Category Archives: Core Team

Vanquish Forever These Bugs That Blasted Your Kingdom

Walter Bright is the BDFL of the D Programming Language and founder of Digital Mars. He has decades of experience implementing compilers and interpreters for multiple languages, including Zortech C++, the first native C++ compiler. He also created Empire, the Wargame of the Century. This post is the second in a series about D’s BetterC mode.

Do you ever get tired of bugs that are easy to make, hard to check for, often don’t show up in testing, and blast your kingdom once they are widely deployed? They cost you time and money again and again. If you were only a better programmer, these things wouldn’t happen, right?

Maybe it’s not you at all. I’ll show how these bugs are not your fault – they’re the tools’ fault, and by improving the tools you’ll never have your kingdom blasted by them again.

And you won’t have to compromise, either.

Array Overflow

Consider this conventional program to calculate the sum of an array:

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX 10

int sumArray(int* p) {
    int sum = 0;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i)
        sum += p[i];
    return sum;

int main() {
    static int values[MAX] = { 7,10,58,62,93,100,8,17,77,17 };
    printf("sum = %d\n", sumArray(values));
    return 0;

The program should print:

sum = 449

And indeed it does, on my Ubuntu Linux system, with both gcc and clang and -Wall. I’m sure you already know what the bug is:

for (i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i)

This is the classic “fencepost problem”. It goes through the loop 11 times instead of 10. It should properly be:

for (i = 0; i < MAX; ++i)

Note that even with the bug, the program still produced the correct result! On my system, anyway. So I wouldn’t have detected it. On the customer’s system, well, then it mysteriously fails, and I have a remote heisenbug. I’m already tensing up anticipating the time and money this is going to cost me.

It’s such a rotten bug that over the years I have reprogrammed my brain to:

  1. Never, ever use “inclusive” upper bounds.
  2. Never, ever use <= in a for loop condition.

By making myself a better programmer, I have solved the problem! Or have I? Not really. Let’s look again at the code from the perspective of the poor schlub who has to review it. He wants to ensure that sumArray() is correct. He must:

  1. Look at all callers of sumArray() to see what kind of pointer is being passed.
  2. Verify that the pointer actually is pointing to an array.
  3. Verify that the size of the array is indeed MAX.

While this is trivial for the trivial program as presented here, it doesn’t really scale as the program complexity goes up. The more callers there are of sumArray, and the more indirect the data structures being passed to sumArray, the harder it is to do what amounts to data flow analysis in your head to ensure it is correct.

Even if you get it right, are you sure? What about when someone else checks in a change, is it still right? Do you want to do that analysis again? I’m sure you have better things to do. This is a tooling problem.

The fundamental issue with this particular problem is that a C array decays to a pointer when it’s an argument to a function, even if the function parameter is declared to be an array. There’s just no escaping it. There’s no detecting it, either. (At least gcc and clang don’t detect it, maybe someone has developed an analyzer that does).

And so the tool to fix it is D as a BetterC compiler. D has the notion of a dynamic array, which is simply a fat pointer, that is laid out like:

struct DynamicArray {
    T* ptr;
    size_t length;

It’s declared like:

int[] a;

and with that the example becomes:

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C):   // use C ABI for declarations

enum MAX = 10;

int sumArray(int[] a) {
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i)
        sum += a[i];
    return sum;

int main() {
    __gshared int[MAX] values = [ 7,10,58,62,93,100,8,17,77,17 ];
    printf("sum = %d\n", sumArray(values));
    return 0;


dmd -betterC sum.d


Assertion failure: 'array overflow' on line 11 in file 'sum.d'

That’s more like it. Replacing the <= with < we get:

sum = 449

What’s happening is the dynamic array a is carrying its dimension along with it and the compiler inserts an array bounds overflow check.

But wait, there’s more.

There’s that pesky MAX thing. Since the a is carrying its dimension, that can be used instead:

for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)

This is such a common idiom, D has special syntax for it:

foreach (value; a)
    sum += value;

The whole function sumArray() now looks like:

int sumArray(int[] a) {
    int sum = 0;
    foreach (value; a)
        sum += value;
    return sum;

and now sumArray() can be reviewed in isolation from the rest of the program. You can get more done in less time with more reliability, and so can justify getting a pay raise. Or at least you won’t have to come in on weekends on an emergency call to fix the bug.

“Objection!” you say. “Passing a to sumArray() requires two pushes to the stack, and passing p is only one. You said no compromise, but I’m losing speed here.”

Indeed you are, in cases where MAX is a manifest constant, and not itself passed to the function, as in:

int sumArray(int *p, size_t length);

But let’s get back to “no compromise.” D allows parameters to be passed by reference,
and that includes arrays of fixed length. So:

int sumArray(ref int[MAX] a) {
    int sum = 0;
    foreach (value; a)
        sum += value;
    return sum;

What happens here is that a, being a ref parameter, is at runtime a mere pointer. It is typed, though, to be a pointer to an array of MAX elements, and so the accesses can be array bounds checked. You don’t need to go checking the callers, as the compiler’s type system will verify that, indeed, correctly sized arrays are being passed.

“Objection!” you say. “D supports pointers. Can’t I just write it the original way? What’s to stop that from happening? I thought you said this was a mechanical guarantee!”

Yes, you can write the code as:

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C):   // use C ABI for declarations

enum MAX = 10;

int sumArray(int* p) {
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i)
        sum += p[i];
    return sum;

int main() {
    __gshared int[MAX] values = [ 7,10,58,62,93,100,8,17,77,17 ];
    printf("sum = %d\n", sumArray(&values[0]));
    return 0;

It will compile without complaint, and the awful bug will still be there. Though this time I get:

sum = 39479

which looks suspicious, but it could have just as easily printed 449 and I’d be none the wiser.

How can this be guaranteed not to happen? By adding the attribute @safe to the code:

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C):   // use C ABI for declarations

enum MAX = 10;

@safe int sumArray(int* p) {
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i)
        sum += p[i];
    return sum;

int main() {
    __gshared int[MAX] values = [ 7,10,58,62,93,100,8,17,77,17 ];
    printf("sum = %d\n", sumArray(&values[0]));
    return 0;

Compiling it gives:

sum.d(10): Error: safe function 'sum.sumArray' cannot index pointer 'p'

Granted, a code review will need to include a grep to ensure @safe is being used, but that’s about it.

In summary, this bug is vanquished by preventing an array from decaying to a pointer when passed as an argument, and is vanquished forever by disallowing indirections after arithmetic is performed on a pointer. I’m sure a rare few of you have never been blasted by buffer overflow errors. Stay tuned for the next installment in this series. Maybe your moat got breached by the next bug! (Or maybe your tool doesn’t even have a moat.)

The #dbugfix Campaign

Why so many bugs?

Every major release of DMD comes with a list of closed issues from Bugzilla. For example, looking at the changelog for DMD 2.078.0 shows the following counts for closed regressions, bugs, and enhancements: 51 for the compiler, 37 for the standard library, 6 for the runtime, 17 for the website, and 1 for the linker. That’s 112 total issues, the majority related to the compiler. The total number of closed issues fluctuates between releases, but the compiler and standard library normally get the lion’s share.

This isn’t news to anyone who regularly follows DMD releases. But spend enough time on the forums and you’ll eventually see someone under the impression that bugs aren’t getting fixed. They cite the number of open issues in the database, or the age of some of the open issues, or the fact that they can’t find any formal process for fixing bugs. In reaction, it’s easy to point to the changelogs, or cite the number of closed issues in the database, or bring up the number of open issues in other language compilers. And, of course, to explain once again that this is a volunteer community where people work on the things that matter to them, and organizing groups to complete specific tasks is like herding cats.

That’s all quite reasonable, but really isn’t going to matter to someone who found the motivation to check D out, but is still looking for the motivation to stay. For me personally, I really don’t care how many issues are in the database, or the age of the oldest. All I care about is that it works for me. But I’m already invested in D. I don’t need to be motivated to stick around. And while I wouldn’t use a bug database as criteria to judge a new language, I can see that others do. It’s akin to looking at a stable repository on GitHub and dismissing it as abandoned because of its lack of recent activity. If you don’t see the whole picture, you can’t make an informed judgement.

