: [ ArrayElementInitializersopt ] ArrayElementInitializers: ArrayElementInitializer ArrayElementInitializer , ArrayElementInitializer , ArrayElementInitializers ArrayElementInitializer: NonVoidInitializer AssignExpression : NonVoidInitializer
Structs and Unions
StructDeclaration: struct Identifier ; struct Identifier AggregateBody StructTemplateDeclaration AnonStructDeclaration AnonStructDeclaration: struct AggregateBody
UnionDeclaration: union Identifier ; union Identifier AggregateBody UnionTemplateDeclaration AnonUnionDeclaration AnonUnionDeclaration: union AggregateBody
AggregateBody: { DeclDefsopt }
StructInitializer: { StructMemberInitializersopt } StructMemberInitializers: StructMemberInitializer StructMemberInitializer , StructMemberInitializer , StructMemberInitializers StructMemberInitializer: NonVoidInitializer Identifier : NonVoidInitializer
Postblit: this ( this ) MemberFunctionAttributesopt FunctionBody this ( this ) MemberFunctionAttributesopt MissingFunctionBody
Invariant: invariant ( ) BlockStatement invariant BlockStatement invariant ( AssertArguments ) ;
AliasThis: alias Identifier this ; alias this = Identifier ;
ClassDeclaration: class Identifier ; class Identifier BaseClassListopt AggregateBody ClassTemplateDeclaration BaseClassList: : SuperClassOrInterface : SuperClassOrInterface , Interfaces SuperClassOrInterface: BasicType Interfaces: Interface Interface , Interfaces Interface: BasicType
Constructor: this Parameters MemberFunctionAttributesopt FunctionBody this Parameters MemberFunctionAttributesopt MissingFunctionBody ConstructorTemplate
Destructor: ~ this ( ) MemberFunctionAttributesopt FunctionBody ~ this ( ) MemberFunctionAttributesopt MissingFunctionBody
StaticConstructor: static this ( ) MemberFunctionAttributesopt FunctionBody static this ( ) MemberFunctionAttributesopt MissingFunctionBody
StaticDestructor: static ~ this ( ) MemberFunctionAttributesopt FunctionBody
SharedStaticConstructor: shared static this ( ) MemberFunctionAttributesopt FunctionBody shared static this ( ) MemberFunctionAttributesopt MissingFunctionBody
SharedStaticDestructor: shared static ~ this ( ) MemberFunctionAttributesopt FunctionBody shared static ~ this ( ) MemberFunctionAttributesopt MissingFunctionBody
Invariant: invariant ( ) BlockStatement invariant BlockStatement invariant ( AssertArguments ) ;
NewAnonClassExpression: new class ConstructorArgsopt AnonBaseClassListopt AggregateBody ConstructorArgs: ( NamedArgumentListopt ) AnonBaseClassList: SuperClassOrInterface SuperClassOrInterface , Interfaces
InterfaceDeclaration: interface Identifier ; interface Identifier BaseInterfaceListopt AggregateBody InterfaceTemplateDeclaration BaseInterfaceList: : Interfaces
EnumDeclaration: enum Identifier EnumBody enum Identifier : EnumBaseType EnumBody AnonymousEnumDeclaration EnumBaseType: Type EnumBody: { EnumMembers } ; EnumMembers: EnumMember EnumMember , EnumMember , EnumMembers EnumMember: EnumMemberAttributesopt Identifier EnumMemberAttributesopt Identifier = AssignExpression EnumMemberAttributes: EnumMemberAttribute EnumMemberAttribute EnumMemberAttributes EnumMemberAttribute: DeprecatedAttribute UserDefinedAttribute @ disable
AnonymousEnumDeclaration: enum : EnumBaseType { EnumMembers } enum { AnonymousEnumMembers } AnonymousEnumMembers: AnonymousEnumMember AnonymousEnumMember , AnonymousEnumMember , AnonymousEnumMembers AnonymousEnumMember: EnumMember EnumMemberAttributesopt Type Identifier = AssignExpression
FuncDeclaration: StorageClassesopt BasicType FuncDeclarator FunctionBody StorageClassesopt BasicType FuncDeclarator MissingFunctionBody AutoFuncDeclaration AutoFuncDeclaration: StorageClasses Identifier FuncDeclaratorSuffix FunctionBody FuncDeclarator: TypeSuffixesopt Identifier FuncDeclaratorSuffix FuncDeclaratorSuffix: Parameters MemberFunctionAttributesopt TemplateParameters Parameters MemberFunctionAttributesopt Constraintopt
