Happy New Year from the D Language Foundation

Ali Çehreli uses D professionally at Weka.io, is the author of Programming in D, and is frequently found in the D Learn forum with ready answers to questions on using the language. He also is an officer of the D Language Foundation.

Happy 2017!

2016 was filled with many great things happening for the D community:

All of that was achieved by you through your direct contributions or the donations that you’ve made.

We look forward to another great year filled with many cool things happening in the D world. We can’t wait to see your work on D in 2017, some of which we hope to hear about at DConf 2017. 😀

Project Highlight: Voxelman

If you spend any time over at r/VoxelGameDev, you may have seen posts about Voxelman, the plugin-driven game engine MrSmith33 is developing with D. His real name is Andrey Penechko, and he started work on Voxelman after he was inspired by Minecraft to think about all the cool things he could do with a voxel engine, particularly the low-level optimization tricks he could use in implementing one. Then he jumped in and started figuring things out.

I started the project somewhere in 2011 or 2012. It began with creating an SDL window and getting some triangles on the screen. Then I did cubes, then a single chunk. It was a simple, single-threaded thing. I did it all with a fixed camera and only had rudimentary camera controls.

For that initial version of the project, he was using C++, but he found himself stuck from a lack of knowledge about the language. So he started searching to see what else was out there. That led him to D.

I don’t really remember how I found D. I was in need of some statically typed compiled language other than C++. I was frustrated about all the source file organisation, the need of forward declarations, header separation and the include system. In D, it was as simple as writing code. I bought a cheap 10 inch tablet just to read Andrei’s book, because my 3.2″ PPC was too small to read the whole thing. I enjoyed reading every single bit of it.

His ultimate goal with the project is to provide a platform for which people can create and share plugins and game worlds.

Ideally a complete project build should have the engine source and tools (launcher, source editor, compiler). Players should be able to initiate a connection to any server in the server list, then the launcher will download any missing plugins, compile a new executable and start the engine with the list of plugins. Currently, a build of Voxelman is less than 3MB in size. I think that this is a good property to have.

The major sticking point he sees with this approach is the dependency DMD has on the Microsoft tools for 64-bit (and 32-bit COFF) support on Windows (specifically the Windows SDK and the Microsoft linker). Even though the MS linker is considered the system linker, it’s not uncommon to see Cygwin and or one of the various distributions of MinGW installed instead of the MS tools. In a perfect world, he could tell people to download the D compiler and they would have everything they need. But it’s not a deal-breaker, so he’s not letting it stop him.

Voxelman uses a client-server architecture, where the server can be launched in a dedicated process or as part of the client’s. This is managed by a launcher which, in addition to launching the game, can be used to compile projects, manage the world, and find servers to connect with.

World and mesh generation is multi-threaded and, as in most such engines, the model is chunk-based. The chunk management implementation is informed by the concept of entity component systems, with a chunk’s world position serving as its entity ID and layers functioning as components.

Each dimension is broken into chunks. A chunk is a 32³ array of blocks. Each chunk can have a set of data layers (currently blocks and block entities). Each layer is essentially an immutable snapshot. It can be of different storage types (uniform, where all blocks are the same,  or a compressed or full array, where the layer stores an array of data). Those layers then can be freely transmitted between threads, with reference counting done in the main thread. When a layer is no longer needed it’s deleted.

Immutable chunk data makes for fast auto saves of chunk snapshots in a separate IO thread.

When a chunk is received on the client side, it can be sent to a worker thread and the geometry will be generated. Snapshots are sent to the IO thread when save points occur, and they can still be used in the main thread, sent to the client, or processed by other worker threads. One can easily use an old snapshot while several new ones are in use. Whenever a layer is being modified, data is copied into a write buffer, changes are made, and at a commit point at the end of the frame, all write buffers are committed to chunk storage.

Andrey calls his plugin system “semi-hackish”.

All plugins inherit from an IPlugin interface. Then, each plugin registers itself in a global table of plugins from a shared static constructor. The global table has lists for server and client plugins. The engine adds those plugins to the plugin manager based on a provided plugin pack. The plugin manager implements the initialization sequence. When starting initialization, you have lots of dependencies, so you need to run things in a specific order.

He has found a lot of things to like about D. As major pros, he cites the module system (“no forward declarations”), foreach loops (“99% of loops in my code are these guys”), associative arrays, delegates, and templates (“They’re beautiful; you simply add another set of parentheses and you’re done”). He also loves D’s dynamic arrays (slices).

They are a perfect design, with the pointer and the length bundled together. You can append to them, concatenate them, and change their length.

As minor pros, he lists D’s Compile-Time Function Execution and its code generation and compile-time introspection features. Unlike some D users, he also counts the garbage collector in that group. He has implemented a mix of GC-ed and non-GCed memory in Voxelman.

High-level stuff is fully in GC memory. I call something high-level if it has only one instance, so I use interfaces/classes for the high-level parts. Low-level things are mostly stack allocated, using structs (which are POD in D), and the most performance sensitive and memory consuming parts use manual memory management (via Mallocator). This includes chunk storage and chunk meshes.

He also has a list of rough corners. He doesn’t like that support for DLLs is not yet fully functional and reliable. He has found problems when trying to use shared (for example, the Mutex class cannot be used with it). He also finds all the use cases of the is expression confusing, saying the syntax “feels like regular expressions for templates; very powerful and concise, but hard to understand.”

His difficulties with shared actually took him down an interesting path that ultimately had a positive impact on performance.

I started my multi-threading by using the send and receive functions from std.concurrency. I found that I needed to send messages of variable length. For example, when loading or saving chunks, you need to send all the layers to another thread. This involved allocating arrays for all the layers and also required the use of shared.

This situation led me to the implementation of a lock-free message queue, where each message is just a stream of bytes. You write variables on one end and read them from the other. This is obviously a single producer, single consumer queue.

A disadvantage was the use of a fixed-size circular array. You need to make sure that the queue doesn’t fill up. This was a point where I found a good book that explains how atomics work: C++ Concurency in Action: Practical Multithreading. This is one of the places in D’s documentation where you feel a lack of pointers on where to find relevant information on a specific topic.

So the new solution doesn’t require any allocations and is actually faster than the built-in one. Later I added a notification system via Semaphore, so that worker threads wait when out of work.

