Category Archives: Code

Vanquish Forever These Bugs That Blasted Your Kingdom

Walter Bright is the BDFL of the D Programming Language and founder of Digital Mars. He has decades of experience implementing compilers and interpreters for multiple languages, including Zortech C++, the first native C++ compiler. He also created Empire, the Wargame of the Century. This post is the second in a series about D’s BetterC mode.

Do you ever get tired of bugs that are easy to make, hard to check for, often don’t show up in testing, and blast your kingdom once they are widely deployed? They cost you time and money again and again. If you were only a better programmer, these things wouldn’t happen, right?

Maybe it’s not you at all. I’ll show how these bugs are not your fault – they’re the tools’ fault, and by improving the tools you’ll never have your kingdom blasted by them again.

And you won’t have to compromise, either.

Array Overflow

Consider this conventional program to calculate the sum of an array:

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX 10

int sumArray(int* p) {
    int sum = 0;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i)
        sum += p[i];
    return sum;

int main() {
    static int values[MAX] = { 7,10,58,62,93,100,8,17,77,17 };
    printf("sum = %d\n", sumArray(values));
    return 0;

The program should print:

sum = 449

And indeed it does, on my Ubuntu Linux system, with both gcc and clang and -Wall. I’m sure you already know what the bug is:

for (i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i)

This is the classic “fencepost problem”. It goes through the loop 11 times instead of 10. It should properly be:

for (i = 0; i < MAX; ++i)

Note that even with the bug, the program still produced the correct result! On my system, anyway. So I wouldn’t have detected it. On the customer’s system, well, then it mysteriously fails, and I have a remote heisenbug. I’m already tensing up anticipating the time and money this is going to cost me.

It’s such a rotten bug that over the years I have reprogrammed my brain to:

  1. Never, ever use “inclusive” upper bounds.
  2. Never, ever use <= in a for loop condition.

By making myself a better programmer, I have solved the problem! Or have I? Not really. Let’s look again at the code from the perspective of the poor schlub who has to review it. He wants to ensure that sumArray() is correct. He must:

  1. Look at all callers of sumArray() to see what kind of pointer is being passed.
  2. Verify that the pointer actually is pointing to an array.
  3. Verify that the size of the array is indeed MAX.

While this is trivial for the trivial program as presented here, it doesn’t really scale as the program complexity goes up. The more callers there are of sumArray, and the more indirect the data structures being passed to sumArray, the harder it is to do what amounts to data flow analysis in your head to ensure it is correct.

Even if you get it right, are you sure? What about when someone else checks in a change, is it still right? Do you want to do that analysis again? I’m sure you have better things to do. This is a tooling problem.

The fundamental issue with this particular problem is that a C array decays to a pointer when it’s an argument to a function, even if the function parameter is declared to be an array. There’s just no escaping it. There’s no detecting it, either. (At least gcc and clang don’t detect it, maybe someone has developed an analyzer that does).

And so the tool to fix it is D as a BetterC compiler. D has the notion of a dynamic array, which is simply a fat pointer, that is laid out like:

struct DynamicArray {
    T* ptr;
    size_t length;

It’s declared like:

int[] a;

and with that the example becomes:

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C):   // use C ABI for declarations

enum MAX = 10;

int sumArray(int[] a) {
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i)
        sum += a[i];
    return sum;

int main() {
    __gshared int[MAX] values = [ 7,10,58,62,93,100,8,17,77,17 ];
    printf("sum = %d\n", sumArray(values));
    return 0;


dmd -betterC sum.d


Assertion failure: 'array overflow' on line 11 in file 'sum.d'

That’s more like it. Replacing the <= with < we get:

sum = 449

What’s happening is the dynamic array a is carrying its dimension along with it and the compiler inserts an array bounds overflow check.

But wait, there’s more.

There’s that pesky MAX thing. Since the a is carrying its dimension, that can be used instead:

for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)

This is such a common idiom, D has special syntax for it:

foreach (value; a)
    sum += value;

The whole function sumArray() now looks like:

int sumArray(int[] a) {
    int sum = 0;
    foreach (value; a)
        sum += value;
    return sum;

and now sumArray() can be reviewed in isolation from the rest of the program. You can get more done in less time with more reliability, and so can justify getting a pay raise. Or at least you won’t have to come in on weekends on an emergency call to fix the bug.

“Objection!” you say. “Passing a to sumArray() requires two pushes to the stack, and passing p is only one. You said no compromise, but I’m losing speed here.”

Indeed you are, in cases where MAX is a manifest constant, and not itself passed to the function, as in:

int sumArray(int *p, size_t length);

But let’s get back to “no compromise.” D allows parameters to be passed by reference,
and that includes arrays of fixed length. So:

int sumArray(ref int[MAX] a) {
    int sum = 0;
    foreach (value; a)
        sum += value;
    return sum;

What happens here is that a, being a ref parameter, is at runtime a mere pointer. It is typed, though, to be a pointer to an array of MAX elements, and so the accesses can be array bounds checked. You don’t need to go checking the callers, as the compiler’s type system will verify that, indeed, correctly sized arrays are being passed.

“Objection!” you say. “D supports pointers. Can’t I just write it the original way? What’s to stop that from happening? I thought you said this was a mechanical guarantee!”

Yes, you can write the code as:

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C):   // use C ABI for declarations

enum MAX = 10;

int sumArray(int* p) {
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i)
        sum += p[i];
    return sum;

int main() {
    __gshared int[MAX] values = [ 7,10,58,62,93,100,8,17,77,17 ];
    printf("sum = %d\n", sumArray(&values[0]));
    return 0;

It will compile without complaint, and the awful bug will still be there. Though this time I get:

sum = 39479

which looks suspicious, but it could have just as easily printed 449 and I’d be none the wiser.

How can this be guaranteed not to happen? By adding the attribute @safe to the code:

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C):   // use C ABI for declarations

enum MAX = 10;

@safe int sumArray(int* p) {
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i)
        sum += p[i];
    return sum;

int main() {
    __gshared int[MAX] values = [ 7,10,58,62,93,100,8,17,77,17 ];
    printf("sum = %d\n", sumArray(&values[0]));
    return 0;

Compiling it gives:

sum.d(10): Error: safe function 'sum.sumArray' cannot index pointer 'p'

Granted, a code review will need to include a grep to ensure @safe is being used, but that’s about it.

In summary, this bug is vanquished by preventing an array from decaying to a pointer when passed as an argument, and is vanquished forever by disallowing indirections after arithmetic is performed on a pointer. I’m sure a rare few of you have never been blasted by buffer overflow errors. Stay tuned for the next installment in this series. Maybe your moat got breached by the next bug! (Or maybe your tool doesn’t even have a moat.)

DMD 2.078.0 Has Been Released

Another major release of DMD, this time 2.078.0, has been packaged and delivered in time for the new year. See the full changelog at and download the compiler for your platform either from the main download page or the 2.078.0 release directory.

This release brings a number of quality-of-life improvements, fixing some minor annoyances and inconsistencies, three of which are targeted at smoothing out the experience of programming in D without DRuntime.

C runtime construction and destruction

D has included static constructors and destructors, both as aggregate type members and at module level, for most of its existence. The former are called in lexical order as DRuntime goes through its initialization routine, and the latter are called in reverse lexical order as the runtime shuts down. But when programming in an environment without DRuntime, such as when using the -betterC compiler switch, or using a stubbed-out runtime, static construction and destruction are not available.

DMD 2.078.0 brings static module construction and destruction to those environments in the form of two new pragmas, pragma(crt_constructor) and pragma(crt_destructor) respectively. The former causes any function to which it’s applied to be executed before the C main, and the latter after the C main, as in this example:


// Compile with:    dmd crun1.d
// Alternatively:   dmd -betterC crun1.d

import core.stdc.stdio;

// Each of the following functions should have
// C linkage (cdecl).

void init()

void fini()

void main()
    puts("C main");

The compiler requires that any function annotated with the new pragmas be declared with the extern(C) linkage attribute. In this example, though it isn’t required, main is also declared as extern(C). The colon syntax on line 8 applies the attribute to every function that follows, up to the end of the module or until a new linkage attribute appears.

In a normal D program, the C main is the entry point for DRuntime and is generated by the compiler. When the C runtime calls the C main, the D runtime does its initialization, which includes starting up the GC, executing static constructors, gathering command-line arguments into a string array, and calling the application’s main function, a.k.a. D main.

When a D module’s main is annotated with extern(C), it essentially replaces DRuntime’s implementation, as the compiler will never generate a C main function for the runtime in that case. If -betterC is not supplied on the command line, or an alternative implementation is not provided, DRuntime itself is still available and can be manually initialized and terminated.

The example above is intended to clearly show that the crt_constructor pragma will cause init to execute before the C main and the crt_destructor causes fini to run after. This introduces new options for scenarios where DRuntime is unavailable. However, take away the extern(C) from main and the same execution order will print to the command line:


// Compile with:    dmd crun2.d

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern(C) void init()

extern(C) void fini()

void main()
    import std.stdio : writeln;
    writeln("D main");

The difference is that the C main now belongs to DRuntime and our main is the D main. The execution order is: init, C main, D main, fini. This means init is effectively called before DRuntime is initialized and fini after it terminates. Because this example uses the DRuntime function writeln, it can’t be compiled with -betterC.

You may discover that writeln works if you import it at the top of the module and substitute it for puts in the example. However, always remember that even though DRuntime may be available, it’s not in a valid state when a crt_constructor and a crt_destructor are executed.

RAII for -betterC

One of the limitations in -betterC mode has been the absence of RAII. In normal D code, struct destructors are executed when an instance goes out of scope. This has always depended on DRuntime, and since the runtime isn’t available in -betterC mode, neither are struct destructors. With DMD 2.078.0, the are in the preceding sentence becomes were.


// Compile with:    dmd -betterC destruct.d

import core.stdc.stdio : puts;

struct DestroyMe
        puts("Destruction complete.");

extern(C) void main()
    DestroyMe d;

Interestingly, this is implemented in terms of try..finally, so a side-effect is that -betterC mode now supports try and finally blocks:


// Compile with:    dmd -betterC cleanup1.d

import core.stdc.stdlib,

extern(C) void main()
    int* ints;
        // acquire resources here
        ints = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * 10);
        // release resources here

Since D’s scope(exit) feature is also implemented in terms of try..finally, this is now possible in -betterC mode also:


// Compile with: dmd -betterC cleanup2.d

import core.stdc.stdlib,

extern(C) void main()
    auto ints1 = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * 10);
        puts("Freeing ints1!");

    auto ints2 = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * 10);
        puts("Freeing ints2!");

Note that exceptions are not implemented for -betterC mode, so there’s no catch, scope(success), or scope(failure).

