Category Archives: Code

DMD 2.082.0 Released

DMD 2.082.0 was released over the weekend. There were 28 major changes and 76 closed Bugzilla issues in this release, including some very welcome improvements in the toolchain. Head over to the download page to pick up the official package for your platform and visit the changelog for the details.

Tooling improvements

While there were several improvements and fixes to the compiler, standard library, and runtime in this release, there were some seemingly innocuous quality-of-life changes to the tooling that are sure to be greeted with more enthusiasm.

DUB gets dubbier

DUB, the build tool and package manager for D that ships with DMD, received a number  of enhancements, including better dependency resolution, variable support in the build settings, and improved environment variable expansion.

Arguably the most welcome change will be the removal of the regular update check. Previously, DUB would check for dependency updates once a day before starting a project build. If there was no internet connection, or if there were any errors in dependency resolution, the process could hang for some time. With the removal of the daily check, upgrades will only occur when running dub upgrade in a project directory. Add to that the brand new --dry-run flag to get a list of any upgradable dependencies without executing the upgrades.

Signed binaries for Windows

For quite some time users of DMD on Windows have had the annoyance of seeing a warning from Windows Smartscreen when running the installer, and the occasional false positive from AntiVirus software when running DMD.

Now those in the Windows D camp can do a little victory dance, as all of the binaries in the distribution, including the installer, are signed with the D Language Foundation’s new code signing certificate. This is one more quality-of-life issue that can finally be laid to rest. On a side note, the cost of the certificate was the first expense entered into our Open Collective page.

Compiler and libraries

Many of the changes and updates in the compiler and library department are unlikely to compel anyone to shout from the rooftops, but a handful are nonetheless notable.

The compiler

One such is an expansion of the User-Defined Attribute syntax. Previously, these were only allowed on declarations. Now, they can be applied to function parameters:

// Previously, it was illegal to attach a UDA to a function parameter
void example(@(22) string param)
    // It's always been legal to attach UDAs to type, variable, and function declarations.
    @(11) string var;
    pragma(msg, [__traits(getAttributes, var)] == [11]);
    pragma(msg, [__traits(getAttributes, param)] == [22]);

Run this example online

The same goes for enum members (it’s not explicitly listed in the highlights at the top of the changelog, but is mentioned in the bugfix list):

enum Foo {
@(10) one,
@(20) two,

void main()
pragma(msg, [__traits(getAttributes,] == [10]);
pragma(msg, [__traits(getAttributes, Foo.two)] == [20]);

Run this example online

The DasBetterC subset of D is enhanced in this release with some improvements. It’s now possible to use array literals in initializers. Previously, array literals required the use of TypeInfo, which is part of DRuntime and therefore unavailable in -betterC mode. Moreover, comparing arrays of structs is now supported and comparing arrays of byte-sized types should no longer generate any linker errrors.

import core.stdc.stdio;
struct Sint
    int x;
    this(int v) { x = v;}

extern(C) void main()
    // No more TypeInfo error in this initializer
    Sint[6] a1 = [Sint(1), Sint(2), Sint(3), Sint(1), Sint(2), Sint(3)];
    foreach(si; a1) printf("%i\n", si.x);

    // Arrays/slices of structs can now be compared
    assert(a1[0..3] == a1[3..$]);

    // No more linker error when comparing strings, either explicitly
    // or implicitly such as in a switch.
    auto s = "abc";
        case "abc":
            puts("Got a match!");

    // And the same goes for any byte-sized type
    char[6] a = [1,2,3,1,2,3];
    assert(a[0..3] >= a[3..$]);

    puts("All the asserts passed!");

Run this example online


Another quality-of-life fix, this one touching on the debugging experience, is a new run-time flag that can be passed to any D program compiled against the 2.082 release of the runtime or later, --DRT-trapException=0. This allows exception trapping to be disabled from the command line.

Previously, this was supported only via a global variable, rt_trapExceptions. To disable exception trapping, this variable had to be set to false before DRuntime gained control of execution, which meant implementing your own extern(C) main and calling _d_run_main to manually initialize DRuntime which, in turn, would run the normal D main—all of which is demonstrated in the Tip of the Week from the August 7, 2016, edition of This Week in D (you’ll also find there a nice explanation of why you might want to disable this feature. HINT: running in your debugger). A command-line flag is sooo much simpler, no?


The std.array module has long had an array function that can be used to create a dynamic array from any finite range. With this release, the module gains a staticArray function that can do the same for static arrays, though it’s limited to input ranges (which includes other arrays). When the length of a range is not knowable at compile time, it must be passed as a template argument. Otherwise, the range itself can be passed as a template argument.

import std.stdio;
void main()
    import std.range : iota;
    import std.array : staticArray;

    auto input = 3.iota;
    auto a = input.staticArray!2;
    pragma(msg, is(typeof(a) == int[2]));
    auto b = input.staticArray!(long[4]);
    pragma(msg, is(typeof(b) == long[4]));

Run this example online

September pumpkin spice

Participation in the #dbugfix campaign for this cycle was, like last cycle, rather dismal. Even so, I’ll have an update on that topic later this month in a post of its own.

Three of eight applicants were selected for the Symmetry Autumn of Code, which officially kicked off on September 1. Stay tuned here for a post on that topic as well.

The blog has been quiet for a few weeks, but the gears are slowly and squeakily starting to grind again. Other posts lined up for this month include the next long-overdue installment in the GC Series and the launch of a new ‘D in Production’ profile.

DMD 2.081.0 Released

DMD 2.081.0 is now ready for download. Things that stand out in this release are a few deprecations, the implementation of a recently approved DIP (D Improvement Proposal), and quite a bit of work on C++ compatibility. Be sure to check the changelog for details.

Improving C++ interoperability

D has had binary compatibility with C from the beginning not only because it made sense, but also because it was relatively easy to implement. C++ is a different beast. Its larger-than-C feature set and the differences between it and D introduce complexities that make implementing binary compatibility across all supported platforms a challenge to get right. Because of this, D’s extern(C++) feature has been considered a work in progress since its initial inception.

DMD 2.081.0 brings several improvements to the D <-> C++ story, mostly in the form of name mangling bug fixes and improvements. The mangling of constructors and destructors in extern(C++) now properly match the C++ side, as does that of most of D’s operator overloads (where they are semantically equivalent to C++).

Proper mangling of nullptr_t is implemented now as well. On the D side, use typeof(null):

alias nullptr_t = typeof(null);
extern(C++) void fun(nullptr_t);

The alias in the example is not required, but may help with usability and readability when interfacing with C++. As typing null everywhere is likely reflexive for most D programmers, nullptr_t may be easier to keep in mind than typeof(null) for those special C++ cases.

Most of the D operator overloads in an extern(C++) class will now correctly mangle. This means it’s now possible to bind to operator overloads in C++ classes using the standard D opBinary, opUnary, etc. The exceptions are opCmp, which has no compatible C++ implementation, and the C++ operator!, which has no compatible D implementation.

In addition to name mangling improvements, a nasty bug where extern(C++) destructors were being placed incorrectly in the C++ virtual table has been fixed, and extern(C++) constructors and destructors now semantically match C++. This means mixed-language class hierarchies are now possible and you can now pass extern(C++) classes to object.destroy when you’re done with them.

Indirectly related,  __traits(getLinkage, ...) has been updated to now tell you the ABI with which a struct, class, or interface has been declared, so you can now filter out your extern(C++) aggregates from those which are extern(D) and extern(Objective-C).

The following shows some of the new features in action. First, the C++ class:

#include <iostream>
class CClass {
    int _val;
    CClass(int v) : _val(v) {}
    virtual ~CClass() { std::cout << "Goodbye #" << _val << std::endl; }
    virtual int getVal() { return _val; }
    CClass* operator+(CClass const * const rhs);

CClass* CClass::operator+(CClass const * const rhs) {
    return new CClass(_val + rhs->_val);

And now the D side:

extern(C++) class CClass
    private int _val;
    int getVal();
    CClass opBinary(string op : "+")(const CClass foo);

class DClass : CClass
    this(int v)
    ~this() {}
    override extern(C++) int getVal() { return super.getVal() + 10; }

void main()
    import std.stdio : writeln;

    writeln("CClass linkage: ", __traits(getLinkage, CClass));
    writeln("DClass linkage: ", __traits(getLinkage, DClass));

    DClass clazz1 = new DClass(5);
    scope(exit) destroy(clazz1);
    writeln("clazz1._val: ", clazz1.getVal());

    DClass clazz2 = new DClass(6);
    scope(exit) destroy(clazz2);
    writeln("clazz2._val: ", clazz2.getVal());

    CClass clazz3 = clazz1 + clazz2;
    scope(exit) destroy(clazz3);
    writeln("clazz3._val: ", clazz3.getVal);

Compile the C++ class to an object file with your C++ compiler, then pass the object file to DMD on the command line with the D source module and Bob’s your uncle (just make sure on Windows to pass -m64 or -m32mscoff to dmd if you compile the C++ file with the 64-bit or 32-bit Microsoft Build Tools, respectively).

This is still a work in progress and users diving into the deep end with C++ and D are bound to hit shallow spots more frequently than they would like, but this release marks a major leap forward in C++ interoperability.

DIP 1009

Given the amount of time DIP 1009 spent crawling through the DIP review process, it was a big relief for all involved when it was finally approved. The DIP proposed a new syntax for contracts in D. For the uninitiated, the old syntax looked like this:

int fun(ref int a, int b)
    // Preconditions
    assert(a > 0);
    assert(b >= 0, "b cannot be negative");
out(result) // (result) is optional if you don't need to test it
    // Postconditions
    assert(result > 0, "returned result must be positive");
    assert(a != 0);
 	// The function body
    a += b;
    return b * 100;

Thanks to DIP 1009, starting in DMD 2.081.0 you can do all of that more concisely with the new expression-based contract syntax:

int fun(ref int a, int b)
    in(a > 0)
    in(b >= 0, "b cannot be negative")
    out(result; result > 0, "returned result must be positive")
    out(; a != 0)
    a += b;
    return b * 100;

Note that result is optional in both the old and new out contract syntaxes and can be given any name. Also note that the old syntax will continue to work.