If you’re looking for an open source D game to contribute to, Voxelman is waiting for you. You can read more about some of its internals on reddit, check out some images on imgur, and watch some videos on YouTube. I’ll leave you with this example of it in action:

The D Language Foundation’s Scholarship Program

d6The D Language Foundation recently announced a new scholarship program aimed at EE and CS majors attending University “Politehnica” Bucharest (UPB). I contacted Andrei Alexandrescu for a few details on how the initiative came together, hoping for just enough tidbits of backstory to craft a blog post around. He obliged in a big way, turning my one question and “a few details” into an informative conversation.

Mike: I assume quite a lot of work went into this. Could you share a few details about how it came about?

Andrei: Gladly! The story starts back in 2012, when I gave a talk at the How to Web conference in Bucharest, my native city. It was a great event and I got to meet many great people. Except for one whose name kept coming up all over the Romanian IT space, Andrei Pitis.

I heard he was an instructor in the CS department at UPB (the best IT school in Romania, also noted internationally). He’s been directly involved in a number of IT-related foundations and professional organizations, and he created and led the immensely successful Vector Smart Watch startup. So, having heard he’d be around, I went to the conference speakers’ dinner hoping to bump into him.

Not knowing what he looked like, I was just craning my neck in search of someone who seemed popular. Meanwhile, I was passing time by making chit chat with a nice fellow who introduced himself to me. Now, you know how these group parties go. There’s always loud music and conversation, so I didn’t even hear his name and assumed he hadn’t heard mine.

As the evening progressed, I figured Andrei Pitis wasn’t going to show, so I had more time to chat with that fine gentleman. And I noticed two things. First, he was incredibly insightful. Second, he seemed equally excited about meeting me as I was about meeting Andrei Pitis. After a long while, the coin dropped: they were one and the same.

Thus started a great friendship. Andrei gave me great tips about how to start and conduct The D Language Foundation. Recently, he introduced me to two UPB CS systems professors, Razvan Deaconescu and Razvan Rughinis (together, the three had created the Tech Lounge nonprofit organization dedicated to helping graduating CS students start their careers).

Razvan Rughinis came up with the scholarship idea while we were chatting over beers in the quaint old town of Bucharest. In great part the idea was motivated by the strong interest UPB systems graduate students had in participating in a high-impact open source project such as the D language as part of their MSc thesis. In systems research (unlike e.g. CS theory), actual system building is a key part of the research project; therefore, a visible OSS project makes for a much stronger dissertation than the usual throwaway experimental code.

Clearly a strong opportunity had presented itself, and the DLang UPB scholarship is its realization.

Mike: How does the selection process work?

Andrei: The two professors introduce a few candidates, which I pass through the rigors of the typical Facebook interview. We also ask for the usual suspects – proof of enrollment, transcripts, motivation letter, and references.

Of all components, the most important are (in order) the interview, the quality of the BSc projects, and the recommendation letters from their professors. The four current scholarship recipients passed the interview with flying colors and have very strong BSc projects and references. Some of them returned from summer internships at prestigious companies such as Bloomberg, others won CS awards. I have no doubt any company in the Bay Area or elsewhere would be happy to work with them. Once they finish their MSc, of course :o).

And I should mention here that the two professors aren’t only involved in the selection process. They will make themselves available to help manage the students on an ongoing basis. We’re very fortunate to have them.

Mike: Can you provide any info on the current recipients and their projects?

Andrei: The current recipients are Alexandru Razvan Caciulescu, Lucia Cojocaru, Eduard Staniloiu, and Razvan Nitu. I have posted an introduction to each on the D forums and, now that you mention it, I told them to create a wiki page with a blurb for each. They are hosted in a nice shared office kindly donated by Tech-Lounge.ro and… we’re in the process of getting a coffee machine up there :o).

They are all obviously interested in taking large systems projects that benefit their research interests and have an impact on the D language. To get them started, I took a page from Facebook’s practice and defined a “bootcamp” program. Bootcamp is a month-long process (six weeks at Facebook) during which the so-called n00bs get familiar with the technologies used in the organization: the language proper; the core runtime and standard library; the build process; the way code changes are created, reviewed, accepted, and committed; and, last but not least, the community ethos and the kind of problems we are facing that are fit for ingenious solutions.

To kickstart the bootcamp program, I defined a “bootcamp” label in our Bugzilla and applied it to a bunch of existing bugs, with an eye for the kind of bug that simultaneously has low surface (you don’t need to know a lot of internal details to get into it) and offers a good learning experience. Right now each student is busy fixing a couple of such bugs.

Long-term we are looking at high-impact libraries and tools. I do have a few ideas, but I have no doubt the students will come up with their own. Just give them time.

Mike: Speaking of time… is there any room here for an update on the D Foundation’s finances?

Andrei: Of course. To be honest, right now we’re in better shape than ever before (and than I would have hoped). Thanks to Sociomantic, who footed a large part of DConf 2016’s bills, we have quite a bit of change left from conference registration fees. I have also personally carried a number of high-profile appearances at public tech events and private corporate training events, with proceeds flowing to the Foundation.

So we have accumulated a little war chest – not much, but definitely not negligible. With our current funds and operational costs, we are covered for over two years. Of course, the situation is fluid and I am working on expanding both income and (useful) expenditures.

We’re running a very tight operation, and I want to keep it that way. By the Foundation bylaws, its officers (Walter Bright, Ali Çehreli, and myself) cannot get income from the Foundation, which preempts a variety of conflicts of interest. We are a public charity, which reduces and simplifies our taxation. We use modern, low-overhead money transfer methods such as transferwise.com and constantly scan for better ones. Anyone who considers donating should know that about every five dollars donated goes straight to pay for one hour of an exceptional graduate student’s time.

Mike: Are there more applications in the queue? Do you plan to extend scholarships to other universities?

Andrei: UPB seems to be off to a great start, but it’s also a happy case for many reasons: it’s my undergrad alma mater, we know professors there, and we don’t need to pay tuition. If we wanted to extend a scholarship to another university we’d need to avail ourselves of similar strategic advantages. Needless to say, if anyone who reads this has ideas on the matter, please contact me.

Anyhow, for the time being, we got one more strong DLang UPB scholarship application literally today.

Mike: To close out, is there anything you’d like to say to people who’d like to help out?

Andrei: I’m very excited about this scholarship program and possible extensions to it. The reason for my excitement is that this is but a part of a larger strategy. Allow me to explain.

Up until now, we had no idea what to do with money even if we had it. A while ago, I met this potential donor who said, “OK, say I gave the Foundation half a million dollars over two years, no strings attached. What would you do with it?” To my own surprise, I had only vague answers. I asked Walter the same question, and he had even less of a clue than me.