Optional ModuleInfo

One of the seemingly obscure features dependent upon DRuntime is the ModuleInfo type. It’s a type that works quietly behind the scenes as one of the enabling mechanisms of reflection and most D programmers will likely never hear of it. That is, unless they start trying to stub out their own minimal runtime. That’s when linker errors start cropping up complaining about the missing ModuleInfo type, since the compiler will have generated an instance of it for each module in the program.

DMD 2.078.0 changes things up. The compiler is aware of the presence of the runtime implementation at compile time, so it can see whether or not the current implementation provides a ModuleInfo declaration. If it does, instances will be generated as appropriate. If it doesn’t, then the instances won’t be generated. This makes it just that much easier to stub out your own runtime, which is something you’d want to do if you were, say, writing a kernel in D.

Other notable changes

New users of DMD on Windows will now have an easier time getting a 64-bit environment set up. It’s still necessary to install the Microsoft build tools, but now DMD will detect the installation of either the Microsoft Build Tools package or Visual Studio at runtime when either -m64 or -m32mscoff is specified on the command line. Previously, configuration was handled automatically only by the installer; manual installs had to be configured manually.

DRuntime has been enhanced to allow more fine-grained control over unit tests. Of particular note is the --DRT-testmode flag which can be passed to any D executable. With the argument "run-main", the current default, any unit tests present will be run and then main will execute if they all pass; with "test-or-main", the planned default beginning with DMD 2.080.0, any unit tests present will run and the program will exit with a summary of the results, otherwise main will execute; with "test-only", main will not be executed, but test results will still be summarized if present.

Onward into 2018

This is the first DMD release of 2018. We can’t wait to see what the next 12 months bring for the D programming language community. From everyone at the D Language Foundation, we hope you have a very Happy New Year!

D’s Newfangled Name Mangling

Rainer Schuetze is the creator and maintainer of Visual D, the D plugin for Visual Studio. Recently, he implemented a new name mangling algorithm for the D frontend, which was released in DMD 2.077.0. In this post, he explains why it was needed and what it does.

What is symbol name mangling?

D embraces the separate compilation model that compiles D source code to object files and uses a linker to bind the object files to an executable binary file. This allows the reuse of precompiled object files and libraries, speeding up the build process. As the linker is usually one that’s also used for other languages with the same compilation model, e.g. C/C++ or Fortran, mixing object files from different languages is straightforward.

In an object file, a symbol name is assigned to each function or global variable, both when it is defined and when it is used via a call or access. The linker uses these names to connect references to definitions of the same name with only very bare knowledge about the symbol. For example, the symbol for this C function declaration,

extern(C) const(char)* find(int ch, const(char)* str);

does not tell the linker anything about function arguments or return type, as the C language uses the plain function name find as the symbol name (some platforms prepend a _ to the symbol). If you later change the order of the arguments to

extern(C) const(char)* find(const(char)* str, int ch);

but fail to update and recompile all source files that use the new declarartion, the linker will happily bind the resulting object files. In that case, the program is likely to crash, since a character passed to the function will be interpreted as a string pointer and vice versa.

D and C++ avoid this problem by adding more information to the symbol name, i.e. they encode into a symbol name the scope in which the symbol is defined, the function argument types, and the return type. Even if the linker does not interpret this information, linking fails with an undefined symbol error if the definitions used to build the object files don’t match. For example, the D function declaration

module test;
extern(D) const(char)* find(int ch, const(char)* str);

has a symbol name _D4test4findFiPxaZPxa, where _D is a prefix to identify the symbol as being generated from a D source symbol, 4test4find encodes the “fully qualified name” find in module test, and FiPxaZPxa describes the function type with an integer argument (designated by i) and the C-style string pointer type Pxa by just concatenating the encodings for argument types. Z terminates the function argument list and is followed by the encoding for the return type, again Pxa for a C-style string pointer. In contrast,

extern(D) const(char)* find(const(char)* str, int ch);

is encoded as _D4test4findFPxaiZPxa, making it a different symbol with the argument types reversed. The encoding ensures a normalized representation of types and scopes while also providing shorter symbols than minimal source code. This encoding is called “name mangling”.

Ed: Note that extern(C) and extern(D) are linkage attributes. When a function is declared in D without an explicit linkage attribute, extern(D) is the default.

In D, some function attributes are also mangled into the symbol name, e.g. @safe, nothrow, pure and @nogc. In theory, mangling could also cover parameter names, user defined attributes, or even contracts, but that is currently considered excessive.

Please note that even though name mangling can detect some mismatches in the binary interface of functions (i.e. how arguments are passed in registers or on the stack), it won’t catch every error; for example, structs, classes and other user defined types are mangled by name only, so that a change to their definition will still pass unnoticed by the linker.

The mangled name of a symbol is also available during compilation using the .mangleof property. This used to be exploited to provide type reflection of the symbol at compile time. This should no longer be necessary due to the introduction of new __traits that make this information accessible faster and more convenient, for example,



__traits(getFunctionAttributes, symbol);

Thus, usage of .mangleof is not recommended except for debugging purposes.

When reversing the mangling process in the “demangler”, all the encoded information is kept to make it available to the user, but that does not always yield correct D syntax. The first definition above demangles as

const(char)* test.find(int, const(char)*)

i.e. the module name test is added to the function name.

Template symbols

The two definitions of find shown above can coexist in D and C++, so name mangling is not only a way to detect errors at link time but also a necessity to represent overloads. It should at least contain enough information to distinguish different overloads of the same scoped identifier.

This becomes even more obvious when considering templates that usually instantiate different functions or variable definitions for each argument type. In D, the template instantiation information is added to the qualified name of a symbol.

Consider expression templates, a common example of meta programming used for delayed evaluation of expressions:

module expr;
struct Mul(X,Y)
    X x;
    Y y;
struct Add(X,Y)
    X x;
    Y y;

auto mul(X,Y)(X x, Y y) { return Mul!(X,Y)(x, y); }
auto add(X,Y)(X x, Y y) { return Add!(X,Y)(x, y); }

A function template is lowered by the compiler to an eponymous template:

template mul(X, Y)
    auto mul(X x, Y y) { return Mul!(X,Y)(x, y); }

The template name is part of the qualified function name, expr.mul!(X,Y).mul, and the auto return type is inferred to be Mul!(X,Y). This causes the symbol to reference the types X and Y three times. The demangled mangled name of an instantiation with types double and float of this template is

expr.Mul!(double,float) expr.mul!(double,float).mul(double,float)

The mangling process of DMD before version 2.077 walks the abstract syntax tree of the declaration and emits the mangled representation of the types whenever it is hit. Now consider stacking operations, e.g.

auto square(X)(X x) { return mul(x, x); }

auto len = square("var");
pragma(msg, len.square.mangleof);
// S4expr66__T3MulTS4expr16__T3MulTAyaTAyaZ3MulTS4expr16__T3MulTAyaTAyaZ3MulZ3Mul

pragma(msg, typeof(len).mangleof.length);
pragma(msg, len.square.mangleof.length);
pragma(msg, len.square.square.mangleof.length);
pragma(msg, len.square.square.square.mangleof.length);
pragma(msg, len.square.square.square.square.mangleof.length);
pragma(msg, len.square.square.square.square.square.mangleof.length);
pragma(msg, len.square.square.square.square.square.square.mangleof.length);

With DMD 2.076 or earlier, this displays 28u, 78u, 179u, 381u, 785u, 1594u, 3212u, showing exponential growth of the mangled symbol name length even though the expression in the source code just grows linearly. This happens because types like Mul!(Mul!(string, string), Mul!(string, string)) are combined and the mangling repeats their full representation every time they are referenced.

Create a chain of 12 calls to square above and the symbol length increases to 207,114. Even worse, the resulting object file for COFF/64-bit is larger than 15 MB and the time to compile increases from 0.1 seconds to about 1 minute. Most of that time is spent generating code for functions only used at compile time.

Voldemort types returned from template functions can be similar, as they carry the function signature including the template arguments as part of the type name. These can also show a dramatic increase in build times without generating as much code as in the example.

Symbol compression to the rescue

In early 2016, a couple of attempts were made to shorten these long symbols:

  • cut off symbol names if they exceed a given threshold, but append a checksum of the full symbol instead. This was already done with an MD5 hash when emitting symbols for the DigitalMars C compiler tool chain as the OMF object file format does not allow symbols longer than 255 characters. The downside to this is that these symbols can no longer be demangled, so that symbols in linker messages cannot be translated back into human digestible names.
  • apply binary compression to the symbol name. Standard techniques use part of the full symbol name as a dictionary to encode repetitions within the name. This is usually done by encoding a position-length pair using characters outside the normal identifier set. Again, this is already in use when DMD tries to fit symbols into the OMF limit of 255 characters (before applying the MD5 hash trick), but it also has shown some disadvantages: when using characters above the ASCII range, this interferes with UTF8 encoded characters that are also allowed as symbol characters in the D language. It can also break linker output as the console might misinterpret it as a locale-specific character encoding. Avoiding this by applying a binary to ASCII conversion like base64 to the symbols would obfuscate the actual symbol name even more.
  • extend the mangling grammar by allowing references to entities already encoded. This is similar to binary compression, but does not need to encode match length as the entities have terminators embedded into the grammar. The most prominent entities are types. This is the road C++ has taken, as it is also affected by the issues described here. In C++, name mangling is not standardised by the language, but by the compiler or the platform. GNU g++ uses Itanium C++ ABI mangling, which does a pretty good job with C++ code similar to the example above or in the Voldemort issue. Even though Microsoft’s Visual C++ can encode recurring types as well, it still generates very long names because it limits the encoding to the first 10 types of an argument list.

The first attempts at applying the latter scheme to the mangling of D symbols showed disappointing results. As it turned out, these implementations missed a subtle detail of the mangler in the DMD front end at that time; it reused cached representations of mangled type names to combine them to more complex types. This fails to find repetitions of the types from which a cached type name was built.

This is where I stepped in to create a proof-of-concept version of the mangling without these omissions. Early results were promising, so I looked for more opportunities to reduce symbol length:

  • with fully qualified names always containing the package and module names of a symbol, identifiers tend to appear often in a mangled name.
  • qualified names are likely to come from the same module or package, so it would be nice to encode them as a single entity.