If perception were the only issue, then it would simply be a matter of web design and PR. However, there have been, and are, people invested in D who have become frustrated because issues they reported, or that directly affect them, have languished in Bugzilla for months or even years. This can’t simply be dismissed as not seeing the whole picture. This is a matter of manpower and process. A number of issues are still open because there isn’t a simple fix, or perhaps because no one has taken an interest. The set of people who can solve complex issues is small. The set of people willing to work on issues that aren’t interesting to them is smaller. But again, how do you get a disparate group of volunteers of varying skill levels to devote their free time to fixing other peoples’ problems?

This is something the D community has struggled with as it has grown. There are no easy, comprehensive solutions without a full-time team of dedicated personnel, something we simply don’t have. However, it’s possible that there are opportunities to take baby steps and chip away at some of these issues without the complications inherent in herding cats.

The #dbugfix campaign

To recap, there are two primary complaints about the D bug-fixing process (such as it is):

  • Too many (old) bugs in the database
  • Bugs you care about aren’t getting fixed

In an effort to alleviate these problems, one baby step to chip away at it, I’m announcing the #dbugfix campaign.

It works like this. If there is an issue in D’s Bugzilla that you want to see fixed, whatever the reason (maybe it’s blocking you, or it’s annoying you, or it’s an enhancement you want, or you think it’s too old – it doesn’t matter), then either tweet out the issue number with #dbugfix in the tweet, or create a topic in the general forum with the issue number and #dbugfix in the subject line. I’ll monitor both Twitter and the forums and keep a running tally of issue numbers.

A week before a major version of DMD is released (starting with 2.080.0, which is slated for May 1), I’ll look at the tally and find the top five issues. I’ve already gotten people to commit to fixing at least two of the top five. That doesn’t mean only two. It could well be more. It depends on the complexity of the issues and how many other volunteers we can scrounge up. Hopefully, the two (or more) fixed bugs will be ready to be merged in the subsequent major release.

In the blog post announcing each major release, I’ll report on which bugs in the current release were fixed as a result of the campaign and announce the two selected for the subsequent release. If any of the top five from the previous release were not fixed, I’ll call for volunteers to help so that they can be squashed as soon as possible.

Yes, I know. We enabled voting on Bugzilla issues and that didn’t change anything. That’s because there was no real commitment to fixing any of the highest-voted issues. The votes simply served a guideline for the people browsing the database, looking for issues to fix. For this campaign, there really are people committed to fixing at least two of the issues that float to the top for every major release.

But two is not a lot! No, it isn’t. But it also isn’t zero. As I mentioned at the top of this post, dozens of issues are already fixed with each major DMD release. The problem (for those who see it as such) is that there’s currently next to zero community involvement in deciding which issues get fixed. This campaign gives the community more input into the selection process and it provides public updates on the status of that process. It is my hope that, in addition to changing perception and chipping away at the bug count, it encourages more people to help fix bugs.

If you would like to volunteer your time and knowledge to helping out with this campaign and increase the number of #dbugfix bugs fixed in each release, please email me at For everyone else, I’ve got a search for #dbugfix set up in my Twitter client, so start tweeting!

DMD 2.078.0 Has Been Released

Another major release of DMD, this time 2.078.0, has been packaged and delivered in time for the new year. See the full changelog at and download the compiler for your platform either from the main download page or the 2.078.0 release directory.

This release brings a number of quality-of-life improvements, fixing some minor annoyances and inconsistencies, three of which are targeted at smoothing out the experience of programming in D without DRuntime.

C runtime construction and destruction

D has included static constructors and destructors, both as aggregate type members and at module level, for most of its existence. The former are called in lexical order as DRuntime goes through its initialization routine, and the latter are called in reverse lexical order as the runtime shuts down. But when programming in an environment without DRuntime, such as when using the -betterC compiler switch, or using a stubbed-out runtime, static construction and destruction are not available.

DMD 2.078.0 brings static module construction and destruction to those environments in the form of two new pragmas, pragma(crt_constructor) and pragma(crt_destructor) respectively. The former causes any function to which it’s applied to be executed before the C main, and the latter after the C main, as in this example:


// Compile with:    dmd crun1.d
// Alternatively:   dmd -betterC crun1.d

import core.stdc.stdio;

// Each of the following functions should have
// C linkage (cdecl).

void init()

void fini()

void main()
    puts("C main");

The compiler requires that any function annotated with the new pragmas be declared with the extern(C) linkage attribute. In this example, though it isn’t required, main is also declared as extern(C). The colon syntax on line 8 applies the attribute to every function that follows, up to the end of the module or until a new linkage attribute appears.

In a normal D program, the C main is the entry point for DRuntime and is generated by the compiler. When the C runtime calls the C main, the D runtime does its initialization, which includes starting up the GC, executing static constructors, gathering command-line arguments into a string array, and calling the application’s main function, a.k.a. D main.

When a D module’s main is annotated with extern(C), it essentially replaces DRuntime’s implementation, as the compiler will never generate a C main function for the runtime in that case. If -betterC is not supplied on the command line, or an alternative implementation is not provided, DRuntime itself is still available and can be manually initialized and terminated.

The example above is intended to clearly show that the crt_constructor pragma will cause init to execute before the C main and the crt_destructor causes fini to run after. This introduces new options for scenarios where DRuntime is unavailable. However, take away the extern(C) from main and the same execution order will print to the command line:


// Compile with:    dmd crun2.d

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern(C) void init()

extern(C) void fini()

void main()
    import std.stdio : writeln;
    writeln("D main");

The difference is that the C main now belongs to DRuntime and our main is the D main. The execution order is: init, C main, D main, fini. This means init is effectively called before DRuntime is initialized and fini after it terminates. Because this example uses the DRuntime function writeln, it can’t be compiled with -betterC.

You may discover that writeln works if you import it at the top of the module and substitute it for puts in the example. However, always remember that even though DRuntime may be available, it’s not in a valid state when a crt_constructor and a crt_destructor are executed.

RAII for -betterC

One of the limitations in -betterC mode has been the absence of RAII. In normal D code, struct destructors are executed when an instance goes out of scope. This has always depended on DRuntime, and since the runtime isn’t available in -betterC mode, neither are struct destructors. With DMD 2.078.0, the are in the preceding sentence becomes were.


// Compile with:    dmd -betterC destruct.d

import core.stdc.stdio : puts;

struct DestroyMe
        puts("Destruction complete.");

extern(C) void main()
    DestroyMe d;

Interestingly, this is implemented in terms of try..finally, so a side-effect is that -betterC mode now supports try and finally blocks:


// Compile with:    dmd -betterC cleanup1.d

import core.stdc.stdlib,

extern(C) void main()
    int* ints;
        // acquire resources here
        ints = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * 10);
        // release resources here

Since D’s scope(exit) feature is also implemented in terms of try..finally, this is now possible in -betterC mode also:


// Compile with: dmd -betterC cleanup2.d

import core.stdc.stdlib,

extern(C) void main()
    auto ints1 = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * 10);
        puts("Freeing ints1!");

    auto ints2 = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * 10);
        puts("Freeing ints2!");

Note that exceptions are not implemented for -betterC mode, so there’s no catch, scope(success), or scope(failure).

Optional ModuleInfo

One of the seemingly obscure features dependent upon DRuntime is the ModuleInfo type. It’s a type that works quietly behind the scenes as one of the enabling mechanisms of reflection and most D programmers will likely never hear of it. That is, unless they start trying to stub out their own minimal runtime. That’s when linker errors start cropping up complaining about the missing ModuleInfo type, since the compiler will have generated an instance of it for each module in the program.

DMD 2.078.0 changes things up. The compiler is aware of the presence of the runtime implementation at compile time, so it can see whether or not the current implementation provides a ModuleInfo declaration. If it does, instances will be generated as appropriate. If it doesn’t, then the instances won’t be generated. This makes it just that much easier to stub out your own runtime, which is something you’d want to do if you were, say, writing a kernel in D.