There’s not much information to add here beyond what’s already in the changelog, but these are cases that users should be aware of:

The #dbugfix campaign

The inaugural #dbugfix round prior to the release of DMD 2.080 was a success, but Round 2 has been much, much quieter (few nominations, very little discussion, and no votes).

One of the two nominated bugs selected from Round 1 was issue #18068. It was fixed and merged into the new 2.081.0 release. The second bug selected was issue #15984, which has not yet been fixed.

In Round 2, the following bugs were nominated with one vote each:

I’ll hand this list off to our team of bug fixing volunteers and hope there’s something here they can tackle.

Round 3 of the #dbugfix campaign is on now. Please nominate the bugs you want to see fixed! Create a thread in the General Forum with #dbugfix and the issue number in the title, or send out a tweet containing #dbugfix and the issue number. I’ll tally them up at the end of the cycle (September 28).

And please, if you do use the #dbugfix in a tweet, remember that it’s intended for nominating bugs you want fixed and not for bringing attention to your pull requests!

How an Engineering Company Chose to Migrate to D

Bastiaan Veelo is the lead developer of a specialised program for the
computer aided geometric design of ship hulls called Fairway, for the
company SARC in the Netherlands.

Imagine there is this little-known programming language in which you enjoy programming in your free time. You know it is ready for prime time and you dream about using it at work everyday. This is the story about how I made a dream like that come true.

My early acquaintance with D

Back when “google” was not yet a common verb, I was doing a web search for “parsing C++”. The reason was that writing a report for an assignment had derailed into writing a syntax highlighter for noweb using bison and flex, and I found out firsthand that C++ is not easy to parse. That web search brought up this page (present version) with an overview of the D Programming Language, and the following statement has had me hooked ever since:

D’s lexical analyzer and parser are totally independent of each other and of the semantic analyzer. This means it is easy to write simple tools to manipulate D source perfectly without having to build a full compiler. It also means that source code can be transmitted in tokenized form for specialized applications.

“Genius,” I thought, “here we have someone who knows what he’s doing.” This is representative of the pragmatic professionalism that still radiates from the D community, and it combines with an unpretentious flair that makes it pleasant to be around. This funny quote decorated its homepage for many years:

“Great, just what I need.. another D in programming.” – Segfault

Nevertheless, I didn’t have many opportunities to use the language and I largely remained sitting on the fence, observing its development.

Programming professionally

With mostly academic programming experience, I started programming professionally in 2006 for SARC, a Dutch engineering company serving the maritime industry. Since the early ’80s they have been developing software for ship design and onboard loading calculations, which today amounts to roughly half a million lines of code. I think their success can partly be attributed to their choice of programming language: Extended Pascal (the ISO 10206 standard, not one of the many proprietary extensions of Pascal).

Extended Pascal was a great improvement over ISO 7185 Pascal. Its compiler, by Prospero Software from England, was fast and well documented. The language is small enough and its syntax appropriately verbose to make engineering professionals quickly productive in programming. Personally though, I spent most of my time programming in C++, modernizing their system for computer aided design of ship hulls using Qt and Coin3D.

When your company outlives a programming language

Although selecting an ISO standard in favor of a proprietary Pascal dialect seemed wise at the time, it is apparent now that the company has outlived the language. Prospero Development Software Ltd was officially dissolved 15 years ago. Still, its former director, Tony Hetherington, continued giving support many years after, but he’d be close to 86 years old now and can no longer be reached. Its website is gone, last archived in 2013. There’s GNU Pascal, which also supports ISO 10206, but that project has stopped moving and long ago lost synchrony with gcc. Although there is no immediate crisis, it is clear that something needs to happen sometime if the company wants to continue its activities in the coming decades.

Changing the odds

A couple of years ago, I secretly started playing with the fantasy of replacing Extended Pascal with D. Even though D’s syntax is somewhat different from Pascal, it shares at least four important similarities: support for nested functions, boundary checking, modules, and compilation speed. In addition, it has many traits that make the language attractive to engineers: good focus on performance and numerics, garbage collection, dynamic arrays, easy parallelization, understandable templates, contract programming, memory safety, unit tests, and even wysiwyg strings and formatted numerals. D’s language features encourage experimentation, which resonates well with engineers.

So I wondered what I could do to highlight D’s significance to my employer and show it’s an attractive language to switch to. I thought I could make a compelling case if I could write a parser in D that would take Extended Pascal source and transpile it to D source. At least I would have fun trying!

So I went over to to see if there were any D alternatives to flex and bison. There, I found Pegged, and instantly the fun began. Pegged combines the functionality of flex and bison in one incredibly easy to use package, for which its creator Philippe Sigaud obviously enjoyed writing excellent documentation. Nowadays, Pegged is part of the D language tour and you can try it out on-line without having to install a thing. The beauty is that the grammar from the Extended Pascal language specification maps almost linearly to the PEG from which Pegged generates the parser. For this it makes heavy use of D’s generic programming capabilities and compile-time function evaluation — it can generate a parser at compile time if you want it to!

However, it wasn’t smooth sailing all along. As I was testing D, I suddenly found myself being tested as well. I learned the hard way that there is a phenomenon called left-recursion, from which a PEG parser typically cannot break out of. And the Extended Pascal grammar is left-recursive in several ways. Consequently, I spent many evenings and weekends researching parsing theory, until eventually I managed to extend Pegged with support for all kinds of left-recursion! From one thing came another, and I added longest match alternation, case insensitive literals, the toHTML() method for dynamically browsing the syntax tree, and a tracer for logging the parsing process.

Obviously, I was having fun. But more importantly, I was demonstrating that the D programming language is accessible enough that a naval architect can understand other people’s code and expand it in non-trivial ways. The icing on the cake came when I was asked to present my experiences at DConf 2017 in Berlin, which you can watch here (and here’s the extra bit I presented at lunch time for the livestream audience).

At this time, I was able to automatically translate the following trivial example:

program hello(output);

    writeln('Hello D''s "World"!');

into D:

import std.stdio;

// Program name: hello
void main(string[] args)
    writeln("Hello D's \"World\"!");

Language competition

Having come this far, the founder of SARC agreed that it was time to investigate the merits of various alternative programming languages. We would do a thorough and objective comparison based on trial translations of a comprehensive set of language features. Due to the amount of manual labor that this requires, we had to drastically prune the space of programming languages in an initial review round. Note that what I am about to present does not declare which programming language is the best in our industry. What we are looking for is a language that allows an efficient transition from Extended Pascal without interrupting our business, and which enables us to take advantage of modern insights and tools.

In the initial review round we looked at general language characteristics. Here I’ll just highlight what fell through the sieve and why.

Performance is important to us, which is why we did not consider interpreted languages. C++ is in use for one component of our software, but that was written from the ground up. We feel that the options for translation are not favorable, that its long compile times are a serious hindrance to productivity, and that there are too many ways in which one can shoot one’s self in the foot. We cannot require our expert naval architects to also become experts in C++.

Nowadays, whenever D is publicly evaluated, the younger languages Go and Rust are often brought up as alternatives. Here, we need not go into an in-depth comparison of these languages because both Rust and Go lack one feature that we rely on heavily: nested functions with access to variables in their enclosing scope. Solutions for eliminating nested functions, like bringing them into global scope and passing extra variables, or breaking files up into smaller modules, we find unattractive because it would complicate automated translation, and we’d like to preserve the structure and style of our current code. GNU C does offer nested functions, but it is a non-standard extension and it has been predicted that many will move away from C due to its unsafe features. After this initial pruning, three languages remained on our shortlist: Free Pascal, Ada and D.

As a basis for our detailed comparison, we wrote fifteen small programs that each used a specific feature of Extended Pascal that is important in our current code base. We then translated those programs into each language on our shortlist. We kept a simple score board on how well these features were represented in each language: +1 if the feature is supported or can be implemented, 0 if the lack of the feature can be worked around, and -1 if it can’t. This is what came out of that evaluation:

Test Free Pascal Ada D
Arrays beginning at arbitrary indices +1 +1 +1
Sets 0 0 +1
Schema types 0 0 +1
Types with custom initial values -1 0 +1
Classes +1 +1 +1
Casts +1 +1 +1
Protection against use of dangling pointers -1 +1 +1
Thread safe memory [de]allocation +1 +1 +1
Calling into Windows API +1 +1 +1
Forwarding Windows callbacks to nested functions +1 +1 +1
Speed of calculations +1 +1 +1
Calling procedures written in assembly +1 0 +1
Calling procedures in a DLL +1 +1 +1
Binary compatibility of strings 0 +1 +1
Binary compatible file i/o -1 0 0
Score 6 10 14

So, Free Pascal is the only candidate with negative scores, Ada positions itself in the middle, and D achieves an almost perfect score. Not effortlessly, though; we’ll talk about some of the technical challenges later. Because Free Pascal is, like D, fully Open Source and written in itself, extending the language and filling in the gaps is theoretically possible. Although some of its deficiencies could certainly be resolved that way, others would be quite complicated and/or unlikely to be accepted upstream.

We also estimated the productivity of the languages. Free Pascal scored high because it is closest to what we are used to. Despite its dissimilar syntax, D scored high because of its expressiveness and flexibility. Ada scored lowest because of its rigidity and because of the extra work the programmer has to put in (most importantly casts and conversions). Ada is more verbose than Pascal which was disliked by some of us because it can somewhat obscure the essence of what a piece of code tries to express, and frequently the code became not only verbose but cryptic, which was unanimously disliked.