Parameters: ( ParameterListopt ) ParameterList: Parameter Parameter , ParameterListopt VariadicArgumentsAttributesopt ... Parameter: ParameterDeclaration ParameterDeclaration ... ParameterDeclaration = AssignExpression ParameterDeclaration = AssignExpression ... ParameterDeclaration: ParameterAttributesopt BasicType Declarator ParameterAttributesopt Type ParameterAttributes: ParameterStorageClass UserDefinedAttribute ParameterAttributes ParameterStorageClass ParameterAttributes UserDefinedAttribute ParameterStorageClass: auto TypeCtor final in lazy out ref return scope VariadicArgumentsAttributes: VariadicArgumentsAttribute VariadicArgumentsAttribute VariadicArgumentsAttributes VariadicArgumentsAttribute: const immutable return scope shared
FunctionAttributes: FunctionAttribute FunctionAttribute FunctionAttributes FunctionAttribute: FunctionAttributeKwd Property AtAttribute MemberFunctionAttributes: MemberFunctionAttribute MemberFunctionAttribute MemberFunctionAttributes MemberFunctionAttribute: const immutable inout return scope shared FunctionAttribute
FunctionBody: SpecifiedFunctionBody ShortenedFunctionBody SpecifiedFunctionBody: doopt BlockStatement FunctionContractsopt InOutContractExpression doopt BlockStatement FunctionContractsopt InOutStatement do BlockStatement ShortenedFunctionBody: InOutContractExpressionsopt => AssignExpression ;
MissingFunctionBody: ; FunctionContractsopt InOutContractExpression ; FunctionContractsopt InOutStatement
FunctionContracts: FunctionContract FunctionContract FunctionContracts FunctionContract: InOutContractExpression InOutStatement InOutContractExpressions: InOutContractExpression InOutContractExpression InOutContractExpressions InOutContractExpression: InContractExpression OutContractExpression InOutStatement: InStatement OutStatement
InContractExpression: in ( AssertArguments ) InStatement: in BlockStatement
OutContractExpression: out ( ; AssertArguments ) out ( Identifier ; AssertArguments ) OutStatement: out BlockStatement out ( Identifier ) BlockStatement
MainFunction: MainReturnDecl main() FunctionBody MainReturnDecl main(string[] Identifier) FunctionBody MainReturnDecl: void int noreturn auto
CMainFunction: extern (C) MainReturnDecl main(CmainParametersopt) BlockStatement CmainParameters: int Identifier, char** Identifier int Identifier, char** Identifier, char** Identifier
TemplateDeclaration: template Identifier TemplateParameters Constraintopt { DeclDefsopt } TemplateParameters: ( TemplateParameterListopt ) TemplateParameterList: TemplateParameter TemplateParameter , TemplateParameter , TemplateParameterList
TemplateInstance: Identifier TemplateArguments TemplateArguments: ! ( TemplateArgumentListopt ) ! TemplateSingleArgument TemplateArgumentList: TemplateArgument TemplateArgument , TemplateArgument , TemplateArgumentList TemplateSingleArgument: Identifier FundamentalType CharacterLiteral StringLiteral InterpolationExpressionSequence IntegerLiteral FloatLiteral true false null this SpecialKeyword
TemplateArgument: Type AssignExpression Symbol Symbol: SymbolTail . SymbolTail SymbolTail: Identifier Identifier . SymbolTail TemplateInstance TemplateInstance . SymbolTail
TemplateParameter: TemplateTypeParameter TemplateValueParameter TemplateAliasParameter TemplateSequenceParameter TemplateThisParameter
TemplateTypeParameter: Identifier TemplateTypeParameterSpecializationopt TemplateTypeParameterDefaultopt TemplateTypeParameterSpecialization: : Type TemplateTypeParameterDefault: = Type
TemplateThisParameter: this TemplateTypeParameter
TemplateValueParameter: BasicType Declarator TemplateValueParameterSpecializationopt TemplateValueParameterDefaultopt TemplateValueParameterSpecialization: : ConditionalExpression TemplateValueParameterDefault: = AssignExpression = SpecialKeyword
TemplateAliasParameter: alias Identifier TemplateAliasParameterSpecializationopt TemplateAliasParameterDefaultopt alias BasicType Declarator TemplateAliasParameterSpecializationopt TemplateAliasParameterDefaultopt TemplateAliasParameterSpecialization: : Type : ConditionalExpression TemplateAliasParameterDefault: = Type = ConditionalExpression
TemplateSequenceParameter: Identifier ...
