Project Highlight: DPP

D was designed from the beginning to be ABI compatible with C. Translate the declarations from a C header file into a D module and you can link directly with the corresponding C library or object files. The same is true in the other direction as long as the functions in the D code are annotated with the appropriate linkage attribute. These days, it’s possible to bind with C++ and even Objective-C.

Binding with C is easy, but can sometimes be a bit tedious, particularly when done by hand. I can speak to this personally as I originally implemented the Derelict collection of bindings by hand and, though I slapped together some automation when I ported it all over to its successor project, BindBC, everything there is maintained by hand. Tools like dstep exist and can work well enough, though they come with limitations which require careful attention to and massaging of the output.

Tediousness is an enemy of productivity. That’s why several pages of discussion were generated from Átila Neves’s casual announcement a few weeks before DConf 2018 that it was now possible to #include C headers in D code.

dpp is a compiler wrapper that will parse a D source file with the .dpp extension and expand in place any #include directives it encounters, translating all of the C or C++ symbols to D, and then pass the result to a D compiler (DMD by default). Says Átila:

What motivated the project was a day at Cisco when I wanted to use D but ended up choosing C++ for the task at hand. Why? Because with C++ I could include the relevant header and be on my way, whereas with D (or any other language really) I’d have to somehow translate the header and all its transitive dependencies somehow. I tried dstep and it failed miserably. Then there’s the fact that the preprocessor is nearly always needed to properly use a C API. I wanted to remove one advantage C++ has over D, so I wrote dpp.

Here’s the example he presented in the blog post accompanying the initial announcement:

// stdlib.dpp
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void main() {
    printf("Hello world\n".ptr);

    enum numInts = 4;
    auto ints = cast(int*) malloc(int.sizeof * numInts);
    scope(exit) free(ints);

    foreach(int i; 0 .. numInts) {
        ints[i] = i;
        printf("ints[%d]: %d ".ptr, i, ints[i]);


Three months later, dpp was successfully compiling the julia.h header allowing the Julia language to be embedded in a D program. The following month, it was enabled by default on

C support is fairly solid, though not perfect.

Although preprocessor macro support is one of dpp’s key features, some macros just can’t be translated because they expand to C/C++ code fragments. I can’t parse them because they’re not actual code yet (they only make sense in context), and I can’t guess what the macro parameters are. Strings? Ints? Quoted strings? How does one programmatically determine that #define FOO(S) (S) is meant to be a C cast? Did you know that in C macros can have the same name as functions and it all works? Me neither until I got a bug report!

Push the stdlib.dpp code block from above through and read the output to see an example of translation difficulties.

The C++ story is more challenging. Átila recently wrote about one of the problems he faced. That one he managed to solve, but others remain.

dpp can’t translate C++ template specialisations on reference types because reference types don’t exist in D. I don’t know how to translate anything that depends on SFINAE because it also doesn’t exist in D.

For those not in the know, classes in D are reference types in the same way that Java classes are reference types, and function parameters annotated with ref accept arguments by reference, but when it comes to variable declarations, D has no equivalent for the C++ lvalue reference declarator, e.g. int& someRef = i;.

Despite the difficulties, Átila persists.

The holy grail is to be able to #include a C++ standard library header, but that’s so difficult that I’m currently concentrating on a much easier problem first: being able to successfully translate C++ headers from a much simpler library that happens to use standard library types (std::string, std::vector, std::map, the usual suspects). The idea there is to treat all types that dpp can’t currently handle as opaque binary blobs, focusing instead on the production library types and member functions. This sounds simple, but in practice I’ve run into issues with LLVM IR with ldc, ABI issues with dmd, mangling issues, and the most fun of all: how to create instances of C++ stdlib types in D to pass back into C++? If a function takes a reference to std::string, how do I give it one? I did find a hacky way to pass D slices to C++ functions though, so that was cool!

On the plus side, he’s found some of D’s features particularly helpful in implementing dpp, though he did say that “this is harder for me to recall since at this point I mostly take D’s advantages for granted.” The first thing that came to mind was a combination of built-in unit tests and token strings:

unittest {
        C(q{ struct Foo { int i; } }),
        D(q{ static assert(is(typeof(Foo.i) == int)); })

It’s almost self-explanatory: the first parameter to shouldCompile is C code (a header), and the second D code to be compiled after translating the C header. D’s token strings allow the editor to highlight the code inside, and the fact that C syntax is so similar to D lets me use them on C code as well!

He also found help from D’s contracts and the garbage collector.

libclang is a C library and as such has hardly any abstractions or invariant enforcement. All nodes in the AST are represented by a libclang “cursor”, which can have several “kinds”. D’s contracts allowed me to document and enforce at runtime which kind(s) of cursors a function expects, preventing bugs. Also, libclang in certain places requires the client code to manually manage memory. D’s GC makes for a wrapper API in which that is never a concern.

During development, he exposed some bugs in the DMD frontend.

I tried using sumtype in a separate branch of dpp to first convert libclang AST entities into types that are actually enforced at compile time instead of run time. Unfortunately that caused me to have to switch to compiling all code at once since sumtype behaves differently in separate compilation, triggering previously unseen frontend bugs.

For unit testing, he uses unit-threaded, a library he created to augment D’s built-in unit testing feature with advanced functionality. To achieve this, the library makes use of D’s compile-time reflection features. But dpp has a lot of unit tests.

Given the number of tests I wrote for dpp, compiling takes a very long time. This is exacerbated by -unittest, which is a known issue. Not using unit-threaded’s runner would speed up compilation, but then I’d lose all the features. It’d be better if the compile-time reflection required were made faster.

Perhaps he’ll see some joy there when Stefan Koch’s ongoing work on NewCTFE is completed.

Átila will be speaking about dpp on May 9 as part of his presentation at DConf 2019 in London. The conference runs from May 8–11, so as I write there’s still plenty of time to register. For those who can’t make it, you can watch the livestream (a link to which will be provided in the D forums each day of the conference) or see the videos of all the talks on the D Language Foundation’s YouTube channel after DConf is complete.

Memoization in the D Programming Language

The D programming language provides advanced facilities for structuring programs logically, almost like Python or Ruby, but with high performance and the higher reliability of static typing and contract programming.

In this article, I will describe how to use D templates and mixins for memoization, that is, to automatically remember a function (or property) result.

std.functional.memoize from the standard library

The first way is built straight into Phobos, the D standard library, and is very easy to use:

import std.functional;
import std.stdio;

float doCalculations() {
    writeln("Doing calculations.");
    return -1.7; // the value of the calculations

// Apply the template “memoize” to the function doCalculations():
alias doCalculationsOnce = memoize!doCalculations;

Now the alias doCalculationsOnce() does the same as doCalculations(), but the calculations are done only once (if we call doCalculationsOnce() then “Doing calculations.” would be printed only once). This is useful for long slow calculations and in some other situations (like to create only a single window on the screen). That is memoization.

It’s even possible to memoize a function with arguments:

float doCalculations2(float arg1, float arg2) {
    writeln("Doing calculations.");
    return arg1 + arg2; // the value of the calculations

// Apply the template “memoize” to the function  doCalculations2():
alias doCalculationsOnce2 = memoize!doCalculations2;

void main(string[] args)
    writeln(doCalculationsOnce2(1.0, 1.2));
    writeln(doCalculationsOnce2(1.0, 1.3));
    writeln(doCalculationsOnce2(1.0, 1.3));

This outputs:

Doing calculations.
Doing calculations.

You see that the calculations are not repeated again when the argument values are the same.

Memoizing struct or class properties

I’ve found another way to memoize in D. It involves caching a property of a struct or class. Properties are zero-argument (for reading) or one-argument (for writing) member functions (or sometimes two-argument non-member functions) and differ only in syntax. I deemed it more elegant to cache a property of a struct or class rather than to cache a member function’s return value. My code can easily be changed to memoize a member function instead of a property, but you can always convert zero-argument member functions into a property, so why bother?

Here is the source (you can also install it from for use in your programs):

module memoize;

mixin template CachedProperty(string name, string baseName = '_' ~ name) {
    mixin("private typeof(" ~ baseName ~ ") " ~ name ~ "Cache;");
    mixin("private bool " ~ name ~ "IsCached = false;");
    mixin("@property typeof(" ~ baseName ~ ") " ~ name ~ "() {\n" ~
          "if (" ~ name ~ "IsCached" ~ ") return " ~ name ~ "Cache;\n" ~
          name ~ "IsCached = true;\n" ~
          "return " ~ name ~ "Cache = " ~ baseName ~ ";\n" ~

It is used like this (with either structs or classes at your choice):

import memoize;

struct S {
    @property float _x() { return 1.5; }
    mixin CachedProperty!"x";

Then just:

S s;
assert(s.x == 1.5);

Or you can specify the explicit name of the cached property:

import memoize;

struct S {
    @property float _x() { return 1.5; }
    mixin CachedProperty!("x", "_x");

CachedProperty is a template mixin. Template mixins insert the declarations of the template body directly into the current context. In this case, the template body is composed of string mixins. As you can guess, a string mixin generates code at compile time from strings. So,

struct S {
    @property float _x() { return 1.5; }
    mixin CachedProperty!"x";

turns into

struct S {
    @property float _x() { return 1.5; }
    private typeof(_x) xCache;
    private bool xIsCached = false;
    @property typeof(_x) x() {
        if (xIsCached) return xCache;
        xIsCached = true;
        return xCache = _x;

That is, it sets xCache to _x unless xIsCached and also sets xIsCached to true when retrieving x.

