D-lighted, I’m Sure

For me, finding D is the most recent step along a road winding back at least a dozen years. I’d been searching for a cross-platform development language/environment (POSIX and Windows, but not so much mobile since my search began before mobile was really a thing) and at this point, D fits better than anything else I’ve tried. I won’t go out on a limb and say it’s the Holy Grail of X-Plat, but at the very least, it’s brought some fun back into coding for me. And whenever I massage a hunk of code until it finally works… well, I’m addicted to those little victories.

The Road to D

The first language I tackled back in the mid-oughts to meet this end was PHP. I’d been a web developer for a few years when I found out that PHP had a standalone desktop version. When I then stumbled across Andrei Zmievski’s PHP-GTK, lightbulbs went on and fireworks went off. For a while. The big drawback I found with PHP-GTK was that no PHP compiler could handle the GTK end. So after a few years of patiently hoping someone would tackle this while I wrote nearly 40 blog posts on its use, I started looking elsewhere.

Back in the 1990’s, I’d been steeped in Javascript and HTML, writing simple online apps for banking clients out of Vancouver, BC and later, Bancroft, Ontario. With such a background, when I ran across Electron a few years ago, it seemed like a good fit. I assumed learning it would be easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy, but a lot about the nature of web development languages had changed. To boot, several more languages, standards, and paradigms had been thrown into the mix, so to say the least, I found it all confusing and more than a little intimidating. What I really wanted was one language, an easy distribution system, and a GUI toolkit that didn’t necessitate balancing style sheets with front- and backend code as well as JSON files. And Electron, unfortunately, needs to drag Chromium along for the ride in a little metaphorical red wagon. It’s a solution, but not the one I was looking for.

Then last year, I stumbled onto D. I’d been hearing about it for years, but I hadn’t read much about it. I didn’t realize it was available across so many POSIX platforms. I also didn’t realize it embraced the OOP paradigm and so hadn’t given it much thought. I liked the subtle humor of D being next in line after B, C and A (which oddly enough came along later than B and C), but after a brief smile, I paid no more attention until last October.

When I finally took a good look, I realized that with its curly braces and OOP propensity, D runs right up my street. But before rolling up my sleeves, I made sure there was a GUI toolkit I could use, something that didn’t necessitate balancing three differing paradigms at once. I found a list of GUI toolkits on the D Wiki and was gratified to see GtkD among them. So for the last two plus months, I’ve been putting most of my effort into learning how D and GtkD work together.

Perspiration and Refreshments

It may or may not be important to know this, but I don’t have a CS degree. I’m completely self-taught, a process that started while stuck in the middle of a frozen nowhere for three weeks more than 30 years ago. But that’s a whole other story. My point is, there are holes in my education. That’s what happens when you follow your nose instead of a syllabus.

Because of that, some of the intricacies of D elude me and may always do so. Although I’ve read Ali Çehreli’s chapter on the subject (from Programming in D) I have no idea what mixins are or why I’d want to use them. And templates seem like a good idea, but I don’t know why. I blame my lack of formal CS education for this, but I’m quite comfortable with classes and objects, so I’m not sweating it.

I was first introduced to OOP and the Gang of Four when I was learning PHP, so D covers familiar territory in that regard. Curly braces are another thing I feel quite at home with, having used them for most of my programming life.

But I’m finding the familiarity of D to be a bit of a stumbling block as well. It’s just different enough from C and PHP to mean I have to work hard at pounding those differences into my brain. I deal with it through rote typing of example code. I figure if I copy out enough D code instead of lazing along with copy-n-paste, eventually I’ll push C and PHP far enough into the background that I can see past them. And I keep Mr. Çehreli’s book handy so I don’t go completely off the rails. It’s been quite helpful. And speaking of helpful…

The Ecology of D


So far, I’ve signed up for two D-oriented forums, one at dlang.org and the other at gtkd.org. I have yet to find an unfriendly avatar. Everyone I’ve encountered seems willing to jump in and help. To contrast these forums with one I’ve been active on for a few years (not mentioning names, but this other forum is related to art and graphics, not programming) on the D forums I haven’t been insulted, nor have I been questioned for looking at things from a (warning: film term) Dutch angle—which is one of the things I do best. That comes from my art background, I suspect. I was quite the rabble rouser in art college. (Just ask Alan Wood the installation artist about our knock-down-drag-out shouting match in the cafeteria of Emily Carr College if you don’t believe me. But again, that’s a whole other story.)

On dlang.org, I mostly hang in the Learn sub-forum, which I suppose is only natural at this stage. It’s probably the most polite bunch I’ve run across on a forum ever, and I’ve been frequenting forums since the hoary days of the BBS when 1200 BAUD was lauded as the fastest thing since the 427 hemi.

Mike Wey seems quite patient for someone who answers more-or-less the same question over and over again on the GtkD forum. The only negative I found with that forum was technical. I signed up, made some posts, and when I went back to sign in a second time, I had to reregister. But I was still identified as the same Ron Tarrant who signed up the first time (I think) so perhaps that’s how things are supposed to be. It’s unusual, but it works.

I will also mention that the GtkD documentation pages are a mind-bender, but because this is where I’m planning to spend a lot of time over the next while, I’ve decided to pitch in and help make things more accessible.

I’m drawing on experiences writing my PHP-GTK blog back in 2006 and porting a bunch of code examples and tutorials into GtkD. I went so far as to buy a domain name (gtkDcoding.com) in preparation for launching a site and blog covering all this. That’s how I deal with learning curves and have done since I wrote that series of BASIC tutorials for my sister while freezing in a Newfoundland outport back in 1985.


I got up and running with dmd quite quickly. Installation on Windows 10 and FreeBSD was straightforward. A few quick questions on the D forum, and I had everything I needed to do single- or multi-file projects. A few more questions answered on the GtkD forum and I was comfortable enough to start porting my PHP-GTK code.

But I have to say, DUB eludes me. I don’t know if it’s because Electron left me feeling like JSON files are a disgruntled engineer’s revenge plot or if it’s just the way my brain works. Perhaps if I put my mind to it, I could learn it, but since I’m getting the results I want from plain ole dmd, I’ve done no more than skim DUB’s docs up until now. Just for the record, back in my C days, make files were a caution for me, too. I eventually licked them, and if it ever becomes important enough to me to figure out DUB, I guess I will. But for now, my heart’s not in it.

Finding a text editor that supports D (and especially GtkD) syntax highlighting rather than—as a few people on the forum stated—supporting C and getting ‘good enough’ support for D, led me to abandon the search and roll my own. So far, I’ve done more-or-less complete highlighters for PSPad and CodeBlocks. To be fair, they both support D out of the box, but not GtkD which is important to me, mostly as an aid to remembering module names.

I haven’t even looked at other tools. I’m dimly aware of some other sub-forums for what look like other tools, but to be honest I haven’t read them. As I said, dmd does the job, so I’m satisfied for now.


And that’s a quick summary of my first two months with D. On the one hand, I don’t really understand some of D’s paradigms, but on the other, the ones I do relate to are meeting my expectations. The only two things I haven’t found yet are:

  • information about how I would go about packaging a D app (with GtkD) for distribution, and
  • how to build on one platform for distribution on another (if that’s even possible).

I’m willing to put in some time on this and eventually get gtkDcoding.com off the ground as my way of giving back. It’s been a long time since those frozen weeks with a Coleco Adam when I tried to explain BASIC to my thirteen-year-old sister (who is now a paramedic and doesn’t care any more). And I must say, I’m as excited now about D and GtkD as I was about BASIC and general computing way back then. Being retired, I have the time to pursue it and I’m looking forward to becoming a regular member of the D community.

And in case you don’t know what a Dutch angle is, I urge you to watch some episodes of Batman from the 1960’s. See how the camera tilts when things go wrong for our heroes? That’s a Dutch angle.


I was inspired to learn programming while vacationing in a frozen Newfoundland outport in April of 1985. It started as a desperate attempt to keep from stripping down to my shorts and disappearing into a blizzard, but became a lifelong passion along with acting, writing, and music. In keeping with this non-typical start, it was in art college where I learned my first serious programming language (6502 assembly) and later it was on a job as a technical writer and artist that I wrote my first serious code for a client, an online mortgage calculator for a credit union in British Columbia. The culmination of my programming career was finishing the PHP-GTK app, Corkboard, a writer’s tool for story planning. (Don’t bother looking. I couldn’t come up with a distribution system, so it languishes here on a back-up drive.)