Other notable changes

New users of DMD on Windows will now have an easier time getting a 64-bit environment set up. It’s still necessary to install the Microsoft build tools, but now DMD will detect the installation of either the Microsoft Build Tools package or Visual Studio at runtime when either -m64 or -m32mscoff is specified on the command line. Previously, configuration was handled automatically only by the installer; manual installs had to be configured manually.

DRuntime has been enhanced to allow more fine-grained control over unit tests. Of particular note is the --DRT-testmode flag which can be passed to any D executable. With the argument "run-main", the current default, any unit tests present will be run and then main will execute if they all pass; with "test-or-main", the planned default beginning with DMD 2.080.0, any unit tests present will run and the program will exit with a summary of the results, otherwise main will execute; with "test-only", main will not be executed, but test results will still be summarized if present.

Onward into 2018

This is the first DMD release of 2018. We can’t wait to see what the next 12 months bring for the D programming language community. From everyone at the D Language Foundation, we hope you have a very Happy New Year!

DMD 2.077.0 Released

The D Language Foundation is happy to announce DMD 2.077.0. This latest release of the reference compiler for the D programming language is available from the Downloads page. Among the usual slate of bug and regression fixes, this release brings a couple of particulary beneficial enhancements that will have an immediate impact on some existing projects.

Cutting symbol bloat

Thanks to Rainer Schütze, the compiler now produces significantly smaller mangled names in situations where they had begun to get out of control, particularly in the case of IFTI (Implicit Function Template Instantiation) where Voldemort types are involved. That may call for a bit of a detour here.

The types that shall not be named

Voldemort types are perhaps one of D’s more interesting features. They look like this:

auto getHeWhoShallNotBeNamed() 
    struct NoName 
        void castSpell() 
            import std.stdio : writeln;
    return NoName();

void main() 
    auto voldemort = getHeWhoShallNotBeNamed();

Here we have an auto function, a function for which the return type is inferred, returning an instance of a type declared inside the function. It’s possible to access public members on the instance even though its type can never be named outside of the function where it was declared. Coupled with type inference in variable declarations, it’s possible to store the returned instance and reuse it. This serves as an extra level of encapsulation where it’s desired.

In D, for any given API, as far as the world outside of a module is concerned, module private is the lowest level of encapsulation.

module foobar;

private struct Foo
    int x;

struct Bar 
    private int y;
    int z;

Here, the type Foo is module private. Bar is shown here for completeness, as those new to D are often surprised to learn that private members of an aggregate type are also module private (D’s equivalent of the C++ friend relationship). There is no keyword that indicates a lower level of encapsulation.

Sometimes you just may not want Foo to be visible to the entire module. While it’s true that anyone making a breaking change to Foo’s interface also has access to the parts of the module that break (which is the rationale behind module-private members), there are times when you may not want the entire module to have access to Foo at all. Voldemort types fill that role of hiding details not just from the world, but from the rest of the module.

The evil side of Voldemort types

One unforeseen consequence of Voldemort types that was first reported in mid–2016 was that, when used in templated functions, they caused a serious explosion in the size of the mangled function names (in some cases up to 1 MB!), making for some massive object files. There was a good bit of forum discussion on how to trim them down, with a number of ideas tossed around. Ultimately, Rainer Schütze took it on. His persistence has resulted in shorter mangled names all around, but the wins are particularly impressive when it comes to IFTI and Voldemort types. (Rainer is also the maintainer of Visual D, the D programming language plugin for Visual Studio)

D’s name-mangling scheme is detailed in the ABI documentation. The description of the new enhancement is in the section titled ‘Back references’.

Improved vectorization

D has long supported array operations such as element-wise addtion, multiplication, etc. For example:

int[] arr1 = [0, 1, 2];
int[] arr2 = [3, 4, 5];
int[3] arr3 = arr1[] + arr2[];
assert(arr3 == [3, 5, 7]);

In some cases, such operations could be vectorized. The reason it was some cases and not all cases is because dedicated assembly routines were used to achieve the vectorization and they weren’t implemented for every case.

With 2.077.0, that’s no longer true. Vectorization is now templated so that all array operations benefit. Any codebase out there using array operations that were not previously vectorized can expect a sizable performance increase for those operations thanks to the increased throughput (though whether an application benefits overall is of course context-dependent). How the benefit is received depends on the compiler being used. From the changelog:

For GDC/LDC the implementation relies on auto-vectorization, for DMD the implementation performs the vectorization itself. Support for vector operations with DMD is determined statically (-mcpu=native, -mcpu=avx2) to avoid binary bloat and the small test overhead. DMD enables SSE2 for 64-bit targets by default.

Note that the changelog initially showed -march instead of -mcpu in the quoted lines, and the updated version had not yet been posted when this announcement was published.

DMD’s implementation is implemented in terms of core.simd, which is also part of DRuntime’s public API.

The changelog also notes that there’s a potential for division performed on float arrays in existing code to see a performance decrease in exchange for an increase in precision.

The implementation no longer weakens floating point divisions (e.g. ary[] / scalar) to multiplication (ary[] * (1.0 / scalar)) as that may reduce precision. To preserve the higher performance of float multiplication when loss of precision is acceptable, use either -ffast-math with GDC/LDC or manually rewrite your code to multiply by (1.0 / scalar) for DMD.

Other assorted treats

Just the other day, someone asked in the forums if DMD supports reproducible builds. As of 2.077.0, the answer is affirmative. DMD now ensures that compilation is deterministic such that given the same source code and the same compiler version, the binaries produced will be identical. If this is important to you, be sure not to use any of the non-determistic lexer tokens (__DATE__, __TIME__, and __TIMESTAMP__) in your code.

DMD’s -betterC command line option gets some more love in this release. When it’s enabled, DRuntime is not available. Library authors can now use the predefined version D_BetterC to determine when that is the case so that, where it’s feasible, they can more conveniently support applications with and without the runtime. Also, the option’s behavior is now documented, so it’s no longer necessary to go to the forums or parse through search results to figure out what is and isn’t actually supported in BetterC mode.

The entire changelog is, as always, available at

DMD 2.076.0 Released

The core D team is proud to announce that version 2.076.0 of DMD, the reference compiler for the D programming language, is ready for download. The two biggest highlights in this release are the new static foreach feature for improved generative and generic programming, and significantly enhanced C language integration making incremental conversion of C projects to D easy and profitable.

static foreach

As part of its support for generic and generative programming, D allows for conditional compilation by way of constructs such as version and static if statements. These are used to choose different code paths during compilation, or to generate blocks of code in conjunction with string and template mixins. Although these features enable possibilities that continue to be discovered, the lack of a compile-time loop construct has been a steady source of inconvenience.

Consider this example, where a series of constants named val0 to valN needs to be generated based on a number N+1 specified in a configuration file. A real configuration file would require a function to parse it, but for this example, assume the file val.cfg is defined to contain a single numerical value, such as 10, and nothing else. Further assuming that val.cfg is in the same directory as the valgen.d source file, use the command line dmd -J. valgen.d to compile.

module valgen;
import std.conv : to;

enum valMax = to!uint(import("val.cfg"));

string genVals() 
    string ret;
    foreach(i; 0 .. valMax) 
        ret ~= "enum val" ~ to!string(i) ~ "=" ~ to!string(i) ~ ";";
    return ret;

string genWrites() 
    string ret;
    foreach(i; 0 .. valMax) 
        ret ~= "writeln(val" ~ to!string(i) ~ ");";
    return ret;


void main() 
    import std.stdio : writeln;

The manifest constant valMax is initialized by the import expression, which reads in a file during compilation and treats it as a string literal. Since we’re dealing only with a single number in the file, we can pass the string directly to the function template to convert it to a uint. Because valMax is an enum, the call to to must happen during compilation. Finally, because to meets the criteria for compile-time function evaluation (CTFE), the compiler hands it off to the interpreter to do so.

The genVals function exists solely to generate the declarations of the constants val0 to valN, where N is determined by the value of valMax. The string mixin on line 26 forces the call to genVals to happen during compilation, which means this function is also evaluated by the compile-time interpreter. The loop inside the function builds up a single string containing the declaration of each constant, then returns it so that it can be mixed in as several constant declarations.