The idea originates from the following Python code:

class cached_property(object):
    """A version of @property which caches the value.  On access, it calls the
    underlying function and sets the value in `__dict__` so future accesses
    will not re-call the property.
    def __init__(self, f):
        self._fname = f.__name__
        self._f = f

    def __get__(self, obj, owner):
        assert obj is not None, 'call {} on an instance'.format(self._fname)
        ret = obj.__dict__[self._fname] = self._f(obj)
        return ret

My way of memoization does not (yet) involve caching return values of functions with arguments.

Victor Porton is an open source developer, a math researcher, and a Christian writer. He earns his living as a programmer.

Using const to Enforce Design Decisions

The saying goes that the best code is no code. As soon as a project starts to grow, technical debt is introduced. When a team is forced to adapt to a new company guideline inconsistent with their previous vision, the debt results from a business decision. This could be tackled at the company level. Sometimes technical debt can arise simply due to the passage of time, when new versions of dependencies or of the compiler introduce breaking changes. You can try to tackle this by letting your local physicist stop the flow of time. More often however, technical debt is caused when issues are fixed by a quick hack, due to time pressure or a lack of knowledge of the code base. Design strategies that were carefully crafted are temporarily neglected. This blog post will focus on using the const modifier. It is one of the convenient tools D offers to minimize the increase of technical debt and enforce design decisions.

To keep a code base consistent, often design guidelines, either explicit or implicit, are put in place. Every developer on the team is expected to adhere to the guidelines as a gentleman’s agreement. This effectively results in a policy that is only enforced if both the programmer and the reviewer have had enough coffee. Simple changes, like adding a call to an object method, might seem innocent, but can reduce the consistency and the traceability of errors. To detect this in a code review requires in-depth knowledge of the method’s implementation.

An example from a real world project I’ve worked on is generating financial transactions for a read-only view, the display function in the following code fragment. Nothing seemed wrong with it, until I realized that those transactions were persisted and eventually used for actual payments without being calculated again, as seen in the process method. Potentially different payments occurred depending on whether the user decided to glance at the summary, thereby triggering the generation with new currency exchange rates, or just blindly clicked the OK button. That’s not what an innocent bystander like myself expects and has caused many frowns already.

public class Order
    private Transaction[] _transactions;

    public Transaction[] getTransactions()
        _transactions = calculate();
        return _transactions;

    public void process()
        foreach(t; _transactions){
            // ...

void display(Order order)
    auto t = order.getTransactions();

The internet has taught me that if it is possible, it will one day happen. Therefore, we should make an attempt to make the undesired impossible.

A constant feature

By default, variables and object instances in D are mutable, just like in many other programming languages. If we want to prevent objects from ever changing, we can mark them immutable, i.e. immutable MyClass obj = new MyClass();. immutable means that we can modify neither the object reference (head constant) nor the object’s properties (tail constant). The first case corresponds to final in Java and readonly in C#, both of which signify head constant only. D’s implementation means that nobody can ever modify an object marked immutable. What if an object needs to be mutable in one place, but immutable in another? That’s where D’s const pops in.

Unlike immutable, whose contract states that an object cannot be mutated through any reference, const allows an object to be modified through another, non-const reference. This means it’s illegal to initialize an immutable reference with a mutable one, but a const reference can be initialized with a mutable, const, or immutable reference. In a function parameter list, const is preferred over immutable because it can accept arguments with either qualifier or none. Schematically, it can be visualized as in the following figure.

const relationships

A constant detour

D’s const differs from C++ const in a significant way: it’s transitive (see the const(FAQ) for more details). In other words, it’s not possible to declare any object in D as head constant. This isn’t obvious from examples with classes, since classes in D are reference types, but is more apparent with pointers and arrays. Consider these C++ declarations:

const int *cp0;         // mutable pointer to const data
int const *cp1;         // alternative syntax for the same

Variable declarations in C++ are best read from right to left. Although const int is likely the more common syntax, int const matches the way the declaration should be read: cp0 is a mutable pointer to a const int. In D, the equivalent of cp0 and cp1 is:

const(int)* dp0;

The next example shows what head constant looks like in C++.

int *const cp2;         // const pointer to mutable data

We can read the declaration of cp2 as: cp2 is a const pointer to a mutable int. There is no equivalent in D. It’s possible in C++ to have any number and combination of const and mutable pointers to const or mutable data. But in D, if const is applied to the outermost pointer, then it applies to all the inner pointers and the data as well. Or, as they say, it’s turtles all the way down.

The equivalent in C++ looks like this:

int const *const cp3;         // const pointer to const data

This declaration says cp3 is a const pointer to const data, and is possible in D like so:

const(int*) dp1;
const int* dp2;     // same as dp1

All of the above syntax holds true for D arrays:

const(int)[] a1;    // mutable reference to const data
const(int[]) a2;    // const reference to const data
const int[] a3;     // same as a2

const in the examples can be replaced with immutable, with the caveat that initializers must match the declaration, e.g. immutable(int)* can only be initialized with immutable(int)*.

Finally, note that classes in D are reference types; the reference is baked in, so applying const or immutable to a class reference is always equivalent to const(p*) and there is no equivalent to const(p)* for classes. Structs in D, on the other hand, are value types, so pointers to structs can be declared like the int pointers in the examples above.

A constant example

For the sake of argument, we assume that updating the currency exchange rates is a function that, by definition, needs to mutate the order. After updating the order, we want to show the updated prices to our user. Conceptually, the display function should not modify the order. We can prevent mutation by adding the const modifier to our function parameter. The implicit rule is now made explicit: the function takes an Order as input, and treats the object as a constant. We no longer have a gentleman’s agreement, but a formal contract. Changing the contract will, hopefully, require thorough negotiation with your peer reviewer.

void updateExchangeRates(Order order);
void display(const Order order);

void updateAndDisplay()
    Order order = //…
    display(order); // Implicitly converted to const.

As with all contracts, defining it is the easiest part. The hard part is enforcing it. The D compiler is our friend in this problem. If we try to compile the code, we will get a compiler error.

void display(const Order order)
    // ERROR: cannot call mutable method
    auto t = order.getTransactions();

We never explicitly stated that getTransactions doesn’t modify the object. As the method is virtual by default, the compiler cannot derive the behavior either way. Without that knowledge, the compiler is required to assume that the method might modify the object. In other words, in the D justice system one is guilty until proven innocent. Let’s prove our innocence by marking the method itself const, telling the compiler that we do not intend to modify our data.

public class Order
    private Transaction[] _transactions;

    public Transaction[] getTransactions() const
        _transactions = calculate(); // ERROR: cannot mutate field
        return _transactions;

void display(const Order order)
    auto t = order.getTransactions(); // Now compiles :)

By marking the method const, the original compile error has moved away. The promise that we do not modify any object state is part of the method signature. The compiler is now satisfied with the method call in the display function, but finds another problem. Our getter, which we stated should not modify data, actually does modify it. We found our code smell by formalizing our guidelines and letting the compiler figure out the rest.

It seems promising enough to try it on a real project.

A constant application

I had a pet project lying around and decided to put the effort into enforcing the constraint. This is what inspired me to write this post. The project is a four-player mahjong game. The relevant part, in abstraction, is highlighted in the image.

Mahjong abstraction

The main engine behind the game is the white box in the center. A player or AI is sent a message with a const view of the game data for display purposes and to determine their next move. A message is sent back to the engine, which then determines the mutation on the internally mutable game data. The most obvious win is that I cannot accidentally modify the game data when drawing my UI. Which, of course, appeared to be the case before I refactored in the const-ness of the game data.

Upon closer inspection, coming from the UI there is only one way to manipulate the state of the game. The UI sends a message to the engine and remains oblivious of the state changes that need to be applied. This also encourages layered development and improves testability of the code. So far, so good. But during the refactoring, a problem arose. Recall that marking an object with const means that only member functions that promise not to modify the object, those marked with const themselves, can be called. Some of these could be trivially fixed by applying const or, at worst, inout (a sort of wildcard). However, the more persistent issues, like in the Order example, required me to go back to the drawing board and rethink my domain. In the end, being forced to think about mutability versus immutability improved my understanding of my own code base.

A constant verdict

Is const all good? It’s not a universal answer and certainly has downsides. The most notable one is that this kills lazy initialization where a property is computed only when first requested and then the result is cached. Sometimes, like in the earlier example, this is a code smell, but there are legit use cases. In my game, I have a class that composes the dashboard per player. Updating it is expensive and rarely required. The screen, however, gets rendered sixty times a second. It makes sense to cache the dashboards and only update them when the player objects change. I could split the method in two, but then my abstraction would leak its optimization. I settled for not using const here, as it was a module-private class and didn’t have a large impact on my codebase.

A complaint that is sometimes heard regarding const is that it does not work well with one of D’s main selling points, ranges. A range is D’s implementation of a lazy iterator, usable in foreach loops and heavily used in std.algorithm. The functions in std.algorithm can handle ranges with const elements perfectly fine. However, iterating a range changes the internal values and ultimately consumes the range. Therefore, when a range itself is const, it cannot be iterated over. I think this makes sense by design, but I can imagine that this behavior can be surprising in edge cases. I haven’t encountered this as I generate new ranges on every query, both on mutable and const objects.