Third, we estimated the future prospects and the advantages each language could bring to the table. Although Free Pascal has a more active community than we expected it to have, we do not see great potential for growth. Ada is renowned for its support for writing reliable code (although it has no monopoly in that field) but it does come at a cost and requires real effort. D has a dynamic and open community, supports both script-like productivity and high performance, includes various features for writing reliable software (approaching Ada but at a much lower cost), and offers some unique advanced features with which wonders can be accomplished.

Finally, we estimated the effort of translation. Although Free Pascal is very similar to Extended Pascal, missing features pose a real problem and would require a high degree of manual translation and rewriting. Although p2ada exists, it only works partially in our case and does not fully support Extended Pascal. Because Ada frequently requires additional code (casting to the correct type, pulling in a package, instantiating a generic type, adding a pragma, splitting up Put_Lines etc.), writing or extending a reliable transpiler into Ada would be more difficult than doing the same into D.

Selecting a winner

I gave away the winner in the title, but we landed at that conclusion as follows. Ada was the first language to be dropped. We really felt that the extra work that the programmer has to put in is a brake on productivity and creativity. Although it barely played a role in our evaluation, illustrative is the difference between the Ada and D equivalents to the Expressive C++17 Challenge. The D solution is both concise and expressive, the Ada solution is hardly expressive and consists of more lines than I want to write or read. Also of secondary importance, but difficult to ignore, is the difference between the communities surrounding the languages, which in Ada’s case is AdaCore Support, who has no problems demanding annual five-figure subscription fees.

Although akin to our current language, Free Pascal was mainly dropped due to its porting challenges and our estimation that its potential is lower and its future outlook is less optimistic than that of D. If we were to choose Free Pascal, we would basically invest a lot of effort only to arrive at a technological solution that we felt would be of lower quality than we currently have.

And that’s were I saw a dream come true: A clap on the table by the company founder and it was decided to commit to the effort of bringing twenty-five years worth of Extended Pascal code to D!

What makes a difference

In short, my experience is that if a feature is not present in the language, D is powerful enough that the feature can be implemented in a library. Translating each sample program by hand has really helped to focus on replicating functionality, leaving the translation process for later concern. This has led to writing a compatibility library with types and functions that are vital for the conversion. Now that equivalents are known and the parser is done, I just have to implement code generation.

Below follows another example that currently translates automatically and executes identically. It iterates over a fixed length array running from 2 to 20 inclusive, fills it with values, prints the memory footprint and writes it to binary file:

program arraybase(input,output);

type t = array[2..20] of integer;
var a : t;
    n : integer;
    f : bindable file of t;

  for n := 2 to 20 do
    a[n] := n;
  writeln('Size of t in bytes is ',sizeof(a):1); { 76 }
  if openwrite(f,'array.dat') then

Transpiled to D (or should I say Dascal?) and post-processed by dfmt to fix up formatting:

import epcompat;
import std.stdio;

// Program name: arraybase
alias t = StaticArray!(int, 2, 20);

t a;
int n;
Bindable!t f;

void main(string[] args)
    for (n = 2; n <= 20; n++)
        a[n] = n;
    writeln("Size of t in bytes is ", a.sizeof); // 76
    if (openwrite(f, "array.dat"))
        epcompat.write(f, a);

Of course this is by no means idiomatic D, but the fact that it is recognizable and readable is nice, especially for my colleagues who will have to go through an unusual transition. By the way, did you notice that code comments are preserved?

One very-nice-to-have feature is binary file compatibility; In fact it may have been the killer feature, without which D might not have been so victorious. The case is that whenever a persistent data structure is extended in our software, we make sure that we can still read and convert that structure from its prior format. That way, if a client pulls out an old design from its archives and runs it through our current software, it will still work without the user even being aware that conversion occurs, possibly in multiple steps. Not having to give up that ability is very attractive.

But it wasn’t easy to get there. The main difficulty is the difference in how strings are represented in D and the Prospero implementation of Extended Pascal, in memory and on file. This presented the challenge of how to preserve binary compatibility in file I/O with data structures that contain string members.


In Prospero Extended Pascal, strings are implemented as a schema type, which is a parameterized type that can be used in the following ways:

type string80 = string(80);
var str1 : string80;
    str2 : string(60);
procedure foo(s : string);

This defines string80 to be an alias for a string type discriminated to have a capacity of 80 characters. Discriminated string variables, like str1 and str2, can be passed to functions and procedures that take undiscriminated strings as arguments, like foo, which thereby work on strings of any capacity. In memory, str1 is laid out as a sequence of 80 chars, followed by a ushort that encodes the length of the string. I say encodes because a shorter string is padded with \0s up to the capacity and the ushort actually contains the length of that padding. This way, when a pointer to the string is passed to a C function and the contents of the string occupy its full capacity, the 0 in the padding length doubles as the terminating \0 of the C string.

My first thought was to mimic this data representation with a D template. But that would require procedures like foo to be turned into templates as well, which would escalate horribly into template bloat, a problem with multiple string arguments and argument ordering, and would complicate translation. Besides, schema types can also be discriminated at run time, which does not translate to a template.

Could some sort of inheritance scheme be the solution? Not really, because instances of D classes live on the heap, so a string embedded in a struct would just be a pointer instead of the char array and ushort.

But binary layout is actually only relevant in files, and in a stroke of insight I realized that this must be why user-defined attributes, or UDAs, exist. If I annotate the string with the correct capacity for file I/O, then I can just use native D strings everywhere, which genuinely must be the best possible translation and solves the function argument issue. Annotation can be done with an instance of a struct like

struct EPString
    ushort capacity;

The above Pascal snippet then translates to D like so:

@EPString(80) struct string80 { string _; alias _ this; }
string80 str1;
@EPString(60) string str2;
void foo(string s);

Notice how the string80 alias is translated into the slightly convoluted struct instead of a normal D alias, which would have looked like

@EPString(80) alias string80 = string;

Although that compiles, there is no way to retrieve the UDA in that case because plain alias does not introduce a symbol. Then hasUDA!(typeof(str1), EPString) would have been equivalent to hasUDA!(string, EPString) which evaluates to false. By using the struct, string80 is a symbol so typeof(str1) gives string80, and hasUDA!(string80, EPString) evaluates to true in this example.

There is one side effect that we will have to learn to accept, and that is that taking a slice of a string does not produce the same result in D as it does in Extended Pascal. That is because string indices start at 1 in Extended Pascal and at 0 in D. My strategy is to eliminate slices from the source and replace them with a call to the standard substr function, which I can implement with index correction. Finding all string slices can be accomplished with a switch in the transpiler that makes it insert a static if to test if the slice is being taken on a string, and abort compilation if it is. (Arrays are transpiled into a custom array type that handles slices and indices compatibly with Extended Pascal.)

Binary compatible file I/O

Now, to write structs to file and handle any embedded @EPString()-annotated strings specially, we can use compile-time introspection in an overload to toFile that acts on structs as shown below. I have left out handling of aliased strings for clarity, as well as shortstring, which is a legacy string type with yet a different binary format.

void toFile(S)(S s, File f) if (is(S == struct))
    import std.traits;
    static if (!hasIndirections!S)
        // TODO unions
        foreach(field; FieldNameTuple!S)
            // If the member has itself a toFile method, call it.
            static if (hasMember!(typeof(__traits(getMember, s, field)), "toFile") &&
                       __traits(compiles, __traits(getMember, s, field).toFile(f)))
                __traits(getMember, s, field).toFile(f);
            // If the member is a struct, recurse.
            else static if (is(typeof(__traits(getMember, s, field)) == struct))
                toFile(__traits(getMember, s, field), f);
            // Treat strings specially.
            else static if (is(typeof(__traits(getMember, s, field)) == string))
                // Look for a UDA on the member string.
                static if (hasUDA!(__traits(getMember, s, field), EPString))
                    enum capacity = getUDAs!(__traits(getMember, s, field), EPString)[0].capacity;
                    static assert(capacity > 0);
                    writeAsEPString(__traits(getMember, s, field), capacity, f);
                else static assert(false, `Need an @EPString(n) in front of ` ~ fullyQualifiedName!S ~ `.` ~ field );
            // Just write other data members.
            else static if(!isFunction!(__traits(getMember, s, field)))
                f.lockingBinaryWriter.put(__traits(getMember, s, field));

At the time of writing, I still have work to do for unions, which are used in the translation of variant records (including considering the use of one of the seven existing library solutions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7).

Currently, detecting unions is a bit involved . Also, there is a complication in the determination of the size of a union when the largest variant contains strings: the D version of that variant may not be the largest because D strings are just slices. I’ll probably work around this by adding a dummy variant that is a fixed size array of bytes to force the size of the union to be compatible with Extended Pascal. This is the reason why D scored a mere 0 in file format compatibility. It is amazing what D allows you to do though, so I may be able to do all of that automatically and award D a perfect score retroactively. On the other hand, it is probably easiest to just add the dummy variant in the Pascal source at the few places where it matters and be done with it.

The way forward

Obviously, this is long term planning. It has taken years to grow into D; it will possibly take a year, and probably longer, to migrate to D. Unless others turn up who are in the same boat as us (please contribute!) it’ll be me who has to row this ship to D-land and I still have my regular duties to attend to. My colleagues will continue to develop in Extended Pascal as usual, and once my transpiler is able to translate all or almost all of it, we will make the switch to D overnight. From then on, we’ll be in it for the long run. We trust to be with D and D to be with us for decades to come!

DasBetterC: Converting make.c to D

Walter Bright is the BDFL of the D Programming Language and founder of Digital Mars. He has decades of experience implementing compilers and interpreters for multiple languages, including Zortech C++, the first native C++ compiler. He also created Empire, the Wargame of the Century. This post is the third in a series about D’s BetterC mode

D as BetterC (a.k.a. DasBetterC) is a way to upgrade existing C projects to D in an incremental manner. This article shows a step-by-step process of converting a non-trivial C project to D and deals with common issues that crop up.

While the dmd D compiler front end has already been converted to D, it’s such a large project that it can be hard to see just what was involved. I needed to find a smaller, more modest project that can be easily understood in its entirety, yet is not a contrived example.