The unit tests of the Phobos runtime library are benchmark candidates, as they contain a lot of symbols for template-heavy code. At the given time there were 127,172 symbols found in the map file of the Windows build. These were the results of the different manglings:

back references max length average length
none 416133 369
types 2095 157
types+identifiers 1263 128
types+identifiers+qualified names 1114 117

(This has been measured with the implementation at the time, which is not exactly the same as the final mangling; it used special characters for the different back reference types, but this turned out not to be a good idea. The D mangling is supposed to be the same on all platforms, but these characters will have a special meaning to the linker on one of them.)

It’s rather simple in DMD to determine the identity of identifiers and types, as the latter are merged according to their mangling anyway. Qualified names and their associated symbols turned out to introduce a number of complications, though. Namely, mangleFunc in core.demangle allows building a mangled name of a function from a fully qualified name given as a string function argument and a type specified as a template argument. Implementing this for run-time usage requires copying the full mangling machinery and introspection capabilities of the compiler, which is unrealistic. Considering the limited benefit shown by the above Phobos statistics, the idea of encoding qualified names was dropped.

Here are some details about the new mangling:

  • Back references are now encoded by the character Q, followed by the relative position of the original appearance of the same identifier or type. These positions are encoded with respect to base 26, with the last digit encoded by a lowercase letter and the other digits encoded by an uppercase letter. That way, most back references are 2 or 3 characters long, 4 in extreme cases. Using a different encoding for the last digit allows determining the end of a number without looking at the next character. This helps to avoid ambiguities. (The Itanium C++ ABI mangling uses base 36 encoding by combining numbers and letters, but need a termination character _.)
  • Counting encodable entities as in the C++ mangling would result in slightly shorter mangled names, but needs the mangler to keep a dynamic list of respective positions. The current demangler is designed not to allocate as long as the supplied output buffer is large enough.
  • Relative positions are chosen instead of absolute positions to allow prepending the _D prefix without having to re-encode the symbol. Some platforms also prepend an additional underscore, for which the relative positions are agnostic.
  • The mangling grammar sometimes allows types and identifiers at the same position, so a demangler needs to distinguish between the two even if given by a back reference. That’s why a lookup to the referenced position is necessary to continue demangling; an identifier always starts with a number, while a type always starts with a letter.
  • Using Q for back references grabs the last free letter used to encode types, but there is at least one type defined in the mangling grammar that is not supposed to appear in a mangling anyway (namely TypeIdent), so it can be resurrected if the necessity appears.

For example, the expression template type shown above now mangles as

pragma(msg, len.square.mangleof);
// S4expr__T3MulTSQo__TQlTAyaTQeZQvTQtZQBb
//                ^^   ^^     ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ decode to:
//                |    |      |  |  |  |
//                |    |      |  |  |  +- 3Mul
//                |    |      |  |  +---- S4expr__T3MulTAyaTAyaZ3Mul
//                |    |      |  +------- 3Mul
//                |    |      +---------- Aya
//                |    +----------------- 3Mul
//                +---------------------- 4expr

with a length of 39 instead of 78 without back references. The resulting sizes are 23, 39, 57, 76, 95, 114, 133 showing linear growth. The chain of 12 calls to square shrinks from 207,114 characters to 247, i.e. by a factor of more than 800.

Implementing mangleFunc mentioned above for the mangling with back referencing identifiers still is not obvious; while the fully qualified name is not supposed to contain any types (e.g. as a struct template argument) identifiers in the mangled name can appear again in the function type. This was solved by extending the demangler to use “Design by Introspection” (DbI) (as coined by Andrei Alexandrescu):

  • make the Demangle struct a template that parameterizes on a struct that supplies a couple of hooks
    struct NoHooks {}  // supports: static bool parseLName(ref Demangle); ...
    private struct Demangle(Hooks = NoHooks)
    Hooks hooks;
        // ...
        void parseLName()
            static if(__traits(hasMember, Hooks, "parseLName"))
                if (hooks.parseLName(this))
                // normal decode...
  • create a hook that replaces a reoccurring identifier with the appropriate back reference
    struct RemangleHooks
        char[] result;
        size_t[const(char)[]] idpos;
        // ...
        bool parseLName(ref Demangler!RemangleHooks d)
            // flush input so far to result[]
            if (d.front == 'Q')
                // re-encode back reference...
            else if (auto ppos = currentIdentifier in idpos)
                // encode back reference to identifier at *ppos
                idpos[currentIdentifier] = currentPos;
            return true;
  • combine the qualified name and the type as before (core.demangle is still capable of decoding it) and run it through the hooked demangler
    char[] mangleFunc(FuncType)(const(char)[] qualifiedName)
        const(char)mangledQualifiedName = encodeLNames(qualifiedName);
        const(char)mangled = mangledQualifiedName ~ FuncType.mangleof;
        auto d = Demangle!RemangleHooks(mangled, null);
        d.mute = true; // no demangled output
        return d.hooks.result;

Is the new mangling sound?

The back references encoded into the mangling extend the existing mangling. Unfortunately, the latter had ambiguities reported to the D issue tracking system, with more of these likely yet to be uncovered. The demangler in core.demangle rejected about 3% of the unmodified symbols from the Phobos unit tests, while 15% were demangled only partially.

It’s tough to verify the soundness of an addition to an already complex and fragile definition, as a change to the mangling would need an update to the tooling (demangler, debuggers). Anyway, it was a good opportunity to get rid of these, too.

So scrutiny of the existing definition was required. To do this mechanically, the mangling specification from the web site was converted into a grammar digestible by the bison parser generator. Bison can create LALR(1) parser tables, which basically means that, while scanning a mangled symbol, looking at a character and its successor is enough to determine whether the character adds to a previous entity or starts a new one. When conflicts are reported when processing a grammar, they might be resolvable with a larger context, but they can also hint at actual problems or undesirable complexity. Adding pseudo-tokens representing handcrafted parser control flow can avoid these conflicts.

This gist shows a grammar for the D mangling scheme without the back references. It still has a couple of conflicts when run through Bison, one of which was determined to be an actual ambiguity in the definition. Adding back references to
the grammar doesn’t add any conflicts.

In addition, core.demangle was fixed to work for all symbols but those exposing the known ambiguities.


Some of the implementations in std.traits used the mangling of a symbol to introspect compile-time properties, for example, to determine the linkage. This was done using a simplified demangler. With the introduction of back references, these
didn’t work any more except for simple symbol names. Using a solution as for core.mangleFunc is feasible, but can slow down compilation considerably as the demangling needs to be executed via CTFE. Fortunately, new __traits have been added which cover all information that can be found in the mangling.

While most users will not notice any changes to their programs other than smaller object and executable file sizes, the new mangling can be a breaking change to external tools like the linker or a debugger. These will continue to work, but until they are updated, be prepared to eventually see the new mangled names for a little while instead of the demangled ones.

Thanks to Mike Parker, Walter Bright and Steven Schveighoffer for review.

Interfacing D with C: Getting Started

One of the early design goals behind the D programming language was the ability to interface with C. To that end, it provides ABI compatibility, allows access to the C standard library, and makes use of the same object file formats and system linkers that C and C++ compilers use. Most built-in D types, even structs, are directly compatible with their C counterparts and can be passed freely to C functions, provided the functions have been declared in D with the appropriate linkage attribute. In many cases, one can copy a chunk of C code, paste it into a D module, and compile it with minimal adjustment. Conversely, appropriately declared D functions can be called from C.

That’s not to say that D carries with it all of C’s warts. It includes features intended to eliminate, or more easily avoid, some of the errors that are all too easy to make in C. For example, bounds checking of arrays is enabled by default, and a safe subset of the language provides compile-time enforcement of memory safety. D also changes or avoids some things that C got wrong, such as what Walter Bright sees as C’s biggest mistake: conflating pointers with arrays. It’s in these differences of implementation that surprises lurk for the uninformed.

This post is the first in a series exploring the interaction of D and C in an effort to inform the uninformed. I’ve previously written about the basics of this topic in an article at, and in my book, ‘Learning D’, where the entirety of Chapter 9 covers it in depth.

This blog series will focus on those aforementioned corner cases so that it’s not necessary to buy the book or to employ trial and error in order to learn them. As such, I’ll leave the basics to the article and recommend that anyone interfacing D with C (or C++) give it a read along with the official documentation.

The C and D code that I provide to highlight certain behavior is intended to be compiled and linked by the reader. The code demonstrates both error and success conditions. Recognizing and understanding compiler errors is just as important as knowing how to fix them, and seeing them in action can help toward that end. That implies some prerequisite knowledge of compiling and linking C and D source files. Happily, that’s the focus of the next section of this post.

For the C code, we’ll be using the Digital Mars C/C++ and Microsoft C/C++ compilers on Windows, and GCC and Clang elsewhere. On the D side, we’ll be working exclusively with the D reference compiler, DMD. Windows users unfamiliar with setting up DMD to work with the Microsoft tools will be well served by the post on this blog titled, ‘DMD, Windows, and C’.

We’ll finish the post with a look at one of the corner cases, one that is likely to rear its head early on in any exploration of interfacing D with C, particularly when creating bindings to existing C libraries.

Compiling and linking

The articles in this series will present example C source code that is intended to be saved and compiled into object files for linking with D programs. The command lines for generating the object files look pretty much the same on every platform, with a couple of caveats. We’ll look first at Windows, then lump all the other supported systems together in a single section.

In the next two sections, we’ll be working with the following C and D source files. Save them in the same directory (for convenience) and make sure to keep the names distinct. If both files have the same name in the same directory, then the object files created by the C compiler and DMD will also have the same name, causing the latter to overwrite the former. There are compiler switches to get around this, but for a tutorial we’re better off keeping the command lines simple.


#include <stdio.h>
void say_hello(void) 
    puts("Hello from C!");


extern(C) void say_hello();
void main() 

The extern(C) bit in the declaration of the C function in the D code is a linkage attribute. That’s covered by the other material I referenced above, but it’s a potential gotcha we’ll look at later in this series.


The official DMD packages for Windows, available at as a zip archive and an installer, are the only released versions of DMD that do not require any additional tooling to be installed as a prerequisite to compile D files. These packages ship with everything they need to compile 32-bit executables in the OMF format (again, I refer you to ‘DMD, Windows, and C’ for the details).

When linking any foreign object files with a D program, it’s important that the object file format and architecture match the D compiler output. The former is an issue primarily on Windows, while attention must be paid to the latter on all platforms.

Compiling C source to a format compatible with vanilla DMD on Windows requires the Digital Mars C/C++ compiler. It’s a free download and ships with some of the same tools as DMD. It outputs object files in the OMF format. With both it and DMD installed and on the system path, the above source files can be compiled, linked, and executed like so:

dmc -c chello.c
dmd hello.d chello.obj

The -c option tells DMC to forego linking, causing it to only compile the C source and write out the object file chello.obj.