A guideline for when to use const would be to separate the queries from the command, a.k.a. ye olde Command-Query Separation (CQS). All queries should, in principle, be const. To perform a mutation, even on nested objects, one should call a method on the object. I’d double down on this and state that member functions should be commands, with logic that can be overridden, and therefore never be marked constant. Queries basically serve as a means to peek at encapsulated data and don’t need to be overridden. This should be a final, non-virtual, function that simply exposes a read-only view on the inner field. For example, using D’s module-private modifier on the field in conjunction with an acquainted function in the same module, we can put the logic inside the class definition and the queries outside.

// in order.d
public class Order
    private Transaction[] _transactions; // Accessible in order.d

    public void process(); // Virtual and not restricted

public const(Transaction)[] getTransactions(const Order order)
    // Function, not virtual, operates on a read-only view of Order
    return order._transactions;

// in view.d
void display(const Order order)
    auto t = order.getTransactions();

We should take care, however, not to overapply the modifier. The question that we need to answer is not “Do I modify this object here?”, but rather, “Does it make sense that the object is modified here?” Wrongly assuming constant objects will result in trouble when you finally need to change the instance due to a new feature. For example, in my game a central Game class contains the players’ hands, but doesn’t explicitly modify them. However, given the structure of my code, it does not make sense to make the player objects constant, as free functions in the engine do use mutable player instances of the game object.

Reflecting on my design, even when writing this blog post, gave me valuable insights. Taking the effort to properly use the tool called const has paid off for me. It improved the structure of my code and improved my understanding of the ramblings I write. It is like any other tool not a silver bullet. It serves to formalize our gentleman’s agreement and is therefore just as fragile as one.

Marco graduated in physics, were he used Fortran and Matlab. He used Programming in D to learn application programming. After 3 years of being a C# developer, he is now trainer-coach of mainly Java and C# developers at Sogyo. Marco uses D for programming experiments and side projects including his darling mahjong game.

DConf 2019 London Programme

The DConf 2019 schedule was published on March 17th. This year we’ve got a solid mix of first-time DConf speakers and veterans. If you haven’t visited the site in a while, you’ll surely notice that it’s been redesigned. The old version was not responsive and was quite annoying to manipulate on small screens. That has been rectified. And we’ve also got a new logo appropriate for this year’s venue.

Day One – May 8th

It wouldn’t be DConf without keynotes from Walter and Andrei. Walter’s focus this year is on memory allocation strategies in D, the talk which will kick off Day 1. The video of his talk from last year was one of those we lost to a technical error, but the slides are available for download. Both slides and video are available for his talks from every previous edition: 2017 in Berlin, 2016 in Berlin, 2015 in Utah, 2014 in Menlo Park, and 2013 in Menlo Park.

First-time DConf speaker Jens Mueller follows Walter’s keynote with a talk on the approach Dunhumby (formerly Sociomantic Labs) takes for implementing machine learning. Specifically, he’ll be covering how they integrated a C library, MXNet, into their D applications.

D bug fixing machine Razvan Nitu is back this year, speaking just before lunch on Day 1. He presented half-hour talks at DConf 2017 in Berlin and 2018 in Munich related to his D Language Foundation scholarship at Politehnica University of Bucharest. This year, he’s doing a full hour on the new D Copy Constructor from the recently approved DIP 1018.

Robert Schadek has presented at DConf 2013 in Menlo Park and DConf 2016 in Berlin. This year he’s got the much-coveted post-lunch slot, where he’ll tell us all why spreadsheets must die. What’s the D connection?

After a brief and humorous look into the capabilities and idiosyncrasies of spreadsheet programming, using D as an alternative will be explored.

The next two hours are filled by three first-time DConf speakers: Guillaume Piolat will show off his intel-intrinsics library, Lionello Lunesu will give a 30-minute demonstration on packaging D applications, and prolific D contributor Sebastian Wilzbach will use a half-hour slot to explain how to become a D contributor.

Walter and Andrei will close out Day 1 with our now traditional Ask Us Anything session. They’ll take questions from the conference attendees and the livestream viewers. We’ll try to take as many as we can, but time is limited. Since it’s the last slot of the day, we don’t need to worry about fitting in a 10-minute break, so we can go the full hour, but we can’t go too far over time.

Day Two – May 9th

Our invited keynote speaker this year is Laeeth Isharc of Symmetry Investments. Laeeth has contributed to the D ecosystem in multiple ways, including setting up the 2018 Symmetry Autumn of Code and in bringing DConf to London. His abstract has not yet been published, but it will be available on his talk page once it has been.

Mathis Beer will follow Laeeth with his first DConf talk. His employer, Funkwerk, was profiled here on the D Blog in the past as part of our D in Production Series. He’ll be showing us how Funkwerk combines functional programming and OOP in their application design.

Luís Marques has occupied the pre-lunch slot on Day 1 twice: in 2016 and in 2017. Last year, he was in the post-lunch slot on Day 2. This year, he’s sending us into lunch again, this time on Day 2, with his ideas on how to make D’s compile-time features even easier to use.

Átila Neves has given some DConf lightning talks in recent years, but his last full talk was at DConf 2015, which followed his first one at DConf 2014. He’ll be giving his perspective on what motivates programming language adoption, with a look at how C++ succeeded and how D can emulate its success.

Next up are half-hour presentations from two more Politehnica University of Bucharest students. PhD candidate Eduard Staniloiu, who spoke about his work on D collections in 2017 and in 2018, will this year be telling us about the details of the upcoming ProtoObject, which is intended to become the new root of the D class hierarchy to bridge the gap between the old Object class and features that have been added to the language over time.

He’ll be followed by undergraduate Alexandru Militaru who will present the results of porting a Linux kernel driver to D to put to the test D’s suitability for systems programming and the D motto of fast code, fast.

The last full talk of the day will come from Francesco Galla, the winner of the 2018 Symmetry Autumn of Code. For the SAoC, he worked on adding HTTP/2 support to the vibe-http package. His abstract is not online at the moment, but the subject of his talk will be his SAoC project.

We end Day 2 with our traditional round of Lightning Talks. Anyone in attendance is welcome to come to the lectern and regale the crowd with a 5-minute presentation on your D-related topic of interest (sometimes, we may allow a non-D related topic if the potential presenter has a strong elevator pitch). Sign up beforehand or let us know on site. Either way, it’s first-come, first-serve. We have 10 slots available. And I have a strong suspicion that the emcee this year will ruthlessly hold speakers to their 5-minute limit!

Day Three – May 10th

The bulk of our veteran speakers are lined up on Day 3. Andrei will open this last day of talks with the final keynote of the conference. As tradition dictates, he’s keeping us in suspense as to the topic. Keep an eye on his talk page for the abstract.

At DConf 2017, Bastiaan Veelo gave a talk on using the Pegged parser generator, which we learned his company had employed to develop a transcompiler that would help them convert their Extended Pascal codebase to D. This year, he’ll be presenting a followup to that talk, detailing the challenges they’ve faced and the benefits they’ve seen from some of D’s features.

Steven Schveighoffer has become a familiar face at the DConf lectern, having presented in 2016, in 2017, and in 2018. He’s back again, this time sending us to lunch with a talk focused on generative programming, using serialization as an example of putting D’s powerful compile-time features to work in generating boilerplate code so we programmers don’t have to.

Ethan Watson, also a three-time DConf speaker (in 2016, in 2017, and in 2018),  brings us back from lunch with more compile-time desiderata. He’ll be showing how to push D’s compile-time capabilities to the limits while still keeping the code easy to maintain and highly efficient.

John Colvin has presented at DConf 2015 and DConf 2016. His talk is all about ranges; not just D ranges, but the concept of ranges, particularly as they were applied in production code at Symmetry and the lessons learned from a heavily range-based DSL.

LDC veteran and D book author Kai Nacke is another DConf three-timer: in 2016, in 2017, and in 2018. He’ll explain how his parser generator, LLTool, evolved from its conception to its current state.

Ali Çehreli is, along with Walter and Andrei, an officer of the D Language Foundation and the author of the excellent ‘Programming in D’ book, available for purchase in print and freely online. He’s also a two-time DConf speaker, in 2013 and in 2016. This year he’s bringing us an experience report on how he employed D to develop a tool in his job with Mercedes-Benz Research and Development North America.

Day 4 – May 11th – The Hackathon

The DConf Hackathon returns for its third consecutive iteration. It’s not the sort of hackathon most programmers are familiar with, where multiple teams compete to develop a program from scratch, usually over several days. Instead, it’s a single day of collaboration on D and its ecosystem.

Participants are free to work on any project they’d like or none at all. Typically, a few people sit down and catch up on the personal projects they’ve not had time for, some recruiting others to help or provide feedback. Others come together to plan new projects or to work on issues affecting the D ecosystem. Some provide impromptu tutorial sessions on D or specific programming topics. Others take the time to chat.

Each of the two previous Hackathons saw significant work accomplished, including numerous pull requests for outstanding Bugzilla issues in the core D projects and even the implementation of a new D feature (static foreach, as described in DIP 1010, was implemented at the first Hackathon at DConf 2017).