The old make program I wrote for the Datalight C compiler in the early 1980’s came to mind. It’s a real implementation of the classic make program that’s been in constant use since the early 80’s. It’s written in pre-Standard C, has been ported from system to system, and is a remarkably compact 1961 lines of code, including comments. It is still in regular use today.

Here’s the make manual, and the source code. The executable size for make.exe is 49,692 bytes and the last modification date was Aug 19, 2012.

The Evil Plan is:

  1. Minimize diffs between the C and D versions. This is so that if the programs behave differently, it is far easier to figure out the source of the difference.
  2. No attempt will be made to fix or improve the C code during translation. This is also in the service of (1).
  3. No attempt will be made to refactor the code. Again, see (1).
  4. Duplicate the behavior of the C program as exactly and as much as possible,
    bugs and all.
  5. Do whatever is necessary as needed in the service of (4).

Once that is completed, only then is it time to fix, refactor, clean up, etc.

Spoiler Alert!

The completed conversion. The resulting executable is 52,252 bytes (quite comparable to the original 49,692). I haven’t analyzed the increment in size, but it is likely due to instantiations of the NEWOBJ template (a macro in the C version), and changes in the DMC runtime library since 2012.

Step By Step

Here are the differences between the C and D versions. It’s 664 out of 1961 lines, about a third, which looks like a lot, but I hope to convince you that nearly all of it is trivial.

The #include files are replaced by corresponding D imports, such as replacing #include <stdio.h> with import core.stdc.stdio;. Unfortunately, some of the #include files are specific to Digital Mars C, and D versions do not exist (I need to fix that). To not let that stop the project, I simply included the relevant declarations in lines 29 to 64. (See the documentation for the import declaration.)

#if _WIN32 is replaced with version (Windows). (See the documentation for the version condition and predefined versions.)

extern (C): marks the remainder of the declarations in the file as compatible with C. (See the documentation for the linkage attribute.)

A global search/replace changes uses of the debug1, debug2 and debug3 macros to debug printf. In general, #ifdef DEBUG preprocessor directives are replaced with debug conditional compilation. (See the documentation for the debug statement.)

/* Delete these old C macro definitions...
#ifdef DEBUG
-#define debug1(a)       printf(a)
-#define debug2(a,b)     printf(a,b)
-#define debug3(a,b,c)   printf(a,b,c)
-#define debug1(a)
-#define debug2(a,b)
-#define debug3(a,b,c)

// And replace their usage with the debug statement
// debug2("Returning x%lx\n",datetime);
debug printf("Returning x%lx\n",datetime);

The TRUE, FALSE and NULL macros are search/replaced with true, false, and null.

The ESC macro is replaced by a manifest constant. (See the documentation for manifest constants.)

// #define ESC     '!'
enum ESC =      '!';

The NEWOBJ macro is replaced with a template function.

// #define NEWOBJ(type)    ((type *) mem_calloc(sizeof(type)))
type* NEWOBJ(type)() { return cast(type*) mem_calloc(type.sizeof); }

The filenamecmp macro is replaced with a function.

Support for obsolete platforms is removed.

Global variables in D are placed by default into thread-local storage (TLS). But since make is a single-threaded program, they can be inserted into global storage with the __gshared storage class. (See the documentation for the __gshared attribute.)

__gshared int CMDLINELEN

D doesn’t have a separate struct tag name space, so the typedefs are not necessary. An
alias can be used instead. (See the documentation for alias declarations.) Also, struct is omitted from variable declarations.

typedef struct FILENODE
        {       char            *name,genext[EXTMAX+1];
                char            dblcln;
                char            expanding;
                time_t          time;
                filelist        *dep;
                struct RULE     *frule;
                struct FILENODE *next;
        } filenode;
        char            *name;
        char[EXTMAX1]  genext;
        char            dblcln;
        char            expanding;
        time_t          time;
        filelist        *dep;
        RULE            *frule;
        FILENODE        *next;

alias filenode = FILENODE;

macro is a keyword in D, so we’ll just use MACRO instead.

Grouping together multiple pointer declarations is not allowed in D, use this instead:

// char *name,*text;
// In D, the * is part of the type and 
// applies to each symbol in the declaration.
char* name, text;

C array declarations are transformed to D array declarations. (See the documentation for D’s declaration syntax.)

// char            *name,genext[EXTMAX+1];
char            *name;
char[EXTMAX+1]  genext;

static has no meaning at module scope in D. static globals in C are equivalent to private module-scope variables in D, but that doesn’t really matter when the module is never imported anywhere. They still need to be __gshared and that can be applied to an entire block of declarations. (See the documentation for the static attribute)

static ignore_errors = FALSE;
static execute = TRUE;
static gag = FALSE;
static touchem = FALSE;
static debug = FALSE;
static list_lines = FALSE;
static usebuiltin = TRUE;
static print = FALSE;

    bool ignore_errors = false;
    bool execute = true;
    bool gag = false;
    bool touchem = false;
    bool xdebug = false;
    bool list_lines = false;
    bool usebuiltin = true;
    bool print = false;

Forward reference declarations for functions are not necessary in D. Functions defined in a module can be called at any point in the same module, before or after their definition.

Wildcard expansion doesn’t have much meaning to a make program.

Function parameters declared with array syntax are pointers in reality, and are declared as pointers in D.

// int cdecl main(int argc,char *argv[])
int main(int argc,char** argv)

mem_init() expands to nothing and we previously removed the macro.

C code can play fast and loose with arguments to functions, D demands that function prototypes be respected.

void cmderr(const char* format, const char* arg) {...}

// cmderr("can't expand response file\n");
cmderr("can't expand response file\n", null);

Global search/replace C’s arrow operator (->) with the dot operator (.), as member access in D is uniform.

Replace conditional compilation directives with D’s version.

    version (TERMCODE)

The lack of function prototypes shows the age of this code. D requires proper prototypes.

// doswitch(p)
// char *p;
void doswitch(char* p)

debug is a D keyword. Rename it to xdebug.

The \n\ line endings for C multiline string literals are not necessary in D.

Comment out unused code using D’s /+ +/ nesting block comments. (See the documentation for line, block and nesting block comments.)

static if can replace many uses of #if. (See the documentation for the static if condition.)

Decay of arrays to pointers is not automatic in D, use .ptr.

// utime(name,timep);

Use const for C-style strings derived from string literals in D, because D won’t allow taking mutable pointers to string literals. (See the documentation for const and immutable.)

// linelist **readmakefile(char *makefile,linelist **rl)
linelist **readmakefile(const char *makefile,linelist **rl)

void* cannot be implicitly cast to char*. Make it explicit.

// buf = mem_realloc(buf,bufmax);
buf = cast(char*)mem_realloc(buf,bufmax);

Replace unsigned with uint.

inout can be used to transfer the “const-ness” of a function from its argument to its return value. If the parameter is const, so will be the return value. If the parameter is not const, neither will be the return value. (See the documentation for inout functions.)

// char *skipspace(p) {...}
inout(char) *skipspace(inout(char)* p) {...}

arraysize can be replaced with the .length property of arrays. (See the documentation for array properties.)

// useCOMMAND  |= inarray(p,builtin,arraysize(builtin));
useCOMMAND  |= inarray(p,builtin.ptr,builtin.length)

String literals are immutable, so it is necessary to replace mutable ones with a stack allocated array. (See the documentation for string literals.)

// static char envname[] = "@_CMDLINE";
char[10] envname = "@_CMDLINE";

.sizeof replaces C’s sizeof(). (See the documentation for the .sizeof property).

// q = (char *) mem_calloc(sizeof(envname) + len);
q = cast(char *) mem_calloc(envname.sizeof + len);

Don’t care about old versions of Windows.

Replace ancient C usage of char * with void*.

And that wraps up the changes! See, not so bad. I didn’t set a timer, but I doubt this took more than an hour, including debugging a couple errors I made in the process.

This leaves the file man.c, which is used to open the browser on the make manual page when the -man switch is given. Fortunately, this was already ported to D, so we can just copy that code.

Building make is so easy it doesn’t even need a makefile:

\dmd2.079\windows\bin\dmd make.d dman.d -O -release -betterC -I. -I\dmd2.079\src\druntime\import\ shell32.lib


We’ve stuck to the Evil Plan of translating a non-trivial old school C program to D, and thereby were able to do it quickly and get it working correctly. An equivalent executable was generated.

The issues encountered are typical and easily dealt with:

  • Replacement of #include with import
  • Lack of D versions of #include files
  • Global search/replace of things like ->
  • Replacement of preprocessor macros with:
    • manifest constants
    • simple templates
    • functions
    • version declarations
    • debug declarations
  • Handling identifiers that are D keywords
  • Replacement of C style declarations of pointers and arrays
  • Unnecessary forward references
  • More stringent typing enforcement
  • Array handling
  • Replacing C basic types with D types

None of the following was necessary:

  • Reorganizing the code
  • Changing data or control structures
  • Changing the flow of the program
  • Changing how the program works
  • Changing memory management


Now that it is in DasBetterC, there are lots of modern programming features available to improve the code:


Let us know over at the D Forum how your DasBetterC project is coming along!

Driving Continuous Improvement in D

Jack Stouffer is a member of the Phobos team and a contributor to You can check out more of his writing on his blog.

In my previous article, I went over the techniques we use in the D Standard Library (a.k.a Phobos) to develop a wide variety of testing mechanisms. I also briefly mentioned our style checker, dscanner. In this article, I’ll detail how we use dscanner to prevent style, documentation, and best practices regressions in the code, none of which can be covered by standard unit tests.

Keeping a level of quality in software projects is a neverending battle. Bad practices and shortsighted design decisions make their way into code over time, whether from poor oversight, rushing things through, or simple code rot. There are three things we do in Phobos, other than tests, to fight this entropy.