Similarly, the genWrites function has the single-minded purpose of generating one writeln call for each constant produced by genVals. Again, each line of code is built up as a single string, and the string mixin inside the main function forces genWrites to be executed at compile-time so that its return value can be mixed in and compiled.

Even with such a trivial example, the fact that the generation of the declarations and function calls is tucked away inside two functions is a detriment to readability. Code generation can get quite complex, and any functions created only to be executed during compilation add to that complexity. The need for iteration is not uncommon for anyone working with D’s compile-time constructs, and in turn neither is the implementation of functions that exist just to provide a compile-time loop. The desire to avoid such boilerplate has put the idea of a static foreach as a companion to static if high on many wish lists.

At DConf 2017, Timon Gehr rolled up his sleeves during the hackathon and implemented a pull request to add support for static foreach to the compiler. He followed that up with a D Improvement Proposal, DIP 1010, so that he could make it official, and the DIP met with enthusiastic approval from the language authors. With DMD 2.076, it’s finally ready for prime time.

With this new feature, the above example can be rewritten as follows:

module valgen2;
import std.conv : to;

enum valMax = to!uint(import("val.cfg"));

static foreach(i; 0 .. valMax) 
    mixin("enum val" ~ to!string(i) ~ "=" ~ to!string(i) ~ ";");

void main() 
    import std.stdio : writeln;
    static foreach(i; 0 .. valMax) 
        mixin("writeln(val" ~ to!string(i) ~ ");");

Even such a trivial example brings a noticeable improvement in readability. Don’t be surprised to see compile-time heavy D libraries (and aren’t most of them?) get some major updates in the wake of this compiler release.

Better C integration and interoperation

DMD’s -betterC command line switch has been around for quite a while, though it didn’t really do much and it has languished from inattention while more pressing concerns were addressed. With DMD 2.076, its time has come.

The idea behind the feature is to make it even easier to combine both D and C in the same program, with an emphasis on incrementally replacing C code with D code in a working project. D has been compatible with the C ABI from the beginning and, with some work to translate C headers to D modules, can directly make C API calls without going through any sort of middleman. Going the other way and incorporating D into C programs has also been possible, but not as smooth of a process.

Perhaps the biggest issue has been DRuntime. There are certain D language features that depend on its presence, so any D code intended to be used in C needs to bring the runtime along and ensure that it’s initialized. That, or all references to the runtime need to be excised from the D binaries before linking with the C side, something that requires more than a little effort both while writing code and while compiling it.

-betterC aims to dramatically reduce the effort required to bring D libraries into the C world and modernize C projects by partially or entirely converting them to D. DMD 2.076 makes significant progress toward that end. When -betterC is specified on the command line, all asserts in D modules will now use the C assert handler rather than the D assert handler. And, importantly, neither DRuntime nor Phobos, the D standard library, will be automatically linked in as they normally are. This means it’s no longer necessary to manually configure the build process or fix up the binaries when using -betterC. Now, object files and libraries generated from D modules can be directly linked into a C program without any special effort. This is especially easy when using VisualD, the D plugin for Visual Studio. Not too long ago, it gained support for mixing C and D modules in the same project. The updated -betterC switch makes it an even more convenient feature.

While the feature is now more usable, it’s not yet complete. More work remains to be done in future releases to allow the use of more D features currently prohibited in betterC. Read more about the feature in Walter Bright’s article here on the D Blog, D as a Better C.

A new release schedule

This isn’t a compiler or language feature, but it’s a process feature worth noting. This is the first release conforming to a new release schedule. From here on out, beta releases will be announced on the 15th of every even month, such as 2017–10–15, 2017–12–15, 2018–2–15, etc. All final releases will be scheduled for the 1st of every odd month: 2017–11–01, 2018–01–01, 2018–03–01, etc. This will bring some reliability and predictability to the release schedule, and make it easier to plan milestones for enhancements, changes, and new features.

Get it now!

As always, the changes, fixes, and enhancements for this release can be found in the changelog. This specific release will always be available for download at, and the latest release plus betas and nightlies can be found at the download page on the DLang website.

D as a Better C

Walter Bright is the BDFL of the D Programming Language and founder of Digital Mars. He has decades of experience implementing compilers and interpreters for multiple languages, including Zortech C++, the first native C++ compiler. He also created Empire, the Wargame of the Century. This post is the first in a series about D’s BetterC mode

D was designed from the ground up to interface directly and easily to C, and to a lesser extent C++. This provides access to endless C libraries, the Standard C runtime library, and of course the operating system APIs, which are usually C APIs.

But there’s much more to C than that. There are large and immensely useful programs written in C, such as the Linux operating system and a very large chunk of the programs written for it. While D programs can interface with C libraries, the reverse isn’t true. C programs cannot interface with D ones. It’s not possible (at least not without considerable effort) to compile a couple of D files and link them in to a C program. The trouble is that compiled D files refer to things that only exist in the D runtime library, and linking that in (it’s a bit large) tends to be impractical.

D code also can’t exist in a program unless D controls the main() function, which is how the startup code in the D runtime library is managed. Hence D libraries remain inaccessible to C programs, and chimera programs (a mix of C and D) are not practical. One cannot pragmatically “try out” D by add D modules to an existing C program.

That is, until Better C came along.

It’s been done before, it’s an old idea. Bjarne Stroustrup wrote a paper in 1988 entitled “A Better C“. His early C++ compiler was able to compile C code pretty much unchanged, and then one could start using C++ features here and there as they made sense, all without disturbing the existing investment in C. This was a brilliant strategy, and drove the early success of C++.

A more modern example is Kotlin, which uses a different method. Kotlin syntax is not compatible with Java, but it is fully interoperable with Java, relies on the existing Java libraries, and allows a gradual migration of Java code to Kotlin. Kotlin is indeed a “Better Java”, and this shows in its success.

D as Better C

D takes a radically different approach to making a better C. It is not an extension of C, it is not a superset of C, and does not bring along C’s longstanding issues (such as the preprocessor, array overflows, etc.). D’s solution is to subset the D language, removing or altering features that require the D startup code and runtime library. This is, simply, the charter of the -betterC compiler switch.

Doesn’t removing things from D make it no longer D? That’s a hard question to answer, and it’s really a matter of individual preference. The vast bulk of the core language remains. Certainly the D characteristics that are analogous to C remain. The result is a language somewhere in between C and D, but that is fully upward compatible with D.

Removed Things

Most obviously, the garbage collector is removed, along with the features that depend on the garbage collector. Memory can still be allocated the same way as in C – using malloc() or some custom allocator.

Although C++ classes and COM classes will still work, D polymorphic classes will not, as they rely on the garbage collector.

Exceptions, typeid, static construction/destruction, RAII, and unittests are removed. But it is possible we can find ways to add them back in.

Asserts are altered to call the C runtime library assert fail functions rather than the D runtime library ones.

(This isn’t a complete list, for that see

Retained Things

More importantly, what remains?

What may be initially most important to C programmers is memory safety in the form of array overflow checking, no more stray pointers into expired stack frames, and guaranteed initialization of locals. This is followed by what is expected in a modern language — modules, function overloading, constructors, member functions, Unicode, nested functions, dynamic closures, Compile Time Function Execution, automated documentation generation, highly advanced metaprogramming, and Design by Introspection.


Consider a C program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    printf("hello world\n");
    return 0;

It compiles to:

push EAX
mov [ESP],offset FLAT:_DATA
call near ptr _printf
pop ECX

The executable size is 23,068 bytes.

Translate it to D:

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C) int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    printf("hello world\n");
    return 0;

The executable size is the same, 23,068 bytes. This is unsurprising because the C compiler and D compiler generate the same code, as they share the same code generator. (The equivalent full D program would clock in at 194Kb.) In other words, nothing extra is paid for using D rather than C for the same code.