Last year, we started the Hackathon with an extra talk about WekaIO’s open source run-time support library, Mecca. This year we’re opening with an Annual General Meeting (AGM). The goal is to discuss and, hopefully, resolve some of the outstanding issues in the D Community and potentially set the stage for some work during the Hackathon.

The plan is to keep the AGM to under two hours so that we can have time for the morning Hackathon session. This will give folks a chance to get their game plans set so they can jump right into the code at the afternoon session after lunch.

The Bennies

As a reminder, we’ve got the 2nd-floor room at the Prince Arthur pub, not far from the venue, each of the first three evenings of the conference, courtesy of Mercedes-Benz Research and Development North America. We’ll have a couple of free rounds each night for all who show up.

We’ve also tentatively scheduled tours with Julian McDonnel of On May 6th and 7th, he’ll be taking those who have signed up on a walking tour from Temple Station to London Bridge. Details on how to participate are provided to all who register. Slots are limited and it’s first-come, first-serve.

The 15% Early-Bird registration discount has been extended until March 24th. Register before it goes away.

See you in London!

Containerize Your D Server Application

A container consists of an application packed together with all of its required dependencies. The container is run as an isolated process on Linux or Windows. The Docker tool has made the handling of containers very popular and is now the de-facto standard for deploying containers to a cloud environment. In this blog post I discuss how to create a simple vibe.d application and ship it as a Docker container.

Setting up the build environment

I use Ubuntu 18.10 as my development environment for this application. Additionally, I installed the packages ldc (the LLVM-based D compiler), dub (the D package manager and build tool), gcc, zlib1g-dev and libssl-dev (all required for compiling my vibe.d application). To build and run my container I use Docker CE. I installed it following the instructions at As the last step, I added my user to the docker group (sudo adduser kai docker).

A sample REST application

My vibe.d application is a very simple REST server. You can call the /hello endpoint (with an optional name parameter) and you get back a friendly message in JSON format. The second endpoint, /healthz, is intended as a health check and simply returns the string "OK". You can clone my source repository at to get the source code. Here is the application:

import vibe.d;
import std.conv : to;
import std.process : environment;
import std.typecons : Nullable;

shared static this()
    logInfo("Environment dump");
    auto env = environment.toAA;
    foreach(k, v; env)
        logInfo("%s = %s", k, v);

    auto host = environment.get("HELLO_HOST", "");
    auto port = to!ushort(environment.get("HELLO_PORT", "17890"));

    auto router = new URLRouter;
    router.registerRestInterface(new HelloImpl());

    auto settings = new HTTPServerSettings;
    settings.port = port;
    settings.bindAddresses = [host];

    listenHTTP(settings, router);

    logInfo("Please open http://%s:%d/hello in your browser.", host, port);

interface Hello
    @queryParam("name", "name")
    Msg hello(Nullable!string name);

    string healthz();

class HelloImpl : Hello
    Msg hello(Nullable!string name) @safe
        logInfo("hello called");
        return Msg(format("Hello %s", name.isNull ? "visitor" : name));

    string healthz() @safe
        logInfo("healthz called");
        return "OK";

struct Msg
    string msg;

And this is the dub.sdl file to compile the application:

name "hellorest"
description "A minimal REST server."
authors "Kai Nacke"
copyright "Copyright © 2018, Kai Nacke"
license "BSD 2-clause"
dependency "vibe-d" version="~>0.8.4"
dependency "vibe-d:tls" version="*"
subConfiguration "vibe-d:tls" "openssl-1.1"
versions "VibeDefaultMain"

Compile and run the application with dub. Then open the URL to check that you get a JSON result.

A cloud-native application should follow the twelve-factor app methodology. You can read about the twelve-factor app at In this post I only highlight two of the factors: III. Config and XI. Logs.

Ideally, you build an application only once and then deploy it into different environments, e.g. first to your quality testing environment and then to production. When you ship your application as a container, it comes with all of its required dependencies. This solves the problem that different versions of a library might be installed in different environments, possibly causing hard-to-find errors. You still need to find a solution for how to deal with different configuration settings. Port numbers, passwords or the location of databases are all configuration settings which typically differ from environment to environment. The factor III. Config recommends that the configuration be stored in environment variables. This has the advantage that you can change the configuration without touching a single file. My application follows this recommendation. It uses the environment variable HELLO_HOST for the configuration of the host IP and the variable HELLO_PORT for the port number. For easy testing, the application uses the default values and 17890 in case the variables do not exist. (To be sure that every configuration is complete, it would be safer to stop the application with an error message in case an environment variable is not found.)

The application writes log entries on startup and when a url endpoint is called. The log is written to stdout. This is exactly the point of factor XI. Logs: an application should not bother to handle logs at all. Instead, it should treat logs as an event stream and write everything to stdout. The cloud environment is then responsible for collecting, storing and analyzing the logs.

Building the container

A Docker container is specified with a Dockerfile. Here is the Dockerfile for the application:

FROM ubuntu:cosmic

  apt-get update && \
  apt-get install -y libphobos2-ldc-shared81 zlib1g libssl1.1 && \
  rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

COPY hellorest /

USER nobody

ENTRYPOINT ["/hellorest"]

A Docker container is a stack of read-only layers. With the first line, FROM ubuntu:cosmic, I specify that I want to use this specific Ubuntu version as the base layer of my container. During the first build, this layer is downloaded from Docker Hub. Every other line in the Dockerfile creates a new layer. The RUN line is executed at build time. I use it to install dependent libraries which are needed for the application. The COPY command copies the executable into the root directory inside the container. And last, CMD specifies the command which the container will run.

Run the Docker command

docker build -t vibed-docker/hello:v1 .

to build the Docker container. After the container is built successfully, you can run it with

docker run -p 17890:17890 vibed-docker/hello:v1

Now open again the URL You should get the same result as before. Congratulations! Your vibe.d application is now running in a container!

Using a multi-stage build for the container

The binary hellorest was compiled outside the container. This creates difficulties as soon as dependencies in your development environment change. It is easy to integrate compiliation into the Dockerfile, but this creates another issue. The requirements for compiling and running the application are different, e.g. the compiler is not required to run the application.

The solution is to use a multi-stage build. In the first stage, the application is build. The second stage contains only the runtime dependencies and application binary built in the first stage. This is possible because Docker allows the copying of files between stages. Here is the multi-stage Dockerfile:

FROM ubuntu:cosmic AS build

  apt-get update && \
  apt-get install -y ldc gcc dub zlib1g-dev libssl-dev && \
  rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

COPY . /tmp


RUN dub -v build

FROM ubuntu:cosmic

  apt-get update && \
  apt-get install -y libphobos2-ldc-shared81 zlib1g libssl1.1 && \
  rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

COPY --from=build /tmp/hellorest /

USER nobody

ENTRYPOINT ["/hellorest"]

In my repository I called this file Dockerfile.multi. Therefore, you have to specify the file on the command line:

docker build -f Dockerfile.multi -t vibed-docker/hello:v1 .

Building the container now requires much more time because a clean build of the application is included. The advantage is that your build environment is now independent of your host environment.

Where to go from here?

Using containers is fun. But the fun diminishes as soon as the containers get larger. Using Ubuntu as the base image is comfortable but not the best solution. To reduce the size of your container you may want to try Alpine Linux as the base image, or use no base image as all.

If your application is split over several containers then you can use Docker Compose to manage your containers. For real container orchestration in the cloud you will want to learn about Kubernetes.

A long-time contributor to the D community, Kai Nacke is the author of ‘D Web Development‘ and a maintainer of LDC, the LLVM D Compiler.

DMD 2.085.0 and DConf 2019 News

Coinciding with news of a new release of DMD is news about DConf 2019 in London. From new GC options in DRuntime to free beers and free tours at DConf, we may as well kill two birds with one blog post!

Compiler news

The 2.085.0 release of DMD, the D reference compiler, is now ready for download. Among other things, this release sees support for 32-bit OS X removed, more support for interfacing with Objective-C, and big news on the garbage collection front. There’s also been some work on compatibility with the standard C++ library. In total, 2.085.0 represents 58 closed Bugzilla issues and the efforts of 49 contributors. See the changelog for the full details.

Interfacing with Objective-C

DMD has had limited support for binding with Objective-C for some time. This release expands that support to include classes, instance variables, and super calls.

Previously, binding with Objective-C classes required using D interfaces. No longer. Now, Objective-C classes can be declared directly as D classes. Decorate an Objective-C class with extern(Objective-C), make use of the @selector attribute on the methods, and away you go.

To better facilitate interaction between the two languages, such classes have slightly modified behavior. Any static and final methods in an extern(Objective-C) class are virtual. However, final methods still are forbidden from being overridden by subclasses. static methods are overridable.

extern (Objective-C)
class NSObject
    static NSObject alloc() @selector("alloc");
    NSObject init() @selector("init");
    void release() @selector("release");

extern (Objective-C)
class Foo : NSObject
    override static Foo alloc() @selector("alloc");
    override Foo init() @selector("init");

    int bar(int a) @selector("bar:")
        return a;

void main()
    auto foo = Foo.alloc.init;
    scope (exit) foo.release();

    assert( == 3);

It’s also now possible to declare instance variables in Objective-C classes and for a method in an Objective-C class to make a super call.

extern (Objective-C)
class NSObject
    void release() @selector("release");

extern (Objective-C)
class Foo : NSObject
    // instance variable
    int bar;

    int foo() @selector("foo")
        return 3;

    int getBar() @selector("getBar")
        return bar;

extern (Objective-C)
class Bar : Foo
    static Bar alloc() @selector("alloc");
    Bar init() @selector("init");

    override int foo() @selector("foo")
        // super call
        return + 1;

New GC stuff

Perhaps the biggest of the GC news items is that DRuntime now ships with a precise garbage collector. This can be enabled on any executable compiled and linked against the latest DRuntime by passing the runtime option --DRT-gcopt=gc:precise. To be clear, this is not a DMD compiler option. Read the documentation on the precise GC for more info.