So then I figured it’s essential for the Foundation to have a strong response to that. I’m a big believer in the adage “luck helps the prepared”, of which the converse is “luck is wasted on the unprepared”. By that paradigm, not knowing what we’d do with money was a definite way to ensure we’d never be big. Now that we have the scholarship program, there exists a powerful reason for people to donate to the Foundation: donations help us find and support good students to work on high-impact D-related projects that push the state of CS systems research forward.

Another thing that would be great to have “donations” of is contributor time. Receiving more students starts pushing against our management capacity. Currently, and somewhat to my surprise, I am effectively a manager, seeing that all of these things I just gave you an earful of (bringing money in to the Foundation, managing bootcamp, finances, operations) take enough time to be a full-time job that leaves little time for coding. At some point, I won’t be able to help everyone with their research, so I’ll need to delegate some of that work to other folks. I’m talking any capacity here – from code reviews to managing to co-authoring papers to co-advising.

There are more things I have in mind, but it’s early to share those. In brief, we need to organize ourselves for further growth. What’s clear to me is we’re no longer a seat-of-the-pants operation in a (virtual) basement. The D Language is exiting its adolescence.

Project Highlight: The New CTFE Engine

CTFE (Compile-Time Function Execution) is today a core feature of the D Programming Language. D creator Walter Bright first implemented it in DMD as an extension of the constant folding logic that was already there. Don Clugston (of FastDelegate fame) made a pass at improving it and, according to Walter, “took it much further“. Since that time, usage of CTFE has shown up in one D project after another, including in D’s standard library. For example, Dmitry Olshansky employed it in his overhaul of std.regex to great effect.

On the last day of DConf 2016, Stefan Koch gave a lightning talk on his thoughts about CTFE in D. At the end of the talk, in response to a question from Andrei Alexandrescu on how D’s implementation could be improved, he said the following:

CTFE is really a hack. You can see that it’s a hack. It’s implemented as a hack. It is the most useful hack that I’ve ever seen, and it is definitely a hacker’s tool to do stuff that are like magic. But to be fast, it would need to be heavily redesigned, reimplemented, possibly executed in multiple threads, because it is used for stuff that we could never have envisioned when it was invented.

Not long after that, Stefan opened a discussion on the fourms and took up the torch to improve the CTFE engine. As to why he got started on this journey in the first place, Stefan says, “I started work on the CTFE engine because I said so at DConf.” But, of course, there’s more to it than that.

I have pretty heavy-weight CTFE needs (I worked on a compile-time trans-compiler). Also my CTFE SQLite reader is failing if you want to read a database bigger then 2MB at ctfe.

His investigations into the performance of the CTFE interpreter shed light on its problems.

The current interpreter interprets every AST-Node it sees directly. This leaves very little space to collect information about the code that is being interpreted. It doesn’t know when something will be used as a reference, so it needs to copy every variable on every mutation. It has to do a deep-copy for this. That means it copies the whole chain of mutations every time.

To clarify, he offers the following example.

Imagine foreach(i;0 .. 10) { a = i; }. On the first iteration we save a` = 0 and set a`` to 1. On the second iteration we save a``` = 1 and a````= 0 and we set a````` to 2 , then a`````` = 1 and a``````` = 0 and so on. As you can see, the memory requirements just shoot up. It’s basically a factorial function with a very small coefficient. That is why for very small workloads this extreme overhead is not noticeable.

That flaw looked unfixable. Indeed the whole architecture in dinterpret.d is very convoluted and hard to understand. I did a few experiments on improving memory-management of the interpreter but it proved fruitless.

Once he realized there was going to be no quick fix, Stefan sat down and drew up a plan to avoid digging himself into the same hole the current interpreter was in. The result of his planning led him down a road he hadn’t expected to travel.

Direct Interpretation was out of the question since it would give the new engine too little time to analyze data-flow and decided whether a copy was really needed or not. I had to implement an Intermediate Representation. It had to be portable to different evaluation back-ends. I ended up with a solution, inspired by OpenGL, of defining my interface in the form of function calls an evaluation back end had to implement. That meant I would not be able to simply modify the current interpreter. This made the start very steep, but it is a decision I do not regret.

His implementation consists of a front end and a back end.

The front end walks the AST and issues calls to the back end. And the back end transforms those calls into actual bytecode. This bytecode is interperted by the back end as soon as the front end requires it.

In terms of functionality, he likens the current implementation to an immediate mode graphics API, and his revamp to retained mode. In this case, though, it’s the immediate mode that’s the memory hog.

You can read about his progress in the CTFE Status thread, where he has been posting frequent updates. His updates include problems he encounters, features he implements, and performance statistics. Eventually, every compiler that uses the DMD front end will benefit from his improvements.

Big Performance Improvement for std.regex

Dmitry Olshansky has been a frequent contributor to the D programming language. Perhaps his best known work is his overhaul of the std.regex module, which he architected as part of Google Summer of Code 2011. In this post, he describes an algorithmic optimization he implemented this past summer that resulted in a big performance win.

Optimizing std.regex has been my favorite pastime, but it has gotten harder over the years. It eventually became clear that micro-optimizing the engine’s state copy routine, or trying to avoid that extra write, wasn’t going to cut it anymore. To move further, I needed a new algorithmic improvement. This is how the so-called “Bit-NFA” came to be implemented. Developed in May of this year, it has come a long way to land in the main repository.

Before going into details, a short overview of the engine is called for. A user-specified pattern given to the engine first goes through a compilation process, where it gets transformed into a bytecode program, along with a bunch of lookup tables and auxiliary data-structures. Bytecode implies a VM, not unlike, say, the Java VM, but far simpler and more specific. In fact, there are two of them in std.regex, one that evaluates execution of threads in a backtracking manner and another one which evaluates all threads in lock-step, resolving any duplicates along the way.

Now, running a full blown VM, even a tiny one, on each character of input doesn’t sound all that high-performance. That’s why there is an extra trick, a kickstart engine (it should probably be called a “sidekick engine”), which is a dumb approximation of the full engine. It is run over the input first. When it spots something that looks like a match, the full engine is run to check it. The only requirement is that it can have no false negatives. That is, it has to detect as positive all matches of the regex pattern. This kickstart engine is the central piece of today’s post.

Historically, I intended for there to be a lot of different kickstart engines, ranging from a simple ‘memchr the first byte of the pattern’ to a Boyer-Moore search on the prefix of a pattern. But during the gory days of GSOC 2011, a simple solution came first and out-shadowed all others: the Shift Or algorithm.