First, Pull Requests are required to be about one thing and one thing only. What counts as “one thing” is subjective, but, for example, a PR to fix a bug in a specific piece of code mustn’t also edit the documentation of that function. This allows Phobos reviewers to merge the documentation change quickly if there’s an issue in the bug fix preventing it from being merged (or vice versa). At the same time, it keeps the reviewers focused on one set of changes.

Second, PRs need to be small; ideally less than 100 lines of code changed. If that’s not possible, they need to be broken into multiple commits of smaller changes. This really helps reviewers keep D best practices in mind, while also fully understanding and internalizing the new code.

Third, we continuously improve the existing code with dscanner, which, among other things, is D’s official linting tool.

What dscanner Can Do

As an example of the checks that dscanner can provide, let’s take a look at some code that contains a very hard-to-spot bug. The following code creates a type that mimics an int, but allows a null state:

struct NullableInt
    private int value;
    bool isNull;

    int get()
        assert(!isNull, "can't get a null");
        return value;

    void nullify() { isNull = true; }

    bool opEquals(T rhs) // D's equality overloading function
        if (isNull && rhs.isNull)
            return true;
        if (isNull != rhs.isNull)
            return false;
        return value == rhs.value;

The bug is not in the code that’s there, it’s in the code that’s not there. All structs in D have default versions of the standard operator overloading functions if they aren’t defined by the user. One of those functions provides a hash to represent the value to use in D’s built-in associative arrays. The default version uses all the type fields to make the hash, which is a problem for NullableInt, as we’ve decided that all instances of the type that are null are equal. Here’s an illustration of the bug:

void main()
    auto a = NullableInt(10, false);
    auto b = NullableInt(10, false);
    auto c = NullableInt(10, true);
    auto d = NullableInt(0, true);

    assert(a == b);
    assert(b != c);
    assert(c == d);

    import core.internal.hash : hashOf; // D's internal hashing function
    assert(c.hashOf != d.hashOf);

dscanner will emit a message every time it finds a type that defines a custom opEquals, but doesn’t define a custom toHash as well, alerting us to this bug.

Continuous Improvement and “Ratcheting” Quality

dscanner ties into continuous improvement, the philosophy that improvements to processes or designs should be made in a periodic, timely manner, rather than as one-time “breakthroughs”. Such large breakthrough changes tend to be pushed back infinitely; in a phrase, it’s letting the perfect be the enemy of the good. This easily fits with the continuous delivery or rapid release philosophies, and can vastly reduce bugs in software given enough time.

By using the warnings from dscanner, we can ratchet Phobos’s quality over time. If you’ve never used a socket wrench, a ratchet is a mechanism that allows the user to freely move the wrench back and forth, but allows the bolt to spin only when the wrench moves clockwise. Similarly, we can move the quality of Phobos forward, while not letting it ever slip backwards, with dscanner. It works as follows:

  • Run dscanner with every check but one turned off on all files.
  • Populate a black list for that check in dscanner’s configuration file containing each of the files that issued a warning.
  • Repeat until the current code passes with all checks turned on with the black-list enabled.

Once we have our list-of-blacklists, new PRs will trigger warnings for issues detected by dscanner for files that weren’t included in the blacklists, thereby keeping the status quo of quality.

Next, we ratchet quality by making a PR that fixes one issue in one file, and then removing that blacklist entry from the configuration. This way, that file will be checked in the future for every new PR. Over time, quality issues will be removed from Phobos, and they won’t crop up again. For example, from the release of 2.076 to now, Phobos has gone from 624 public symbols without examples, to 328.

Currently, we’re using this ratchet technique with dscanner to

  • remove unused variables.
  • add const or immutable to variables that aren’t modified after their construction.
  • make sure every public symbol is documented.
  • make sure every symbol in Phobos that has documentation, has a code example in that documentation.
  • force every assert to have an error message to print in case it fails.
  • make sure only Exceptions, and not Errors, are caught in try/catch blocks.

among other things.

This process also has the added benefit of dogfooding dscanner, which helps us find bugs and know which features would be helpful to add from a user perspective. If you have a project that isn’t using a linting tool as part of your test suite, it’s only a matter of time before code rot creeps in.

Complicated Types: Prefer “alias this” Over “alias” For Easier-To-Read Error Messages

Nick Sabalausky is a long-time D user and contributor. He is the maintainer of mysql-native and Scriptlike. In this post, he presents a way to use a specific D language feature to improve error messages involving aliased types.

In the D programming language, alias is a common and handy feature that can be used to provide a simple name for a complex and verbose templated type.

As an example, consider the case of an algebraic type or tagged union:

// A type that can be either an int or a string
Algebraic!(int, string) someVariable;

That’s a fairly simple example. Much more complicated type names are common in D. This sort of thing can be a pain to repeat everywhere it’s used, and can make code difficult to read. alias is often used in situations like this to create a simpler shorthand name:

// A type that can be either an int or a string
alias MyType = Algebraic!(int, string);

// Ahh, much nicer!
MyType someVariable;

There’s one problem this still doesn’t solve. Anytime a compiler error message shows a type name, it shows the full original name, not the convenient easy-to-read alias. Instead of errors saying MyType, they’ll still say Algebraic!(int, string). This can be especially unfriendly if MyType is in the public API of a library and happens to be constructed using some private, internal-only template.

That can be fixed, and error messages forced to provide the customized name, by creating MyType as a separate type on its own, rather than an alias. But how? If this was C or C++, typedef would do the job nicely. There is a D equivalent, std.typecons.Typedef!T, which will create a separate type. But naming the type still involves alias, which just leads back to the same problem.

Luckily, D has another feature which can help simulate a C-style typedef: alias this. Used inside a struct (or class), alias this allows the struct to be implicitly converted to and behave just like any one of its members.

Incidentally, although alias and alias this are separate features of the language, they do have a shared history as their names suggest. Originally, alias was intended to be a variation on C’s typedef, one which would result in two names for the same type instead of two separate types. At the time, D had typedef as well, but it was eventually dropped as a language feature in favor of a standard library solution (the aforementioned std.typecons.Typedef template). As a variant of typedef, alias used the same syntax (alias TypeName AliasName;). Later, alias spawned the alias this feature, which was given a similar syntax: alias memberName this. When alias gained its modern syntax (alias AliasName = TypeName), a lengthy debate resulted in keeping the existing syntax for alias this.

Here is how alias this can be used to solve our problem:

// A type that can be either an int or a string
struct MyType {
    private Algebraic!(int, string) _data;
    alias _data this;

// Ahh, much nicer! And now error messages say "MyType"!
MyType someVariable;

There’s an important difference to be aware of, though. Before, when using alias, MyType and Algebraic!(int, string) were considered the same type. Now, they’re not. Is that a problem? What does that imply? Mainly, it means two things:

    1. Although this doesn’t affect any actual code, it can mean the compiler generates extra, duplicate template instantiations. If MyType is passed to one template, and somewhere else Algebraic!(int, string) is passed to the same template, the compiler will now generate two separate template instantiations instead of just one.
      In practice though, this shouldn’t be a problem unless you’re already in a genuine template-bloat situation and are trying to reduce template instantiations. Usually, this won’t be an issue.
    2. Although the alias this means MyType can still be implicitly converted to Algebraic!(int, string), the other way around no longer works. An Algebraic!(int, string) can no longer be implicitly converted to a MyType.
      Arguably, this can be considered a good thing if you believe, as I do, in using domain-specific types. But in any case, you can still manually convert the original type to your MyType with the basic built-in struct constructor:

      Algebraic!(int, string) algebVar;
      auto myVar = MyType(algebVar);

    So when you’re aliasing a large, complicated type name to a simpler name, consider using a struct and alias this instead, especially if it’s a type on offer in a library. There’s little downside, and it will greatly improve the readability of error messages for both yourself and your library’s users.

D Goes Business

A long-time contributor to the D community, Kai Nacke is the author of ‘D Web Development‘ and the maintainer of LDC, the LLVM D Compiler. Be sure to catch Kai at DConf 2018 in Munich, May 2 – 5, where he’ll be speaking about “D for the Blockchain“.

Many companies run their business processes on an SAP system. Often other applications need to access the SAP system because they provide data or request some calculation. There are many ways to achieve this… Let’s use D for it!


The SDK and the D binding

As an SAP customer you can download the SAP NetWeaver Remote Function Call SDK. You can call RFC-enabled functions in the SAP system from a native application. Conversely, it is possible from an ABAP program to call a function in a native program. The API documentation for the library is available as a separate download. I recommend downloading it together with the library.

The C/C++ interface is well structured but can be very tedious to use. That’s why I not only created a D binding for the library but also used some D magic to make the developer’s life much easier. I introduced the following additions:

  • Most functions have a parameter of type RFC_ERROR_INFO. As the name implies, this is only needed in case of an error. For each of these functions a new function is generated without the RFC_ERROR_INFO parameter and the return type RFC_RC changed to void. Instead, a SAPException is thrown in case of error.
  • Functions named RfcGet*Count now return a size_t value instead of using an out parameter. This is possible because of the above step which changed the return type to void.
  • Functions named Rfc*ByIndex use a size_t parameter for the index, thus better integrating with D.
  • Functions which have a pointer and length value now accept a D array instead.
  • Use of pointers to zero-terminated UTF–16 strings is replaced with wstring type parameters.

Using the library is easy, just add

dependency "sapnwrfc-d"

to your dub.sdl file. One caveat: the libraries provided by the SAP package must be installed in such a way that the linker can find them. On Windows, you can add the path to the lib folder of the SDK to the LIB and PATH environment variables.

An example application

Let’s create an application calling a remote-enabled function on the SAP system. I use the DATE_COMPUTE_DAY function because it is simple but still has import and export parameters. This function takes a date (a string of format “YYYYMMDD”) and returns the weekday as a number (1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday and so on).