The Hello World program is a little too trivial. Let’s step up in complexity to the infamous sieve benchmark program:

#include <stdio.h>

/* Eratosthenes Sieve prime number calculation. */

#define true    1
#define false   0
#define size    8190
#define sizepl  8191

char flags[sizepl];

int main() {
    int i, prime, k, count, iter;

    printf ("10 iterations\n");
    for (iter = 1; iter <= 10; iter++) {
        count = 0;
        for (i = 0; i <= size; i++)
            flags[i] = true;
        for (i = 0; i <= size; i++) {
            if (flags[i]) {
                prime = i + i + 3;
                k = i + prime;
                while (k <= size) {
                    flags[k] = false;
                    k += prime;
                count += 1;
    printf ("\n%d primes", count);
    return 0;

Rewriting it in Better C:

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C):

__gshared bool[8191] flags;

int main() {
    int count;

    printf("10 iterations\n");
    foreach (iter; 1 .. 11) {
        count = 0;
        flags[] = true;
        foreach (i; 0 .. flags.length) {
            if (flags[i]) {
                const prime = i + i + 3;
                auto k = i + prime;
                while (k < flags.length) {
                    flags[k] = false;
                    k += prime;
                count += 1;
    printf("%d primes\n", count);
    return 0;

It looks much the same, but some things are worthy of note:

  • extern (C): means use the C calling convention.
  • D normally puts static data into thread local storage. C sticks them in global storage. __gshared accomplishes that.
  • foreach is a simpler way of doing for loops over known endpoints.
  • flags[] = true; sets all the elements in flags to true in one go.
  • Using const tells the reader that prime never changes once it is initialized.
  • The types of iter, i, prime and k are inferred, preventing inadvertent type coercion errors.
  • The number of elements in flags is given by flags.length, not some independent variable.

And the last item leads to a very important hidden advantage: accesses to the flags array are bounds checked. No more overflow errors! We didn’t have to do anything
in particular to get that, either.

This is only the beginning of how D as Better C can improve the expressivity, readability, and safety of your existing C programs. For example, D has nested functions, which in my experience work very well at prying goto’s from my cold, dead fingers.

On a more personal note, ever since -betterC started working, I’ve been converting many of my old C programs still in use into D, one function at a time. Doing it one function at a time, and running the test suite after each change, keeps the program in a correctly working state at all times. If the program doesn’t work, I only have one function to look at to see where it went wrong. I don’t particularly care to maintain C programs anymore, and with -betterC there’s no longer any reason to.

The Better C ability of D is available in the 2.076.0 beta: download it and read the changelog.

New D Compiler Release: DMD 2.075.0

DMD 2.075.0 was released a few days back. As with every release, the changelog is available so you can browse the list of fixed bugs and new features. 2.075.0 can be fetched from the download page, which always makes available the latest DMD release alongside a nightly build.

Notable Changes

Every DMD release brings with it a number of bug fixes, changes, and enhancements. Here are some of the more noteworthy changes in this release.

Two array properties removed

Anyone who does a lot of work with D’s ranges will likely have encountered this little annoyance that arises from the built-in .sort property of arrays.

void main()
    import std.algorithm : remove, sort;
    import std.array : array;
    int[] nums = [5, 3, 1, 2, 4];
    nums = nums.sort.remove(2).array;

The .sort property has been deprecated for ages, so the above would result in the following error:

sorted.d(6): Deprecation: use std.algorithm.sort instead of .sort property

The workaround would be to add an empty set of parentheses to the sort call. With DMD 2.075.0, this is no longer necessary and the above will compile. Both the .sort and .reverse array properties have finally been removed from the language.

For the uninitiated, D has two features that have proven convenient in the functional pipeline programming style typically used with ranges. One is that parentheses on a function call are optional when there are no parameters. The other is Universal Function Call Syntax (UFCS), which allows a function call to be made using the dot notation on the first argument, so that a function int add(int a, int b) can be called as: 10.add(5).

Each of D’s built-in types comes with a set of built-in properties. Given that the built-in properties are not functions, no parentheses are used to access them. The .sort array property has been around since the early days of D1. At the time, it was rather useful and convenient for anyone who was happy with the default implementation. When D2 came along with the range paradigm, the standard library was given a set of functions that can treat arrays as ranges, opening them up to use with the many range based functions in the std.algorithm package and elsewhere.

With optional parentheses, UFCS, and a range-based function in std.algorithm called sort, conflict was inevitable. Now range-based programmers can put that behind them and take one more pair of parentheses out of their pipelines.

The breaking up of std.datetime

The std.datetime module has had a reputation as the largest module in D’s standard library. Some developers have been known to use it a stress test for their tooling. It was added to the library long before D got the special package module feature, which allows multiple modules in a package to be imported as a single module.

Once package modules were added, Jonathan M. Davis, the original std.datetime developer, found it challenging to split the monolith into multiple modules. Then, at DConf 2017, he could be seen toiling away on his laptop in the conference hall and the hotel lobby. On the final day of the conference, the day of the DConf Hackathon, he announced that std.datetime was now a package. DMD 2.075.0 is the first release where the new module structure is available.

Any existing code using the old module should still compile. However, any static libraries or object files lying around with the old symbols stuffed inside may need to be recompiled.

Colorized compiler messages

This one is missing from the changelog. DMD now has the ability to output colorized messages. The implementation required going through the existing error messages and properly annotating them where appropriate, so there may well be some messages for which the colors are missing. Also, given that this is a brand new feature and people can be picky about their terminal colors, more work will likely be done on this in the future. Perhaps that might include support for customization.


Compiler Ddoc documentation online

DMD, though originally written in C++, was converted to D some time ago. Now that more D programmers are able to contribute to the compiler, work has gone into documenting its source using D’s built-in Ddoc syntax. The result is now online, accessible from the sidebar of the existing library reference. A good starting point is the ddmd.mars module.

And more…

The above is a small part of the bigger picture. The bugfix list shows 89 bugs, regressions, and enhancements across the compiler, runtime, standard library, and web site. See the full changelog for the details.

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release, whether it was by reporting issues, submitting or reviewing pull requests, testing out the beta, or carrying out any of the numerous small tasks that help a new release see the light of day.

Introspection, Introspection Everywhere

Prelude: Orem, UT, May 29 2015

Just finished delivering my keynote. Exiting the character, I’m half dead. People say it needs to look easy. Yeah, just get up there and start saying things. Like it’s natural. Spontaneous. Not for me it’s not. Weeks before any public talk, I can only think of how to handle it. What to say. What angles come up. The questions. The little jokes made in real time. Being consistently spontaneous requires so much rehearsal. The irony.

So all I want now is sneak into my hotel room. Replenish the inner introvert after the ultimate act of extroversion. Lay on the bed thinking “What the heck was that?” for the rest of the day. Bit of slalom to get to the door. Almost there. In the hallway, an animated gentleman talks to a few others. He sports a shaved head and a pair of eyebrows that just won’t quit. Stands just by the door, notices me in the corner of his eye, and it’s instantly clear to both of us he’s waiting for me. Still, he delicately gives me the chance to pretend I didn’t notice and walk around him. “Hi, I’m Andrei.” “Liran, co-founder and CTO of Weka.IO. I’m leaving a bit early and before that I wanted to tell you—you should come visit us in Tel Aviv. We’ve been using D for a year now in a large system. I think you’ll like what you see. I might also arrange you a Google tech talk and visits at a couple of universities. Think it over.”

Tel Aviv, May 8 2017

Coming out of the hotel, heat hits like a punch. We’re talking 41 Celsius (before you pull that calculator: 106 Fahrenheit), if you’re lucky to be in the shade. Zohar, software engineer and factotum extraordinaire at Weka, is driving us on the busy streets of Tel Aviv to his employer’s headquarters. A fascinating exotic place, so far away from my neck of the woods.

First, Liran gives me an overview of their system—a large-scale distributed storage based on flash memory. Not my specialty, so I’m desperately searching my mind for trick questions—Information Theory—wait! peeps a lonely neuron who hasn’t fired since 1993—Reed-Solomon and friends, used to know about it. (Loved that class. The professor was quite a character. Wrote anticommunist samizdat poetry before it was cool. Or even legal. True story.) “How do you deal with data corruption when you have such a low write amplification?” “Glad you asked!” (It’s actually me who’s glad. Yay, I didn’t ask a stupid question.) “We use a redundant encoding with error correction properties; you get to choose the trade-off between redundancy and failure tolerance. At any rate, blind data duplication is mathematically a gross thing to do.” I ask a bunch more questions, and clearly these guys did their homework. The numbers look impressive, too—they beat specialized hardware at virtually all metrics. “What’s the trick?” I finally ask. Liran smiles. “I get that all the time. There’s not one trick. There’s a thousand carefully motivated, principled things we do, from the high level math down to the machine code in the drivers. The trick is to do everything right.”