Basically, it is an NFA (Nondeterministic Finite Automation), where each state is a bit in a word. Shifting this word advances all the states. Masking removes those that don’t match the current character. Importantly, shifting also places 0 as the first bit, indicating the active state.

With these two insights, the whole process of searching for a string becomes shifting + OR-masking the bits. The last point is checking for the successful match – one of the bits is in the finish state.

Looking at this marvelous construction, it’s tempting to try and overcome its limitation – the straight-forward execution of states. So let’s introduce some control flow by denoting some bits as jumps. To carry out a jump, we just need to map every combination of jump bits to the mask of the resulting positions. A basic hashmap could serve us well in this regard. Then the cycle becomes:

  1. Shift the word
  2. Capture control flow bits
  3. Lookup control flow table
  4. Mask AND with control flow bits
  5. Check for finish state(s) bits
  6. Mask OR with match filter table

In the end, we execute the whole engine with nothing more than a hash-map lookup, a table lookup, and a bit of bitwise operations. This is the essence of what I call the Bit-NFA engine.

Of course, there are some tricky bits, such as properly mapping bytecodes to bits. Then there comes Unicode.. oh gosh. The trick to Unicode, though, is having a fast path for ASCII < 0x80 and the rest. For ASCII, we just go with a simple table. Unicode is a two-staged variation of it. Two-staging the table let’s us coalesce identical pages, saving space for the whole 21 bits of the code point range.

Overall, the picture really is worth a thousand words. Here is how the new kickstart engine stacks up.

This now only leaves us to optimize the VMs further. The proven technique is JIT-ing the bytecode and is what top engines are doing. Still, I’m glad there are notable tricks to speed up regex execution in general without pulling out this heavy handed weapon.

Project Highlight: libasync

d6libasync is a cross-platform event loop library written completely in D.  It was created, and continues to be maintained, by Etienne Cimon, who started it as a native driver for vibe.d, a modular asynchronous I/O framework most often used for web app development in D.

In 2014 or so, I was looking for a framework to power my future web development projects. I wasn’t going to use an interpreted language, as binary executables were too attractive. I found vibe.d appealing because, coming from C++, it was relatively simple and featureful. So I studied it, along with the D programming language and the Phobos standard library.

vibe.d has always used libevent under the hood by default. This is where Etienne ran into a problem that bothered him.

I stumbled on some workflow issues when deploying vibe.d apps to other operating systems which may or may not have the right version of libevent in the package repository. I didn’t want to package a DLL with my server, or have to go through dependency hell with my software, and I wanted everything to be consistently written in D to reduce the mental complexity of switching programming languages or to debug other issues.

So he decided to study up on the system APIs across the platforms supported by DMD (Windows, Linux, *BSD and OS X) and create his own event loop library in D. Now he, and anyone using libasync, can issue a single command with DUB to compile and execute a web application without needing to worry about external event loop dependencies.

libasync takes advantage of D’s delegates to provide a very intuitive interface.

void testDNS() {
	auto dns = new shared AsyncDNS(g_evl);
	dns.handler((NetworkAddress addr) {
		writeln("Resolved to: ", addr.toString(), ", it took: ", g_swDns.peek().usecs, " usecs");

Etienne says of the code snippet above:

The D garbage collector will keep the AsyncDNS object in dns alive for as long as the delegate used in the parameter of dns.handler is alive in the heap, which is in this object. The delegate syntax is more simple to declare than Javascript, and it is also type-safe. This DNS resolver will work on any platform thrown at it, thanks to D’s compile-time version conditions.

libasync makes use of the asynchronous I/O facilities available on each supported platform and provides a number of event-handlers out of the box.

Cross-platform event handlers have been defined for DNS resolution, UDP Messages, (Buffered/Unbuffered) TCP Connections, TCP Listeners, File Operations, Thread-local (Notifiers) and Cross-thread Signals, Timers and File Watchers. The intrinsics involve EPoll for Linux, KQueue for OS X and BSD, and overlapped I/O for Windows. With all of these features thoroughly tested through a vibe.d driver, libasync has become a very fast and reliable library which I use in all of my projects. My benchmarks show it as being a little slower than the libevent driver in vibe.d, though its self-explanatory code base makes it seamless to understand, maintain, and deploy.

A libasync driver has been added to vibe.d and work is going on to improve the library’s performance.

The stability of the underlying OS features makes for very little need for changes, although there is a big improvement involving the proactor pattern in the works for libasync and a new architecture for vibe.d. Together, those two developments are likely to increase the library’s performance significantly.

If you find yourself needing an event loop in D and want to give libasync a spin, you can visit the library’s page at the DUB repository for information on how to add it as a dependency to your own DUB-managed projects. libasync, in turn, has only one dependency itself, another library maintained by Etienne that provides a set of allocators and allocator-friendly containers called memutils.

It wasn’t so long ago that anyone using D who wanted something like libasync or memutils would need to either roll their own or bind to a C library. The ever-expanding list of libraries in the DUB repository, created and made available by members of the D community like Etienne, make it much easier to jump into D today than ever before.

GSoC Report: std.experimental.xml

Lodovico Giaretta is currently pursuing a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science at the University of Trento, Italy. He participated in Google Summer of Code 2016, working on a new XML module for D’s standard library, Phobos.

GSoC-icon-192I started coding in high school with Pascal. I immediately fell in love with programming, so I started studying it by myself and learned both Java and C++. But when I was using Java, I was missing the powerful metaprogramming facilities and the low level features of C++. When I was using C++, I was missing the simplicity and usability of Java. So I started looking for a language that “filled the gap” between these two worlds. After looking into many languages, I finally found D. Despite being more geared towards C++, D provides a very high level of productivity, as correct code is easier to read and write. As an example, I was programming in D for several months before I was bitten by a segfault for the first time. It easily became one of my favorite languages.

The apparent lack of libraries, my lack of time, and the need to use other languages for university projects made me forget D for some time, at least until someone told me about Google Summer of Code. When I discovered that the D Foundation was participating, I immediately decided to take part and found that there was the need for a new XML library. So I contacted Craig Dillabaugh and Robert Schadek and started to plan my adventure. I want to take this occasion to thank them for their great continuous support, and the entire community for their feedback and help.

This was my first public codebase and my first contribution to a big open source project, so I didn’t really know anything about project management. The advice about this field from my mentor Robert has been fundamental for my success; he helped me improve my workflow, keep my efforts focused towards the goal, and set up correctness tests and performance benchmarks. Without his help, I would never have been able to reach this point.