Since dropping out of high school in 1972, I’ve made a living as a taxi driver, musician, screenwriter, technical writer, artist, sound reinforcement equipment salesman, and biology lab technician among other things. I’ve also made money acting, programming, and promoting concerts. I retired from Statistics Canada in 2010 and have since divided my time between acting, writing lame novels, pursuing the elusive X-Plat beast, and keeping house for my wife of 33 years.

DMD 2.084.0 Has Arrived

The D Language Foundation is pleased to present version 2.084.0 of DMD, the reference D compiler. It’s available for download at dlang.org, where you can also find the full changelog. There are a few changes and new features to be found, as usual, along with 100 closed Bugzilla issues this time around.

Finer Control Over Run-time Checks

The new compiler flag -check is a feature that grew out of DIP 1006 and some internal discussions around its content. The flag allows overriding the default behavior of six specific categories of run-time checks by specifically turning them on or off:

  • assert – assertion checks
  • bounds – bounds checks
  • inin contracts
  • invariant – class and struct invariants
  • outout contracts
  • switch – default switch cases

For example, when compiling without -release, all run-time checks are enabled by default. To disable only assertion checks:

dmd -check=assert=off foo.d

This can be further refined with the new -checkaction flag, which determines how the program will respond when an assertion, bounds, or switch check fails. There are four options: D, C, and halt.

  • D – the default D behavior, which is to throw an Error to indicate an unrecoverable condition.
  • C – behave as a C program by calling the assertion failure function in the C runtime.
  • halt – execute a halt instruction to terminate the program.

Listed in the language documentation is a fourth option: context. This causes failed checks to throw an Error to indicate an unrecoverable condition, and also print the error context. It isn’t present in this release, but is coming in DMD 2.085 (the online documentation is generated from the DMD master branch).

Save Your Mixins

One of D’s most popular and powerful features is the mixin statement, commonly referred to as string mixins to avoid confusion with template mixins. Unfortunately, given that string mixins can be composed from multiple compile-time function calls, they are also notoriously painful to debug as they grow in complexity. The new -mixin compiler option aims to do away with that pain.

Consider the following simple (contrived) example, which attempts to generate a function call with a string mixin:

import std.stdio;

void hello() { writeln("Hello!"); }

void main() {
    mixin(hello.stringof ~ "();");

Save as hello.d, compile with dmd hello, and you’ll see an error along these lines:

hello.d-mixin-6(6): Error: function expected before (), not hello() of type void

The error does say exactly what the problem is, but even in this simple case it may require re-reading the message a few times before working out what it’s actually saying. So let’s recompile with the -mixin flag. It requires a file name. I’ve selected mixed.txt:

dmd -mixin=mixed.txt hello.d

Now we see this output:

mixed.txt(110): Error: function expected before (), not hello() of type void

See the difference? The error now refers to a line number in a file with the name we provided, rather than a line in the autogenerated hello.d-mixin-6 to which we couldn’t refer. Open mixed.txt and navigate to line 110 to find the generated code, along with a comment at line 109:

// expansion at foo.d(6)

And now the error is quite clear. Invoking .stringof on a function provides you with the function name including the parentheses, so there’s no need to append parentheses to the result. We can now change the example so that it will compile:

void main() {
    mixin(hello.stringof ~ ";");

Anyone making significant use of string mixins to generate code will undoubtedly find this feature useful. It will be particularly helpful for the maintainers of D-friendly IDEs and plugins to make the user experience more convenient.

New DUB features

DMD 2.084.0 ships with version 1.13.0 of DUB, the D build tool and package manager. It gets some new goodies with this release.

The new add command is a convenience to add dependencies to a project’s package recipe. No need to worry about the syntax and whether the recipe is written using JSON or SDLang. Simply run dub with the add command, specifying one or more dub packages, and the recipe will be modified accordingly. For example, to add the BindBC bindings for the GLFW and OpenGL C libraries:

dub add bindbc-glfw bindbc-opengl

This will add the latest version of each library. This can be restricted to a specific version by appending = to the package name along with the normal DUB syntax for version specifications. This can also be used to change the version specification of an existing dependency.

For those unfamiliar with DUB, executing dub run, or simply dub, in a directory containing a dub recipe will build a project according to the recipe and, if the project is an executable, run it once the build completes. Now, there are two new recipe directives that can be used to achieve more specialized goals. preRunCommands specifies commands to execute before the DUB target is run, and postRunCommands specifies commands to execute when the run is complete. See the DUB package recipe documentation for the JSON syntax or the SDLang syntax, under “Build Settings” in each, to see what they look like.

That’s Not All

Regarding the 100 closed Bugzilla issues, two points should be made.

First is that among many of the Pull Request merges that closed those issues, you’ll find Nicholas Wilson’s GitHub handle. Nicholas is, of course, the community member the D Language Foundation asked to serve as PR Manager, to be paid through a fundraising campaign. He’s been reviving old PRs and making sure new ones don’t go stale. This release is evidence that the initiative is paying off. And the icing on the cake is that the D community enabled us to meet our fundraising target well before our February 14th deadline. Thanks!

Second, a point relevant to the #dbugfix campaign. While I was disappointed that participation in nominating Bugzilla issues on Twitter and in the Forums dwindled to near zero, the previous nominations were not forgotten. The original goal was to fix at least two nominated issues per cycle, so several nominated bugs were never selected. However, thanks to Eduard Staniloiu and Razvan Nitu, two among that group are now closed and fixed in this release:

I’m still happy to take #dbugfix nominations. If you’ve got a Bugzilla issue that’s bugging you, tweet a link to it with #dbugfix in the text, or start a thread in the General forum with #dbugfix in the title. I’ll make a note of it and, rather than counting votes and selecting two of the top five, see if I can find someone to do something about it.

The D Blog in 2018

Another year has gone and the D Blog keeps trucking along. That means it’s time once again to look in the rearview, dig into some blog stats, and talk about plans for the coming year.

The truck did get a bit low on fuel along the way. I’m the world’s worst manager of time and, thanks to an increased workload, that impacted the blog in different ways. I also suffered a severe bout of writer’s block for several weeks. That affected not just the blog, but also my regular job and my hobby. As someone who writes every day, suddenly being unable to find any words was both unsettling and frustrating. I did eventually get through it, but with a much-reduced output level. Where once I could crank out a near-final draft of a blog post in one sitting, I found myself requiring several sessions over several days and multiple revisions.

Because of that, the total post count was down from 2017 and I didn’t meet the goals I had for 2018. But the tank has been topped off for 2019, my output level has improved, and I’m putting a higher priority on chasing contributors. If you’re writing D code and I have a means of contacting you, beware!

What Was and Could Have Been

Publishing more project highlights was a big goal in 2018, but it didn’t go that way. The year kicked off with two in short order: BSDScheme in January and The D Community Hub in February, and that was it.

This is a bigger priority for 2019. If you have a D project you’d like the world to know about, let me know! It will help me tremendously for volunteers to step forward.

In March, I wrapped up the blog’s focus on the first target of our D in Production series with a set of User Stories from Funkwerk. They agreed at DConf 2017 to participate in the series and we started it shortly thereafter.

At DConf 2018, I asked the folks from Sociomantic to be the next target and they agreed. We started the conversations, but the initial post fell victim to my writer’s block and subsequent output woes. We’ll get that going early this year. I expect to pick up the next target at DConf 2019.

The guest post story wasn’t all bad. In the first three months, most of the posts were from me. The two exceptions were Walter’s Flash-Gordon-inspired title, Vanquish Forever These Bugs That Blasted Your Kingdom, a post from the LDC developers about the release of LDC 1.8.0, and the aforementioned Funkwerk User Stories.

In the middle of the year, we had guest posts from Jared Hanson on std.variant, Kai Nacke on using D with SAP, Nick Sabalausky on alias this vs alias for clearer error messages, Jack Stouffer on continuous improvement in D, Bastiaan Veelo on how his engineering company picked up D, and Walter on how he converted make.c to D. After that, there were no contributions until Joakim’s interview with Liran Zvibel of WekaIO.

As with the project highlights, guest posts are always welcome. If you have something you’d like to contribute, let me know! Most people I contact first tell me they don’t have the time now. Some agree to do it and then ask to postpone or cancel, sometimes after sending me a rough draft. That’s perfectly understandable, and I’m not complaining. I just want to make it clear that when someone volunteers to contribute a guest post without my prompting them, I know the person is already committed to publishing the post—they contacted me! The success rate, in that case, is almost 100%. It’s quite a bit lower when I’m chasing posts.