We now need to hop to my first stop of the tour—Tel Aviv University. Liran accompanies me, partly to see his alma mater after twenty years. Small, intimate audience; it’s the regular meeting of their programming languages research group. A few graduate students, a postdoc, and a couple of professors. The talk goes over smoothly. We get to spend five whole minutes on an oddball—what’s the role of the two semicolons in here?

mixin(op ~ "payload;");

It’s tricky. mixin is a statement so it needs a terminator, hence the semicolon at the very end. In turn, mixin takes a string (the concatenation of variable op, which in this case happens to be either "++" or "--", and "payload;") and passes it to the compiler as a statement. Mix this string in the code, so to say. It follows that the string ultimately compiled is "++payload;" or "--payload;". The trick is the generated statement needs its own semicolon. However, within an expression context, mixin is an expression so no more need for the additional semicolon:

auto x = mixin(op ~ "payload"); // mixin is an expression here, no semicolon!

This seems to leave one researcher a bit unhappy, but I point out that all macro systems have their oddities. He agrees and the meeting ends on a cordial note.

The evening ends with dinner and beers with engineers at Weka. The place is called “Truck Deluxe” and it features an actual food truck parked inside the restaurant. We discuss a million things. I am so galvanized I can only sleep for four hours.

May 9 2017

Omg omg OMG. The alarm clock rings at 6:50 AM, and then again at 7 and 7:10, in ever more annoying tones. Just as I’d set it up anticipating the cunning ways of my consciousness to become alert just enough to carefully press the stop—careful, not the snooze—button, before slumbering again. Somewhat to my surprise I make it in time for meeting Liran to depart to Haifa. Technion University is next.

Small meeting again; we start with a handful of folks, but word goes on the grapevine and a few more join during the act. Nice! I pity Liran—he knows the talk by heart by now, including my jokes. I try to make a couple new ones to entertain him a bit, too. It all goes over nicely, and I get great questions. One that keeps on coming is: how do you debug all that compile-time code? To which I quip: “Ever heard of printf-based debugging? Yeah, I thought so. That’s pretty much what you get to do now, in the following form:”

pragma(msg, string_expression);

The expression is evaluated and printed if and only if the compiler actually “goes through” that line, i.e. you can use it to tell which branch in a static if was taken. It is becoming clear, however, that to scale up Design by Introspection more tooling support would be needed.

Back at Weka, as soon as I get parked by a visitor desk, folks simply start showing up to talk with me, one by one or in small groups. Their simple phonetic names—Eyal, Orem, Tomer, Shachar, Maory, Or, …—are a welcome cognitive offload for yours socially inept truly. They suggest improvements to the language, ask me about better ways to do this or that, and show me code that doesn’t work the way it should.

In this faraway place it’s only now, as soon as I see their code, that I feel at home. They get it! These people don’t use the D language like “whatevs”. They don’t even use it as “let’s make this more interesting.” They’re using it as strategic advantage to beat hardware storage companies at their own game, whilst moving unfairly faster than their software storage competitors. The code is as I’d envisioned the D language would be used at its best for high leverage: introspection, introspection everywhere. Compile time everything that can be done at compile time. It’s difficult to find ten lines of code without a static if in there—the magic fork in design space. I run wc -l and comment on the relatively compact code base. They nod approvingly. “We’ve added a bunch of features since last year, yet the code size has stayed within 5%.” I, too, had noticed that highly introspective code has an odd way of feeding upon itself. Ever more behaviors flow through the same lines.

Their questions and comments are intent, focused, so much unlike the stereotypical sterile forum debate. They have no interest to show off, prove me wrong, or win a theoretical argument; all they need is to do good work. It is obvious to all involved that a better language would help them in the way better materials can help architects and builders. Some template-based idioms are awfully slower to compile than others, how can we develop some tooling to inform us about that? Ideas get bounced. Plans emerge. I put a smudgy finger on the screen: “Hmm, I wonder how that’s done in other languages.” The folks around me chuckle. “We couldn’t have done that in any other language.” I decide to take it as a compliment.

A few of us dine at a fancy restaurant (got to sample the local beer—delicious!), where technical discussions go on unabated. These folks are sharp, full of ideas, and intensely enthusiastic. They fully realize my visit there offers the opportunity to shed collective months of toil from their lives and to propel their work faster. I literally haven’t had ten minutes with myself through the day. The only time I get to check email on my phone is literally when I lock myself into (pardon) a restroom stall. Tomorrow my plan is to sleep in, but there’s so much going on, and so much more yet to come, that again I can only sleep a couple of hours.

May 10 2017

Today’s the big day: the Google Campus Tel Aviv talk. We’re looking at over 160 attendees this evening. But before that there’s more talking to people at Weka. Attribute calculus comes on the table. So for example we have @safe, @trusted, and @system with a little algebra: @safe functions can call only @safe and @trusted functions. Any other function may call any function, and inference works on top of everything. That’s how you encapsulate unsafe code in a large system—all nice and dandy. But how about letting users define their own attributes and calculi? For example, a “may switch fibers” attribute such that functions that yield cannot be called naively. Or a “has acquired a lock” attribute. From here to symbolic computation and execution cost estimation the road is short! To be sure, that would complicate the language. But looking at their code it’s clear how it would be mightily helped by such stuff.

I got a lunchtime talk scheduled with all Weka employees in attendance, but I’m relaxed—by this point it’s just a family reunion. Better yet, one in which I get to be the offbeat uncle. My only concern is novelty—everything I preach, these folks have lived for two years already. Shortly before the talk Liran comes to me and asks “Do you think you have a bit more advanced material for us?” Sorry mate, I’m at capacity over here—can’t produce revolutionary material in the next five minutes. Fortunately the talk goes well in the sense that Design by Introspection formalizes and internalizes the many things they’ve already been doing. They appreciate that, and I get a warm reception and a great Q&A session.

As I get to the Google campus in Tel Aviv, late afternoon, the crowds start to gather. This is big! And I feel like I’d kill myself right now! I mentioned I take weeks to prepare a single public appearance, by the end of which I will definitely have burned a few neurons. And I’m fine with that—it’s the way it’s supposed to be. Problem is, this one week packs seven appearances. The hosts offer me coffee before, during, and after the talk. Coffee in Israel is delicious, but I’m getting past the point where caffeine may help.

Before the talk I get to chit chat incognito with a few attendees. One asks whether a celebrity will be speaking. “No, it’s just me.” He’s nice enough to not display disappointment.

There’s something in the air that tells you immediately whether an audience will be welcoming or not so much. Like a smell. And the scent in this room is fabulously festive. These folks are here to have a good time, and all I need to do to keep the party going is, in the words of John Lakos, “show up, babble, and drool.” The talk goes over so well, they aren’t bored even two hours later. Person in the front row seems continuously confused, asks a bunch of questions. Fortunately we get to an understanding before resorting to the dreaded “let’s take this offline.” Best questions come of course from soft-spoken dudes in the last row. As I poke fun at Mozilla’s CheckedInt, I realize Rust is also Mozilla’s and I fear malice by proxy will be alleged. Too late. (Late at night, I double checked. Mozilla’s CheckedInt is just as bad as I remembered. They do a division to test for multiplication overflow. Come on, put a line of assembler in there! Portability is worth a price, just not any price.) My talk ends just in time for me to not die. I’m happy. If you’re exhausted it means it went well.

May 11 2017

Again with the early wake-up, this time to catch a train to Beersheba. Zohar rides with me. The train is busy with folks from all walks of life. I trip over the barrel of a Galil. Its owner—a girl in uniform—exchanges smiles with me.

Two talks are on the roster today, college followed by Ben Gurion University. The first goes well except one detail. It’s so hot and so many people in the room that the AC decides—hey, y’know, I don’t care much for all that Design by Introspection. It’s so hot, folks don’t even bother to protest my increasingly controversial jokes about various languages. I take the risk to give them a coffee break in the middle thus giving them the opportunity to leave discreetly. To my pleasant surprise, they all return to the sauna for part deux.