Another new GC configuration option controls the behavior of the GC at program termination. Currently, the GC runs a collection at termination. This is to present the opportunity to finalize any live objects still holding on to resources that might affect the system state. However, this doesn’t guarantee all objects will be finalized as roots may still exist, nor is the need for it very common, so it’s often just a waste of time. As such, a new cleanup option allows the user of a D program to specify three possible approaches to GC clean up at program termination:

  • collect: the default, current, behavior for backward compatibility
  • none: do no cleanup at all
  • finalize: unconditionally finalize all live objects

This can be passed on the command line of a program compiled and linked against DRuntime as, e.g. --DRT-gcopt=cleanup:finalize.

All DRuntime options, including the two new ones, can be set up in code rather than being passed on the command line by declaring and initializing an array of strings called rt_options. It must be both extern(C) and __gshared:

extern(C) __gshared string[] rt_options = ["gcopt=gc:precise cleanup:none"];

See the documentation on configuring the garbage collector for more GC options.

Additional GC-related enhancements include programmatic access to GC profiling statistics and a new GC registry that allows user-supplied GCs to be linked with the runtime (see the documentation for details).

Standard C++

There are two enhancements to D’s C++ interface in this release. The first is found in the new DRuntime module, core.stdcpp.new_. This provides access to the global C++ new and delete operators so that D programs can allocate from the C++ heap. The second is the new core.stdcpp.allocator module, which exposes the std::allocator<T> class of C++ as a foundation for binding to the STL container types that allocate.

DConf 2019 news

There are two interesting perks for conference goers this year.

The nightly gathering spot

We now have an “official” gathering spot. Usually at DConf, we pick an “official” hotel where the D Language Foundation folks and many attendees stay, but where a number of conference goers gather in the evenings after dinner. This year, a number of factors made it difficult to pick a reasonable spot, so we opted for something different.

There’s a cozy little pub around the corner from the venue, the Prince Arthur, that has a nice room on the second floor available for reservation. There’s a limit on how many bodies we can pack in there at once, but folks generally come and go throughout the evening anyway. Any overflow can head downstairs to the public area. We’ve got the room May 8, 9, and 10.

Additionally, we’ll be offering a couple of free rounds each night courtesy of Mercedes-Benz Research & Development North America. Free drinks in a cozy backstreet London pub sounds like a great way to pass the time!

Check out the DConf venue page for details about the Prince Arthur and how to get there.

A free tour by Joolz Guides

Julian McDonnell of Joolz Guides will be taking some DConf registrants on a guided walk May 6 and 7. If you’ve never seen his YouTube channel, we recommend it. His video guides are quirky, informative, and fun.

This is available for free to all registrants, but space is limited! When you register for DConf, you’ll receive information on how to reserve your spot. We’ve arranged to have the tours in the mid-afternoon on both days so that folks arriving in the morning will have a chance to participate. This is a walking tour that will last somewhere between 3 – 4 hours, so be sure to wear comfortable shoes.

The current plan is to start at Temple Station and end at London Bridge. We hope you join us!


The DConf submission deadline of March 10 is just around the corner. Now’s the time to send in your proposal for a talk, demo, panel or research report. See the DConf 2019 homepage for submission guidelines and selection criteria. And remember, speakers are eligible for reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses.

The early-bird registration deadline of March 17 is fast approaching. Register now to take advantage of the 15% discount!

Project Highlight: Spasm

In 2014, Sebastiaan Koppe was working on a React project. The app’s target market included three-year-old mobile phones. He encountered some performance issues that, after investigating, he discovered weren’t attributable solely to the mobile platform.

It all became clear to me once I saw the flame graph. There were so many function calls! We managed to fix the performance issues by being a little smarter about updates and redraws, but the sight of that flame graph never quite left me. It made me wonder if things couldn’t be done more efficiently.

As time went on, Sebastiaan gained the insight that a UI is like a state machine.

Interacting with the UI moves you from one state to the next, but the total set of states and the rules governing the UI are all static. In fact, we require them to be static. Each time a user clicks a button, we want it to respond the same way. We want the same input validations to run each time a user submits a form.

So, if everything is static and defined up-front, why do all the javascript UI frameworks work so hard during runtime to figure out exactly what you want rendered? Would it not be more efficient to figure that out before you send the code to the browsers?

This led him to the idea of analyzing UI definitions to create an optimal UI renderer, but he was unable to act on it at the time. Then in 2018, native-language DOM frameworks targeting WebAsm, like asm-dom for C++ and Percy for Rust, came to his attention. Around the same time, the announcement of Vladimir Panteleev’s dscripten-tools introduced him to Sebastien Alaiwan’s older dscripten project. The former is an alternative build toolchain for the latter, which is an example of compiling D to asm.js via Emscripten. Here he saw an opportunity to revisit his old idea using D.

D’s static introspection gave me the tools to create render code at compile time, bypassing the need for a virtual DOM. The biggest challenge was to map existing UI declarations and patterns to plain D code in such a way that static introspection can be used to extract all of the information necessary for generating the rendering code.

One thing he really wanted to avoid was the need to embed React’s Javascript extension, JSX, in the D code, as that would require the creation of a compile-time parser. Instead, he decided to leverage the D compiler.

For the UI declarations, I ended up at a design where every HTML node is represented by a D struct and all the node’s attributes and properties are members of that struct. Combined with annotations, it gives enough information to generate optimal render code. With that, I implemented the famous todo-mvc application. The end result was quite satisfying. The actual source code was on par or shorter than most javascript implementations, the compiled code was only 60kB after gzip, and rendering various stages in the todo app took less than 2ms.

He announced his work on the D forums in September of 2018 (the live demo is still active as I write).

Unfortunately, he wasn’t satisfied with the amount of effort involved to get the end result. It required using the LLVM-based D compiler, LDC, to compile D to LLVM IR, then using Emscripten to produce asm.js, and finally using binaryen to compile that into WebAssembly. On top of that…

…you needed a patched version of LLVM to generate the asm.js, which required a patched LDC. Compiling all those dependencies takes a long time. Not anything I expect end users to willfully subject themselves to. They just want a compiler that’s easy to install and that just works.

As it happened, the 1.11.0 release of LDC in August 2018 actually had rudimentary support for WebAssembly baked in. Sebastiaan started rewriting the todo app and his Javascript glue code to use LDC’s new WebAssembly target. In doing so, he lost Emsripten’s bundled musl libc, so he switched his D code to use -betterC mode, which eliminates D’s dependency on DRuntime and, in turn, the C standard library.

With that, he had the easy-to-install-and-use package he wanted and was able to get the todo-mvc binary down to 5kb after gzip. When he announced this news in the D forums, he was led down a new path.

Someone asked about WebGL. That got me motivated to think about creating bindings to the APIs of the browser. That same night I did a search and found underrun, an entry in the 2018 js13k competition. I decided to port it to D and use it to figure out how to write bindings to WebGL and WebAudio.

He created the bindings by hand, but later he discovered WebIDL. After the underrun port was complete, he started work on using WebIDL to generate bindings.

It formed very quickly over the course of 2–3 months. The hardest part was mapping every feature of WebIDL to D, and at the same time figuring out how to move data, objects and callbacks between D and Javascript. All kinds of hard choices came up. Do I support undefined? Or optional types? Or union types? What about the “any” type? The answer is yes, all are supported.

He’s been happy with the result. D bindings to web APIs are included in Spasm and they follow the Javascript API as much as possible. A post-compile step is used to generate Javascript glue code.

It runs fairly quickly and generates only the Javascript glue code you actually need. It does that by collecting imported functions from the generated WebAssembly binary, cross-referencing those to functions to WebIDL definitions and then generating Javascript code for those.

The result of all this is Spasm, a library for developing single-page WebAssembly applications in D. The latest version is always available in the DUB repository.

I can’t wait to start working on hot module replacement with Spasm. Many Javascript frameworks provide it out-of-the box and it is really valuable when developing. Server-side rendering is also something that just wants to get written. While Spasm doesn’t need it so much to reduce page load times, it is necessary when you want to unittest HTML output or do SEO.

At the moment, his efforts are directed toward creating a set of basic material components. He’s had a hard time getting something together that works in plain D, and at one point considered abandoning the effort and working instead on a declarative UI language that compiles to D, but ultimately he persisted and will be announcing the project soon.

After the material project there are still plenty of challenges. The biggest thing I have been postponing is memory management. Right now the allocator in Spasm is a simple bump-the-pointer allocator. The memory for the WebAssembly instance in the browser is hardcoded to 16mb and when it’s full, it’s full. I could grow the memory of course, but I really need a way to reuse memory. Without help from the compiler – like Rust has – that either means manual memory management or a GC.