Several of my posts in 2018 were written to announce new initiatives, like The #dbugfix Campaign, The State of D Survey, The New New DIP Process, The D Language Foundation at Open Collective, Funding code-d, and The New Fundraising Campaign. And let’s not forget the page on the Symmetry Autumn of Code, which is in the process of wrapping up. I’m keeping the focus on the blog itself in this post, but I’ll be following up in a few days with a retrospective on D at large in 2018, including some words on all of these initiatives.

More such announcements will be coming your way in 2019. I’m hoping to publish one before the end of this month. It’s highly dependent on my time-management skills, so please don’t make any high-valued bets on it.

The Stats

My favorite part. Be sure to see The D Blog in 2017 and The D Blog in 2016 for comparison if that’s your thing.

There were 39 new posts published to the D Blog in 2018. We picked up 132,754 page views from 80,708 visitors who left 92 comments.

The top five referrers:

Referrer Page Views
Hacker News 20,049
Google Search 16,484
Reddit 7,645
D Forums 5,162
Twitter 3,330

The top five countries:

Country Page Views
United States 43,496
Germany 9,699
United Kingdom 8,358
Russia 5,601
France 4,758

Note that in 2017, France sent us 3,632 views and did not make the list. Canada dropped off the list, having sent us 4,890 views in 2017 and 4,261 last year.

The top five most-clicked GitHub links:

  1. BSDScheme
  2. DLangUI
  3. Pegged Tutorial
  4. PowerNex
  5. Mecca

The top five posts of 2018:

Post Title Page Views
How an Engineering Company Chose to Migrate to D 17,539
Liran Zvibel of WekaIO on Using D to Create the World’s Fastest File System 15,159
DasBetterC: Converting make.c to D 4,144
std.variant is Everything Cool About D 3,832
Lost in Translation: Encapsulation 3,476

Finally, the top five posts of all time (as of 9:20 a.m. UTC, January 2, 2019):

Post Title Page Views
D as a Better C 20,597
How an Engineering Company Chose to Migrate to D 17,541
Liran Zvibel of WekaIO on Using D to Create the World’s Fastest File System 15,169
Faster Command Line Tools in D 13,347
Don’t Fear the Reaper 8,983

Looking Ahead

One of the goals I had in 2018 was to bring on a semi-regular contributor to help lighten my load a bit. That didn’t pan out, but I still want to get something going in 2019. If you’re interested in contributing a “column” to the D Blog once every two or three months, please get in touch. (Psst: There’s money involved.)

The invitation for guest posts and project highlights still stands. Please note that the majority of the top posts are guest posts! People who are using D in their jobs or solving hard problems with D have things to say that the non-D audience will be interested to learn. Guest posts require a commitment to an editing and revision process, but project highlights do not require any writing from you. All I need is an information dump I can massage into a post. It’s an easy contribution. Please, get in touch! (Psst: There’s money involved.)

The GC series is on temporary hold, awaiting a potential development in the language. That gives me more bandwidth for some new installments in my series on Interfacing D and C. I’m shooting for four!

A new thing I’d like to do this year is to invite people to write about their first impressions of D while they’re still fresh. I have a couple of ideas for how to go about it, but they will take time to pursue. In the meantime, if you are a relatively new D user, I invite you to contact me (aldacron@gmail.com) and talk to me about getting your experience into written form. I hope through such posts we can zero in on some major pain points and source some improvements for them while reinforcing the good parts. Blog posts are slower to fall off the radar than forum posts (Psst: There might be money involved.)

Thanks for reading the D Blog in 2018. I’m on a mission to provide more, and more interesting, content in 2019. I hope you’ll keep on reading.

Happy New Year, D Land!

DConf 2019: Shepherd’s Pie Edition

On behalf of the D Language Foundation and Symmetry Investments, I’m excited to announce that we’re heading to London for DConf 2019!

From May 8 – 11, 2019, we’ll be hosting our traditional three days of talks, capped off with the 3rd annual DConf Hackathon, in an area packed full with tech companies, known as East London Tech City. We’ve secured facilities at 99 City Road, a conference space owned and operated by Inmarsat, a global satellite communications firm. They’ve got a great setup, with equipment geared specifically toward tech conferences. Anyone sitting in the back of the room shouldn’t need to worry about reading code samples on the screen!

Image by Jack Torcellohttps://www.flickr.com/photos/stonechat/6772642995/, CC BY 3.0, Link

The venue is located in a convenient spot, right on the “Silicon Roundabout” outside the Old Street tube station. For those who intend to schedule some time for sightseeing before or after the conference, the area is a nice walk or a short tube ride from some iconic London attractions, like the Museum of London, the Tower of London (in this handy PDF showing walking times between tube stations, it’s roughly a 30 minute walk from Old Street to Tower Hill), and just a handful of stops away from all the famous places in the City of Westminster (the Transport For London tube page has several useful maps and guides).

Several hotels are located within walking distance, some of which offer discounts for conference attendees (details will be provided to registrants). Prices vary, of course, but there are some budget hotels nearby for the price conscious (like me!). We’ll update the conference venue page in the coming days with some suggestions. We have yet to select an “official” hotel for post-conference gathering, but I hope to post that on the venue page soon.

Some details remain to be worked out as we’re still deep in the planning stage. Will the Hackathon be open to the public? Will we kick it off with a talk like last time? It’s still too early to say. It’s also too soon to announce any deadlines or registration fees. I’ve been chomping at the bit just to make the announcement that we’re going to London, but I wanted to wait until we had a venue confirmed. Now that we have, and with Christmas just a few days away, I couldn’t contain myself any longer! We’ll update the conference page and make announcements in the forums as we finalize the details. Keep an eye on @D_Programming and #dconf for real-time news.

A special thanks to Laeeth Isharc and our friends at Symmetry Investments for offering to sponsor and host DConf 2019. They’re doing all the leg work to put it together and we wouldn’t be going to London without them. And to everyone in the D community, please have very safe and Happy Holidays!

Updates in D Land

As we encroach upon the end of 2018, a recent Reddit thread wishing D a happy 17th birthday reminded me how far the language has come since I first stumbled upon it in 2003. Many of the steps along the way were powered by the energy of users who had little incentive to contribute beyond personal interest. And here we are, all these years later, still moving forward.

There are a number of current and upcoming happenings that will play a role in keeping that progress going. In this post, I’d like to remind you, update you, or inform you about some of them.

The Pull Request Manager Campaign

If you haven’t heard, the D Language Foundation has hired a pull request manager, to be paid out of a pool of donations. This is our first major fundraising campaign through Flipcause. I’m happy to report that it’s going well. As I write, we’ve raised $1,864 of our $3,000 target in 66 days thanks to the kindness of 30 supporters. If you’d like to support us in this cause, click on the campaign card.

You can access our full campaign menu at any time via the “Donate Now” button in the sidebar here on the blog. A pull request has also been submitted to integrate the menu into dlang.org’s donation page. Currently, we only have two campaigns (this one and the General Fund) but any future campaigns will be accessible through those menus.

Symmetry Autumn of Code

Earlier this year, Symmetry Investments partnered with the D Language Foundation to sponsor the Symmetry Autumn of Code (SAoC). Three participants were selected to work on D-related projects over the course of four months, with milestones to mark their progress. If you haven’t heard of it or had forgotten, you can read the details on the SAoC page here at the blog.

Unfortunately, one participant was unable to continue after the first milestone. The other two, whom we have come to refer to as the two Francescos, have each successfully completed three milestones and are in the home stretch, aiming for that final payment and free trip to DConf 2019.

Francesco Mecca is working on porting an old D1 GC to modern D, and Francesco Galla’ is busy adding HTTP/2 support the vibe-http library. Both have made significant progress and are on track to a successful SAoC. Read more about their projects in my previous SAoC update.

DIP Updates

I’ve received partial feedback on a decision regarding DIP 1013 (The Deprecation Process) and expect to hear the final verdict soon. As soon as I do, I’ll move Manu’s DIP 1016 (ref T accepts r-values) into the Formal Assessment stage for Walter and Andrei to consider.

I had intended to move Razvan’s Copy Constructor DIP into Community Review by now, as that is a high priority for Walter and Andrei. However, he’s been working out some more details so it’s not quite yet ready. So as not to hold up the process any longer, I’ll be starting Community Review for one of the other DIPs in the PR queue at the end of this week. When the Copy Constructor DIP is ready, I’ll run its review in parallel.

Google Summer of Code (GSoC) 2019

At the end of last month, I announced in the forums that we’re ramping up for GSoC 2019. I seeded our Wiki page with two potential project ideas to get us started. So far, only one additional idea has been added and no one has contacted me about participating as a student or a mentor.