To get 64-bit output on Windows, DMC is not an option. In that case, DMD requires the Microsoft build tools on Windows. Once the MS build tools are installed and set up, open the preconfigured x64 Native Tools Command Prompt from the Start menu and execute the following commands (again, see ‘D, Windows, and C’ on this blog for information on how to get the Microsoft build tools and open the preconfigured command prompt, which may have a slightly different name depending on the version of Visual Studio or the MS Build Tools installed):

cl /c chello.c
dmd -m64 hello.d chello.obj

Again, the /c option tells the compiler not to link. To produce 32-bit output with the MS compiler, open a preconfigured x86 Native Tools Command Prompt and execute these commands:

cl /c hello.c
dmd -m32mscoff hello.c chello.obj

DMD recognizes the -m32 switch on Windows, but that tells it to produce 32-bit OMF output (the default), which is not compatible with Microsoft’s linker, so we must use -m32mscoff here instead.

Other platforms

On the other platforms D supports, the system C compiler is likely going to be GCC or Clang, one of which you will already have installed if you have a functioning dmd command. On Mac OS, clang can be installed via XCode in the App Store. Most Linux and BSD systems have a GCC package available, such as via the often recommended command line, apt-get install build-essential, on Debian and Debian-based systems. Please see the documentation for your system for details.

On these systems, the environment variable CC is often set to the system compiler command. Feel free to substitute either gcc or clang for CC in the lines below as appropriate for your system.

CC -c chello.c
dmd hello.d chello.o

This will produce either 32-bit or 64-bit output, depending on your system configuration. If you are on a 64-bit system and have 32-bit developer tools installed, you can pass -m32 to both CC and dmd to generate 32-bit binaries.

The long way

Now that we’re configured to compile and link C and D source in the same binary, let’s take a look at a rather common gotcha. To fully appreciate this one, it helps to compile it on both Windows and another platform.

One of the features of D is that all of the integral types have a fixed size. A short is always 2 bytes and an int is always 4. This never changes, no matter the underlying system architecture. This is quite different from C, where the spec only imposes relative requirements on the size of each integral type and leaves the specifics to the implementation. Even so, there are wide areas of agreement across modern compilers such that on every platform D currently supports the sizes for almost all the integral types match those in D. The exceptions are long and ulong.

In D, long and ulong are always 8 bytes across all platforms. This never changes. It lines up with the corresponding C types just fine on most 64-bit systems under the version(Posix) umbrella, where the C long and unsigned long are also 8 bytes. However, they are 4 bytes on 32-bit architectures. Moreover, they’re always 4 bytes on Windows, even on a 64-bit architecture.

Most C code these days will account for these differences either by using the preprocessor to define custom integral types or by making use of the C99 stdint.h where types such as int32_t and int64_t are unambiguously defined. Yet, it’s still possible to encounter C libraries using long in the wild.

Consider the following C function:


#include <limits.h>
unsigned long max_val(void)
    return ULONG_MAX;

The naive D implementation looks like this:


extern(C) ulong max_val();
void main()
    import std.stdio : writeln;

What this does depends on the C compiler and architecture. For example, on Windows with dmc I get 7316910580432895, with x86 cl I get 59663353508790271, and 4294967295 with x64 cl. The last one is actually the correct value, even though the size of the unsigned long on the C side is still 4 bytes as it is in the other two scenarios. I assume this is because the x64 ABI stores return values in the 8-byte RAX register, so it can be read into the 8-byte ulong on the D side with no corruption. The important point here is that the two values in the x86 code are garbage because the D side is expecting a 64-bit return value from 32-bit registers, so it’s reading more than it’s being given.

Thankfully, DRuntime provides a way around this in core.c.config, where you’ll find c_long and c_ulong. Both of these are conditionally configured to match the compile-time C runtime implementation and architecture configuration. With this, all that’s needed is to change the declaration of max_val in the D module, like so:


import core.stdc.config : c_ulong;
extern(C) c_ulong max_val();

void main()
    import std.stdio : writeln;

Compile and run with this and you’ll find it does the right thing everywhere. On Windows, it’s 4294967295 across the board.

Though less commonly encountered, core.stdc.config also declares a portable c_long_double type to match any long double that might pop up in a C library to which a D module must bind.

Looking ahead

In this post, we’ve gotten set up to compile and link C and D in the same executable and have looked at the first of several potential problem spots. We used DMD here, but it should be possible to substitute one of the other D compilers (ldc or gdc) without changing the command line (with the exception of -m32mscoff, which is specific to DMD). The next post in this series will focus entirely on getting D arrays and C arrays to cooperate. See you there!

DMD 2.077.0 Released

The D Language Foundation is happy to announce DMD 2.077.0. This latest release of the reference compiler for the D programming language is available from the Downloads page. Among the usual slate of bug and regression fixes, this release brings a couple of particulary beneficial enhancements that will have an immediate impact on some existing projects.

Cutting symbol bloat

Thanks to Rainer Schütze, the compiler now produces significantly smaller mangled names in situations where they had begun to get out of control, particularly in the case of IFTI (Implicit Function Template Instantiation) where Voldemort types are involved. That may call for a bit of a detour here.

The types that shall not be named

Voldemort types are perhaps one of D’s more interesting features. They look like this:

auto getHeWhoShallNotBeNamed() 
    struct NoName 
        void castSpell() 
            import std.stdio : writeln;
    return NoName();

void main() 
    auto voldemort = getHeWhoShallNotBeNamed();

Here we have an auto function, a function for which the return type is inferred, returning an instance of a type declared inside the function. It’s possible to access public members on the instance even though its type can never be named outside of the function where it was declared. Coupled with type inference in variable declarations, it’s possible to store the returned instance and reuse it. This serves as an extra level of encapsulation where it’s desired.

In D, for any given API, as far as the world outside of a module is concerned, module private is the lowest level of encapsulation.

module foobar;

private struct Foo
    int x;

struct Bar 
    private int y;
    int z;

Here, the type Foo is module private. Bar is shown here for completeness, as those new to D are often surprised to learn that private members of an aggregate type are also module private (D’s equivalent of the C++ friend relationship). There is no keyword that indicates a lower level of encapsulation.

Sometimes you just may not want Foo to be visible to the entire module. While it’s true that anyone making a breaking change to Foo’s interface also has access to the parts of the module that break (which is the rationale behind module-private members), there are times when you may not want the entire module to have access to Foo at all. Voldemort types fill that role of hiding details not just from the world, but from the rest of the module.

The evil side of Voldemort types

One unforeseen consequence of Voldemort types that was first reported in mid–2016 was that, when used in templated functions, they caused a serious explosion in the size of the mangled function names (in some cases up to 1 MB!), making for some massive object files. There was a good bit of forum discussion on how to trim them down, with a number of ideas tossed around. Ultimately, Rainer Schütze took it on. His persistence has resulted in shorter mangled names all around, but the wins are particularly impressive when it comes to IFTI and Voldemort types. (Rainer is also the maintainer of Visual D, the D programming language plugin for Visual Studio)

D’s name-mangling scheme is detailed in the ABI documentation. The description of the new enhancement is in the section titled ‘Back references’.

Improved vectorization

D has long supported array operations such as element-wise addtion, multiplication, etc. For example:

int[] arr1 = [0, 1, 2];
int[] arr2 = [3, 4, 5];
int[3] arr3 = arr1[] + arr2[];
assert(arr3 == [3, 5, 7]);

In some cases, such operations could be vectorized. The reason it was some cases and not all cases is because dedicated assembly routines were used to achieve the vectorization and they weren’t implemented for every case.

With 2.077.0, that’s no longer true. Vectorization is now templated so that all array operations benefit. Any codebase out there using array operations that were not previously vectorized can expect a sizable performance increase for those operations thanks to the increased throughput (though whether an application benefits overall is of course context-dependent). How the benefit is received depends on the compiler being used. From the changelog:

For GDC/LDC the implementation relies on auto-vectorization, for DMD the implementation performs the vectorization itself. Support for vector operations with DMD is determined statically (-mcpu=native, -mcpu=avx2) to avoid binary bloat and the small test overhead. DMD enables SSE2 for 64-bit targets by default.

Note that the changelog initially showed -march instead of -mcpu in the quoted lines, and the updated version had not yet been posted when this announcement was published.

DMD’s implementation is implemented in terms of core.simd, which is also part of DRuntime’s public API.

The changelog also notes that there’s a potential for division performed on float arrays in existing code to see a performance decrease in exchange for an increase in precision.

The implementation no longer weakens floating point divisions (e.g. ary[] / scalar) to multiplication (ary[] * (1.0 / scalar)) as that may reduce precision. To preserve the higher performance of float multiplication when loss of precision is acceptable, use either -ffast-math with GDC/LDC or manually rewrite your code to multiply by (1.0 / scalar) for DMD.

Other assorted treats

Just the other day, someone asked in the forums if DMD supports reproducible builds. As of 2.077.0, the answer is affirmative. DMD now ensures that compilation is deterministic such that given the same source code and the same compiler version, the binaries produced will be identical. If this is important to you, be sure not to use any of the non-determistic lexer tokens (__DATE__, __TIME__, and __TIMESTAMP__) in your code.

DMD’s -betterC command line option gets some more love in this release. When it’s enabled, DRuntime is not available. Library authors can now use the predefined version D_BetterC to determine when that is the case so that, where it’s feasible, they can more conveniently support applications with and without the runtime. Also, the option’s behavior is now documented, so it’s no longer necessary to go to the forums or parse through search results to figure out what is and isn’t actually supported in BetterC mode.

The entire changelog is, as always, available at

DCompute: Running D on the GPU

Nicholas Wilson is a student at Murdoch University, studying for his BEng (Hons)/BSc in Industrial Computer Systems (Hons) and Instrumentation & Control/ Molecular Biology & Genetics and Biomedical Science. He just finished his thesis on low-cost defect detection of solar cells by electroluminescence imaging, which gives him time to work on DCompute and write about it for the D Blog.He plays the piano, ice skates, and has spent 7 years putting D to use on number bashing, automation, and anything else that he could make a computer do for him.

DCompute is a framework and compiler extension to support writing native kernels for OpenCL and CUDA in D to utilize GPUs and other accelerators for computationally intensive code. Its compute API drivers automate the interactions between user code and the tedious and error prone APIs with the goal of enabling the rapid development of high performance D libraries and applications.