One way to solve the problem would be to port DRuntime to WebAssembly, something he says he’s considered “a few times” already.

At least the parts that I need. But so far the GC has always been an issue. In WebAssembly, memory is linear and starts at 0. When you combine that with an imprecise GC, suddenly everything looks like a pointer and, as a consequence, it won’t free any memory. Recently someone wrote a precise GC implementation. So that is definitely back on the table.

He’s also excited that he recently ran WebAssembly generated from D on Cloudflare workers.

The environment is different from a browser, but its the same in many ways. This is all very exciting and lots of possibilities will emerge for D. In part because you can generate WebAssembly binaries that are pretty lean and mean.

We’re pretty excited about the work Sebastiaan is doing and can’t wait to see where it goes. Keep an eye on the Dlang Newsfeed (@dlang_ng) on Twitter, or the official D Twitter feed (@D_Programming) to learn about future Spasm announcements.

Writing a D Wrapper for a C Library

In porting to D a program I created for a research project, I wrote a D wrapper of a C library in an object-oriented manner. I want to share my experience with other programmers. This article provides some D tips and tricks for writers of D wrappers around C libraries.

I initially started my research project using the Ada 2012 programming language (see my article “Experiences on Writing Ada Bindings for a C Library” in Ada User Journal, Volume 39, Number 1, March 2018). Due to a number of bugs that I was unable to overcome, I started looking for another programming language. After some unsatisfying experiments with Java and Python, I settled on the D programming language.

The C Library

We have a C library, written in an object-oriented style (C structure pointers serve as objects, and C functions taking such structure pointers serve as methods). Fortunately for us, there is no inheritance in that C library.

The particular libraries we will deal with are the Redland RDF Libraries, a set of libraries which parse Resource Description Framework (RDF) files or other RDF resources, manages them, enables RDF queries, etc. Don’t worry if you don’t know what RDF is, it is not really relevant for this article.

The first stage of this project was to write a D wrapper over librdf. I modeled it on the Ada wrapper I had already written. One advantage I found in D over Ada is that template instantiation is easier—there’s no need in D to instantiate every single template invocation with a separate declaration. I expect this to substantially simplify the code of XML Boiler, my program which uses this library.

I wrote both raw bindings and a wrapper. The bindings translate the C declarations directly into D, and the wrapper is a new API which is a full-fledged D interface. For example, it uses D types with constructors and destructors to represent objects. It also uses some other D features which are not available in C. This is a work in progress and your comments are welcome.

The source code of my library (forked from Dave Beckett’s original multi-language bindings of his libraries) is available at GitHub (currently only in the dlang branch). Initially, I tried some automatic parsers of C headers which generate D code. I found these unsatisfactory, so I wrote the necessary bindings myself.

Package structure

I put my entire API into the rdf.* package hierarchy. I also have the rdf.auxiliary package and its subpackages for things used by or with my bindings. I will discuss some particular rdf.auxiliary.* packages below.

My mixins

In Ada I used tagged types, which are a rough equivalent of D classes, and derived _With_Finalization types from _Without_Finalization types (see below). However, tagged types increase variable sizes and execution time.

In D I use structs instead of classes, mainly for efficiency reasons. D structs do not support inheritance, and therefore have no virtual method table (vtable), but do provide constructors and destructors, making classes unnecessary for my use case (however, see below). To simulate inheritance, I use template mixins (defined in the rdf.auxiliary.handled_record module) and the alias this construct.

As I’ve said above, C objects are pointers to structures. All C pointers to structures have the same format and alignment (ISO/IEC 9899:2011 section 6.2.5 paragraph 28). This allows the representation of any pointer to a C structure as a pointer to an opaque struct (in the below example, URIHandle is an opaque struct declared as struct URIHandle;).

Using the mixins shown below, we can declare the public structs of our API this way (you should look into the actual source for real examples):

struct URIWithoutFinalize {
    mixin WithoutFinalize!(URIHandle,
    // …
struct URI {
    mixin WithFinalize!(URIHandle,

The difference between the WithoutFinalize and WithFinalize mixins is explained below.

About finalization and related stuff

The main challenge in writing object-oriented bindings for a C library is finalization.

In the C library in consideration (as well as in many other C libraries), every object is represented as a pointer to a dynamically allocated C structure. The corresponding D object can be a struct holding the pointer (aka handle), but oftentimes a C function returns a so-called “shared handle”—a pointer to a C struct which we should not free because it is a part of a larger C object and shall be freed by the C library only when that larger C object goes away.

As such, I first define both (for example) URIWithoutFinalize and URI. Only URI has a destructor. For URIWithoutFinalize, a shared handle is not finalized. As D does not support inheritance for structs, I do it with template mixins instead. Below is a partial listing. See the above URI example on how to use them:

mixin template WithoutFinalize(alias Dummy,
                               alias _WithoutFinalize,
                               alias _WithFinalize,
                               alias copier = null)
    private Dummy* ptr;
    private this(Dummy* ptr) {
        this.ptr = ptr;
    @property Dummy* handle() const {
        return cast(Dummy*)ptr;
    static _WithoutFinalize fromHandle(const Dummy* ptr) {
        return _WithoutFinalize(cast(Dummy*)ptr);
    static if(isCallable!copier) {
        _WithFinalize dup() {
            return _WithFinalize(copier(ptr));
    // ...

mixin template WithFinalize(alias Dummy,
                            alias _WithoutFinalize,
                            alias _WithFinalize,
                            alias destructor,
                            alias constructor = null)
    private Dummy* ptr;
    @disable this();
    @disable this(this);
    // Use fromHandle() instead
    private this(Dummy* ptr) {
        this.ptr = ptr;
    ~this() {
    /*private*/ @property _WithoutFinalize base() { // private does not work in v2.081.2
        return _WithoutFinalize(ptr);
    alias base this;
    @property Dummy* handle() const {
        return cast(Dummy*)ptr;
    static _WithFinalize fromHandle(const Dummy* ptr) {
        return _WithFinalize(cast(Dummy*)ptr);
    // ...

I’ve used template alias parameters here, which allow a template to be parameterized with more than just types. The Dummy argument is the type of the handle instance (usually an opaque struct). The destructor and copier arguments are self-explanatory. For the usage of the constructor argument, see the real source (here it is omitted).

The _WithoutFinalize and _WithFinalize template arguments should specify the structs we define, allowing them to reference each other. Note that the alias this construct makes _WithoutFinalize essentially a base of _WithFinalize, allowing us to use all methods and properties of _WithoutFinalize in _WithFinalize.

Also note that instances of the _WithoutFinalize type may become invalid, i.e. it may contain dangling access values. It seems that there is no easy way to deal with this problem because of the way the C library works. We may not know when an object is destroyed by the C library. Or we may know but be unable to appropriately “explain” it to the D compiler. Just be careful when using this library not to use objects which are already destroyed.

Dealing with callbacks

To deal with C callbacks (particularly when accepting a void* argument for additional data) in an object-oriented way, we need a way to convert between C void pointers and D class objects (we pass D objects as C “user data” pointers). D structs are enough (and are very efficient) to represent C objects like librdf library objects, but for conveniently working with callbacks, classes are more useful because they provide good callback machinery in the form of virtual functions.

First, the D object, which is passed as a callback parameter to C, should not unexpectedly be moved in memory by the D garbage collector. So I make them descendants of this class:

class UnmovableObject {
    this() {
        GC.setAttr(cast(void*)this, GC.BlkAttr.NO_MOVE);

Moreover, I add the property context() to pass it as a void* pointer to C functions which register callbacks:

abstract class UserObject : UnmovableObject {
    final @property void* context() const { return cast(void*)this; }

When we create a callback we need to pass a D object as a C pointer and an extern(C) function defined by us as the callback. The callback receives the pointer previously passed by us and in the callback code we should (if we want to stay object-oriented) convert this pointer into a D object pointer.

What we need is a bijective (“back and forth”) mapping between D pointers and C void* pointers. This is trivial in D: just use the cast() operator.

How to do this in practice? The best way to explain is with an example. We will consider how to create an I/O stream class which uses the C library callbacks to implement it. For example, when the user of our wrapper requests to write some information to a file, our class receives write message. To handle this message, our implementation calls our virtual function doWriteBytes(), which actually handles the user’s request.

private immutable DispatcherType Dispatch =
    { version_: 2,
      init: null,
      finish: null,
      write_byte : &raptor_iostream_write_byte_impl,
      write_bytes: &raptor_iostream_write_bytes_impl,
      write_end  : &raptor_iostream_write_end_impl,
      read_bytes : &raptor_iostream_read_bytes_impl,
      read_eof   : &raptor_iostream_read_eof_impl };

class UserIOStream : UserObject {
    IOStream record;
    this(RaptorWorldWithoutFinalize world) {
        IOStreamHandle* handle = raptor_new_iostream_from_handler(world.handle,
        record = IOStream.fromNonnullHandle(handle);
    void doWriteByte(char byte_) {
        if(doWriteBytes(&byte_, 1, 1) != 1)
            throw new IOStreamException();
    abstract int doWriteBytes(char* data, size_t size, size_t count);
    abstract void doWriteEnd();
    abstract size_t doReadBytes(char* data, size_t size, size_t count);
    abstract bool doReadEof();

And for example:

int raptor_iostream_write_bytes_impl(void* context, const void* ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb) {
    try {
        return (cast(UserIOStream)context).doWriteBytes(cast(char*)ptr, size, nmemb);
    catch(Exception) {
        return -1;

More little things

I “encode” C strings (which can be null) as a D template instance, Nullable!string. If the string is null, the holder is empty. However, it is often enough to transform an empty D string into a null C string (this can work only if we don’t differentiate between empty and null strings). See rdf.auxiliary.nullable_string for an actually useful code.