It’s been a while since we were last accepted into GSoC and we’d very much like to get into it this time. To do so, we need more project ideas, students to execute them, and mentors to provide guidance to the students. If you’re looking for another way to contribute to the D community, this is a great way to do so. Adding project ideas costs little beyond the time it takes to add the details to the Wiki and, if you are lacking in ideas already dying to escape the confines of your neurocranium, the time it takes to brainstorm something. Student and mentor participation is a more significant commitment, but it’s also a lot more rewarding. If you’re interested, tell me at aldacron@gmail.com.

DConf 2019

Finally, I’m happy to announce… Just kidding. I can’t announce anything yet about DConf 2019, but I hope to be able to soon. What I can say with certainty is that in 2019, DConf will be where DConf has never gone before. We’re currently working out some details with an eye toward making 2019 a big year for DConf.

I’m really excited about it and eager to let everyone know. I’ll do so as soon as I’m able. Watch this space!

Liran Zvibel of WekaIO on using D to Create the World’s Fastest File System

Matrix, the world’s fastest file system, was written in D and recently posted impressive numbers in the IO-500 Node Challenge. It was created by WekaIO, a San Jose, CA, based startup with engineering in Tel Aviv, Israel. Liran Zvibel, the co-founder and CEO of WekaIO, has been a regular speaker at DConf, talking about their use of D at DConf 2015, 2016, and 2018.

WekaIO is an expression of a design goal of D, that you can write your prototype quickly and easily in D, then continue working on the same codebase until it reaches production quality, as opposed to prototyping in a different high-level programming language. Liran took some time out of his busy schedule to answer some questions about WekaIO and their use of D.

Liran Zvibel at DConf 2018

Joakim: Tell us about the enterprise storage market that WekaIO is in. How do you use D in your product?

Liran: Any compute environment has a mix of CPU power, networking, and storage: this is uniform across many organization types and sizes, and whether the infrastructure is in-house (“on premises”) or in the public cloud (“The cloud is just somebody else’s computer,” as they say).

The storage component provides the current state and also the history needed by compute. While compute is stateless (how many times have you rebooted your computer to fix a problem?) and the network is ephemeral, storage must be able to keep its state consistently and coherently while providing enough performance for the compute to do its job (otherwise the running jobs are IO-bound, and nobody likes that).

There are three main types of centralized storage systems:

  • Block storage systems, that provide the abstraction of a local drive that sits remotely. Several systems may get access to their own “volume” on the centralized system. The AWS equivalent for such a system is Elastic Block Store. These volumes are usually not shared between more than one server, and the reason to use them is failure resiliency, reliability, and performance (also some advanced features such as taking a point in time, backup, integration into a VM environment, etc.).
  • File systems, centralized storage that is also shared, and allows several
    servers on the network to access the same data. This is the kind of system
    that WekaIO provides. Traditionally, people have turned to block-based solutions if they needed high performance, then created a local file system based on that shared volume, but with WekaIO we show that we enable a shareable file system that is even faster than a local file system over block storage.
  • Object storage solutions, these enable storing objects with reduced semantics (no ability to modify, data stored is only eventually consistent, etc) to enable cost savings, and generally don’t care about performance.

When I review storage systems here, I talk mainly about block-based and file system solutions as object storage is much simpler and is implemented
using different methods.

Requirements for storage systems are:

  • Reliability
  • Performance (low-latency IOPS and throughput)
  • Features

Traditionally, these systems have a “data path” that cares about reliability and performance, and then a “control path” or “management path” that takes care of higher-level features and making reliability work at a higher level.

For many storage systems, the data path is implemented in some system programming language, such as C or C++, and the management path is implemented in a higher-level language such as Python, Java, Go, etc. Our previous company, XIV (that IBM acquired in 2007) used a private version of C that had polymorphism, generic programming, and integrated RPC, for code that was a mixture of XML, C, and weird header files.

At WekaIO, we use the D programming Language to implement both the data path and the control path, as we can use a single language to get both machine-level access with high performance when needed, and a higher-level language for the features.

Joakim: How did you end up choosing D? You mentioned at DConf that you
initially tried a combination of Python and C++.

Liran: The first part of the work we had done on the C++/Python combo was to work on an efficient in-process RPC mechanism between Python and C++, that would
allow us to refer to the same object from C++ and Python in an efficient way. That way the same object could have run in the C++ context when needing performance, and in Python when needing brevity. The idea was to start implementing the system in Python then convert pieces to C++ as needed, where inter-process communication (inter or intra servers) would be done in C++ only. At that time, we had a prototype of the system implemented in Python and we started working on the C++ part, and the RPC definition first.

When we discovered D, we realized we may be able to get a single language to handle both the high-level and performance requirements, and we started by running some pet projects to verify that this was indeed a working language. The next phase was implementing our RPC over D (which was much more elegant than the C++ version), and a tracing system that would allow us to debug (the tracing system was reviewed in my DConf 2015 talk).

The biggest limitation we had initially was the availability of an optimizing compiler, as the reference compiler, DMD, does not provide assembly that is equivalent to LLVM or even GCC when running on modern x86 processors. After DConf 2015, and with the help of David Nadlinger, we were able to get LDC (the D compiler with an LLVM backend) to compile our code and generate results that met our needs.

Joakim: Andrei Alexandrescu, one of the co-architects of the D language, blogged about visiting you in Tel Aviv: how your code is very compact and that you added new features without growing the codebase much. What key features of D do you use to accomplish this and the speed and other benefits of your storage system?

Liran: The strongest part of D is its generic programming. We use generic programming in two ways, that usually are contradictory but with D they actually work well. One way we use generic programming is to achieve higher performance, some examples:

  • Using static polymorphism, object types get fully assembled by the compiler and runtime runs the correct code.
  • In many cases, passing compile-time arguments saves expensive memory loads and branches leading to much faster execution.
  • Compile-time introspection allows placing objects in memory differently, and also makes code run faster based on static decisions.

Then we use static if, generics, foreach and introspection to allow us to write higher-level code much easier, and also write code once that applies for many cases (watch Andrei’s 2017 DConf keynote – Design by Introspection).

We probably use most of the language features: including User-Defined Attributes, to mark code that our introspection chooses to handle differently later or just for debugging purposes; the built-in unit tests;
obviously ranges (these are clever!); and even some contract programming.

Joakim: D is not that widely known yet, how do you bring developers on board? Any common hangups?

Liran: Our internal environment has a very proprietary form to it, with dependencies and a build environment that is unique to us, but the biggest grief we get from users trying to start using D (even WekaIO employees that try to run some pet projects) is that the first few minutes and out-of-the-box experience with DUB as a package manager and build environment are not streamlined enough. We often get comparisons to other upcoming languages where the on-boarding process is easier and more inviting to new users to write the second project after they compiled the obligatory “hello, world!” program.

Newcomers are usually unaware of D features, but as our code is so full of them, they adapt to it extremely quickly during their welcome project, so it’s not a problem at all.

Joakim: You mention contracting some LDC devs to do work for you. What kinds of fixes have they had to put in and could you talk more generally about the flaws in D
that you’ve had to solve or work around?

Liran: The biggest problem we had initially (over 3 years ago) was that LDC did not even compile our code. The compiler choked on it and failed. The first few iterations were just David getting the compiler to compile. Then after we got a running binary, we had a long series of changes to make sure that the code generated by LDC worked the same way as the DMD-generated code, then we got into adding performance improvements to our code and to LDC itself. The WekaIO codebase is larger than the standard project, and the current LDC that we use (which is available on GitHub as a fork) contains some template instantiation changes that are not part of the standard frontend.

Johan Engelen runs our current LDC efforts and has spent a lot of time on link-time optimization and performance-guided optimizations to get LDC and our code to run faster. Now, Johan works on running our code and tests before advancing our LDC to the next frontend releases, to make sure things still run well. We care deeply about performance, and also about the binary representation of our data structures, and some of the work Johan does each release is to verify that they don’t change.

The biggest issue with D to work around is reliance on the Garbage Collector (GC) throughout the runtime and standard library, Phobos. We have had to work on making sure we can leverage exceptions with no GC, and had to create our own non-GC standard library, as we cannot rely on Phobos for it.

We were able to get our LDC and libraries to a state that we have a very efficient runtime environment that produces extremely fast code (with no GC jitter). Our only grief is around compilation time for our large project.

Joakim: You’ve talked about sponsoring D meetups in Tel Aviv publicizing the D language. What kind of reception have you had? More generally, Tel Aviv is famous for being a startup hotbed: how does WekaIO find being situated there?