This is the second article on DCompute. In the previous article, we looked at the development of DCompute and some trivial examples. While we were able to successfully build kernels, there was no way to run them short of using them with an existing framework or doing everything yourself. This is no longer the case. As of v0.1.0, DCompute now comes with native wrappers for both OpenCL and CUDA, enabling kernel dispatch as easily as CUDA.

In order to run a kernel we need to pass it off to the appropriate compute API, either CUDA or OpenCL. While these APIs both try to achieve similar things they are different enough that to squeeze that last bit of performance out of them you need to treat each API separately. But there is sufficient overlap that we can make the interface reasonably consistent between the two. The C bindings to these APIs, however, are very low level and trying to use them is very tedious and extremely prone to error (yay void*).
In addition to the tedium and error proneness, you have to redundantly specify a lot of information, which further compounds the problem. Fortunately this is D and we can remove a lot of the redundancy through introspection and code generation.

The drivers wrap the C API, providing a clean and consistent interface that’s easy to use. While the documentation is a little sparse at the moment, the source code is for the most part straightforward (if you’re familiar with the C APIs, looking where a function is used is a good place to start). There is the occasional piece of magic to achieve a sane API.

Taming the beasts

OpenCL’s clGet*Info functions are the way to access properties of the class hidden behind the void*. A typical call looks like

cl_foo* foo = ...; 
cl_int refCount;
clGetFooInfo(foo, CL_FOO_REFERENCE_COUNT, refCount.sizeof, &refCount,null);

And that’s not even one for which you have to call, to figure out how much memory you need to allocate, then call again with the allocated buffer (and $DEITY help you if you want to get a cl_program’s binaries).

Using D, I have been able to turn that into this:

struct Foo
    void* raw;
    static struct Info
        @(0x1234) int referenceCount;
    mixin(generateGetInfo!(Info, clGetFooInfo));

Foo foo  = ...;
int refCount = foo.referenceCount;

All the magic is in generateGetInfo to generate a property for each member in Foo.Info, enabling much better scalability and bonus documentation.

CUDA also has properties exposed in a similar manner, however they are not essential (unlike OpenCL) for getting things done so their development has been deferred.

Launching a kernel is a large point of pain when dealing with the C API of both OpenCL and (only marginally less horrible) CUDA, due to the complete lack of type safety and having to use the & operator into a void* far too much. In DCompute this incantation simply becomes

Event e = q.enqueue!(saxpy)([N])(b_res, alpha, b_x, b_y, N);

for OpenCL (1D with N work items), and

q.enqueue!(saxpy)([N, 1, 1], [1 ,1 ,1])(b_res, alpha, b_x, b_y, N);

for CUDA (equivalent to saxpy<<<N,1,0,q>>>(b_res,alpha,b_x,b_y, N);)

Where q is a queue, N is the length of buffers (b_res, b_x & b_y) and saxpy (single-precision a x plus y) is the kernel in this example. A full example may be found here, along with the magic that drives the OpenCL and CUDA enqueue functions.

The future of DCompute

While DCompute is functional, there is still much to do. The drivers still need some polish and user testing, and I need to set up continuous integration. A driver that unifies the different compute APIs is also in the works so that we can be even more cross-platform than the industry cross-platform standard.

Being able to convert SPIR-V into SPIR would enable targeting cl_khr_spir-capable 1.x and 2.0 CL implementations, dramatically increasing the number of devices that can run D kernel code (there’s nothing stopping you using the OpenCL driver for other kernels though).

On the compiler side of things, supporting OpenCL image and CUDA texture & surface operations in LDC would increase the applicability of the kernels that could be written.
I currently maintain a forward-ported fork of Khronos’s SPIR-V LLVM to generate SPIR-V from LLVM IR. I plan to use IWOCL to coordinate efforts to merge it into the LLVM trunk, and in doing so, remove the need for some of the hacks in place to deal with the oddities of the SPIR-V backend.

Using DCompute in your projects

If you want to use DCompute, you’ll need a recent LDC built against LLVM with the NVPTX (for CUDA) and/or SPIRV (for OpenCL 2.1+) targets enabled and should add "dcompute": "~>0.1.0" to your dub.json. LDC 1.4+ releases have NVPTX enabled. If you want to target OpenCL, you’ll need to build LDC yourself against my fork of LLVM.

DMD, Windows, and C

The ability to interface with C was baked into D from the beginning. Most of the time, it’s something that requires little thought – as long as the declarations on the D side match what exists on the C side, things will usually just work. However, there are a few corner-case gotchas that arise from the simple fact that D, though compatible, is not C.

An upcoming series of posts here on the D blog will delve into some of these dark corners and shine a light on the traps lying in wait. In these posts, readers will be asked to follow along by compiling and executing the examples themselves so they may more thoroughly understand the issues discussed. This means that, in addition to a D compiler, readers will need access to a C compiler.

That raises a potential snafu. On the systems that the DMD frontend groups under the version(Posix) umbrella, it’s a reliable assumption that a C compiler is easily available (if a D compiler is installed and functioning properly, the C compiler will already be installed). The concept of a system compiler is a long established tradition on those systems. On Windows… not so much.

So before diving into a series about C and D, a bit of a primer is called for. That’s where this post comes in. The primary goal is to help ensure a C environment is installed and working on Windows. It’s also useful to understand why things are different on that platform than on the others. Before we get to the why, we’ll dig into the how.

First, assume we have the following two source files in the same directory.


#include <stdio.h>

void say_hello(void) 


extern(C) void say_hello();

void main() 

Now let’s see how to get the two working together.

DMD and C

The DMD packages for Windows ship with everything the compiler needs: a linker and other tools, plus a handful of critical system libraries. So on the one hand, Windows is the only platform where DMD has no external dependencies out of the box. On the other hand, it’s the only platform where a working DMD installation does not imply a C compiler is also installed. And these days, the out-of-the-box experience often isn’t the one you want.

On all the other platforms, the C compiler option is the system compiler, which in practice means GCC or Clang. The system linker to which DMD sends its generated object files might be ld, lld,, or any ld-compatible linker. On Windows, there are currently two compiler choices, and neither can be assumed to be installed by default: the Digital Mars C and C++ compiler, dmc, or the Microsoft compiler, cl. We’ll look at each in turn.


The linker (Optlink) and other tools that ship with DMD are also part of the DMC distribution. DMD uses these tools by default (or when the -m32 switch is passed on the command line). To link any C objects or static libraries, they should be in the OMF format. Compilers that can generate OMF are a rare breed these days, and while something like Open Watcom may work, using DMC will guarantee 100% compatibility.

The DMC package (version 8.57 as I write) can be downloaded from It’s a 3 MB zip file that can be unzipped anywhere. Personally, since I only ever use it in conjunction with DMD, I keep it in C:\D so that the dm directory is a sibling of the dmd2 directory. Once it’s unzipped, it can be added to the path if desired. Be aware that some of the tools DMD and DMC ship with may conflict with tools in other packages if they are on the global path.

For example, both come with Digital Mars make and Optlink, which is named link.exe. The former might conflict with Cygwin, or a MinGW distribution that’s independent of MSYS2 (if mingw32-make has been renamed), and the latter with Microsoft’s linker (which generally shouldn’t be on the global path anyway). Some may prefer just to keep it all off the global path. In that case, it’s simple to configure a command prompt shortcut that sets the PATH when it launches. For example, create a batch file, that looks like this:

echo Welcome to your Digital Mars environment.
@set PATH=C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin;C:\D\dm\bin;%PATH%

Save it as C:\D\dmenv.bat. Right click an empty spot on the desktop and, from the popup menu, select New->Shortcut. In the location field, enter the following:

C:\System\Win32\cmd.exe /k C:\d\dmenv.bat

Now you have a shortcut that, when double clicked, will launch a command prompt that has both dmd and dmc on the path.

Once installed, documentation on the command-line switches for the tools is available at the Digital Mars site. The most relevant are the docs for DMC, Optlink, and Librarian (lib.exe). The latter two will come in handy even when doing pure D development with vanilla DMD, as those are the tools needed to when manually manipulating its object file output.

That’s all there is to it. As long as both dmc.exe and dmd.exe are on the path in any given command prompt, both compilers will find the tools they need via the default settings in their configuration files. For knocking together quick tests with both C and D on Windows, it’s a quick thing to launch a command prompt, compile & link, and execute:

dmc -c cfoo.c
dmd dfoo.d cfoo.obj

Easy peasy. Now let’s look at the other option.

DMD and Microsoft’s CL

Getting DMD to work with the Microsoft toolchain requires installing the Microsoft build tools and the Windows SDK. The easiest way to get everything is to use one of the Community editions of Visual Studio. The installer will download and install all the tools and the SDK. The latest is always available from https://www/ With VS 2017, the installer has been overhauled such that it’s possible to minimize the size of the install more than was possible with past editions. An alternative is to install the Microsoft Build Tools and the Windows SDK separately. However, this is still a large install that isn’t much of a win in light of the new VS 2017 installer options (for those on Windows 8.1 or 10).

Once the tooling is installed, DMD’s configuration file needs to be modified to point its environment variables to the proper locations. Rather than repeat all of that here, I’ll direct you to the DMD installation page at the D Wiki. One of the reasons to prefer the DMD installer over the zip archive is that it will detect any installation of Visual Studio or the Microsoft Build Tools and automatically modify the configuration as needed. This is more convenient than needing to remember to update the configuration every time a new version of DMD is installed. It also offers to install VS 2013 Community if the tooling isn’t found, can install Visual D (the D plugin for Visual Studio), and will add DMD to the system path if you want it to.

It’s a bit of an annoyance to launch Visual Studio for simple tests between C and D. Since it’s not recommended to put the MS tools on the system path, each VS and Microsoft Build Tools installation ships with a number of batch files that will set the path for you (like the one we created for DMC above). The installer sets up shortcuts in the Windows Start menu. There are several different options to choose from. To launch a 64-bit environment with VS 2017 (or the 2017 build tools), find Visual Studio 2017 in the Start menu and select x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2017. For VS 2015 (or the 2015 build tools), go to Visual Studio 2015 and click on VS 2015 x64 Native Build Tools Command Prompt. Similar options exist for 32-bit (where x86 replaces x64) and cross compiling.

From the VS-enabled 64-bit environment, we can run the following commands to compile our two files.

cl /c cfoo.c
dmd -m64 dfoo.d cfoo.obj

In a 32-bit VS environment, replace -m64 with -m32mscoff.

The consequences of history

When a new programming language is born these days, it’s not uncommon for its tooling to be built on top of an existing toolchain rather than completely from scratch. Whether we’re talking about languages like Kotlin built on the JRE, or those like Rust using LLVM, reusing existing tools saves time and allows the developers to focus their precious man-hours on the language itself and any language-specific tooling they require.