ClassTemplateDeclaration: class Identifier TemplateParameters ; class Identifier TemplateParameters Constraintopt BaseClassListopt AggregateBody class Identifier TemplateParameters BaseClassListopt Constraintopt AggregateBody InterfaceTemplateDeclaration: interface Identifier TemplateParameters ; interface Identifier TemplateParameters Constraintopt BaseInterfaceListopt AggregateBody interface Identifier TemplateParameters BaseInterfaceList Constraint AggregateBody StructTemplateDeclaration: struct Identifier TemplateParameters ; struct Identifier TemplateParameters Constraintopt AggregateBody UnionTemplateDeclaration: union Identifier TemplateParameters ; union Identifier TemplateParameters Constraintopt AggregateBody
ConstructorTemplate: this TemplateParameters Parameters MemberFunctionAttributesopt Constraintopt FunctionBody this TemplateParameters Parameters MemberFunctionAttributesopt Constraintopt MissingFunctionBody
Constraint: if ( Expression )
Template Mixins
TemplateMixinDeclaration: mixin template Identifier TemplateParameters Constraintopt { DeclDefsopt } TemplateMixin: mixin MixinTemplateName TemplateArgumentsopt Identifieropt ; mixin Identifier = MixinTemplateName TemplateArgumentsopt ; MixinTemplateName: . MixinQualifiedIdentifier MixinQualifiedIdentifier Typeof . MixinQualifiedIdentifier MixinQualifiedIdentifier: Identifier Identifier . MixinQualifiedIdentifier TemplateInstance . MixinQualifiedIdentifier
Conditional Compilation
ConditionalDeclaration: Condition DeclarationBlock Condition DeclarationBlock else DeclarationBlock Condition : DeclDefsopt Condition DeclarationBlock else : DeclDefsopt ConditionalStatement: Condition NoScopeNonEmptyStatement Condition NoScopeNonEmptyStatement else NoScopeNonEmptyStatement
Condition: VersionCondition DebugCondition StaticIfCondition
VersionCondition: version ( Identifier ) version ( unittest ) version ( assert )
VersionSpecification: version = Identifier ;
DebugCondition: debug debug ( Identifier )
DebugSpecification: debug = Identifier ;
StaticIfCondition: static if ( AssignExpression )
StaticForeach: static AggregateForeach static RangeForeach StaticForeachDeclaration: StaticForeach DeclarationBlock StaticForeach : DeclDefsopt StaticForeachStatement: StaticForeach NoScopeNonEmptyStatement
StaticAssert: static assert ( ArgumentList ) ;
TraitsExpression: __traits ( TraitsKeyword , TraitsArguments ) TraitsKeyword: isAbstractClass isArithmetic isAssociativeArray isFinalClass isPOD isNested isFuture isDeprecated isFloating isIntegral isScalar isStaticArray isUnsigned isDisabled isVirtualFunction isVirtualMethod isAbstractFunction isFinalFunction isStaticFunction isOverrideFunction isTemplate isRef isOut isLazy isReturnOnStack isCopyable isZeroInit isModule isPackage isCOMClass hasMember hasCopyConstructor hasMoveConstructor hasPostblit identifier fullyQualifiedName getAliasThis getAttributes getBitfieldOffset getBitfieldWidth getFunctionAttributes getFunctionVariadicStyle getLinkage getLocation getMember getOverloads getParameterStorageClasses getPointerBitmap getCppNamespaces getVisibility getProtection getTargetInfo getVirtualFunctions getVirtualMethods getUnitTests parent child classInstanceSize classInstanceAlignment getVirtualIndex allMembers derivedMembers isSame compiles toType initSymbol parameters fullyQualifiedName TraitsArguments: TraitsArgument TraitsArgument , TraitsArguments TraitsArgument: AssignExpression Type