Liran: Tel Aviv and Israel are fertile ground for startups. We have run some D meetups and one of them even had Andrei Alexandrescu giving a talk at the Google Campus (our offices were not big enough to fit all the people coming). The reception of the concepts is very good, but unfortunately, we were not able to get other startups to actually start using the D Language. Having a startup in Tel Aviv is both a blessing and a curse, as there is a lot of very strong talent with a lot of experience, especially around infrastructure, but also there is a lot of demand. Alongside the startups, there are many large corporations (Google, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon, and many more) with engineering offices offering very lucrative positions, so even though there is a lot of good “supply,” the “demand” is even stronger and filling positions is not easy.

Joakim is the resident interviewer for the D Blog. He has also interviewed members of the D community for This Week in D and is responsible for the Android port of LDC.

The New Fundraising Campaign

On January 23, 2011, Walter announced that development of the core D projects had moved to GitHub. It’s somewhat entertaining to go through the thread and realize that it’s almost entirely about people coming to terms with using git, a reminder that there was a time when git was still relatively young and had yet to dominate the source control market.

The move to GitHub has since been cited by both Walter and Andrei as a big win, thanks to a subsequent increase in contributions. It was smooth sailing for quite some time, but eventually some grumbling began to be heard below the surface. Pull Requests (PRs) were being ignored. Reviews weren’t happening fast enough. The grumbling grew louder. There were long communication delays. PRs were sometimes closed by frustrated contributors, demotivated and unwilling to contribute further.

The oldest open PR in the DMD queue as I write is dated June 10, 2013. If we dig into it, we see that it was ultimately done in by a break in communication. The contributor was asking for more feedback, then there was silence for nine months. Six months later, when asked to rebase, the contributor no longer had time for it. A year and a half.

There are other reasons why PRs can stall, but in the end many of them have one thing in common: there’s no one pushing all parties involved toward a resolution. There’s no one following up every few days to make sure communication hasn’t broken down, or that any action that must be taken is followed through. Everyone involved in maintaining the PR queue has other roles and responsibilities both inside and outside of D development, but none of them have the bandwidth to devote to regular PR management.

We have had people step up and try to revive old PRs. We have seen some of them closed or merged. But there are some really challenging or time-consuming PRs in the list. The one linked above, for example. The last comment is from Sebastian Wilzbach in March of this year, who points out that it will be difficult to revive because it’s based on the old C++ code base. So who has the motivation to get it done?

I promised in the forums that I would soon be launching targeted funding campaigns. This seems like an excellent place to start.

Fostering an environment that encourages more contributions benefits everyone who uses D. The pool of people in the D community who have the skill and knowledge necessary to manage those contributions is small. If they had the time, we wouldn’t have this problem. A community effort to compensate one of them to make more time for it seems a just cause.

The D Language Foundation is asking the community as a whole to contribute to a fund to pay a part-time PR manager $1,000 per month for a period of three months, from November 15 to February 14. The manager will be paid the full amount after February 14, in one lump sum. At that time, we’ll evaluate our progress and decide whether to proceed with another three-month campaign.

We’ve already roped someone in who’s willing to do the job. Nicholas Wilson has been rummaging around the PR queue lately, trying to get merged those he has an immediate interest in. He’s also shown an interest in improving the D development process as a whole. That, and the fact that he said yes, makes him an ideal candidate for the role.

He’ll have two primary goals: preventing active PRs from becoming stale, and reviving PRs that have gone dormant. He’ll also be looking into open Bugzilla issues when he’s got some time to fill. He’ll have the weight of the Foundation behind his finger when he pokes it in the shoulder of anyone who is being unresponsive (and that includes everyone on the core team). Where he is unable to merge a PR himself, he’ll contact the people he needs to make it happen.

Click on the campaign card below and you’ll be taken to the campaign page. Our target is $3,000 by February, 14. If we exceed that goal, the overage will go toward the next three-month cycle should we continue. If we decide not to continue, overage will go to the General Fund.

Note that there are options for recurring donations that go beyond the campaign period. All donations through any campaign we launch through Flipcause go to the D Language Foundation’s account. In other words, they aren’t tied specifically to a single campaign. If you choose to initiate a recurring donation through any of our campaigns, you’ll be helping us meet our goal for that campaign and, once the campaign ends, your donations will go toward our general fund. If you do set up a monthly or quarterly donation, leave a note if you want to continue putting it toward paying the PR manager and we’ll credit it toward future PR manager campaigns.

When you’re viewing the blog on a desktop system, you’ll be able to see all of our active campaigns by clicking on the Donate Now button that I’ve added to the sidebar. Of course, the other donation options that have always been supported are still available from the donation page, accessible through the menu bar throughout dlang.org.

Thanks to Nicholas for agreeing to take on this job, and thanks in advance to everyone who supports us in getting it done!

Lost in Translation: Encapsulation

I first learned programming in BASIC. Outgrew it, and switched to Fortran. Amusingly, my early Fortran code looked just like BASIC. My early C code looked like Fortran. My early C++ code looked like C. – Walter Bright, the creator of D

Programming in a language is not the same as thinking in that language. A natural side effect of experience with one programming language is that we view other languages through the prism of its features and idioms. Languages in the same family may look and feel similar, but there are guaranteed to be subtle differences that, when not accounted for, can lead to compiler errors, bugs, and missed opportunities. Even when good docs, books, and other materials are available, most misunderstandings are only going to be solved through trial-and-error.

D programmers come from a variety of programming backgrounds, C-family languages perhaps being the most common among them. Understanding the differences and how familiar features are tailored to D can open the door to more possibilities for organizing a code base, and designing and implementing an API. This article is the first of a few that will examine D features that can be overlooked or misunderstood by those experienced in similar languages.

We’re starting with a look at a particular feature that’s common among languages that support Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). There’s one aspect in particular of the D implementation that experienced programmers are sure they already fully understand and are often surprised to later learn they don’t.


Most readers will already be familiar with the concept of encapsulation, but I want to make sure we’re on the same page. For the purpose of this article, I’m talking about encapsulation in the form of separating interface from implementation. Some people tend to think of it strictly as it relates to object-oriented programming, but it’s a concept that’s more broad than that. Consider this C code:

#include <stdio.h>
static size_t s_count;

void print_message(const char* msg) {

size_t num_prints() { return s_count; }

In C, functions and global variables decorated with static become private to the translation unit (i.e. the source file along with any headers brought in via #include) in which they are declared. Non-static declarations are publicly accessible, usually provided in header files that lay out the public API for clients to use. Static functions and variables are used to hide implementation details from the public API.

Encapsulation in C is a minimal approach. C++ supports the same feature, but it also has anonymous namespaces that can encapsulate type definitions in addition to declarations. Like Java, C#, and other languages that support OOP, C++ also has access modifiers (alternatively known as access specifiers, protection attributes, visibility attributes) which can be applied to class and struct member declarations.

C++ supports the following three access modifiers, common among OOP languages:

  • public – accessible to the world
  • private – accessible only within the class
  • protected – accessible only within the class and its derived classes

An experienced Java programmer might raise a hand to say, “Um, excuse me. That’s not a complete definition of protected.” That’s because in Java, it looks like this:

  • protected – accessible within the class, its derived classes, and classes in the same package.

Every class in Java belongs to a package, so it makes sense to factor packages into the equation. Then there’s this:

  • package-private (not a keyword) – accessible within the class and classes in the same package.

This is the default access level in Java when no access modifier is specified. This combined with protected make packages a tool for encapsulation beyond classes in Java.

Similarly, C# has assemblies, which MSDN defines as “a collection of types and resources that forms a logical unit of functionality”. In C#, the meaning of protected is identical to that of C++, but the language has two additional forms of protection that relate to assemblies and that are analogous to Java’s protected and package-private.

  • internal – accessible within the class and classes in the same assembly.
  • protected internal – accessible within the class, its derived classes, and classes in the same assembly.

Examining encapsulation in other programming languages will continue to turn up similarities and differences. Common encapsulation idioms are generally adapted to language-specific features. The fundamental concept remains the same, but the scope and implementation vary. So it should come as no surprise that D also approaches encapsulation in its own, language-specific manner.


The foundation of D’s approach to encapsulation is the module. Consider this D version of the C snippet from above:

module mymod;

private size_t _count;

void printMessage(string msg) {
    import std.stdio : writeln;


size_t numPrints() { return _count; }

In D, access modifiers can apply to module-scope declarations, not just class and struct members. _count is private, meaning it is not visible outside of the module. printMessage and numPrints have no access modifiers; they are public by default, making them visible and accessible outside of the module. Both functions could have been annotated with the keyword public.

Note that imports in module scope are private by default, meaning the symbols in the imported modules are not visible outside the module, and local imports, as in the example, are never visible outside of their parent scope.