The first thing to do when writing a library is to pick a set of principles that will guide development. This choice is what will give the library its peculiar shape, and by having a look around one finds that there are XML libraries that want to be minimal in terms of codebase size, or very small in terms of binary size, or fully featured and 101% adherent to the specification. For std.experimental.xml, I decided to focus on genericity and extensibility. The processing is divided in many small, quite simple stages with well-defined interfaces implemented by templated components. The result is a pipeline that is fully customizable; you can add or substitute components anywhere, and add custom validation steps and custom error handlers.

From an XML library, a programmer expects different high level constructs: a SAX parser, a DOM parser, a DOM writer and maybe some extensions like XPath. He also expects to be able to process different kinds of input and, for std.experimental.xml, to “hack in” his own logic in the process. This requires a simple, yet very flexible, intermediate representation, which is produced by the parsing stage and can be easily manipulated, validated, and transformed into whatever high-level construct is needed. For this, I chose a concept called Cursor, a pointer inside an XML document, which can be queried for properties of a given XML node or advanced to a subsequent one. It’s akin to Java’s StAX (Streaming API for XML), from which I took inspiration. In std.experimental.xml, all validations and transformations are implemented as chains of Cursors, which are then usually processed by a SAX parser or a DOM builder, but can also be used directly in user code, providing more control and speed.

Talking about speed, which in XML processing can be very important, I have to admit that I didn’t spend much time on optimization, leaving a lot of space for future performance improvements. Yet, the library is fast enough to guarantee that, for big files (where performance matters), an SSD (Solid State Drive) is needed to move the bottleneck from the fetching to the processing of the data. Being this is an extensible and configurable library, the user can choose his tradeoffs with fine granularity, trading input validation and higher level constructs for speed at will.

To conclude, the GSoC is finished, but the library is not. Although most parts are there, some bits are still missing. As a new university semester has started, time is becoming a rare and valuable resource, but I’ll do my best to finish the work in a short time so that Phobos can finally have a modern XML library to be proud of. I also have a plan to add more advanced functionality, like XML Schemas and XPath, but I don’t know when I’ll manage to work on that, as it is quite a lot to do.

Project Highlight: DlangUI

Vadim Lopatin is an active D user who, like many in the D community, comes from a Java and C++ background.

My current job is writing a Java backend for a virtual call center . I’ve also worked as a C++ developer on IP PBX devices. Programming is my hobby as well. My biggest hobby project, which I’ve rewritten from scratch twice in the last 15 years, is CoolReader, a cross platform e-book reader written in C++.

He kept hearing news about D and, over time, became more interested in its “cool features”, like CTFE and code generation. So, three years ago, he decided to initiate a couple of projects to learn its features.

DDBC is a database connector similar to Java’s JDBC, with an API close to the original. HibernateD is an ORM library, similar to the Java-based Hibernate. Unlike Java, D allows the use of compile-time code introspection and code generation. It was interesting work, and I was impressed by the power of D.

Both projects proved to be no more than learning exercises, however, as he never used either himself and neither became popular in the community. Now they are largely abandoned, but he has since found another area where he could apply his talents and, as it turns out, where community interest has been much higher.

The new idea came about as he surveyed the state of available GUI libraries in D. While there were several options to choose from, he wasn’t satisfied by the fact that they were all either non-native wrappers or not cross-platform. He had already written a cross-platform GUI in C++ for CoolReader GL, a version of his ebook reader that uses the same GUI on all supported platforms. Why not implement another one in D?

He has a long list of items he thinks are important for a GUI library to check off. A few of them are:

  • Cross-platform — the same code should work on all platforms with simple recompilation.
  • Internationalization — it should be easy to write multilingual apps. Unicode everywhere. Strings externalized to resources.
  • Hardware acceleration — take advantage of DirectX or OpenGL where available, but it should be possible to use software rendering where they aren’t.
  • Resolution independence — flexible layouts must be used instead of fixed pixel-by-pixel positioning of controls.

A markup language for describing layouts, touch screen support, 3D rendering, customizable look-and-feel, easy event handling, and several other items complete the list. A big set of requirements for one person to work on alone, but he already had a good deal of experience with the GUI he wrote for CoolReader. So when he got going with his DlangUI project, his previous work is where he started.

Part of DlangUI is a direct port of the CoolReader GL GUI. It was easy to reuse big parts of C++ code thanks to the similarity of D and C++ syntax.

So he set about checking items off of his list. Such as support for hardware acceleration via an interface that easily supports different rendering backends, one of which is implemented using OpenGL. But as things got under way, he discovered that there is one particular issue with porting C++ to D that arises in the parts that can’t be directly reused.

The D GC does not bring any help for resource management, since object destructors may be called in any thread, in any order, or never at all. If an object owns some resources, it ought to be destroyed in a predictable way. Therefore, widgets and other objects holding resources must be destroyed manually by their owners

DlangUI uses reference counting for easy freeing of owned objects. Widgets remove their children on destroy. Windows remove their widgets when closing. I had to add debug mode instance counts for various objects, and corresponding messages in the log, to make sure all resources are freed gracefully.

Some resources (e.g. images) are cached. Their references may be taken from the cache, used, and then released often. To allow cleanup of caches, all such resources have usage flags. The cache provides a checkpoint method which removes the usage flag from all items, and a cleanup method which frees all cache items which have not been used since the last checkpoint.

He has worked on a number of items from his list, such as theme customization.

DlangUI themes are inspired by the Android API. It borrows Android’s state drawables (they may be even used as is), nine-patch PNGs, and resource versions for different screen sizes or resolutions. Usually widgets don’t use a hardcoded look and feel or layout properties. Instead, they use a style ID referencing to currently selected theme. If the theme is changed in runtime, all widgets receive a corresponding notification so that they can reload any cached values from the new theme. Simply providing a new theme changes the  look and feel significally.

Currently, two standard themes are provided in DlangUI: default (light) and dark. Applications may specify a standard theme as a parent, and override only the styles it needs. Standard theme resources are usually embedded into the application executable using the cool D feature import("filename"). Applications may embed their own resources as well. This allows creating a single file app withoug any additional resource files needing to be shipped with the executable.

Another check mark can  be place next to layouts. Here, he again looked to Android.

To support multiple screen resolutions and sizes, widgets must be placed and resized using layouts instead of direct pixel-based positioning. DlangUI uses Android API-like layouts for grouping, placing and resizing widgets, based on a two-phase measure/layout scheme.

And, while a GUI can be assembled entirely in code, he took inspiration from elsewhere for ideas to knock the markup item off his list.