When Walter Bright first started putting D together in 1999, that trend had not yet come around. However, he already had an existing toolchain in the form of the Digital Mars C and C++ compiler tools. So it was a no-brainer to make use of his existing tools and compiler backend and just focus on making a new frontend for DMD. There were four major side-effects of this decision, all of which had varying consequences in D’s future development.

First, the DMC tools were Windows-only, so the early versions of DMD would be as well. Second, the linker, Optlink, only supports the OMF format. That meant that DMD’s output would be incompatible with the more common COFF output of most modern C and C++ compilers on Windows. Third, the DMC tools do not support 64-bit, so DMD would be restricted to 32-bit output. Finally, Symantec had the legal rights to the existing backend, which meant their license would apply to DMD. While the frontend was open source, the backend license required one to get permission from Walter to distribute DMD (on a side note, this prevented DMD from being included in official Linux package repositories once Linux support was added, but Symantec granted permission to relicense the backend earlier this year and it is now freely distributable under the Boost license).

DMD 0.00 was released in December of 2001. The 0.63 release brought Linux support in May of 2003. Walter could have based the Linux version on the GCC backend, but as a business owner, and through a caution born from past experience, he was concerned about any legal issues that could arise from his working with GPL code on one platform and maintaining a proprietary backend on another. Instead, he modified the DMD backend to generate ELF objects and hand them off to the GCC tools. This decision to enhance the backend became the approach for all new formats going forward. He did the same when adding support for Mac OS X: he modified the backend to work with the Mach-O object format.

Along with the new formats, the compiler gained the ability to generate 64-bit binaries everywhere except Windows. In order to interface with C on Windows, it was usually necessary to convert COFF object files and static libraries to OMF, to use a tool like coffimplib to generate DLL import libraries in the OMF format, or to create dynamic bindings and load DLLs manually via LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress. Then Remedy Games decided to use D.

Quantum Break was the first AAA game title to ship with D as part of its development process. Remedy used it for their gameplay code, creating their own open source tool to bind with their C++ game engine. Before they could get that far, however, they needed 64-bit support in DMD on Windows. That was the motivator to get it implemented. It took a while (apparently, there are some undocumented quirks in Microsoft’s variant of COFF, a.k.a PECOFF, a.k.a. MS-COFF), but Walter eventually got it done, and support for 32-bit COFF along with it. Again, as he had on other platforms, he modified the backend to generate object files in the new format.

This is why it’s necessary to have the Microsoft toolchain installed in order to produce 64-bit binaries with DMD on Windows. Microsoft’s cl is as close to a system compiler as one is going to get on Windows. There is, however, an option that has not yet been fully explored. It’s a toolchain that can be freely distributed, packaged with a reasonable download size, supports 32-bit and 64-bit output, and is mostly compatible with PECOFF. There is a possibility that it may be investigated as an option for future DMD releases to be built upon.

Going from here

Now that this primer is out of the way, the short series on C is just about ready to go. It will kick off with a brief summary of existing material, showing how easy it is to get D and C to work together in the general case. That will be followed up by two posts on arrays and strings. This is where most of the gotchas come into play, and anyone using D and C in the same program should understand what they are and how to avoid them.

Unit Testing In Action

Mario Kröplin is a developer at Funkwerk AG, a German company whose passenger information system is developed in D and was recently highlighted on this blog. That post describes Funkwerk’s use of third-party unit testing frameworks and says, “the team recently discovered a way to combine xUnit testing with D’s built-in unittest, which may lead to another transition in their unit testing.” That’s Mario’s subject in this post.

There and Back Again

Ten years ago, programming in D was like starting over in our company. And, of course, unit testing was part of it right from the beginning. D’s built-in simple support made it easy to quickly write lots of unit tests. Until some of them failed. And soon, the failure became the rule. There’s always someone else to blame: D’s simple unit-test support is too simple. A look at Python reveals that the modules doctest and unittest live side by side in the standard library. We concluded that D’s unit test support corresponds to Python’s doctest, which means that there must be something else for the real unit testing.

Even back then, we immediately found such a unit testing framework in DUnit [An old D1 unit testing framework that you can read about at the old – Ed.]. Thanks to good advice for xUnit testing, we were happy and content with this approach. At the end of life of D1, a replacement library for D2 was soon found. After a bumpy start, I found myself in the role of the maintainer of dunit [A D2 unit-testing framework that is separate from DUnit – Ed].

During DConf 2013, I copied a first example use of user-defined attributes to dunit. This allowed imitating JUnit 4, where, for example, test methods are annotated with @Test. By now, dunit imitates JUnit 5. So if you want to write unit tests in Java style, dunit is a good choice. But which D programmers would want to do that?

Recently, we reconsidered the weaknesses of D’s unit test support. Various solutions have been found to bypass the blockers (described in the following). On the other hand, good guidelines are added, for example, to use attributes even for unittest functions. So we decided to return to making use of D’s built-in unit test support. From our detour we retain some ideas to keep the test implementation maintainable.


Whenever a unit test fails at run time, the question is, why? The error message refers to the line number, where you find something like assert(answer == 42). But what is the value of answer if it isn’t 42? The irony is that this need is well understood. If you use a static assert instead, the error message reads like: static assert 54 == 42 is false. The fear of code bloat is the reason why you don’t get this automatically at run time.

If you look at the Language Reference, you will notice that the chapter Unit Tests covers primarily the special unittest function. It is assumed that assert is used for test verification, which is introduced in the chapter Contract Programming. In theory, it’s completely OK to reuse assert for test verification. Any failure reveals a programming error that must be fixed. In practice, however, test expectations are quite different from preconditions, postconditions, and invariants. While the expectations are usually specific (actual == expected) the contracts rather exclude specific values ​​(value != 0 or value !is null).

So there are lots of implementations of templates like assertEquals or test!"==". The problem shows up if you want to have the most helpful error messages: expected 42 but got 54. For this, assertEquals is too symmetrical. In fact, JUnit’s assertEquals(expected, actual) was turned into TestNG’s assertEquals(actual, expected). Even with UFCS (Uniform Function Call Syntax), it is not clear how a.assertEquals(b) should be used. From time to time, programmers don’t write the arguments in the intended order. Then the error messages are the opposite of helpful. They are misleading: expected 54 but got 42.

Fluent assertions avoid this symmetry problem: actual.should.eq(expected) or expect(actual).to.eq(expected) are harder to use incorrectly. Thanks to UFCS and lazy parameters, the implementation in D is no problem. The common criticism is “the natural language formulation is too verbose”, or just “too many dots”. Currently, however, this seems to be the only way to get the most helpful error messages.

The next problem is that string comparisons are seldom as simple as: expected foo but got bar. Non-printable characters or lengthy texts, such as XML or JSON representations, sabotage error messages that were meant to be helpful. This can be avoided by escaping special characters and by showing differences. Finally, this is what the fluent-asserts library does.

Test Execution

At large, we want to get as much information as possible from a failed test run. How many test cases fail? Which test cases fail? Does the happy path fail or rather edge cases? Is it worth addressing the failures, or is it better to undo the change? The approach of stopping on the first error is contrary to these needs. The original idea was to run the unit tests before the start of the actual program. By now, however, separate test runners are often used, which continue in case of a failure. To emphasize this, test expectations usually throw their own exceptions, instead of the unrecoverable AssertError. This change already shows how many test cases fail.

Finding out what’s tested in the failing test cases is more difficult. At best, there are corresponding comments for documented unit tests. But an empty DDoc comment, ///, is all that’s needed to include the body of the unittest function as an example in the documentation. In the worst case, the unit test goes on and on verifying this and that.

The idea of the Sentence Style For Naming Unit Tests is that the name of the test function describes the test case. In D, however, the unittest functions are anonymous. On the other hand, D has user-defined attributes so that you can even use strings for the test description instead of CamelCase names. unit-threaded, for example, shows these string attributes so that you get a good impression of the extent of the problem in case of a failure. In addition, unit-threaded satisfies the requirement to execute test cases selectively. For example, only the one problematic test case or all tests except those tagged as “slow”. It’s promising to use unit-threaded as needed. You let D run the unittest functions as long as they pass. Only for troubleshooting should you switch to unit-threaded. You have to be careful, however, to only use compatible features.

By the way: the parallel test execution (from it’s name, the main goal of unit-threaded) was quite problematic with the first test suite we converted. On the other hand, the speedup was just 10%.


The D compiler has built-in code-coverage analysis. The ratio of the lines executed in the test is often used as an indicator for the quality of the tests. (See: Testing in the D Standard Library) A coverage of 100% cannot be achieved, for example, if you have an assert(0). Lower thresholds for the coverage can always be achieved by cheating. The fact that the unittest functions are also incorporated in the coverage is questionable. Imagine that a single line that has not yet been executed requires a lengthy unit test. As a consequence, this new unit test could significantly raise the coverage.

In order to avoid such measurement errors, we decided from the beginning to extract non-trivial unit tests to separate modules. We place these in parallel to the src tree in a unittest directory. Test utilities are also placed in the unittest directory, so that reading the actual code is not encumbered by large version (unittest) sections. (We also have test directories for customer tests.) For the coverage, we only count the modules under src. Code-coverage analysis creates a report file for each module. For a summary, which we output at the end of each successful test run, we have written a simple script. By now, covered is a ready-made solution.

In order to fully exploit the code-coverage analysis, an unusual formatting is required, for example, for the short-circuit evaluation of expressions with &&, ||, and ?:. We hope that dfmt can be changed to reformat the code temporarily.


What can you do to prevent the test implementation from getting out of control? After all, test code is also code that needs to be maintained. Sometimes the test implementation is more obscure than the code being tested.

As a solution the xUnit patterns suggest a structuring of the test implementation as a Four-Phase Test: fixture setup, exercise system under test, result verification, fixture teardown. The term fixture refers to the test context. For JUnit, this is the test class with attributes that are available to all test methods. A method with the annotation @BeforeEach initializes the attributes. This is the fixture setup. Another method with the annotation @AfterEach implements the fixture teardown. All methods annotated with @Test focus on exercise and verification.

At first glance, this approach seems to be incompatible with D’s unittest functions. The unittest functions do not get automatic access to the attributes of a class, even if they are defined in the context of a class. On the other hand, one can mimic the approach, for example, by implementing the fixtures next to the unittest functions as a struct:

    Fixture fixture;
    scope (exit) fixture.teardown;
    (fixture.x * fixture.y).should.eq(42);

The test implementation can be improved by executing the fixture setup in the constructor (or in opCall(), since default constructors are disallowed in structs) and the fixture teardown in the destructor:

    with (Fixture())
        (x * y).should.eq(42);

The with (Fixture()) pulls the context, in which test methods are executed implicitly in JUnit, explicitly into the unittest function. With this simple pattern you can structure unit tests in a tried and trusted way without having to use a framework for test classes ever again.