The application needs two parameters: the system identifier of the SAP system and the date. The system identifier denotes the destination for the RFC call. The parameters for the connection must be in the sapnwrfc.ini file, which must be located in the same folder as the application executable. An invocation of the application using the SAP system X01 looks like this:

D:\OpenSource\sapnwrfc-example>sapnwrfc-example.exe X01 20180316
Date 20180316 is day 5

First, create the application with DUB:

D:\OpenSource>dub init sapnwrfc-example
Package recipe format (sdl/json) [json]: sdl
Name [sapnwrfc-example]:
Description [A minimal D application.]: An example rfc application
Author name [Kai]: Kai Nacke
License [proprietary]:
Copyright string [Copyright © 2018, Kai Nacke]:
Add dependency (leave empty to skip) []: sapnwrfc-d
Added dependency sapnwrfc-d ~>0.0.5
Add dependency (leave empty to skip) []:
Successfully created an empty project in 'D:\OpenSource\sapnwrfc-example'.
Package successfully created in sapnwrfc-example


Let’s edit the application in source\app.d. Since this is only an example application, I’ve put all the code into the main() function. In order to use the library you simply import the sapnwrfc module. Most functions can throw a SAPException, so you want to wrap them in a try block.

import std.stdio;
import sapnwrfc;

int main(string[] args)
        // Put your code here
    catch (SAPException e)
        writefln("Error occured %d %s", e.code, e.codeAsString);
        writefln("'%s'", e.message);
        return 100;
    return 0;

The library uses only UTF–16. Like the C/C++ version, the alias cU() can be used to create a zero-terminated UTF–16 string from a D string. I convert the command line parameters first:

    auto dest = cU(args[1]);
    auto date = cU(args[2]);

Now initialize the library. Most important, this function loads the sapnwrfc.ini file and initializes the environment. If this call is missing then it is implicitly done inside the library. Nevertheless, I recommend calling the function. It is possible that I will add more functionality to this function.


The next step is to open a connection to the SAP system. Since the connection parameters are in the sapnwrf.ini file, it is only necessary to provide the destination. In your own application you do not need to use the sapnwrf.ini file. You can provide all parameters in the RFC_CONNECTION_PARAMETER[] array which is passed to the RfcOpenConnection() function.

    RFC_CONNECTION_PARAMETER[1] conParams = [ { "DEST"w.ptr, dest } ];
    auto connection = RfcOpenConnection(conParams);
    scope(exit) RfcCloseConnection(connection);

Please note the D features used here. A string literal is always zero-terminated, therefore there is no need to use cU() on the "DEST"w literal. With the scope guard, I make sure that the connection is closed at the end of the block.

Before you can make an RFC call, you have to retrieve the function meta data (function description) and create the function from it.

    auto desc = RfcGetFunctionDesc(connection, "DATE_COMPUTE_DAY"w);
    auto func = RfcCreateFunction(desc);
    scope(exit) RfcDestroyFunction(func);

The RfcGetFunctionDesc() calls the SAP system to look up the meta data. The result is cached to avoid a network round trip each time you invoke this function. The implication is that the remote user needs the right to perform the look up. If this step fails with a security-related error, you should talk to your SAP administrator and review the rights of the remote user.

The DATE_COMPUTE_DAY function has one import parameter, DATE. To pass a parameter you call one of the RfcSetXXX() or RfcSetXXXByIndex() functions. The difference is that the first variant uses the parameter name (here: "DATE") or the index of the parameter in the signature (here: 1). I often use the named parameter because the resulting code is much more readable. The date data type expects an 8 character UTF–16 array.

    RfcSetDate(func, "DATE", date[0..8]);

Now the function can be called:

    RfcInvoke(connection, func);

The computed weekday is returned in the export parameter DAY. There is a set of RfcGetXXX() and RfcGetXXXByIndex() functions to retrieve the value.

    wchar[1] day;
    RfcGetChars(func, "DAY", day);

Let’s print the result:

    writefln("Date %s is weekday %s", date[0..8], day);

Congratulations! You’ve finished your first RFC call.

Build the application with dub build. Before you can run the application you still need to create the sapnwrfc.ini file. This looks like:


The SDK contains a commented sapnwrfc.ini file in the demo folder. If you are on Windows and your system still uses SAP GUI with the (deprecated) saplogon.ini file, then you can use the createini example application from my bindings library to convert the saplogon.ini file into the sapnwrfc.ini file.


Calling an RFC function of an SAP system with D is very easy. D features like support for UTF–16 strings, scope guards, and exceptions make the source quite readable. The presented example application is part of the D bindings library and can be downloaded from GitHub at

std.variant Is Everything Cool About D

Jared Hanson has been involved with the D community since 2012, and an active contributor since 2013. Recently, he joined the Phobos team and devised a scheme to make it look like he’s contributing by adding at least 1 tag to every new PR. He holds a Bachelor of Computer Science degree from the University of New Brunswick and works as a Level 3 Support Engineer at one of the largest cybersecurity companies in the world.

I recently read a great article by Matt Kline on how std::visit is everything wrong with modern C++. My C++ skills have grown rusty from disuse (I have long since left for the greener pastures of D), but I was curious as to how things had changed in my absence.

Despite my relative unfamiliarity with post–2003 C++, I had heard about the addition of a library-based sum type in std for C++17. My curiosity was mildly piqued by the news, although like many new additions to C++ in the past decade, it’s something D has had for years. Given the seemingly sensational title of Mr. Kline’s article, I wanted to see just what was so bad about std::visit, and to get a feel for how well D’s equivalent measures up.

My intuition was that the author was exaggerating for the sake of an interesting article. We’ve all heard the oft-repeated criticism that C++ is complex and inconsistent (even some of its biggest proponents think so), and it is true that the ergonomics of templates in D are vastly improved over C++. Nevertheless, the underlying concepts are the same; I was dubious that std::visit could be much harder to use than std.variant.visit, if at all.

For the record, my intuition was completely and utterly wrong.

Exploring std.variant

Before we continue, let me quickly introduce D’s std.variant module. The module centres around the Variant type: this is not actually a sum type like C++’s std::variant, but a type-safe container that can contain a value of any type. It also knows the type of the value it currently contains (if you’ve ever implemented a type-safe union, you’ll realize why that part is important). This is akin to C++’s std::any as opposed to std::variant; very unfortunate, then, that C++ chose to use the name variant for its implementation of a sum type instead. C’est la vie. The type is used as follows:

import std.variant;

Variant a;
a = 42;
assert(a.type == typeid(int));
a += 1;
assert(a == 43);

float f = a.get!float; //convert a to float
assert(f == 43);
a /= 2;
f /= 2;
assert(a == 21 && f == 21.5);

a = "D rocks!";
assert(a.type == typeid(string));

Variant b = new Object();
Variant c = b;
assert(c is b); //c and b point to the same object
b /= 2; //Error: no possible match found for Variant / int

Luckily, std.variant does provide a sum type as well: enter Algebraic. The name Algebraic refers to algebraic data types, of which one kind is a “sum type”. Another example is the tuple, which is a “product type”.

In actuality, Algebraic is not a separate type from Variant; the former is an alias for the latter that takes a compile-time specified list of types. The values which an Algebraic may take on are limited to those whose type is in that list. For example, an Algebraic!(int, string) can contain a value of type int or string, but if you try to assign a string value to an Algebraic!(float, bool), you’ll get an error at compile time. The result is that we effectively get an in-library sum type for free! Pretty darn cool. It’s used like this:

alias Null = typeof(null); //for convenience
alias Option(T) = Algebraic!(T, Null);

Option!size_t indexOf(int[] haystack, int needle) {
    foreach (size_t i, int n; haystack)
        if (n == needle)
            return Option!size_t(i);
    return Option!size_t(null);

int[] a = [4, 2, 210, 42, 7];
Option!size_t index = a.indexOf(42); //call indexOf like a method using UFCS
assert(!index.peek!Null); //assert that `index` does not contain a value of type Null
assert(index == size_t(3));

Option!size_t index2 = a.indexOf(117);

The peek function takes a Variant as a runtime argument, and a type T as a compile-time argument. It returns a pointer to T that points to the Variant’s contained value iff the Variant contains a value of type T; otherwise, the pointer is null.

Note: I’ve made use of Universal Function Call Syntax to call the free function indexOf as if it were a member function of int[].

In addition, just like C++, D’s standard library has a special visit function that operates on Algebraic. It allows the user to supply a visitor for each type of value the Algebraic may hold, which will be executed iff it holds data of that type at runtime. More on that in a moment.

To recap:

  • std.variant.Variant is the equivalent of std::any. It is a type-safe container that can contain a value of any type.
  • std.variant.Algebraic is the equivalent of std::variant and is a sum type similar to what you’d find in Swift, Haskell, Rust, etc. It is a thin wrapper over Variant that restricts what type of values it may contain via a compile-time specified list.
  • std.variant provides a visit function akin to std::visit which dispatches based on the type of the contained value.

With that out of the way, let’s now talk about what’s wrong with std::visit in C++, and how D makes std.variant.visit much more pleasant to use by leveraging its powerful toolbox of compile-time introspection and code generation features.

The problem with std::visit

The main problems with the C++ implementation are that – aside from clunkier template syntax – metaprogramming is very arcane and convoluted, and there are very few static introspection tools included out of the box. You get the absolute basics in std::type_traits, but that’s it (there are a couple third-party solutions, which are appropriately horrifying and verbose). This makes implementing std::visit much more difficult than it has to be, and also pushes that complexity down to consumers of the library, which makes using it that much more difficult as well. My eyes bled at this code from Mr. Kline’s article which generates a visitor struct from the provided lambda functions:

template <class... Fs>
struct overload;

template <class F0, class... Frest>
struct overload<F0, Frest...> : F0, overload<Frest...>
    overload(F0 f0, Frest... rest) : F0(f0), overload<Frest...>(rest...) {}

    using F0::operator();
    using overload<Frest...>::operator();

template <class F0>
struct overload<F0> : F0
    overload(F0 f0) : F0(f0) {}

    using F0::operator();

template <class... Fs>
auto make_visitor(Fs... fs)
    return overload<Fs...>(fs...);

Now, as he points out, this can be simplified down to the following in C++17:

template<class... Ts> struct overloaded : Ts... { using Ts::operator()...; };
template<class... Ts> overloaded(Ts...) -> overloaded<Ts...>;

template <class... Fs>
auto make_visitor(Fs... fs)
    return overload<Fs...>(fs...);

However, this code is still quite ugly (though I suspect I could get used to the elipses syntax eventually). Despite being a massive improvement on the preceding example, it’s hard to get right when writing it, and hard to understand when reading it. To write (and more importantly, read) code like this, you have to know about:

There’s a lot of complicated template expansion and code generation going on, but it’s hidden behind the scenes. And boy oh boy, if you screw something up you’d better believe that the compiler is going to spit some supremely perplexing errors back at you.