Unit Tests
UnitTest: unittest BlockStatement
D x86 Inline Assembler
AsmStatement: asm FunctionAttributesopt { AsmInstructionListopt } AsmInstructionList: AsmInstruction ; AsmInstruction ; AsmInstructionList
AsmInstruction: Identifier : AsmInstruction align IntegerExpression even naked db Operands ds Operands di Operands dl Operands df Operands dd Operands de Operands db StringLiteral ds StringLiteral di StringLiteral dl StringLiteral dw StringLiteral dq StringLiteral Opcode Opcode Operands Opcode: Identifier int in out Operands: Operand Operand , Operands
IntegerExpression: IntegerLiteral Identifier
Register64: RAX RBX RCX RDX BPL RBP SPL RSP DIL RDI SIL RSI R8B R8W R8D R8 R9B R9W R9D R9 R10B R10W R10D R10 R11B R11W R11D R11 R12B R12W R12D R12 R13B R13W R13D R13 R14B R14W R14D R14 R15B R15W R15D R15 XMM8 XMM9 XMM10 XMM11 XMM12 XMM13 XMM14 XMM15 YMM0 YMM1 YMM2 YMM3 YMM4 YMM5 YMM6 YMM7 YMM8 YMM9 YMM10 YMM11 YMM12 YMM13 YMM14 YMM15
Operand: AsmExp AsmExp: AsmLogOrExp AsmLogOrExp ? AsmExp : AsmExp AsmLogOrExp: AsmLogAndExp AsmLogOrExp || AsmLogAndExp AsmLogAndExp: AsmOrExp AsmLogAndExp && AsmOrExp AsmOrExp: AsmXorExp AsmOrExp | AsmXorExp AsmXorExp: AsmAndExp AsmXorExp ^ AsmAndExp AsmAndExp: AsmEqualExp AsmAndExp & AsmEqualExp AsmEqualExp: AsmRelExp AsmEqualExp == AsmRelExp AsmEqualExp != AsmRelExp AsmRelExp: AsmShiftExp AsmRelExp < AsmShiftExp AsmRelExp <= AsmShiftExp AsmRelExp > AsmShiftExp AsmRelExp >= AsmShiftExp AsmShiftExp: AsmAddExp AsmShiftExp << AsmAddExp AsmShiftExp >> AsmAddExp AsmShiftExp >>> AsmAddExp AsmAddExp: AsmMulExp AsmAddExp + AsmMulExp AsmAddExp - AsmMulExp AsmMulExp: AsmBrExp AsmMulExp * AsmBrExp AsmMulExp / AsmBrExp AsmMulExp % AsmBrExp AsmBrExp: AsmUnaExp AsmBrExp [ AsmExp ] AsmUnaExp: AsmTypePrefix AsmExp offsetof AsmExp seg AsmExp + AsmUnaExp - AsmUnaExp ! AsmUnaExp ~ AsmUnaExp AsmPrimaryExp AsmPrimaryExp: IntegerLiteral FloatLiteral __LOCAL_SIZE $ Register Register : AsmExp Register64 Register64 : AsmExp DotIdentifier this DotIdentifier: Identifier Identifier . DotIdentifier FundamentalType . Identifier
AsmTypePrefix: near ptr far ptr word ptr dword ptr qword ptr FundamentalType ptr
GccAsmStatement: asm FunctionAttributesopt { GccAsmInstructionList } GccAsmInstructionList: GccAsmInstruction ; GccAsmInstruction ; GccAsmInstructionList GccAsmInstruction: GccBasicAsmInstruction GccExtAsmInstruction GccGotoAsmInstruction GccBasicAsmInstruction: AssignExpression GccExtAsmInstruction: AssignExpression : GccAsmOperandsopt AssignExpression : GccAsmOperandsopt : GccAsmOperandsopt AssignExpression : GccAsmOperandsopt : GccAsmOperandsopt : GccAsmClobbersopt GccGotoAsmInstruction: AssignExpression : : GccAsmOperandsopt : GccAsmClobbersopt : GccAsmGotoLabelsopt GccAsmOperands: GccSymbolicNameopt StringLiteral ( AssignExpression ) GccSymbolicNameopt StringLiteral ( AssignExpression ) , GccAsmOperands GccSymbolicName: [ Identifier ] GccAsmClobbers: StringLiteral StringLiteral , GccAsmClobbers GccAsmGotoLabels: Identifier Identifier , GccAsmGotoLabels
Named Character Entities
NamedCharacterEntity: & Identifier ;
Application Binary Interface
MangledName: _D QualifiedName Type _D QualifiedName Z // Internal
QualifiedName: SymbolFunctionName SymbolFunctionName QualifiedName SymbolFunctionName: SymbolName SymbolName TypeFunctionNoReturn SymbolName M TypeModifiersopt TypeFunctionNoReturn