Alternative syntaxes are supported, giving more flexibility to the layout of a module. For example, there’s C++ style:

module mymod;

// Everything below this is private until either another
// protection attribute or the end of file is encountered.
    size_t _count;

// Turn public back on
    void printMessage(string msg) {
        import std.stdio : writeln;


    size_t numPrints() { return _count; }

And this:

module mymod;

private {
    // Everything declared within these braces is private.
    size_t _count;

// The functions are still public by default
void printMessage(string msg) {
    import std.stdio : writeln;


size_t numPrints() { return _count; }

Modules can belong to packages. A package is a way to group related modules together. In practice, the source files corresponding to each module should be grouped together in the same directory on disk. Then, in the source file, each directory becomes part of the module declaration:

// mypack/amodule.d

// mypack/subpack/anothermodule.d

Note that it’s possible to have package names that don’t correspond to directories and module names that don’t correspond to files, but it’s bad practice to do so. A deep dive into packages and modules will have to wait for a future post.

mymod does not belong to a package, as no packages were included in the module declaration. Inside printMessage, the function writeln is imported from the stdio module, which belongs to the std package. Packages have no special properties in D and primarily serve as namespaces, but they are a common part of the codescape.

In addition to public and private, the package access modifier can be applied to module-scope declarations to make them visible only within modules in the same package.

Consider the following example. There are three modules in three files (only one module per file is allowed), each belonging to the same root package.

// src/rootpack/subpack1/mod2.d
module rootpack.subpack1.mod2;
import std.stdio;

package void sayHello() {

// src/rootpack/subpack1/mod1.d
module rootpack.subpack1.mod1;
import rootpack.subpack1.mod2;

class Speaker {
    this() { sayHello(); }

// src/rootpack/app.d
module rootpack.app;
import rootpack.subpack1.mod1;

void main() {
    auto speaker = new Speaker;

Compile this with the following command line:

cd src
dmd -i rootpack/app.d

The -i switch tells the compiler to automatically compile and link imported modules (excluding those in the standard library namespaces core and std). Without it, each module would have to be passed on the command line, else they wouldn’t be compiled and linked.

The class Speaker has access to sayHello because they belong to modules that are in the same package. Now imagine we do a refactor and we decide that it could be useful to have access to sayHello throughout the rootpack package. D provides the means to make that happen by allowing the package attribute to be parameterized with the fully-qualified name (FQN) of a package. So we can change the declaration of sayHello like so:

package(rootpack) void sayHello() {

Now all modules in rootpack and all modules in packages that descend from rootpack will have access to sayHello. Don’t overlook that last part. A parameter to the package attribute is saying that a package and all of its descendants can access this symbol. It may sound overly broad, but it isn’t.

For one thing, only a package that is a direct ancestor of the module’s parent package can be used as a parameter. Consider a module rootpack.subpack.subsub.mymod. That name contains all of the packages that are legal parameters to the package attribute in mymod.d, namely rootpack, subpack, and subsub. So we can say the following about symbols declared in mymod:

  • package – visible only to modules in the parent package of mymod, i.e. the subsub package.
  • package(subsub) – visible to modules in the subsub package and modules in all packages descending from subsub.
  • package(subpack) – visible to modules in the subpack package and modules in all packages descending from subpack.
  • package(rootpack) – visible to modules in the rootpack package and modules in all packages descending from rootpack.

This feature makes packages another tool for encapsulation, allowing symbols to be hidden from the outside world but visible and accessible in specific subtrees of a package hierarchy. In practice, there are probably few cases where expanding access to a broad range of packages in an entire subtree is desirable.

It’s common to see parameterized package protection in situations where a package exposes a common public interface and hides implementations in one or more subpackages, such as a graphics package with subpackages containing implementations for DirectX, Metal, OpenGL, and Vulkan. Here, D’s access modifiers allow for three levels of encapsulation:

  • the graphics package as a whole
  • each subpackage containing the implementations
  • individual modules in each package

Notice that I didn’t include class or struct types as a fourth level. The next section explains why.

Classes and structs

Now we come to the motivation for this article. I can’t recall ever seeing anyone come to the D forums professing surprise about package protection, but the behavior of access modifiers in classes and structs is something that pops up now and then, largely because of expectations derived from experience in other languages.

Classes and structs use the same access modifiers as modules: public, package, package(some.pack), and private. The protected attribute can only be used in classes, as inheritance is not supported for structs (nor for modules, which aren’t even objects). public, package, and package(some.pack) behave exactly as they do at the module level. The thing that surprises some people is that private also behaves the same way.

import std.stdio;

class C {
    private int x;

void main() {
    C c = new C();
    c.x = 10;

Run this example online

Snippets like this are posted in the forums now and again by people exploring D, accompanying a question along the lines of, “Why does this compile?” (and sometimes, “I think I’ve found a bug!”). This is an example of where experience can cloud expectations. Everyone knows what private means, so it’s not something most people bother to look up in the language docs. However, those who do would find this:

Symbols with private visibility can only be accessed from within the same module.

private in D always means private to the module. The module is the lowest level of encapsulation. It’s easy to understand why some experience an initial resistance to this, that it breaks encapsulation, but the intent behind the design is to strengthen encapsulation. It’s inspired by the C++ friend feature.

Having implemented and maintained a C++ compiler for many years, Walter understood the need for a feature like friend, but felt that it wasn’t the best way to go about it.

Being able to declare a “friend” that is somewhere in some other file runs against notions of encapsulation.

An alternative is to take a Java-like approach of one class per module, but he felt that was too restrictive.

One may desire a set of closely interrelated classes that encapsulate a concept, and those should go into a module.

So the way to view a module in D is not just as a single source file, but as a unit of encapsulation. It can contain free functions, classes, and structs, all operating on the same data declared in module scope and class scope. The public interface is still protected from changes to the private implementation inside the module. Along those same lines, protected class members are accessible not just in derived classes, but also in the module.

Sometimes though, there really is a benefit to denying access to private members in a module. The bigger a module becomes, the more of a burden it is to maintain, especially when it’s being maintained by a team. Every place a private member of a class is accessed in a module means more places to update when a change is made, thereby increasing the maintenance burden. The language provides the means to alleviate the burden in the form of the special package module.

In some cases, we don’t want to require the user to import multiple modules individually. Splitting a large module into smaller ones is one of those cases. Consider the following file tree:

-- mypack
---- mod1.d
---- mod2.d

We have two modules in a package called mypack. Let’s say that mod1.d has grown extremely large and we’re starting to worry about maintaining it. For one, we want to ensure that private members aren’t manipulated outside of class declarations with hundreds or thousands of lines in between. We want to split the module into smaller ones, but at the same time we don’t want to break user code. Currently, users can get at the module’s symbols by importing it with import mypack.mod1. We want that to continue to work. Here’s how we do it:

-- mypack
---- mod1
------ package.d
------ split1.d
------ split2.d
---- mod2.d

We’ve split mod1.d into two new modules and put them in a package named mod1. We’ve also created a special package.d file, which looks like this:

module mypack.mod1;

public import mypack.mod1.split1,

When the compiler sees package.d, it knows to treat it specially. Users will be able to continue using import mypack.mod1 without ever caring that it’s now split into two modules in a new package. The key is the module declaration at the top of package.d. It’s telling the compiler to treat this package as the module mod1. And instead of automatically importing all modules in the package, the requirement to list them as public imports in package.d allows more freedom in implementing the package. Sometimes, you might want to require the user to explicitly import a module even when a package.d is present.

Now users will continue seeing mod1 as a single module and can continue to import it as such. Meanwhile, encapsulation is now more stringently enforced internally. Because split1 and split2 are now separate modules, they can’t touch each other’s private parts. Any part of the API that needs to be shared by both modules can be annotated with package protection. Despite the internal transformation, the public interface remains unchanged, and encapsulation is maintained.

Wrapping up

The full list of access modifiers in D can be defined as such:

  • public – accessible everywhere.
  • package – accessible to modules in the same package.
  • package(some.pack) – accessible to modules in the package some.pack and to the modules in all of its descendant packages.
  • private – accessible only in the module.
  • protected (classes only) – accessible in the module and in derived classes.

Hopefully, this article has provided you with the perspective to think in D instead of your “native” language when thinking about encapsulation in D.

Thanks to Ali Çehreli, Joakim Noah, and Nicholas Wilson for reviewing and providing feedback on this article.

DMD 2.083.0 Released

Version 2.083.0 of DMD, the D reference compiler, is ready for download. The changelog lists 47 fixes and enhancements across all components of the release package. Notable among them are some C++ compatibility enhancements and some compile-time love.