The AC works great at Ben Gurion University, but here I’m facing a different problem: it’s the dreaded right-after-lunch spot and some people have difficulty staying awake. Somebody gives up and leaves after 20 minutes. Fortunately a handful of enthused (and probably hungry) students and one professor get into it. The professor really likes the possibilities opened by Design by Introspection and loves the whole macro expansion idea. Asks me a bazillion questions after the talk that make it clear he’s been hacking code generation engines for years. Hope to hear back from him.

Just when I think I’m done, there’s one more small event back at Weka. A few entrepreneurs and executives, friends of Weka’s founders, got wind of their successful use of the D language and were curious to have a sit down with me. One researcher, too. I’m well-prepared for a technical discussion: yes, we know how to do safety. We have a solution in the works for applications that don’t want the garbage collector. “So far so good,” told himself the lamb walking into the slaughterhouse.

To my surprise, the concerns these leaders have are entirely nontechnical. It’s all about community building, leadership, availability of libraries and expertise, website, the “first five minutes” experience, and such. These people have clearly have done their homework; they know the main contributors by name along with their roles, and are familiar with the trendy topics and challenges within the D language community.

“Your package distribution system needs ranking,” mentions a CTO to approving nods from the others. “Downloads, stars, activity—all criteria should be available for sorting and filtering. People say github is better than sourceforge because the latter has a bunch of crap. In fact I’m sure github has even more crap than sourceforge, it’s just that you don’t see it because of ranking.”

“Leadership could be better,” mentions a successful serial entrepreneur. “There’s no shortage of great ideas in the community, and engagement should be toward getting work done on those great ideas. Problem is, great ideas are easy to debate against because almost by definition what makes them great is also what takes them off the beaten path. They’re controversial. There’s risk to them. They may even seem impossible. So those get pecked to death. What gets implemented is good ideas, the less controversial ones. But you don’t want to go with the good ideas. You want the great ideas.”

And so it goes for over three hours. My head is buzzing with excitement as Zohar drives us back to the hotel. The ideas. The opportunities. The responsibility. These people at Weka have a lot riding on the D language. It’s not only money—”not that there’s anything wrong with that!”—but also their hopes, dreams, pride of workmanship. The prime of their careers. We’ve all got our work cut out for us.

I tell Zohar no need to wake up early again tomorrow, I’ll just get a cab to the airport. I reckon a pile of backlogged work is waiting for him. He’s relieved. “Man, I’m so glad you said that. I’m totally pooped after this week. I don’t know how you do it.”

Funny thing is, I don’t know either.

Serialization in D

Vladimir Panteleev has spent over a decade using and contributing to D. He is the creator and maintainer of DFeed, the software powering the D forums, has made numerous contributions to Phobos, DRuntime, DMD, and the D website, and has created several tools useful for maintaining D software (like Digger and Dustmite).

A few days ago, I saw this blog post by Justin Turpin on the front page of Hacker News:

The Grass is Always Greener – My Struggles with Rust

This was an interesting coincidence in that it occurred during DConf, where I had mentioned serialization in D a few times during my talk. Naturally, I was curious to see how D stands up to this challenge.

The Task

Justin’s blog starts off with the following Python code:

import configparser
config = ConfigParser()"config.conf")

This is actually very similar to a pattern I use in many of my D programs. For example, DFeed (the software behind, has this code for configuring its built-in web server:

struct ListenConfig
    string addr;
    ushort port = 80;

struct Config
    ListenConfig listen;
    string staticDomain = null;
    bool indexable = false;
const Config config;

import ae.utils.sini;
shared static this() { config = loadIni!Config("config/web.ini"); }

This is certainly more code than the Python example, but that’s only the case because I declare the configuration as a D type. The loadIni function then accepts the type as a template parameter and returns an instance of it. The strong typing makes it easier to catch typos and other mistakes in the configuration – an unknown field or a non-numeric value where a number is expected will immediately result in an error.

On the last line, the configuration is saved to a global by a static constructor (shared indicates it runs once during program initialization, instead of once per thread). Even though loadIni‘s return type is mutable, D allows the implicit conversion to const because, as it occurs in a static constructor, it is treated as an initialization.


The Rust code from Justin’s blog is as follows:

extern crate serde_derive;
extern crate toml;

struct MyConfiguration {
  jenkins_host: String,
  jenkins_username: String,
  jenkins_token: String

fn gimme_config(some_filename: &str) -> MyConfiguration {
  let mut file = File::open(some_filename).unwrap();
  let mut s = String::new();
  file.read_to_string(&mut s).unwrap();
  let my_config: MyConfiguration = toml::from_str(s).unwrap();

The first thing that jumps out to me is that the MyConfiguration struct is annotated with #[derive(Deserialize)]. It doesn’t seem optional, either – quoting Justin:

This was something that actually really discouraged me upon learning, but you cannot implement a trait for an object that you did not also create. That’s a significant limitation, and I thought that one of the main reason Rust decided to go with Traits and Structs instead of standard classes and inheritance was for this very reason. This limitation is also relevant when you’re trying to serialize and deserialize objects for external crates, like a MySQL row.

D allows introspecting the fields and methods of any type at compile-time, so serializing third-party types is not an issue. For example (and I’ll borrow a slide from my DConf talk), deserializing one struct field from JSON looks something like this:

string jsonField = parseJsonString(s);
enforce(s.skipOver(":"), ": expected");

bool found;
foreach (i, ref field; v.tupleof)
    enum name = __traits(identifier, v.tupleof[i]);
    if (name == jsonField)
        field = jsonParse!(typeof(field))(s);
        found = true;
enforce(found, "Unknown field " ~ jsonField);

Because the foreach aggregate is a tuple (v.tupleof is a tuple of v‘s fields), the loop will be unrolled at compile time. Then, all that’s left to do is compare each struct field with the field name we got from the JSON stream and, if it matches, read it in. This is a minimal example that can be improved e.g. by replacing the if statements with a switch, which allows the compiler to optimize the string comparisons to hash lookups.

That’s not to say D lacks means for adding functionality to existing types. Although D does not have struct inheritance like C++ or struct traits like Rust, it does have:

  • alias this, which makes wrapping types trivial;
  • opDispatch, allowing flexible customization of forwarding;
  • template mixins, which allow easily injecting functionality into your types;
  • finally, there is of course classic OOP inheritance if you use classes.

Ad-lib and Error Handling

It doesn’t always make sense to deserialize to a concrete type, such as when we only know or care about a small part of the schema. D’s standard JSON module, std.json, currently only allows deserializing to a tree of variant-like types (essentially a DOM). For example:

auto config = readText("config.json").parseJSON;
string jenkinsServer = config["jenkins_server"].str;

The code above is the D equivalent of the code erickt posted on Hacker News:

let config: Value = serde::from_reader(file)
    .expect("config has invalid json");

let jenkins_server = config.get("jenkins_server")
    .expect("jenkins_server key not in config")
    .expect("jenkins_server key is not a string");

As D generally uses exceptions for error handling, the checks that must be done explicitly in the Rust example are taken care of by the JSON library.

Final thoughts

In the discussion thread for Justin’s post, Reddit user SilverWingedSeraph writes:

You’re comparing a systems language to a scripting language. Things are harder in systems programming because you have more control over, in this case, the memory representation of data. This means there is more friction because you have to specify that information.

This struck me as a false dichotomy. There is no reason why a programming language which has the necessary traits to be classifiable as a system programming language can not also provide the convenience of scripting languages to the extent that it makes sense to do so. For example, D provides type inference and variant types for when you don’t care about strong typing, and garbage collection for when you don’t care about object lifetime, but also provides the tools to get down to the bare metal in the parts of the code where performance matters.

For my personal projects, I’ve greatly enjoyed D’s capability of allowing rapidly prototyping a design, then optimizing the performance-critical parts as needed without having to use a different language to do so.

See also

The New CTFE Engine

Stefan Koch is the maintainer of sqlite-d, a native D sqlite reader, and has contributed to projects like SDC (the Stupid D Compiler) and vibe.d. He was also responsible for a 10% performance improvement in D’s current CTFE implementation and is currently writing a new CTFE engine, the subject of this post.