Note: As a fun exercise, try leaving out an overload for one of the types contained in your variant and marvel at the truly cryptic error message your compiler prints.

Here’s an example from showcasing the minimal amount of work necessary to use std::visit:

template<class... Ts> struct overloaded : Ts... { using Ts::operator()...; };
template<class... Ts> overloaded(Ts...) -> overloaded<Ts...>;

using var_t = std::variant<int, long, double, std::string>;
std::vector<var_t> vec = {10, 15l, 1.5, "hello"};

for (auto& v: vec) {
    std::visit(overloaded {
        [](auto arg) { std::cout << arg << ' '; },
        [](double arg) { std::cout << std::fixed << arg << ' '; },
        [](const std::string& arg) { std::cout << std::quoted(arg) << ' '; },
    }, v);

Note: I don’t show it in this article, but if you want to see this example re-written in D, it’s here.

Why is this extra work forced on us by C++, just to make use of std::visit? Users are stuck between a rock and a hard place: either write some truly stigmata-inducing code to generate a struct with the necessary overloads, or bite the bullet and write a new struct every time you want to use std::visit. Neither is very appealing, and both are a one-way ticket to Boilerplate Hell. The fact that you have to jump through such ridiculous hoops and write some ugly-looking boilerplate for something that should be very simple is just… ridiculous. As Mr. Kline astutely puts it:

The rigmarole needed for std::visit is entirely insane.

We can do better in D.

The D solution

This is how the typical programmer would implement make_visitor, using D’s powerful compile-time type introspection tools and code generation abilities:

import std.traits: Parameters;

struct variant_visitor(Funs...)
    Funs fs;
    this(Funs fs) { this.fs = fs; }

    static foreach(i, Fun; Funs) //Generate a different overload of opCall for each Fs
        auto opCall(Parameters!Fun params) { return fs[i](params); }

auto make_visitor(Funs...)(Funs fs)
    return variant_visitor!Funs(fs);

And… that’s it. We’re done. No pain, no strain, no bleeding from the eyes. It is a few more lines than the C++ version, granted, but in my opinion, it is also much simpler than the C++ version. To write and/or read this code, you have to understand a demonstrably smaller number of concepts:

  • Templates
  • Template argument packs
  • static foreach
  • Operator overloading

However, a D programmer would not write this code. Why? Because std.variant.visit does not take a callable struct. From the documentation:

Applies a delegate or function to the given Algebraic depending on the held type, ensuring that all types are handled by the visiting functions. Visiting handlers are passed in the template parameter list. (emphasis mine)

So visit only accepts a delegate or function, and figures out which one to pass the contained value to based on the functions’ signatures.

Why do this and give the user fewer options? D is what I like to call an anti-boilerplate language. In all things, D prefers the most direct method, and thus, visit takes a compile-time specified list of functions as template arguments. std.variant.visit may give the user fewer options, but unlike std::visit, it does not require them to painstakingly create a new struct that overloads opCall for each case, or to waste time writing something like make_visitor.

This also highlights the difference between the two languages themselves. D may sometimes give the user fewer options (don’t worry though – D is a systems programming language, so you’re never completely without options), but it is in service of making their lives easier. With D, you get faster, safer code, that combines the speed of native compilation with the productivity of scripting languages (hence, D’s motto: “Fast code, fast”). With std.variant.visit, there’s no messing around defining structs with callable methods or unpacking tuples or wrangling arguments; just straightforward, understandable code:

Algebraic!(string, int, bool) v = "D rocks!";
    (string s) => writeln("string: ", s),
    (int    n) => writeln("int: ", n),
    (bool   b) => writeln("bool: ", b),

And in a puff of efficiency, we’ve completely obviated all this machinery that C++ requires for std::visit, and greatly simplified our users’ lives.

For comparison, the C++ equivalent:

template<class... Ts> struct overloaded : Ts... { using Ts::operator()...; };
template<class... Ts> overloaded(Ts...) -> overloaded<Ts...>;

std::variant<std::string, int, bool> v = "C++ rocks?";
std::visit(overloaded {
    [](const std::string& s) { std::cout << s << '\n'; },
    [](int  n) { std::cout << n << '\n'; },
    [](bool b) { std::cout << b << '\n'; }
}, v);

Note: Unlike the C++ version, the error message you get when you accidentally leave out a function to handle one of the types is comprehendable by mere mortals. Check it out for yourself.

As a bonus, our D example looks very similar to the built-in pattern matching syntax that you find in many up-and-coming languages that take inspiration from their functional forebears, but is implemented completely in user code.

That’s powerful.

Other considerations

As my final point – if you’ll indulge me for a moment – I’d like to argue with a strawman C++ programmer of my own creation. In his article, Mr. Kline also mentions the new if constexpr feature added in C++17 (which of course, D has had for over a decade now). I’d like to forestall arguments from my strawman friend such as:

But you’re cheating! You can use the new if constexpr to simplify the code and cut out make_visitor entirely, just like in your D example!

Yes, you could use if constexpr (and by the same token, static if in D), but you shouldn’t (and Mr. Kline explicitly rejects using it in his article).There are a few problems with this approach which make it all-around inferior in both C++ and D. One, this method is error prone and inflexible in the case where you need to add a new type to your variant/Algebraic. Your old code will still compile but will now be wrong. Two, doing it this way is uglier and more complicated than just passing functions to visit directly (at least, it is in D). Three, the D version would still blow C++ out of the water on readability. Consider:

v.visit!((arg) {
    alias T = Unqual!(typeof(arg)); //Remove const, shared, etc.

    static if (is(T == string)) {
        writeln("string: ", arg);
    else static if (is(T == int)) {
        writeln("int: ", arg);
    else static if (is(T == bool)) {
        writeln("bool: ", arg);


visit([](auto& arg) {
    using T = std::decay_t<decltype(arg)>;

    if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, string>) {
        printf("string: %s\n", arg.c_str());
    else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, int>) {
        printf("integer: %d\n", arg);
    else if constexpr (std::is_same_v<T, bool>) {
        printf("bool: %d\n", arg);
}, v);

Which version of the code would you want to have to read, understand, and modify? For me, it’s the D version – no contest.

If this article has whet your appetite and you want to find out more about D, you can visit the official Dlang website, and join us on the mailing list or #D on IRC at D is a community-driven project, so we’re also always looking for people eager to jump in and get their hands dirty – pull requests welcome!.

User Stories: Funkwerk

The deadline for the early-bird registration for DConf 2018 in Munich is coming up on March 17th. The price will go up from $340 to $400. If you’d like to go, hurry and sign up to save yourself $60. And remember, the NH Munich Messe hotel, the conference venue, is offering a special deal on single rooms plus breakfast for attendees.

A few of the DConf attendees are coming from a local company called Funkwerk. They’re a D shop that we’ve highlighted here on this blog in a series of posts about their projects (you’ll see one of their products in action if you take the subway or local train service in Munich).

In this post, we cap off the Funkwerk series with the launch of a new feature we creatively call “User Stories”. Now and again, we’ll publish a post in which D users talk of their experiences with D, not about specific projects, but about the language itself. They’ll tell of things like their favorite features, why they use it, how it has changed the way they write code, or anything they’d like to say that expresses how they feel about programming in D.

For this inaugural post, we’ve got three programmers from Funkwerk. First up, Michael Schnelle talks about the power of ranges. Next, Ronny Spiegel tells why generated code is better code. Finally, Stefan Rohe enlightens us on Funkwerk’s community outreach.

The power of ranges

Michael Schnelle has been working as a software developer for about 5 years. Before starting with D 3 years ago, he worked in (Web)Application Development, mostly with Java, Ruby on Rails, and C++, and did Thread Modeling for Applications. He enjoys coding in D and likes how it helps programmers write clean code.

In my experience, no matter what I am programming, I always end up applying functions to a set of data and filter this set of data. Occasionally I also execute something with side effects in between. Let’s look at a simplified use case: the transformation of a given set of data and filtering for a condition afterwards. I could simply write:

foreach(element; elements) {
  auto transformed = transform(element);
  if (metCondition(transformed) {
     results ~= transformed

Using the power from std.algorithm, I can instead write:

filter!(element => metCondition(element))
       (map!(element => transform(element))(elements));

At this point, we have a mixture of functional and object-oriented code, which is quite nice, but still not quite as readable or easy to understand as it could be. Let’s combine it with UFCS (Uniform Function Call Syntax):!(element => element.transform)
        .filter!(element => element.metCondition);

I really like this kind of code, because it is clearly self-explanatory. The foreach loop, on the other hand, only tells me how it is being done. If I look through our code at Funkwerk, it is almost impossible to find traditional loops.

But this only takes you one step further. In many cases, there happen to be side effects which need to be executed during the workflow of the program. For this kind of thing, the library provides functions like std.range.tee. Let’s say I want to execute something external with the transformed value before filtering:

  .map!(element => element.transform)
  .tee!(element => operation(element))
  .filter!(element => element.metCondition)

It is crucial that operations with side effects are only executed with higher-order functions that are built for that purpose.

int square(int a) { writefln("square value"); return a*a; }

[4, 5, 8]
  .map!(a => square(a))
  .tee!(a => writeln(a))

The code above would print out the square value six times, because tee calls range.front twice. It is possible to avoid this by using functions like std.algorithm.iteration.cache, but in my opinion, the nice way would be to avoid side effects in functions that are not meant for that.