SymbolName: LName TemplateInstanceName IdentifierBackRef 0 // anonymous symbols
TemplateInstanceName: TemplateID LName TemplateArgs Z TemplateID: __T __U // for symbols declared inside template constraint TemplateArgs: TemplateArg TemplateArg TemplateArgs TemplateArg: TemplateArgX H TemplateArgX
TemplateArgX: T Type V Type Value S QualifiedName X Number ExternallyMangledName
Values: Value Value Values Value: n i Number N Number e HexFloat c HexFloat c HexFloat CharWidth Number _ HexDigits A Number Values S Number Values f MangledName HexFloat: NAN INF NINF N HexDigits P Exponent HexDigits P Exponent Exponent: N Number Number HexDigits: HexDigit HexDigit HexDigits HexDigit: Digit A B C D E F CharWidth: a w d
Name: Namestart Namestart Namechars Namestart: _ Alpha Namechar: Namestart Digit Namechars: Namechar Namechar Namechars
LName: Number Name Number __S Number // function-local parent symbols Number: Digit Digit Number Digit: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
TypeBackRef: Q NumberBackRef IdentifierBackRef: Q NumberBackRef NumberBackRef: lower-case-letter upper-case-letter NumberBackRef
Type: TypeModifiersopt TypeX TypeBackRef TypeX: TypeArray TypeStaticArray TypeAssocArray TypePointer TypeFunction TypeIdent TypeClass TypeStruct TypeEnum TypeTypedef TypeDelegate TypeVoid TypeByte TypeUbyte TypeShort TypeUshort TypeInt TypeUint TypeLong TypeUlong TypeCent TypeUcent TypeFloat TypeDouble TypeReal TypeIfloat TypeIdouble TypeIreal TypeCfloat TypeCdouble TypeCreal TypeBool TypeChar TypeWchar TypeDchar TypeNoreturn TypeNull TypeTuple TypeVector TypeModifiers: Const Wild Wild Const Shared Shared Const Shared Wild Shared Wild Const Immutable Shared: O Const: x Immutable: y Wild: Ng TypeArray: A Type TypeStaticArray: G Number Type TypeAssocArray: H Type Type TypePointer: P Type TypeVector: Nh Type TypeFunction: TypeFunctionNoReturn Type TypeFunctionNoReturn: CallConvention FuncAttrsopt Parametersopt ParamClose CallConvention: F // D U // C W // Windows R // C++ Y // Objective-C FuncAttrs: FuncAttr FuncAttr FuncAttrs FuncAttr: FuncAttrPure FuncAttrNothrow FuncAttrRef FuncAttrProperty FuncAttrNogc FuncAttrReturn FuncAttrScope FuncAttrTrusted FuncAttrSafe FuncAttrLive
FuncAttrPure: Na FuncAttrNogc: Ni FuncAttrNothrow: Nb FuncAttrProperty: Nd FuncAttrRef: Nc FuncAttrReturn: Nj FuncAttrScope: Nl FuncAttrTrusted: Ne FuncAttrSafe: Nf FuncAttrLive: Nm Parameters: Parameter Parameter Parameters Parameter: Parameter2 M Parameter2 // scope Nk Parameter2 // return Parameter2: Type I Type // in J Type // out K Type // ref L Type // lazy ParamClose: X // variadic T t...) style Y // variadic T t,...) style Z // not variadic TypeIdent: I QualifiedName TypeClass: C QualifiedName TypeStruct: S QualifiedName TypeEnum: E QualifiedName TypeTypedef: T QualifiedName TypeDelegate: D TypeModifiersopt TypeFunction TypeVoid: v TypeByte: g TypeUbyte: h TypeShort: s TypeUshort: t TypeInt: i TypeUint: k TypeLong: l TypeUlong: m TypeCent: zi TypeUcent: zk TypeFloat: f TypeDouble: d TypeReal: e TypeIfloat: o TypeIdouble: p TypeIreal: j TypeCfloat: q TypeCdouble: r TypeCreal: c TypeBool: b TypeChar: a TypeWchar: u TypeDchar: w TypeNoreturn: Nn TypeNull: n TypeTuple: B Parameters Z
EnumDeclaration: enum Identifier : EnumBaseType EnumBody EnumBaseType: Type
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