Manually writing code to create a widget hierarchy and setting their properties is a bit boring. DlangUI offers the possibility to create widgets using a JSON-based description similar to Qt QML. I call it DML. Currently, only the creation of widgets and the setting of their properties are supported. In future, I hope to add the ability to describe signal handlers in DML, and automatically assign signals to handlers, and widget instances to variables. There is a GUI app, dlangui:dmledit, which helps to write DML. It combines a text editor for DML and a preview window to see the results.

When it comes to being cross-platform, a lot has been done so far, thanks to different backend implementations: Win32, SDL2, DSFML, X11, and Android. Not long ago, Vadim even announced a text-based interface which works in the Linux terminal or Windows console.

It was a real surprise for me how few changes were required to implement text-mode support. Besides the backend code and the text-mode drawing buffer implementation, most of the changes came in the form of a Console theme. Only a few fixes were required in the widgets, removing several hardcoded margins and sizes. Even DlangIDE, a DlangUI-based IDE for the D programming language, is now usable in terminals.

Here’s what DlangUI’s components normally look like on Windows.

And this is what DlangIDE looks like running in the Windows console.


When compared to screenshots of programs running with different DlangUI backends, seeing it in a terminal like that is pretty darn cool.

DlangUI manages event handling via signals and has built-in support for 3D graphics, including a 3D scene package. And work still continues on making Vadim’s list smaller, as well as addressing the problems with the library.

The most mentioned issue the non-native look and feel of widgets. Although it’s possible to make a theme looking exactly like native one, it would not track system theme changes anyway. There’s no system menu support on OS X and in Gnome (where a common menu is used for all apps). The documentation is poor. There is some DDOX-generated documentation, but it’s not detailed enough and I seldom update. I need more tutorials and examples. And some advanced controls are missing, e.g. an HTML view.

He also says that there are too few developers working on the project. While some users have submitted PRs, the majority of the work has been done by Vadim alone. Given what he has produced so far, that’s a pretty impressive achievement. But, in addition to solving the problems above, he’s got a lot more he wants to implement, such as:

  • An XML+CSS rendering widget to show/edit HTML or rich text
  • Refactoring DlangUI to extract window creation, OpenGL context creation, drawing, font support, input events code from widget set – for cases when no widgets are needed
  •  Mobile platforms support improvements – add iOS backend, improve android support, improve touch mode support
  •  Native system menu support on OS X and Gnome
  •  Support for fallback fonts in font engines, from which to get missing symbols
  •  A native OSX backend based on Cocoa instead of libSDL2
  • Improvements in Scene3D to make it suitable for writing 3D games

If you need a GUI for your D app, DlangUI is a viable option today. More importantly, if you’re able and willing to help out here and there, Vadim sure could use a few more hands on a few more keyboards!




How to Write @trusted Code in D

Steven Schveighoffer is the creator and maintainer of the dcollections and iopipe libraries. He was the primary instigator of D’s inout feature and the architect of a major rewrite of the language’s built-in arrays. He also authored the oft-recommended introductory article on the latter.

d6In computer programming, there is a concept of memory-safe code, which is guaranteed at some level not to cause memory corruption issues. The ultimate holy grail of memory safety is to be able to mechanically verify you will not corrupt memory no matter what. This would provide immunity from attacks via buffer overflows and the like. The D language provides a definition of memory safety that allows quite a bit of useful code, but conservatively forbids things that are sketchy. In practice, the compiler is not omnipotent, and it lacks the context that we humans are so good at seeing (most of the time), so there is often the need to allow otherwise risky behavior. Because the compiler is very rigid on memory safety, we need the equivalent of a cast to say “yes, I know this is normally forbidden, but I’m guaranteeing that it is fine”. That tool is called @trusted.

Because it’s very difficult to explain why @trusted code might be incorrect without first discussing memory safety and D’s @safe mechanism, I’ll go over that first.

What is Memory Safe Code?

The easiest way to explain what is safe, is to examine what results in unsafe code. There are generally 3 main ways to create a safety violation in a statically-typed language:

  1. Write or read from a buffer outside the valid segment of memory that you have access to.
  2. Cast some value to a type that allows you to treat a piece of memory that is not a pointer as a pointer.
  3. Use a pointer that is dangling, or no longer valid.

The first item is quite simple to achieve in D:

auto buf = new int[1]; 
buf[2] = 1;

With default bounds checks on, this results in an exception at runtime, even in code that is not checked for safety. But D allows circumventing this by accessing the pointer of the array:

buf.ptr[2] = 1;

For an example of the second, all that is needed is a cast:

*cast(int*)(0xdeadbeef) = 5;

And the third is relatively simple as well:

auto buf = new int[1];
auto buf2 = buf;
delete buf;  // sets buf to null
buf2[0] = 5; // but not buf2.

Dangling pointers also frequently manifest by pointing at stack data that is no longer in use (or is being used for a different reason). It’s very simple to achieve:

int[] foo()
    int[4] buf;
    int[] result = buf[];
    return result;

So simply put, safe code avoids doing things that could potentially result in memory corruption. To that end, we must follow some rules that prohibit such behavior.

Note: dereferencing a null pointer in user-space is not considered a memory safety issue in D. Why not? Because this triggers a hardware exception, and generally does not leave the program in an undefined state with corrupted memory. It simply aborts the program. This may seem undesirable to the user or the programmer, but it’s perfectly fine in terms of preventing exploits. There are potential memory issues possible with null pointers, if one has a null pointer to a very large memory space. But for safe D, this requires an unusually large struct to even begin to worry about it. In the eyes of the D language, instrumenting all pointer dereferences to check for null is not worth the performance degradation for these rare situations.

D’s @safe rules

D provides the @safe attribute that tags a function to be mechanically checked by the compiler to follow rules that should prevent all possible memory safety problems. Of course, there are cases where developers need to make exceptions in order to get some meaningful work done.

The following rules are geared to prevent issues like the ones discussed above (listed in the spec here).