C++ compatibility

D’s support for linking to C++ binaries has been evolving and improving with nearly every release. This time, the new things aren’t very dramatic, but still very welcome to those who work with both C++ and D in the same code base.

What’s my runtime?

For a while now, D has had predefined version identifiers for user code to detect the C runtime implementation at compile time. These are:

  • CRuntime_Bionic
  • CRuntime_DigitalMars
  • CRuntime_Glibc
  • CRuntime_Microsoft
  • CRuntime_Musl
  • CRuntime_UClibc

These aren’t reliable when linking against C++ code. Where the C runtime in use often depends on the system, the C++ runtime is compiler-specific. To remedy that, 2.083.0 introduces a few new predefined versions:

  • CppRuntime_Clang
  • CppRuntime_DigitalMars
  • CppRuntime_Gcc
  • CppRuntime_Microsoft
  • CppRuntime_Sun

Why so much conflict?

C++ support also gets a new syntax for declaring C++ linkage, which affects how a symbol is mangled. Consider a C++ library, MyLib, which uses the namespace mylib. The original syntax for binding a function in that namespace looks like this:

 The original C++:
 namespace mylib { void cppFunc(); }
// The D declaration
extern(C++, mylib) void cppFunc();

This declares that cppFunc has C++ linkage (the symbol is mangled in a manner specific to the C++ compiler) and that the symbol belongs to the C++ namespace mylib . On the D side, the function can be referred to either as cppFunc or as mylib.cppFunc.

In practice, this approach creates opportunities for conflict when a namespace is the same as a D keyword. It also has an impact on how one approaches the organization of a binding.  It’s natural to want to name the root package in D mylib, as it matches the library name and it is a D convention to name modules and packages using lowercase. In that case, extern(C++, mylib) declarations will not be compilable anywhere in the mylib package because the symbols conflict.

To alleviate the problem, an alternative syntax was proposed using strings to declare the namespaces in the linkage attribute, rather than identifiers:

 The original C++:
 namespace foo { void cppFunc(); }
// The D declaration
extern(C++, "foo") void cppFunc();

With this syntax, no mylib symbol is created on the D side; it is used solely for name mangling. No more conflicts with keywords, and D packages can be used to match the C++ namespaces on the D side. The old syntax isn’t going away anytime soon, though.

New compile-time things

This release provides two new built-in traits for more compile-time reflection options. Like all built-in traits, they are accessible via the __traits expression. There’s also a new pragma that lets you bring some linker options into the source code in a very specific circumstance.

Are you a zero?

isZeroInit can be used to determine if the default initializer of a given type is 0, or more specifically, it evaluates to true if all of the init value’s bits are zero. The example below uses compile-time asserts to verify the zeroness and nonzeroness of a few default init values, but I’ve saved a version that prints the results at runtime, for more immediate feedback, and can be compiled and run from the browser.

struct ImaZero {
    int x;

struct ImaNonZero {
    int x = 10;

// double.init == double.nan
static assert(!__traits(isZeroInit, double));

// int.init == 0
static assert(__traits(isZeroInit, int));

// ImaZero.init == ImaZero(0)
static assert(__traits(isZeroInit, ImaZero));

// ImaNonZeror.init == ImaZero(10)
static assert(!__traits(isZeroInit, ImaNonZero));

Computer, query target.

The second new trait is getTargetInfo, which allows compile-time queries about the target platform. The argument is a string that serves as a key, and the result is “an expression describing the requested target information”. Currently supported strings are “cppRuntimeLibrary”, “floatAbi”, and “ObjectFormat”.

The following prints all three at compile time.

pragma(msg, __traits(getTargetInfo, "cppRuntimeLibrary"));
pragma(msg, __traits(getTargetInfo, "floatAbi"));
pragma(msg, __traits(getTargetInfo, "objectFormat"));

On Windows, using the default (-m32) DigitalMars toolchain, I see this:


With the Microsoft Build Tools (via VS 2017), compiling with -m64 and -m32mscoff, I see this:


Yo! Linker! Take care of this, will ya?

D has long supported a lib pragma, allowing programmers to tell the compiler to pass a given library to the linker in source code rather than on the command line. Now, there’s a new pragma in town that let’s the programmer specify specific linker commands in source code and behaves rather differently. Meet the linkerDirective pragma:

pragma(linkerDirective, "/FAILIFMISMATCH:_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=2");

The behavior is specified as “Implementation Defined”. The current implementation is specced to behave like so:

  • The string literal specifies a linker directive to be embedded in the generated object file.
  • Linker directives are only supported for MS-COFF output.

Just to make sure you didn’t gloss over the first list item, look at it again. The linker directive is not passed by the compiler to the linker, but emitted to the object file. Since it is only supported for MS-COFF, that means its only a thing for folks on Windows when they are compiling with -m64 or -m32mscoff. And some say the D community doesn’t care about Windows!

Of course there’s more!

The above are just a few cherries I picked from the list. For a deeper dive, see the full changelog. And head over to the Downloads page to get the installer for your platform. It looks a lot nicer than the boring list of files linked in the changelog.

Interfacing D with C: Arrays Part 1

This post is part of an ongoing series on working with both D and C in the same project. The previous post showed how to compile and link C and D objects. This post is the first in a miniseries focused on arrays.

When interacting with C APIs, it’s almost a given that arrays are going to pop up in one way or another (perhaps most often as strings, a subject of a future article in the “D and C” series). Although D arrays are implemented in a manner that is not directly compatible with C, the fundamental building blocks are the same. This makes compatibility between the two relatively painless as long as the differences are not forgotten. This article is the first of a few exploring those differences.

When using a C API from D, it’s sometimes necessary to translate existing code from C to D. A new D program can benefit from existing examples of using the C API, and anyone porting a program from C that uses the API would do well to keep the initial port as close to the original as possible. It’s on that basis that we’re starting off with a look at the declaration and initialization syntax in both languages and how to translate between them. Subsequent posts in this series will cover multidimensional arrays, the anatomy of a D array, passing D arrays to and receiving C arrays from C functions, and how the GC fits into the picture.

My original concept of covering this topic was much smaller in scope, my intent to brush over the boring details and assume that readers would know enough of the basics of C to derive the why from the what and the how. That was before I gave a D tutorial presentation to a group among whom only one person had any experience with C. I’ve also become more aware that there are regular users of the D forums who have never touched a line of C. As such, I’ll be covering a lot more ground than I otherwise would have (hence a two-part article has morphed into at least three). I urge those for whom much of said ground is old hat not to get complacent in their skimming of the page! A comfortable experience with C is more apt than none at all to obscure some of the pitfalls I describe.

Array declarations

Let’s start with a simple declaration of a one-dimensional array:

int c0[3];

This declaration allocates enough memory on the stack to hold three int values. The values are stored contiguously in memory, one right after the other. c0 may or may not be initialized, depending on where it’s declared. Global variables and static local variables are default initialized to 0, as the following C program demonstrates.


#include <stdio.h>

// global (can also be declared static)
int c1[3];

void main(int argc, char** argv)
    static int c2[3];       // static local
    int c3[3];              // non-static local

    printf("one: %i %i %i\n", c1[0], c1[1], c1[2]);
    printf("two: %i %i %i\n", c2[0], c2[1], c2[2]);
    printf("three: %i %i %i\n", c3[0], c3[1], c3[2]);

For me, this prints:

one: 0 0 0
two: 0 0 0
three: -1 8 0

The values for c3 just happened to be lying around at that memory location. Now for the equivalent D declaration:

int[3] d0;

Try it online

Here we can already find the first gotcha.

A general rule of thumb in D is that C code pasted into a D source file should either work as it does in C or fail to compile. For a long while, C array declaration syntax fell into the former category and was a legal alternative to the D syntax. It has since been deprecated and subsequently removed from the language, meaning int d0[3] will now cause the compiler to scold you:

Error: instead of C-style syntax, use D-style int[3] d0

It may seem an arbitrary restriction, but it really isn’t. At its core, it’s about consistency at a couple of different levels.

One is that we read declarations in D from right to left. In the declaration of d0, everything flows from right to left in the same order that we say it: “(d0) is an (array of three) (integers)”. The same is not true of the C-style declaration.

Another is that the type of d0 is actually int[3]. Consider the following pointer declarations:

int* p0, p1;

The type of both p0 and p1 is int* (in C, only p0 would be a pointer; p1 would simply be an int). It’s the same as all type declarations in D—type on the left, symbol on the right. Now consider this:

int d1[3], d2[3];
int[3] d4, d5;

Having two different syntaxes for array declarations, with one that splits the type like an infinitive, sets the stage for the production of inconsistent and potentially confusing code. By making the C-style syntax illegal, consistency is enforced. Code readability is a key component of maintainability.