Parameterized Tests

A parameterized test is a means to reuse a test implementation with different values ​​or with different types. Within a unittest function this would be no problem. Our goal, however, is to get as much information as possible from a failing test run. For which values ​​or which types does the test fail? unit-threaded provides support for parameterized tests with @Values ​​and @Types. If unit-threaded is not used to run the unittest functions, these test cases do not work at all.

With the new static foreach feature however, it is easy to implement parameterized tests without the support of a framework:

static foreach (i; 0 .. 2)
    static foreach (j; 0 .. 2)
        @(format!"%s + %s == 1"(i, j))
            (i + j).should.eq(1);

And if you run the failing test with unit-threaded, the descriptions of the failing test cases reveal the problem without the need to take a look at the test implementation:

0 + 0 == 1: expected 1 but got 0
1 + 1 == 1: expected 1 but got 2


D’s built-in unit test support works best when there are no failures. As shown, however, you do not need to change too much to be able to work properly in situations where you rely on helpful error messages. The imitation of a solution from another programming language is often easy in D. Nevertheless, one should reconsider such solutions from time to time.

If we had a wish, we would want separate libraries for expectations and for test execution. Currently, you get frameworks where not all features are great, or they are overloaded with alternative solutions. Such a separation should probably be supported by the Phobos runtime library. Currently, each framework defines expectations with its own unit test exceptions. In order to combine them, ugly interdependencies are required to match the exceptions thrown in one library to the exceptions caught in another library. A unit test exception in Phobos could avoid this problem.

Go Your Own Way (Part Two: The Heap)

This post is part of an ongoing series on garbage collection in the D Programming Language, and the second of two regarding the allocation of memory outside of the GC. Part One discusses stack allocation. Here, we’ll look at allocating memory from the non-GC heap.

Although this is only my fourth post in the series, it’s the third in which I talk about ways to avoid the GC. Lest anyone jump to the wrong conclusion, that fact does not signify an intent to warn programmers away from the D garbage collector. Quite the contrary. Knowing how and when to avoid the GC is integral to understanding how to efficiently embrace it.

To hammer home a repeated point, efficient garbage collection requires reducing stress on the GC. As highlighted in the first and subsequent posts in this series, that doesn’t necessarily mean avoiding it completely. It means being judicious in how often and how much GC memory is allocated. Fewer GC allocations means fewer opportunities for a collection to trigger. Less total memory allocated from the GC heap means less total memory to scan.

It’s impossible to make any accurate, generalized statement about what sort of applications may or may not feel an impact from the GC; such is highly application specific. What can be said is that it may not be necessary for many applications to temporarily avoid or disable the GC, but when it is, it’s important to know how. Allocating from the stack is an obvious approach, but D also allows allocating from the non-GC heap.

The ubiquitous C

For better or worse, C is everywhere. Any software written today, no matter the source language, is probably interacting with a C API at some level. Despite the C specification defining no standard ABI, its platform-specific quirks and differences are understood well enough that most languages know how to interface with it. D is no exception. In fact, all D programs have access to the C standard library by default.

The core.stdc package, part of DRuntime, is a collection of D modules translated from C standard library headers. When a D executable is linked, the C standard library is linked along with it. All that need be done to gain access is to import the appropriate modules.

import core.stdc.stdio : puts;
void main() 
    puts("Hello C standard library.");

Some who are new to D may be laboring under a misunderstanding that functions which call into C require an extern(C) annotation, or, after Walter’s Bright’s recent ‘D as a Better C’ article, must be compiled with -betterC on the command line. Neither is true. Normal D functions can call into C without any special effort beyond the presence of an extern(C) declaration of the function being called. In the snippet above, the declaration of puts is in the core.stdc.stdio module, and that’s all we need to call it.

malloc and friends

Given that we have access to C’s standard library in D, we therefore have access to the functions malloc, calloc, realloc and free. All of these can be made available by importing core.stdc.stdlib. And thanks to D’s slicing magic, using these functions as the foundation of a non-GC memory management strategy is a breeze.

import core.stdc.stdlib;
void main() 
    enum totalInts = 10;
    // Allocate memory for 10 ints
    int* intPtr = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * totalInts);

    // assert(0) (and assert(false)) will always remain in the binary,
    // even when asserts are disabled, which makes it nice for handling
    // malloc failures    
    if(!intPtr) assert(0, "Out of memory!");

    // Free when the function exits. Not necessary for this example, but
    // a potentially useful strategy for temporary allocations in functions 
    // other than main.
    scope(exit) free(intPtr);

    // Slice the D pointer to get a more manageable length/pointer pair.
    int[] intArray = intPtr[0 .. totalInts];

Not only does this bypass the GC, it also bypasses D’s default initialization. A GC-allocated array of type T would have all of its elements initialized to T.init, which is 0 for int. If mimicking D’s default initialization is the desired behavior, more work needs to be done. In this example, we could replace malloc with calloc for the same effect, but that would only be correct for integrals. float.init, for example, is float.nan rather than 0.0f. We’ll come back to this later in the article.

Of course, it would be more idiomatic to wrap both malloc and free and work with slices of memory. A minimal example:

import core.stdc.stdlib;

// Allocate a block of untyped bytes that can be managed
// as a slice.
void[] allocate(size_t size)
    // malloc(0) is implementation defined (might return null 
    // or an address), but is almost certainly not what we want.
    assert(size != 0);

    void* ptr = malloc(size);
    if(!ptr) assert(0, "Out of memory!");
    // Return a slice of the pointer so that the address is coupled
    // with the size of the memory block.
    return ptr[0 .. size];

T[] allocArray(T)(size_t count) 
    // Make sure to account for the size of the
    // array element type!
    return cast(T[])allocate(T.sizeof * count); 

// Two versions of deallocate for convenience
void deallocate(void* ptr)
    // free handles null pointers fine.

void deallocate(void[] mem) 

void main() {
    import std.stdio : writeln;
    int[] ints = allocArray!int(10);
    scope(exit) deallocate(ints);
    foreach(i; 0 .. 10) {
        ints[i] = i;

    foreach(i; ints[]) {

allocate returns void[] rather than void* because it carries with it the number of allocated bytes in its length property. In this case, since we’re allocating an array, we could instead rewrite allocArray to slice the returned pointer immediately, but anyone calling allocate directly would still have to take into account the size of the memory. The disassociation between arrays and their length in C is a major source of bugs, so the sooner we can associate them the better. Toss in some templates for calloc and realloc and you’ve got the foundation of a memory manager based on the C heap.

On a side note, the preceding three snippets (yes, even the one with the allocArray template) work with and without -betterC. But from here on out, we’ll restrict ourselves to features in normal D code.

Avoid leaking like a sieve

When working directly with slices of memory allocated outside of the GC heap, be careful about appending, concatenating, and resizing. By default, the append (~=) and concatenate (~) operators on built-in dynamic arrays and slices will allocate from the GC heap. Concatenation will always allocate a new memory block for the combined string. Normally, the append operator will allocate to expand the backing memory only when it needs to. As the following example demonstrates, it always needs to when it’s given a slice of non-GC memory.

import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;
import std.stdio : writeln;

void main()
    int[] ints = (cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * 10))[0 .. 10];
    writeln("Capacity: ", ints.capacity);

    // Save the array pointer for comparison
    int* ptr = ints.ptr;
    ints ~= 22;
    writeln(ptr == ints.ptr);

This should print the following:

Capacity: 0

A capacity of 0 on a slice indicates that the next append will trigger an allocation. Arrays allocated from the GC heap normally have space for extra elements beyond what was requested, meaning some appending can occur without triggering a new allocation. It’s more like a property of the memory backing the array rather than of the array itself. Memory allocated from the GC does some internal bookkeeping to keep track of how many elements the memory block can hold so that it knows at any given time if a new allocation is needed. Here, because the memory for ints was not allocated by the GC, none of that bookkeeping is being done by the runtime on the existing memory block, so it must allocate on the next append (see Steven Schveighoffer’s ’D Slices article for more info).

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing when it’s the desired behavior, but anyone who’s not prepared for it can easily run into ballooning memory usage thanks to leaks from malloced memory never being deallocated. Consider these two functions:

void leaker(ref int[] arr)
    arr ~= 10;

void cleaner(int[] arr)
    arr ~= 10;

Although arrays are reference types, meaning that modifying existing elements of an array argument inside a function will modify the elements in the original array, they are passed by value as function parameters. Any activity that modifies the structure of an array argument, i.e. its length and ptr properties, only affects the local variable inside the function. The original will remain unchanged unless the array is passed by reference.

So if an array backed by the C heap is passed to leaker, the append will cause a new array to be allocated from the GC heap. Worse, if free is subsequently called on the ptr property of the original array, which now points into the GC heap rather than the C heap, we’re in undefined behavior territory. cleaner, on the other hand, is fine. Any array passed into it will remain unchanged. Internally, the GC will allocate, but the ptr property of the original array still points to the original memory block.

As long as the original array isn’t overwritten or allowed to go out of scope, this is a non-issue. Functions like cleaner can do what they want with their local slice and things will be fine externally. Otherwise, if the original array is to be discarded, you can prevent all of this by tagging functions that you control with @nogc. Where that’s either not possible or not desirable, then either a copy of the pointer to the original malloced memory must be kept and freeed at some point after the reallocation takes place, custom appending and concatenation needs to be implemented, or the allocation strategy needs to be reevaluated.

Note that std.container.array contains an Array type that does not rely on the GC and may be preferable over managing all of this manually.

Other APIs

The C standard library isn’t the only game in town for heap allocations. A number of alternative malloc implementations exist and any of those can be used instead. This requires manually compiling the source and linking with the resultant objects, but that’s not an onerous task. Heap memory can also be allocated through system APIs, like the Win32 HeapAlloc function on Windows (available by importing As long as there’s a way to get a pointer to a block of heap memory, it can be sliced and manipulated in a D program in place of a block of GC memory.

Aggregate types

If we only had to worry about allocating arrays in D, then we could jump straight on to the next section. However, we also need to concern ourselves with struct and class types. For this discussion, however, we will only focus on the former. The next couple of posts in the series will focus exclusively on classes.