  1. Changing a raw pointer value is not allowed. If @safe D code has a pointer, it has access only to the value pointed at, no others. This includes indexing a pointer.
  2. Casting pointers to any type other than void* is not allowed. Casting from any non-pointer type to a pointer type is not allowed. All other casts are OK (e.g. casting from float to int) as long as they are valid. Casting a dynamic array to a void[] is also allowed.
  3. Unions that have pointer types that overlap other types cannot be accessed. This is similar to rules 1 and 2 above.
  4. Accessing an element in or taking a slice from a dynamic array must be either proven safe by the compiler, or incur a bounds check during runtime. This even happens in release mode, when bounds checks are normally omitted (note: dmd’s option -boundscheck=off will override this, so use with extreme caution).
  5. In normal D, you can create a dynamic array from a pointer by slicing the pointer. In @safe D, this is not allowed, since the compiler has no idea how much space you actually have available via that pointer.
  6. Taking a pointer to a local variable or function parameter (variables that are stored on the stack) or taking a pointer to a reference parameter are forbidden. An exception is slicing a local static array, including the function foo above. This is a known issue.
  7. Explicit casting between immutable and mutable types that are or contain references is not allowed. Casting value-types between immutable and mutable can be done implicitly and is perfectly fine.
  8. Explicit casting between thread-local and shared types that are or contain references is not allowed. Again, casting value-types is fine (and can be done implicitly).
  9. The inline assembler feature of D is not allowed in @safe code.
  10. Catching thrown objects that are not derived from class Exception is not allowed.
  11. In D, all variables are default initialized. However, this can be changed to uninitialized by using a void initializer:
    int *s = void;

    Such usage is not allowed in @safe D. The above pointer would point to random memory and create an obvious dangling pointer.

  12. __gshared variables are static variables that are not properly typed as shared, but are still in global space. Often these are used when interfacing with C code. Accessing such variables is not allowed in @safe D.
  13. Using the ptr property of a dynamic array is forbidden (a new rule that will be released in version 2.072 of the compiler).
  14. Writing to void[] data by means of slice-assigning from another void[] is not allowed (this rule is also new, and will be released in 2.072).
  15. Only @safe functions or those inferred to be @safe can be called.

The need for @trusted

The above rules work well to prevent memory corruption, but they prevent a lot of valid, and actually safe, code. For example, consider a function that wants to use the system call read, which is prototyped like this:

ssize_t read(int fd, void* ptr, size_t nBytes);

For those unfamiliar with this function, it reads data from the given file descriptor, and puts it into the buffer pointed at by ptr and expected to be nBytes bytes long. It returns the number of bytes actually read, or a negative value if an error occurs.

Using this function to read data into a stack-allocated buffer might look like this:

ubyte[128] buf;
auto nread = read(fd, buf.ptr, buf.length);

How is this done inside a @safe function? The main issue with using read in @safe code is that pointers can only pass a single value, in this case a single ubyte. read expects to store more bytes of the buffer. In D, we would normally pass the data to be read as a dynamic array. However, read is not D code, and uses a common C idiom of passing the buffer and length separately, so it cannot be marked @safe. Consider the following call from @safe code:

auto nread = read(fd, buf.ptr, 10_000);

This call is definitely not safe. What is safe in the above read example is only the one call, where the understanding of the read function and calling context assures memory outside the buffer will not be written.

To solve this situation, D provides the @trusted  attribute, which tells the compiler that the code inside the function is assumed to be @safe, but will not be mechanically checked. It’s on you, the developer, to make sure the code is actually @safe.

A function that solves the problem might look like this in D:

auto safeRead(int fd, ubyte[] buf) @trusted
    return read(fd, buf.ptr, buf.length);

Whenever marking an entire function @trusted, consider if code could call this function from any context that would compromise memory safety. If so, this function should not be marked @trusted under any circumstances. Even if the intention is to only call it in safe ways, the compiler will not prevent unsafe usage by others. safeRead should be fine to call from any @safe context, so it’s a great candidate to mark @trusted.

A more liberal API for the safeRead function might take a void[] array as the buffer. However, recall that in @safe code, one can cast any dynamic array to a void[] array — including an array of pointers. Reading file data into an array of pointers could result in an array of dangling pointers. This is why ubyte[] is used instead.

@trusted escapes

A @trusted escape is a single expression that allows @system (the unsafe default in D) calls such as read without exposing the potentially unsafe call to any other part of the program. Instead of writing the safeRead function, the same feat can be accomplished inline within a @safe function:

auto nread = ( () @trusted => read(fd, buf.ptr, buf.length) )();

Let’s take a closer look at this escape to see what is actually happening. D allows declaring a lambda function that evaluates and returns a single expression, with the () => expr syntax. In order to call the lambda function, parentheses are appended to the lambda. However, operator precedence will apply those parentheses to the expression and not the lambda, so the entire lambda must be wrapped in parentheses to clarify the call. And finally, the lambda can be tagged @trusted as shown, so the call is now usable from the @safe context that contains it.

In addition to simple lambdas, whole nested functions or multi-statement lambdas can be used. However, remember that adding a trusted nested function or saving a lambda to a variable exposes the rest of the function to potential safety concerns! Take care not to expose the escape too much because this risks having to manually verify code that should just be mechanically checked.

Rules of Thumb for @trusted

The previous examples show that tagging something as @trusted has huge implications. If you are disabling memory safety checks, but allowing any @safe code to call it, then you must be sure that it cannot result in memory corruption. These rules should give guidance on where to put @trusted marks and avoid getting into trouble:

Keep @trusted code small

@trusted code is never mechanically checked for safety, so every line must be reviewed for correctness. For this reason, it’s always advisable to keep the code that is @trusted as small as possible.

Apply @trusted to entire functions when the unsafe calls are leaky

Code that modifies or uses data that @safe code also uses creates the potential for unsafe calls to leak into the mechanically checked portion of a @safe function. This means that portion of the code must be manually reviewed for safety issues. It’s better to mark the whole thing @trusted, as that’s more in line with the truth. This is not a hard and fast rule; for example, the read call from the earlier example is perfectly safe, even though it will affect data that is used later by the function in @safe mode.

A pointer allocated with C’s malloc in the beginning of the function, and free‘d later, could have been copied somewhere in between. In this case, the dangling pointer may violate @safe, even in the mechanically checked part. Instead, try wrapping the entire portion that uses the pointer as @trusted, or even the entire function. Alternatively, use scope guards to guarantee the lifetime of the data until the end of the function.

Never use @trusted on template functions that accept arbitrary types

D is smart enough to infer @safe for template functions that follow the rules. This includes member functions of templated types. Just let the compiler do its job here. To ensure the function is actually @safe in the right contexts, create an @safe unittest  to call it. Marking the function @trusted allows any operator overloads or members that might violate memory safety to be ignored by the safety checker! Some tricky ones to remember are postblit and opCast.

It’s still OK to use @trusted escapes here, but be very careful. Consider especially possible types that contain pointers when thinking about how such a function could be abused. A common mistake is to mark a range function or range usage @trusted. Remember that most ranges are templates, and can be easily inferred as @system when the type being iterated has a @system postblit or constructor/destructor, or is generated from a user-provided lambda.