In the end, D gives you the possibility to combine the advantages of object-oriented and functional programming, resulting in more readable and maintainable code.

Generated code is better code

Ronny Spiegel has worked as a professional software developer for almost 20 years. He started out using C and C++, but when he joined Funkwerk he really started to love the D language and the tools it provides to introspect code and to automate things at compile time.

In a previous blog post, I gave a short overview of the evolution of the accessors library. As you might imagine, I really like the idea of using the compiler to generate code; in the end this usually results in less work for me and, as a direct result, causes fewer errors.

The establishment of coding guidelines is crucial for a team in order to create maintainable software, and so we have them here at Funkwerk. There is a rule that every value object (or entity) has to implement the toString method in order to provide diagnostic output. The provided string shall be unambiguous so that it’s more like Python’s __repr__ than __str__.


StationMessage(GeneralMessage(4711, 2017-12-12T10:00:00Z), station="BAR", …)

The generated string should follow some conventions:

  • provide a way to uniquely reconstruct data from a string
    • start with the class name
    • continue with any potential superclasses
    • list all fields providing their name and value separated by a comma
  • be compact but still human readable (for developers)
    • skip the name where it matches the type (e.g. a field of type SysTime is called time)
    • skip the name if the field is called id (usually there’s an IdType used for type safety)
    • there’s some special output format defined for types like Date and SysTime
    • Nullable!T’s will be skipped if null etc.

To format output in a consistent manner, we implemented a SinkWriter wrapping formattedWrite in a way that follows the listed conventions. If this SinkWriter is used everywhere, this is the first step to fully generate the toString method.

Unfortunately that’s not enough; it’s very common to forget something when adding a new field to a class. Today I stumbled across some code where a field was missing in the diagnostics output and that led to some confusion.

Using (template) mixins together with CTFE (Compile Time Function Execution) and the provided type traits, D provides a powerful toolset which enables us to generate such functions automatically.

We usually implement an alternative toString method which uses a sink delegate as described in The implementation is a no-brainer and looks like this:

public void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink) const
    alias MySelf = Unqual!(typeof(this));


    with (SinkWriter(sink))
        write("%s", this.id_);
        write("station=%s", this.station_);
        // ...


This code seems to be so easy that it might be generalized like this:

public void toString(scope void delegate(const(char)[]) sink) const
    import std.traits : FieldNameTuple, Unqual;

    alias MySelf = Unqual!(typeof(this));


    with (SinkWriter(sink))
        static foreach (fieldName; FieldNameTuple!MySelf)
            mixin("const value = this." ~ fieldName ~ ";");
            write!"%s=%s"(fieldName, value);


The above is just a rough sketch of how such a generic function might look. For a class to use this generation approach, simply call something like


inside the class declaration, and that’s it. Never again will a field be missing in the class’s toString output.

Generating the toString method automatically might also help us to switch from the common toString method to an alternative implementation. If there will be more conventions over time, we will only have to extend the SinkWriter and/or the toString-template, and that’s it.

As a summary: Try to generate code if possible – it is less error prone and D supports you with a great set of tools!

Funkwerk and the D-Community

Stefan Rohe started the D-train at Funkwerk back in 2008. They have loved DLang since then and replaced D1-Tango with D2-Phobos in 2013. They are strong believers in open source and local communities, and are thrilled to see you all in Munich at DConf 2018.

Funkwerk is the largest D shop in south Germany, so we hire D-velopers, mainly just through being known for programming in D. In order to give a little bit back to the D community at large and help the local community grow, Funkwerk hosted the foundational edition of the Munich D Meetup.

The local community is important …

Munich Meetup at Brainlab

The meetup was founded in August 2016, 8 years after the first line of D code at Funkwerk was written. Since then, the Meetup has grown steadily to ~350 members. At that number, it is still not the biggest D Meetup, but it is the most visited and the most active. It provides a chance for locals in Munich to interact with like-minded D-interested people each month. And with an alternating level of detail and a different location each month, it stays interesting and attracts different participants.

… and so is the global community

To engage with the global community, Funkwerk is willing to open source some of its general-purpose D libraries. They can all be found under, and some are registered in the DUB registry.

To mention are:

  • accessors – a library to auto generate getters and setters with UDAs
  • depend – a tool that checks actual import dependencies against a UML model of target dependencies
  • d2uml – reverse engineering of D source code into PlantUML class outlines

Feel free to use these and let us know how you like them.

DMD 2.079.0 Released

The D Language Foundation is happy to announce version 2.079.0 of DMD, the reference compiler for the D programming language. This latest version is available for download in multiple packages. The changelog details the changes and bugfixes that were the product of 78 contributors for this release.

It’s not always easy to choose which enhancements or changes from a release to highlight on the blog. What’s important to some will elicit a shrug from others. This time, there’s so much to choose from that my head is spinning. But two in particular stand out as having the potential to result in a significant impact on the D programming experience, especially for those who are new to the language.

No Visual Studio required

Although it has only a small entry in the changelog, this is a very big deal for programming in D on Windows: the Microsoft toolchain is no longer required to link 64-bit executables. The previous release made things easier by eliminating the need to configure the compiler; it now searches for a Visual Studio or Microsoft Build Tools installation when either -m32mscoff or -m64 are passed on the command line. This release goes much further.

DMD on Windows now ships with a set of platform libraries built from the MinGW definitions and a wrapper library for the VC 2010 C runtime (the changelog only mentions the installer, but this is all bundled in the zip package as well). When given the -m32mscoff or -m64 flags, if the compiler fails to find a Windows SDK installation (which comes installed with newer versions of Visual Studio – with older versions it must be installed separately), it will fallback on these libraries. Moreover, the compiler now ships with lld, the LLVM linker. If it fails to find the MS linker, this will be used instead (note, however, that the use of this linker is currently considered experimental).

So the 64-bit and 32-bit COFF output is now an out-of-the-box experience on Windows, as it has always been with the OMF output (-m32, which is the default). This should make things a whole lot easier for those coming to D without a C or C++ background on Windows, for some of whom the need to install and configure Visual Studio has been a source of pain.

Automatically compiled imports

Another trigger for some new D users, particularly those coming from a mostly Java background, has been the way imports are handled. Consider the venerable ‘Hello World’ example:

import std.stdio;

void main() {
    writeln("Hello, World!");

Someone coming to D for the first time from a language that automatically compiles imported modules could be forgiven for assuming that’s what’s happening here. Of course, that’s not the case. The std.stdio module is part of Phobos, the D standard library, which ships with the compiler as a precompiled library. When compiling an executable or shared library, the compiler passes it on to the linker along any generated object files.

The surprise comes when that same newcomer attempts to compile multiple files, such as:

// hellolib.d
module hellolib;
import std.stdio;

void sayHello() {

// hello.d
import hellolib;

void main() {

The common mistake is to do this, which results in a linker error about the missing sayHello symbol:

dmd hello.d

D compilers have never considered imported modules for compilation. Only source files passed on the command line are actually compiled. So the proper way to compile the above is like so:

dmd hello.d hellolib.d

The import statement informs the compiler which symbols are visible and accessible in the current compilation unit, not which source files should be compiled. In other words, during compilation, the compiler doesn’t care whether imported modules have already been compiled or are intended to be compiled. The user must explicitly pass either all source modules intended for compilation on the command line, or their precompiled object or library files for linking.

It’s not that adding support for compiling imported modules is impossible. It’s that doing so comes with some configuration issues that are unavoidable thanks to the link step. For example, you don’t want to compile imported modules from libFoo when you’re already linking with the libFoo static library. This is getting into the realm of build tools, and so the philosophy has been to leave it up to build tools to handle.

DMD 2.079.0 changes the game. Now, the above example can be compiled and linked like so:

dmd -i hello.d

The -i switch tells the compiler to treat imported modules as if they were passed on the command line. It can be limited to specific modules or packages by passing a module or package name, and the same can be excluded by preceding the name with a dash, e.g.:

dmd -i=foo main.d

Here, any imported module whose fully-qualified name starts foo will be compiled, unless the name starts with By default, -i means to compile all imported modules except for those from Phobos and DRuntime, i.e.:

-i=-core -i=-std -i=-etc -i=-object

While this is no substitute for a full on build tool, it makes quick tests and programs with no complex configuration requirements much easier to compile.

The #dbugfix Campaign

On a related note, last month I announced the #dbugfix Campaign. The short of it is, if there’s a D Bugzilla issue you’d really like to see fixed, tweet the issue number along with #dbugfix, or, if you don’t have a Twitter account or you’d like to have a discussion about the issue, make a post in the General forum with the issue number and #dbugfix in the title. The core team will commit to fixing at least two of those issues for a subsequent compiler release.

Normally, I’ll collect the data for the two months between major compiler releases. For the initial batch, we’re going three months to give people time to get used to it. I anticipated it would be slow to catch on, and it seems I was right. There were a few issues tweeted and posted in the days after the announcement, but then it went quiet. So far, this is what we have:

DMD 2.080.0 is scheduled for release just as DConf 2018 kicks off. The cutoff date for consideration during this run will be the day the 2.080.0 beta is announced. That will give our bugfixers time to consider which bugs to work on. I’ll include the tally and the issues they select in the DMD release announcement, then they will work to get the fixes implemented and the PRs merged in a subsequent release (hopefully 2.081.0). When 2.080.0 is released, I’ll start collecting #dbugfix issues for the next cycle.

So if there’s an issue you want fixed that isn’t on that list above, put it out there with #dbugfix! Also, don’t be shy about retweeting #dbugfix issues or +1’ing them in the forums. This will add weight to the consideration of which ones to fix. And remember, include an issue number, otherwise it isn’t going to count!