Allocating an array of struct types, or a single instance of one, is often no different than when the type is int.

struct Point { int x, y; }
Point* onePoint = cast(Point*)malloc(Point.sizeof);
Point* tenPoints = cast(Point*)malloc(Point.sizeof * 10);

Where things break down is when contructors enter the mix. malloc and friends know nothing about constructing D object instances. Thankfully, Phobos provides us with a function template that does.

std.conv.emplace can take either a pointer to typed memory or an untyped void[], along with an optional number of arguments, and return a pointer to a single, fully initialized and constructed instance of that type. This example shows how to do so using both malloc and the allocate function template from above:

struct Vertex4f 
    float x, y, z, w; 
    this(float x, float y, float z, float w = 1.0f)
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.z = z;
        this.w = w;

void main()
    import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;
    import std.conv : emplace;
    import std.stdio : writeln;
    Vertex4f* temp1 = cast(Vertex4f*)malloc(Vertex4f.sizeof);
    Vertex4f* vert1 = emplace(temp1, 4.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f); 

    void[] temp2 = allocate(Vertex4f.sizeof);
    Vertex4f* vert2 = emplace!Vertex4f(temp2, 10.0f, 9.0f, 8.0f);

Another feature of emplace is that it also handles default initialization. Consider that struct types in D need not implement constructors. Here’s what happens when we change the implementation of Vertex4f to remove the constructor:

struct Vertex4f 
    // x, y, z are default inited to float.nan
    float x, y, z;

    // w is default inited to 1.0f
    float w = 1.0f;

void main()
    import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;
    import std.conv : emplace;
    import std.stdio : writeln;

    Vertex4f vert1, vert2 = Vertex4f(4.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f);
    auto vert3 = emplace!Vertex4f(allocate(Vertex4f.sizeof));
    auto vert4 = emplace!Vertex4f(allocate(Vertex4f.sizeof), 4.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f);

This prints the following:

Vertex4f(nan, nan, nan, 1)
Vertex4f(4, 3, 2, 1)
Vertex4f(nan, nan, nan, 1)
Vertex4f(4, 3, 2, 1)

So emplace allows heap-allocated struct instances to be initialized in the same manner as stack allocated struct instances, with or without a constructor. It also works with the built-in types like int and float. Just always remember that emplace is intended to initialize and construct a single instance, not an array of instances.

If the aggregate type has a destructor, it should be invoked before its memory is deallocated. This can be achieved with the destroy function (always available through the implicit import of std.object).


The entirety of the text above describes the fundamental building blocks of a custom memory manager. For many use cases, it may be sufficient to forego cobbling something together by hand and instead take advantage of the D standard library’s std.experimental.allocator package. This is a high-level API that makes use of low-level techniques like those described above, along with Design by Introspection, to facilitate the assembly of different types of allocators that know how to allocate, initialize, and construct arrays and type instances. Allocators like Mallocator and GCAllocator can be used to grab chunks of memory directly, or combined with other building blocks for specialized behavior. See the emsi-containers library for a real-world example.

Keeping the GC informed

Given that it’s rarely recommended to disable the GC entirely, most D programs allocating outside the GC heap will likely also be using memory from the GC heap in the same program. In order for the GC to properly do its job, it needs to be informed of any non-GC memory that contains, or may potentially contain, references to memory from the GC heap. For example, a linked list whose nodes are allocated with malloc might contain references to classes allocated with new.

The GC can be given the news via GC.addRange.

import core.memory;
enum size = int.sizeof * 10;
void* p1 = malloc(size);
GC.addRange(p1, size);

void[] p2 = allocate!int(10);
GC.addRange(p2.ptr, p2.length);

When the memory block is no longer needed, the corresponding GC.removeRange can be called to prevent it from being scanned. This does not deallocate the memory block. That will need to be done manually via free or whatever allocator interface was used to allocate it. Be sure to read the documentation before using either function.

Given that one of the goals of allocating from outside the GC heap is to reduce the amount of memory the GC must scan, this may seem self-defeating. That’s the wrong way to look at it. If non-GC memory is going to hold references to GC memory, then it’s vital to let the GC know about it. Not doing so can cause the GC to free up memory to which a reference still exists. addRange is a tool specifically designed for that situation. If it can be guaranteed that no GC-memory references live inside a non-GC memory block, such as a malloced array of vertices, then addRange need not be called on that memory block.

A word of warning

Be careful when passing typed pointers to addRange. Because the function was implemented with the C like approach of taking a pointer to a block of memory and the number of bytes it contains, there is an opportunity for error.

struct Item { SomeClass foo; }
auto items = (cast(Item*)malloc(Item.sizeof * 10))[0 .. 10];
GC.addRange(items.ptr, items.length);

With this, the GC would be scanning a block of memory exactly ten bytes in size. The length property returns the number of elements the slice refers to. Only when the type is void (or the element type is one-byte long, like byte and ubyte) does it equate to the size of the memory block the slice refers to. The correct thing to do here is:

GC.addRange(items.ptr, items.length * Item.sizeof);

However, until DRuntime is updated with an alternative, it may be best to implement a wrapper that takes a void[] parameter.

void addRange(void[] mem) 
    import core.memory;
    GC.addRange(mem.ptr, mem.length);

Then calling addRange(items) will do the correct thing. The implicit conversion of the slice to void[] in the function call will mean that mem.length is the same as items.length * Item.sizeof.

The GC series marches on

This post has covered the very basics of using the non-GC heap in D programs. One glaring omission, in addition to class types, is what to do about destructors. I’m saving that topic for the post about classes, where it is highly relevant. That’s the next scheduled post in the GC series. Stay tuned!

Thanks to Walter Bright, Guillaume Piolat, Adam D. Ruppe, and Steven Schveighoffer for their valuable feedback on a draft of this article.

The Evolution of the accessors Library

Ronny Spiegel is a developer at Funkwerk AG, a German company whose passenger information system is developed in D and was recently highlighted on this blog. In this post, Ronny tells the story of the company’s open source accessors library, which provides a mechanism for users to automatically generate property getters and setters using D’s robust compile-time features.

A little bit of history.

We’ve always used UML tools to visualize the internal structure and document details of software. That’s true for me not only at Funkwerk, but also in the companies I worked before I joined the team here in Karlsfeld. One of the major issues of documentation is that at some point in time it will diverge from the actual implementation and become outdated. Additionally, if you have to support old versions of your components you will have to take care of old versions of your documentation as well.

The first approach to connecting code and model is to generate code from the model, which requires the model to reflect the current implementation. When I joined Funkwerk we were using ArgoUML to manage class diagrams which were used as input to generate code. Not only class or struct skeletons were generated (existing code was kept), but also methods to access members which were not even part of the model. In order to control whether a member should be accessible, annotations, similar to UDAs (User-Defined Attributes), were used as part of the member documentation. So it was very common for us to annotate a member with @Read or @Write even though it was only in the documentation. The tool which we used to generate code was powerful enough to create the implementation of these field accessor methods supported by annotations to synchronize access, or to automatically use invariants for pre- and post-conditions as well.

Anyway, the approach of using the model as a base for code generation always suffers from the same problem: it is very hard to merge models!

So we reversed the whole thing and decided to create documentation from code. We could still use code which had been generated before, but all the new classes had to be supplied with accessor functions. You can imagine that this was very annoying.

public class Journey
    private Leg[] legs_;

    public Leg[] legs()
	return this.legs_.dup;


(Yes, we’ve been writing Java and compiling as D.)

Code which was generated before still had these @Read and @Write annotations next to the fields. So I thought, “These look like UDAs. Why not just use those to generate the methods automatically?” I’d always wanted to use mixins and compile-time introspection in order to move forward with a more D-like development approach.

A first draft…

The very first version of the accessors library was able to generate basic read- and write-accessor methods using the allMembers trait, filtering by UDAs, and generating some basic code like:

public final Leg[] legs() { return this.legs_.dup; }

It works… Yes, it does.

We did not replace all existing accessor methods at once, but working on a large project at that time we introduced many of them. The automated generation of accessor methods was really a simplification for us.

…always has some issues.

The first implementation looked so simple – there must have been issues. And yes, there were. I cannot list all of them because I do not remember anymore, but some of these issues were:

Explicitly defined properties suppressed generated ones

We ran into a situation where we explicitly defined a setter method (e.g. because it had to notify an observer) but wanted to use the generated getter method. The result was that the defined setter method could be used but accessing the generated getter method (with the same name) was impossible.

According to the specification, the compiler places mixins in a nested scope and then imports them into the surrounding scope. If a function with the same name already exists in the surrounding scope, then this function overwrites the function from the mixin. So if there is a field with a @Read annotation and another explicitly defined mutating field accessor, then the @Read accessor is overwritten by the defined one.

The solution to this issue was rather simple. We had to use a string mixin to import the generated code into the class where it shall be used.


We have a guideline to avoid magic bools wherever possible and use much more verbose flags instead. So a simple attribute like:

private bool isExtraJourney_;


private Flag!”isExtraJourney” isExtraJourney_;

This approach has two advantages. Providing a value with Yes.isExtraJourney is much more verbose than just a true, and it creates a type. When there are two or more flags as part of a method signature, you cannot change the order of the flags (by accident) as you could with bools.

To generate the type of the return value (or in case of mutable access of the parameter) we used T.stringof, where T is the type of the field. Unfortunately, this does not work as expected for Flags.

Flag!”foo” fooFlag;

static assert(`Flag!”foo”`, typeof(fooFlag).stringof); // Fails!
static assert(`Flag`, typeof(fooFlag).stringof); // Succeeds!

Unit Tests

When using the mixin in private types defined in unit tests, a similar issue arose. Classes defined in unittest blocks have a prefix like __unittestL526_8. It was necessary to strip this prefix from the used type string.

Private Classes

While iterating over members of private classes, we stumbled across the issue that the allMembers (or derivedMembers) trait returns, in addition to __ctor, an unaccessible member called this. This issue remains unsolved.

The current implementation…

The currently released version covers the aforementioned issues, although there is still room for new features.

An example might be to provide a predicate which is then used for synchronizing access to the field. That was possible using the old version of the code generator by annotating it with @GuardedBy(“this”). Fortunately, we’ve advanced in our D coding skills and have moved away from Java code compiled with DMD to a more D-like style by using structs wherever we need value semantics (and we don’t have to deal with thousands of copies of that value). So at the moment, this doesn’t really hurt that much.

Another interesting (and still open issue) is to create accessors for aliased imported types. The generated code still refers to the real name of the type, which is then unknown to the compile unit where the code is mixed in.

…has room for improvement!

If you’re interested in dealing with this kind of problem and want to dive into CTFE and compile-time introspection, we welcome contributions!