Another difference between d0 and c0 is that the elements of d0 will be default initialized no matter where or how it’s declared. Module scope, local scope, static local… it doesn’t matter. Unless the compiler is told otherwise, variables in D are always default initialized to the predefined value specified by the init property of each type. Array elements are initialized to the init property of the element type. As it happens, int.init == 0. Translate definit.c to D and see it for yourself (open up run.dlang.io and give it a go).

When translating C to D, this default initialization business is a subtle gotcha. Consider this innocently contrived C snippet:

// static variables are default initialized to 0 in C
static float vertex[3];

A direct translation straight to D will not produce the expected result, as float.init == float.nan, not 0.0f!

When translating between the two languages, always be aware of which C variables are not explicitly initialized, which are expected to be initialized, and the default initialization value for each of the basic types in D. Failure to account for the subtleties may well lead to debugging sessions of the hair-pulling variety.

Default initialization can easily be disabled in D with = void in the declaration. This is particularly useful for arrays that are going to be loaded with values before they’re read, or that contain elements with an init value that isn’t very useful as anything other than a marker of uninitialized variables.

float[16] matrix = void;

On a side note, the purpose of default initialization is not to provide a convenient default value, but to make uninitialized variables stand out (a fact you may come to appreciate in a future debugging session). A common mistake is to assume that types like float and char, with their “not a number” (float.nan) and invalid UTF–8 (0xFF) initializers, are the oddball outliers. Not so. Those values are great markers of uninitialized memory because they aren’t useful for much else. It’s the integer types (and bool) that break the pattern. For these types, the entire range of values has potential meaning, so there’s no single value that universally shouts “Hey! I’m uninitialized!”. As such, integer and bool variables are often left with their default initializer since 0 and false are frequently the values one would pick for explicit initialization for those types. Floating point and character values, however, should generally be explicitly initialized or assigned to as soon as possible.

Explicit array initialization

C allows arrays to be explicitly initialized in different ways:

int ci0[3] = {0, 1, 2};  // [0, 1, 2]
int ci1[3] = {1};        // [1, 0, 0]
int ci2[]  = {0, 1, 2};  // [0, 1, 2]
int ci3[3] = {[2] = 2, [0] = 1}; // [1, 0, 2]
int ci4[]  = {[2] = 2, [0] = 1}; // [1, 0, 2]

What we can see here is:

  • elements are initialized sequentially with the constant values in the initializer list
  • if there are fewer values in the list than array elements, then all remaining elements are initialized to 0 (as seen in ci1)
  • if the array length is omitted from the declaration, the array takes the length of the initializer list (ci2)
  • designated initializers, as in ci3, allow specific elements to be initialized with [index] = value pairs, and indexes not in the list are initialized to 0
  • when the length is omitted from the declaration and a designated initializer is used, the array length is based on the highest index in the initializer and elements at all unlisted indexes are initialized to 0, as seen in ci4

Initializers aren’t supposed to be longer than the array (gcc gives a warning and initializes a three-element array to the first three initializers in the list, ignoring the rest).

Note that it’s possible to mix the designated and non-designated syntaxes in a single initializer:

// [0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 8, 44]
int ci5[] = {0, 1, [3] = 5, [7] = 8, 44};

Each value without a designation is applied in sequential order as normal. If there is a designated initializer immediately preceding it, then it becomes the value for the next index, and all other elements are initialized to 0. Here, 0 and 1 go to indexes ci5[0] and ci5[1] as normal, since they are the first two values in the list. Next comes a designator for ci5[3], so ci5[2] has no corresponding value in this list and is initialized to 0. Next comes the designator for ci5[7].  We have skipped ci5[4], ci5[5], and ci5[6],  so they are all initialized to 0. Finally, 44 lacks a designator, but immediately follows [7], so it becomes the value for the element at ci5[8]. In the end, ci5 is initialized to a length of 9 elements.

Also note that designated array initializers were added to C in C99. Some C compiler versions either don’t support the syntax or require a special command line flag to enable it. As such, it’s probably not something you’ll encounter very much in the wild, but still useful to know about when you do.

Translating all of these to D opens the door to more gotchas. Thankfully, the first one is a compiler error and won’t cause any heisenbugs down the road:

int[3] wrong = {0, 1, 2};
int[3] right = [0, 1, 2];

Array initializers in D are array literals. The same syntax can be used to pass anonymous arrays to functions, as in writeln([0, 1, 2]). For the curious, the declaration of wrong produces the following compiler error:

Error: a struct is not a valid initializer for a int[3]

The {} syntax is used for struct initialization in D (not to be confused with struct literals, which can also be used to initialize a struct instance).

The next surprise comes in the translation of ci1.

// int ci1[3] = {1};
int[3] di1 = [1];

This actually produces a compiler error:

Error: mismatched array lengths, 3 and 1

What gives? First, take a look at the translation of ci2:

// int ci2[] = {0, 1, 2};
int[] di2 = [0, 1, 2];

In the C code, there is no difference between ci1 and ci2. They both are fixed-length, three-element arrays allocated on the stack. In D, this is one case where that general rule of thumb about pasting C code into D source modules breaks down.

Unlike C, D actually makes a distinction between arrays of types int[3] and int[]. The former is, like C, a fixed-length array, commonly referred to in D as a static array. The latter, unlike C, is a dynamic-length array, commonly referred to as a dynamic array or a slice. Its length can grow and shrink as needed.

Initializers for static arrays must have the same length as the array. D simply does not allow initializers shorter than the declared array length. Dynamic arrays take the length of their initializers. di2 is initialized with three elements, but more can be appended. Moreover, the initializer is not required for a dynamic array. In C, int foo[]; is illegal, as the length can only be omitted from the declaration when an initializer is present.

// gcc says "error: array size missing in 'illegalC'"
// int illegalC[]
int[] legalD;
legalD ~= 10;

legalD is an empty array, with no memory allocated for its elements. Elements can be added via the append operator, ~=.

Memory for dynamic arrays is allocated at the point of declaration only when an explicit initializer is provided, as with di2. If no initializer is present, memory is allocated when the first element is appended. By default, dynamic array memory is allocated from the GC heap (though the compiler may determine that it’s safe to allocate on the stack as an optimization) and space for more elements than needed is initialized in order to reduce the need for future allocations (the reserve function can be used to allocate a large block in one go, without initializing any elements). Appended elements go into the preallocated slots until none remain, then the next append triggers a new allocation. Steven Schveighoffer’s excellent array article goes into the details, and also describes array features we’ll touch on in the next part.

Often, when translating a declaration like ci2 to D, the difference between the fixed-length, stack-allocated C array and the dynamic-length, GC-allocated D array isn’t going to matter one iota. One case where it does matter is when the D array is declared inside a function marked @nogc:

@nogc void main()
    int[] di2 = [0, 1, 2];

Try it online

The compiler ain’t letting you get away with that:

Error: array literal in @nogc function D main may cause a GC allocation

The same error isn’t triggered when the array is static, since it’s allocated on the stack and the literal elements are just shoved right in there. New C programmers coming to D for the first time tend to reach for @nogc almost as if it goes against their very nature not to, so this is something they will bump into until they eventually come to the realization that the GC is not the enemy of the people.

To wrap this up, that big paragraph on designated array initializers in C is about to pull double duty. D also supports designated array initializers, just with a different syntax.

// [0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 0, 0, 8, 44]
// int ci5[] = {0, 1, [3] = 5, [7] = 8, 44};
int[] di5 = [0, 1, 3:5, 7:8, 44];
int[9] di6 = [0, 1, 3:5, 7:8, 44];

Try it online

It works with both static and dynamic arrays, following the same rules and producing the same initialization values as in C.

The main takeaways from this section are:

  • there is a distinction in D between static and dynamic arrays, in C there is not
  • static arrays are allocated on the stack
  • dynamic arrays are allocated on the GC heap
  • uninitialized static arrays are default initialized to the init property of the array elements
  • dynamic arrays can be explicitly initialized and take the length of the initializer
  • dynamic arrays cannot be explicitly initialized in @nogc scopes
  • uninitialized dynamic arrays are empty

This is the time on the D Blog when we dance

There are a lot more words in the preceding sections than I had originally intended to write about array declarations and initialization, and I still have quite a bit more to say about arrays. In the next post, we’ll look at the anatomy of a D array and dig into the art of passing D arrays across the language divide.