I would write a lot more advice on how to write D bindings for a C library, but you can just follow my source, which can serve as an example.

Static if

One thing which can be done in D but not in Ada is compile-time comparison via static if. This is a D construct (similar to but more advanced than C conditional preprocessor directives) which allows conditional compilation based on compile-time values. I use static if with my custom Version type to enable/disable features of my library depending on the available features of the version of the base C library in use. In the following example, rasqalVersionFeatures is a D constant defined in my rdf.config package, created by the GNU configure script from the file.

static if(Version(rasqalVersionFeatures) >= Version("0.9.33")) {
    private extern extern(C)
    QueryResultsHandle* rasqal_new_query_results_from_string(RasqalWorldHandle* world,
                                                             QueryResultsType type,
                                                             URIHandle* base_uri,
                                                             const char* string,
                                                             size_t string_len);
    static create(RasqalWorldWithoutFinalize world,
                  QueryResultsType type,
                  URITypeWithoutFinalize baseURI,
                  string value)
        return QueryResults.fromNonnullHandle(
                                                 value.ptr, value.length));


Order comparisons between structs can be easily done with this mixin:

mixin template CompareHandles(alias equal, alias compare) {
    import std.traits;
    bool opEquals(const ref typeof(this) s) const {
        static if(isCallable!equal) {
          return equal(handle, s.handle) != 0;
        } else {
          return compare(handle, s.handle) == 0;
    int opCmp(const ref typeof(this) s) const {
      return compare(handle, s.handle);

Sadly, this mixin has to be called in both the _WithoutFinalization and the _WithFinalization structs. I found no solution to write it once.


I’ve found that D is a great language for writing object-oriented wrappers around C libraries. There are some small annoyances like using class wrappers around structs for callbacks, but generally, D wraps up around C well.

Victor Porton is an open source developer, a math researcher, and a Christian writer. He earns his living as a programmer.

DConf 2019 Early-Bird Registration Opens (and Other News)

I’ve got a few big news items for you today, the biggest being one I’ve been eagerly awaiting: early-bird registration for DConf 2019 London is now open!

Early-bird Registrations…

are now open!

We’re very fortunate, thanks to the generosity of Symmetry Investments, to be able to keep the normal registration fee to our standard $400 this year. Like last year, the early-bird discount is once again 15%, so register before March 17, 24:00 AOE, and you’ll only pay $340. Unfortunately, unlike past editions of DConf, we’re required to charge a VAT of 20% this year, so the early-bird rate with tax is $408 and the regular registration will be $480 with tax. The GBP value of the VAT is listed alongside the price on the registration page and will be updated when the average monthly exchange rate changes.

Currently, you’ll find two options for payment on the registration page: Flipcause and PayPal. Those of you who have been following the latest goings on will know that we’re using Flipcause to create donation campaigns. They also provide support to configure campaigns for events like DConf, allowing us to keep as much as possible coming into one place. In the long run, this will be more efficient for us than accepting money through other services, so if you aren’t paying with a PayPal balance for your DConf registration, we ask that you please choose the Flipcause option.

You’ll also find the DConf campaign listed in our Campaign Menu, which is accessible from the big Donate Now button in this blog’s sidebar as well as from the D Language Foundation’s donation page. In the past, we have supported Eventbrite as a payment option, but have not yet decided if we will do so this year.

Invited Keynote Speaker

I’m also happy to announce that Laeeth Isharc has accepted our invitation to be a keynote speaker at DConf 2019.

Every year, Walter and Andrei are joined by an invited keynote speaker to open each of the three presentation days of the conference. Sometimes, the speaker is from outside of the D community for a different perspective (Scott Meyers was the invited keynote speaker at DConfs 2014 and 2017, and Martin Odersky was the invited keynote speaker last year). This year, offering the invitation to Laeeth was a no-brainer.

Not only is Laeeth responsible for bringing DConf 2019 to London under the sponsorship of Symmetry Investments, he’s also an enthusiastic supporter of the D programming language. He hires D programmers, sponsors open-source D projects, initiated the Symmetry Autumn of Code (SAoC), and can be found in various forums around the internet answering questions about D. Despite all of that, he’s never spoken at a DConf. We can’t wait to hear what he has to say!

The SAoC Finalist

Three programmers started the Symmetry Autumn of Code. Each participant was to complete three milestones, each of one-month duration, and would receive $1000 upon the successful completion of each. After a final month of clean-up work (whatever was required by each project), one participant was to be selected for a final $1000 payment and a free pass to DConf 2019, including travel and lodging.

One participant was unable to continue after the first milestone. The other two—Francesco Mecca, whose project was porting Leandro Lucarella’s old D1 forking GC to DRuntime, and Francesco Galla, whose project was adding HTTP/2 support to vibe-http—were able to see the event through to the end. Both did some excellent work on their chosen projects, but only one would be selected for the final prize.

I can now announce that congratulations are in order for Francesco Galla! He’ll be receiving the final payment and the trip to DConf 2019. As it turns out, he and the other Francesco happen to be friends. They had an agreement beforehand that the finalist would use the extra $1000 to pay for the other to attend DConf. And we’ve been informed that we’ll be fortunate enough to meet both of them in London!

We’ll also be hearing from Francesco Mecca before then, as he has agreed to write about his project for this blog. Francesco Galla will either write a blog post or, depending on how the conference schedule comes together, give a presentation about his project at DConf (possibly both!). Keep an ear open for the announcements.

The New Fundraiser

The PR Manager Campaign was a tremendous success. Not only did we meet our goal well before the deadline, but Nicholas Wilson has done a great job cleaning up the pull request queues. We will continue that campaign for another quarter, starting next month.

In the meantime, we’re raising $2000 for a new server for the D Forums. There are two reasons we’ve selected this as our next target.

First, Vladimir Panteleev has been paying for the server for the D Forums (and his other D services) out of his pocket for years. It’s time we put a stop to that. The forums are a crucial part of the D programming language community and it shouldn’t be up to one person to pay the bills.

Second, the forums have been experiencing performance issues at an increasing frequency over the past several months. Among the possible solutions that Vladimir has identified to improve this state of things, moving to better hardware is a big one. If ever there was a time for the community to take over the server bills, it’s now.

So we encourage you to donate to the cause! Helping us meet our $2000 goal will cover a new server for the forums and provide a cushion for any incidental expenses. Vladimir has graciously declined to accept any money from the D Language Foundation for the work he does in actually maintaining and improving the forums, so we’d like to draw your attention to his Patreon account, where you can more broadly support the open-source work he does.

We thank Vladimir for all the time and money he’s put into this over the years, and thank you in advance for your donations!

Last Year In D

2018 was one of the biggest years in D we’ve had for a while. It was the first complete year that DMD stuck to a steady release schedule. Over the course of the year, the language got new features and cruft cleanup. The compiler even got some new user-facing features. At the same time, the community-at-large continued to evolve the surrounding ecosystem.

Release Rundown

The first DMD release of the year was version 2.078 on January 1. It set the tone for much of the year, including more support for a stripped-down runtime for -betterC mode, and a deprecation change in arithmetic rules.

The next major release came out in March, and I personally found it to be the most exciting release in a couple of years because it came with improved error messages – notably, calling out the specific argument to a function that mismatched a type (though I will note there is still a lot of room for further improvement!). Moreover, this release introduced DMD’s -i flag, which automatically includes imported modules and has proven to be a major convenience to me over the year.

Meanwhile, more stripped-down runtime support and general language cleanup was included in the release. March also introduced experimental @nogc exception throwing (as proposed in DIP1008). This release also changed the garbage collector to be lazily initialized, part of the effort to make things cheaper and pay-as-you-go.

March was also the first time DMD on Windows could do a total build of a 64-bit program without Visual Studio installed because it bundled the LLVM linker.

Keeping to the release schedule, May and July brought us new major versions, which focused on language cleanup, with a lot of deprecations. There was a #dbugfix campaign over the year, and it brought a fix in May’s release: allowing the pow operator (^^) and several std.math functions to be used at compile time. July’s release brought a change in contract syntax, based on the proposal in DIP 1009, allowing small expressions instead of requiring whole blocks.

Version 2.082, in September, finally brought me something I have wanted for a long time: User Defined Attributes on enum members and function parameters, as well as the ability to disable DRuntime’s exception trapping via the --DRT-trapExceptions=0 runtime command-line switch, which allows for easier debugging of uncaught exceptions. Moreover, with this release the D Language Foundation began digitally signing the Windows binary releases, which has helped smooth out the end-user experience when installing and running DMD. It should continue to help solve the false-positive problem we have seen with some virus scanners.

At the end of the year, version 2.083 saw extern(C++) get a big improvement its users have been waiting for: namespaces without scopes, which makes C++ interoperability and code organization a lot easier. Work on making the C++ standard library accessible from D has been progressing throughout the year.