For the past nine months, I’ve been working on a project called NewCTFE, a reimplementation of the Compile-Time Function Evaluation (CTFE) feature of the D compiler front-end. CTFE is considered one of the game-changing features of D.

As the name implies, CTFE allows certain functions to be evaluated by the compiler while it is compiling the source code in which the functions are implemented. As long as all arguments to a function are available at compile time and the function is pure (has no side effects), then the function qualifies for CTFE. The compiler will replace the function call with the result.

Since this is an integral part of the language, pure functions can be evaluated anywhere a compile-time constant may go. A simple example can be found in the standard library module, std.uri, where CTFE is used to compute a lookup table. It looks like this:

private immutable ubyte[128] uri_flags = // indexed by character

    ubyte[128] uflags;

    // Compile time initialize
    uflags['#'] |= URI_Hash;

    foreach (c; 'A' .. 'Z' + 1)
        uflags[c] |= URI_Alpha;
        uflags[c + 0x20] |= URI_Alpha; // lowercase letters


    foreach (c; '0' .. '9' + 1) uflags[c] |= URI_Digit;

    foreach (c; ";/?:@&=+$,") uflags[c] |= URI_Reserved;

    foreach (c; "-_.!~*'()") uflags[c] |= URI_Mark;

    return uflags;


Instead of populating the table with magic values, a simple expressive function literal is used. This is much easier to understand and debug than some opaque static array. The ({ starts a function-literal, the }) closes it. The () at the end tells the compiler to immediately evoke that literal such that uri_flags becomes the result of the literal.

Functions are only evaluated at compile time if they need to be. uri_flags in the snippet above is declared in module scope. When a module-scope variable is initialized in this manner, the initializer must be available at compile time. In this case, since the initializer is a function literal, an attempt will be made to perform CTFE. This particular literal has no arguments and is pure, so the attempt succeeds.

For a more in-depth discussion of CTFE, see this article by H. S. Teoh at the D Wiki.

Of course, the same technique can be applied to more complicated problems as well; std.regex, for example, can build a specialized automaton for a regex at compile time using CTFE. However, as soon as std.regex is used with CTFE for non-trivial patterns, compile times can become extremely high (in D everything that takes longer than a second to compile is bloat-ware :)). Eventually, as patterns get more complex, the compiler will run out of memory and probably take the whole system down with it.

The blame for this can be laid at the feet of the current CTFE interpreter’s architecture. It’s an AST interpreter, which means that it interprets the AST while traversing it. To represent the result of interpreted expressions, it uses DMD’s AST node classes. This means that every expression encountered will allocate one or more AST nodes. Within a tight loop, the interpreter can easily generate over 100_000_000 nodes and eat a few gigabytes of RAM. That can exhaust memory quite quickly.

Issue 12844 complains about std.regex taking more than 16GB of RAM. For one pattern. Then there’s issue 6498, which executes a simple 0 to 10_000_000 while loop via CTFE and runs out of memory.

Simply freeing nodes doesn’t fix the problem; we don’t know which nodes to free and enabling the garbage collector makes the whole compiler brutally slow. Luckily there is another approach which doesn’t allocate for every expression encountered. It involves compiling the function to a virtual ISA (Instruction Set Architecture). This virtual ISA, also known as bytecode, is then given to a dedicated interpreter for that ISA (in the case in which a virtual ISA happens to be the same as the ISA of the host, we call it a JIT (Just in Time) interpreter).

The NewCTFE project concerns itself with implementing such a bytecode interpreter. Writing the actual interpreter (a CPU emulator for a virtual CPU/ISA) is reasonably simple. However, compiling code to a virtual ISA is exactly as much work as compiling it to a real ISA (though, a virtual ISA has the added benefit that it can be extended for customized needs, but that makes it harder to do JIT later). That’s why it took a month just to get the first simple examples running on the new CTFE engine, and why slightly more complicated ones still aren’t running even after 9 months of development. At the end of the post, you’ll find an approximate timeline of the work done so far.

I’ll be giving a presentation at DConf 2017, where I’ll discuss my experience implementing the engine and explain some of the technical details, particularly regarding the trade-offs and design choices I’ve made. The current estimation is that the 1.0 goals will not be met by then, but I’ll keep coding away until it’s done.

Those interested in keeping up with my progress can follow my status updates in the D forums. At some point in the future, I will write another article on some of the technical details of the implementation. In the meantime, I hope the following listing does shed some light on how much work it is to implement NewCTFE 🙂

  • May 9th 2016
    Announcement of the plan to improve CTFE.
  • May 27th 2016
    Announcement that work on the new engine has begun.
  • May 28th 2016
    Simple memory management change failed.
  • June 3rd 2016
    Decision to implement a bytecode interpreter.
  • June 30th 2016
    First code (taken from issue 6498) consisting of simple integer arithmetic runs.
  • July 14th 2016
    ASCII string indexing works.
  • July 15th 2016
    Initial struct support
  • Sometime between July and August
    First switches work.
  • August 17th 2016
    Support for the special cases if(__ctfe) and if(!__ctfe)
  • Sometime between August and September
    Ternary expressions are supported
  • September 08th 2016
    First Phobos unit tests pass.
  • September 25th 2016
    Support for returning strings and ternary expressions.
  • October 16th 2016
    First (almost working) version of the LLVM backend.
  • October 30th 2016
    First failed attempts to support function calls.
  • November 01st
    DRuntime unit tests pass for the first time.
  • November 10th 2016
    Failed attempt to implement string concatenation.
  • November 14th 2016
    Array expansion, e.g. assignment to the length property, is supported.
  • November 14th 2016
    Assignment of array indexes is supported.
  • November 18th 2016
    Support for arrays as function parameters.
  • November 19th 2016
    Performance fixes.
  • November 20th 2016
    Fixing the broken while(true) / for (;;) loops; they can now be broken out of 🙂
  • November 25th 2016
    Fixes to goto and switch handling.
  • November 29th 2016
    Fixes to continue and break handling.
  • November 30th 2016
    Initial support for assert
  • December 02nd 2016
    Bailout on void-initialized values (since they can lead to undefined behavior).
  • December 03rd 2016
    Initial support for returning struct literals.
  • December 05th 2016
    Performance fix to the bytecode generator.
  • December 07th 2016
    Fixes to continue and break in for statements (continue must not skip the increment step)
  • December 08th 2016
    Array literals with variables inside are now supported: [1, n, 3]
  • December 08th 2016
    Fixed a bug in switch statements.
  • December 10th 2016
    Fixed a nasty evaluation order bug.
  • December 13th 2016
    Some progress on function calls.
  • December 14th 2016
    Initial support for strings in switches.
  • December 15th 2016
    Assignment of static arrays is now supported.
  • December 17th 2016
    Fixing goto statements (we were ignoring the last goto to any label :)).
  • December 17th 2016
    De-macrofied string-equals.
  • December 20th 2016
    Implement check to guard against dereferencing null pointers (yes… that one was oh so fun).
  • December 22ed 2016
    Initial support for pointers.
  • December 25th 2016
    static immutable variables can now be accessed (yes the result is recomputed … who cares).
  • January 02nd 2017
    First Function calls are supported !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • January 17th 2017
    Recursive function calls work now 🙂
  • January 23rd 2017
    The interpret3.d unit-test passes.
  • January 24th 2017
    We are green on 64bit!
  • January 25th 2017
    Green on all platforms !!!!! (with blacklisting though)
  • January 26th 2017
    Fixed special case cast(void*) size_t.max (this one cannot go through the normal pointer support, which assumes that you have something valid to dereference).
  • January 26th 2017
    Member function calls are supported!
  • January 31st 2017
    Fixed a bug in switch handling.
  • February 03rd 2017
    Initial function pointer support.
  • Rest of Feburary 2017
    Wild goose chase for issue #17220
  • March 11th 2017
    Initial support for slices.
  • March 15th 2017
    String slicing works.
  • March 18th 2017
    $ in slice expressions is now supported.
  • March 19th 2017
    The concatenation operator (c = a ~ b) works.
  • March 22ed 2017
    Fixed a switch fallthrough bug.