Overall, the year brought a lot of awaited improvements. D is more usable in various runtime library situations (even Phobos has some -betterC support, like RefCounted and Tuple!). The language had over ten deprecations of old cruft like comma expressions, read-modify-write on shared, comma expressions, class allocators (did you even know D still had class allocators? To be honest, I thought they were formally deprecated years ago, but it was actually 2018 when the change officially happened!), and more.

Debugging got better, with the uncaught exception switch, but also allowing the debug statement to escape more attribute restrictions, better error messages out of the compiler, and a -verrors=context switch to show the line right in the message. -betterC debugging aids also improved, with the C assert function being a possibility. I’ll also note that 2019 is already moving further—new assert printing code was merged just recently; we can choose how to control them and whether to use D or C facilities!

Of course, the library continued to get better range support and its support for @nogc and -betterC has grown as well.

And as a fun fact, DMD is now 98% ported to D, with another major part converted over the year.

The D Community

More companies invested in D in 2018. Hosted by QA Systems, DConf 2018 was held in Munich, Germany, the first time DConf has been to that city (and the third time in Germany, after taking place in Berlin in 2016 and 2017). Symmetry Investments sponsored the successful Symmetry Autumn of Code, funding three students to work on D-related projects. came out at the end of 2017 and grew in popularity throughout 2018, becoming the new standard for running D code online, including from the homepage. It even supports a whitelist of third-party libraries.

The dlang-tour website gained a few new translations from the community, including Vietnamese, Portugese, French, Turkish, German, and Ukrainian.

The D Language Foundation was busy in 2018 as well. They received over $5000 on Open Collective, $3000 of which was earmarked to support development of the code-d VS Code plugin and the language server that drives it. With a successful campaign launched through Flipcause, the DLF was able to hire a pull request manager for three months. Donations through all platforms allowed them to fund some outreach efforts as well as student work via scholarships. To increase visibility, they submitted a history of D paper to the Fourth ACM SIGPLAN History of Programming Languages Conference.

Over 2,500 pull results have now been merged by the dlang-bot on GitHub, and the Project Tester has now gained 50 projects that it tests on every PR to give real-world data on compiler regressions and the impact of breakages.

DIP 1014, “Hooking D’s struct move semantics”, was also accepted. It will open some doors that were closed by design in old D, but that many developers had found limiting. Before, the compiler could move your structs whenever it wanted. Now, it will be hookable to give more control to the programmer and avoid a nasty case of bugs.

I opened up my documentation generation website at to all DUB projects this year, and upstream linked to it, encouraging D library authors to better document their libraries and allowing users to better evaluate the libraries before downloading them.

On Twitter, @dlang_ng was started and has gained about 200 followers. All announcement topics from the Announce forum (aka the digitalmars.D.announce newsgroup) are tweeted out here.

2018 also saw community announcements of the autowrap and dpp projects. autowrap automatically wraps existing D code to be used from other environments, while dpp runs a C pre-processor over D code to make it possible to use C headers, unmodified, macros and all, directly in D. These two projects show the community’s desire to integrate D more fully into existing codebases and projects.

Of course, not all is perfect in the D development community, including a few areas where this author would like to see improvement.

The most +1-ed PR on DMD, a string interpolation implementation (and a very elegant approach in this writer’s opinion), remains open and of uncertain status, despite a renewed effort to get it merged in December. Similarly, the State of D 2018 Survey identified several areas for improvement. Very few of these came to pass in 2018, though some progress was made. We deprecated some cruft, but auto-decoding, one of the top-five disliked Phobos features in the survey and one often derided in the forums, remains in place. We are still using Bugzilla, which got an average of 3.27 satisfaction rating out of a possible 5 stars in the survey. We achieved fewer regressions, but added even more to the attribute bloat. We have an official blog and the annual DConf, but the D Language Foundation’s inner workings are still opaque.

It would be great if some of these weak points are addressed among the improvements and changes in 2019.

The DUB Package Manager

The website received some criticism in 2017, and it was addressed in 2018. The site got a new front page with usage statistics and project ranking based on GitHub info. The DUB program itself got faster and more stable, no longer going online on every run to check for updates, and achieving better online uptime.

The Mir library, which has algorithms, collections, and more written to be 100% -betterC compatible (which, of course, means it also works in all other D environments, too), is now the fifth-most popular package on the DUB registry, while the unit testing library unit-threaded takes the third-place slot. First, second, and fourth are all related to vibe.d, which is the project DUB was originally created to support.


2018 was a really good year for D. There is still much work to do, but worthwhile developments in all facets of the language and ecosystem gave me renewed excitement going into 2019. I expect that March 2019 release of D is going to be another big step toward improving the best programming language we have on Earth today!

Adam Ruppe is the author of D Cookbook and maintainer of This Week in D. Modules from his freely available arsd package are used throughout the D community. He is also known for his legendary DConf 2014 presentation.


There were a total of 166 contributors listed on the DMD changelog in 2018. Special thanks to them and to all the others in the D community who flesh out the ecosystem and make our favorite programming language!

  • 0xEAB
  • Adam D. Ruppe
  • Alexandru Caciulescu
  • Alexandru Jercaianu
  • Alexandru ermicioi
  • Alexibu
  • Ali Akhtarzada
  • Ali Çehreli
  • Andrei Alexandrescu
  • Andrei-Cristian VASILE (87585)
  • Andrey Penechko
  • Andy Smith
  • Aravinda VK
  • Arun Chandrasekaran
  • Atila Neves
  • BBasile
  • Basile Burg
  • Bastiaan Veelo
  • Benoit Rostykus
  • Brad Roberts
  • Brian Schott
  • Carsten Schlote
  • Chris Coutinho
  • Daniel Kozak
  • Dashster
  • David Bennett
  • David Gileadi
  • David Nadlinger
  • Denis Feklushkin
  • Diederik de Groot
  • Dmitry Olshansky
  • Dragos Carp
  • Duncan Paterson
  • Eduard Staniloiu
  • Elias Batek
  • Erik van Velzen
  • Eugen Wissner
  • FeepingCreature
  • GabyForceQ
  • Giles Bathgate
  • GoaLitiuM
  • Greg V
  • H. S. Teoh
  • Harry T. Vennik
  • Hiroki Noda
  • Héctor Barreras Almarcha [Dechcaudron]
  • Iain Buclaw
  • Ilya Yaroshenko
  • Ionut
  • Jack Stouffer
  • Jacob Carlborg
  • Jan Jurzitza
  • Jean-Louis Leroy
  • JinShil
  • Joakim Noah
  • Johan Engelen
  • Johannes Loher
  • Johannes Pfau
  • John Belmonte
  • John Colvin
  • Jon Degenhardt
  • Jonathan M Davis
  • Jonathan Marler
  • Jordi Sayol
  • Joseph Rushton Wakeling
  • Kai Nacke
  • Kevin De Keyser
  • Kotet
  • Laeeth Isharc
  • Lance Bachmeier
  • Leandro Lucarella
  • LemonBoy
  • Lucia Mcojocaru
  • Luís Marques
  • Manu Evans
  • Manuel Maier
  • Markus F.X.J. Oberhumer
  • Martin Kinkelin
  • Martin Krejcirik
  • Martin Nowak
  • Mathias Baumann
  • Mathias Lang
  • Mathis Beer
  • MetaLang
  • Michael Parker
  • Mihails Strasuns
  • Mike Franklin
  • Mike Parker
  • Márcio Martins
  • Nathan Sashihara
  • Nemanja Boric
  • Nicholas Lindsay Wilson
  • Nicholas Wilson
  • Nick Treleaven
  • Oleg Nykytenko
  • Patrick Schlüter
  • Paul Backus
  • Per Nordlöw
  • Petar Kirov
  • Pjotr Prins
  • Pradeep Gowda
  • Quirin F. Schroll
  • Radosław Rusiniak
  • Radu Racariu
  • Rainer Schuetze
  • Razvan Nitu
  • Remi Thebault
  • Robert burner Schadek
  • Roman Chistokhodov
  • Ryan David Sheasby
  • Ryan Frame
  • Sebastian Wilzbach
  • Simen Kjærås
  • Simon Naarmann
  • Spoov
  • Stanislav Blinov
  • Stefan Koch
  • Steven Schveighoffer
  • Superstar64
  • Temtaime
  • Tero Hänninen
  • Thibaut CHARLES
  • Thomas Mader
  • Timon Gehr
  • Timoses
  • Timothee Cour
  • Tomáš Chaloupka
  • Tyler Knott
  • Unknown
  • Vlad Vitan
  • Vladimir Panteleev
  • Walter Bright
  • Yannick Koechlin
  • Yuxuan Shui
  • Zach Tollen
  • Zevenberge
  • aG0aep6G
  • abaga129
  • byebye
  • carblue
  • cedretaber
  • crimaniak
  • devel
  • deviator
  • dhasenan
  • dmdw64
  • drug007
  • dukc
  • gapdan
  • glitchbunny
  • growlercab
  • jercaianu
  • jmh530
  • kinke
  • leitimmel
  • look-at-me
  • n8sh
  • rracariu
  • shoo
  • shove70
  • skl131313
  • thaven
  • viktor
  • wazar
  • olframw
  • yashikno
  • Ľudovít Lučenič