Use @safe to find the parts you need to mark as @trusted

Sometimes, a template intended to be @safe may not be inferred @safe, and it’s not clear why. In this case, try temporarily marking the template function @safe to see where the compiler complains. That’s where @trusted escapes should be inserted if appropriate.

In some cases, a template is used pervasively, and tagging it as @safe may make too many parts break. Make a copy of the template under a different name that you mark @safe, and change the calls that are to be checked so that they call the alternative template instead.

Consider how the function may be edited in the future

When writing a trusted function, always think about how it could be called with the given API, and ensure that it should be @safe. A good example from above is making sure safeRead cannot accept an array of pointers. However, another possibility for unsafe code to creep in is when someone edits a part of the function later, invalidating the previous verification, and the whole function needs to be rechecked. Insert comments to explain the danger of changing something that would then violate safety. Remember, pull request diffs don’t always show the entire context, including that a long function being edited is @trusted!

Use types to encapsulate @trusted operations with defined lifetimes

Sometimes, a resource is only dangerous to create and/or destroy, but not to use during its lifetime. The dangerous operations can be encapsulated into a type’s constructor and destructor, marked @trusted, which allows @safe code to use the resource in between those calls. This takes a lot of planning and care. At no time can you allow @safe code to ferret out the actual resource so that it can keep a copy past the lifetime of the managing struct! It is essential to make sure the resource is alive as long as @safe code has a reference to it.

For example, a reference-counted type can be perfectly safe, as long as a raw pointer to the payload data is never available. D’s std.typecons.RefCounted cannot be marked @safe, since it uses alias this to devolve to the protected allocated struct in order to function, and any calls into this struct are unaware of the reference counting. One copy of that payload pointer, and then when the struct is free‘d, a dangling pointer is present.

This can’t be @safe!

Sometimes, the compiler allows a function to be @safe, or is inferred @safe, and it’s obvious that shouldn’t be allowed. This is caused by one of two things: either a function that is called by the @safe function (or some deeper function) is marked @trusted but allows unsafe calls, or there is a bug or hole in the @safe system. Most of the time, it is the former. @trusted is a very tricky attribute to get correct, as is shown by most of this post. Frequently, developers will mark a function @trusted only thinking of some uses of their function, not realizing the dangers it allows. Even core D developers make this mistake! There can be template functions that are inferred safe because of this, and sometimes it’s difficult to even find the culprit. Even after the root cause is discovered, it’s often difficult to remove the @trusted tag as it will break many users of the function. However, it’s better to break code that is expecting a promise of memory safety than subject it to possible memory exploits. The sooner you can deprecate and remove the tag, the better. Then insert trusted escapes for cases that can be proven safe.

If it does happen to be a hole in the system, please report the issue, or ask questions on the D forums. The D community is generally happy to help, and memory safety is a particular focus for Walter Bright, the creator of the language.

The Origins of Learning D

In ealearningdrly 2015, Adam Ruppe asked in the D forums if anyone was interested in authoring a new book for Packt Publishing, the company that published his D Cookbook. I had submitted a book proposal to Packt a few months before, one with a different concept, and had heard nothing back. So I began to mull over the idea of putting my name forward, but I was concerned about the time investment. Before I could decide, Packt contacted me with some details and an offer. With a target publication date of November 2015, I figured I had plenty of time to get it done, so I accepted. It wasn’t long before I learned how my concept of “plenty of time” was quite a bit off base.

Learning D was not the first programming book I had worked on. I coauthored Learn to Tango with D, which was published in 2008 by Apress, with three other D users. It was a book that simply aimed to introduce the language (version 1) and Tango, the community-driven alternative standard library for D1. I wrote two chapters and had nothing to do with the outline. It was a relatively easy experience that left me completely unprepared for the process of authoring an in-depth programming language book on my own. Tango was a bit controversial at the time and, though it’s no longer actively developed, a fork is still maintained and usable with modern D for those so inclined. The recently released Ocean library from Sociomantic Labs is derived from Tango.

When all the legalities were out of the way, work on the book began in earnest. Packt proposed an outline, with a handful of topics they specifically wanted me to cover. I also had to decide how to approach the book and who my target audience would be. Andrei Alexandrescu’s The D Programming Language already served as the language reference and Ali Çehreli’s Programming in D was targeting programming novices. I wanted to hit somewhere in the middle. I envisioned a young college student or recent undergraduate who, having already picked up some level of proficiency with a C-family language, was not a complete beginner, but also did not yet have the level of experience required to easily think in different languages.

Once I had an imaginary reader to talk to, I had a good idea of what I wanted to say. It was fairly easy to create two groups of features: those fundamental to become proficient enough with the language and the standard library to be productive, and those that are not essential or could be more aptly considered advanced. The former group would comprise the major focus of the book. But in addition to teaching the language, I had a general message I wanted to drive home.

Through all my years of visiting the D forums and maintaining a popular set of bindings to C libraries, I had encountered more than one new D user who was trying to program C++ or Java in D. While that approach will certainly enable some progress, it is bound to lead to compiler errors or unexpected results sooner rather than later. I explicitly pushed this message early in the book, and reiterated it each time I discussed one of the features that look like C++ or Java, but behave differently. Thinking in one language while learning another is a mistake that requires experience–it’s not the sort of thing novices do–and, as such, it’s a hard habit to break. My goal was to help minimize the pain.

I also wanted to create a sample program that demonstrated the language and library features I was discussing. My original plan was to create a new version of the program whenever a new paradigm was discussed. After gaining a false sense of confidence from completing Chapter 1 well before the deadline, Chapter 2 quickly disabused me of any thoughts that the whole book would go that way. It went well over the page budget and took longer than I had estimated, which meant the program for Chapter 2 was written over the space of a few hours during an all-night marathon. It was rightly lambasted by the technical reviewers. In the end, I scrapped the sample programs during the revision process and created a single program that evolves with new features as the book progresses. It didn’t turn out the way I had hoped, but it does show working examples of different paradigms in one program. The web app version developed in Chapter 10, which demonstrates the use of vibe.d, went more smoothly. Since it was the focus of the chapter, I was able to develop it in tandem with the text.

Speaking of the reviewers, the book would have been a mess had it not been for their valuable feedback. In the past, I had always believed authors were simply being kind when they said such a thing, but I can now attest that it is absolutely true. Packt asked me to recommend some technical reviewers, so I gave them a shortlist of people whom I knew to have strengths in areas where I was weak. John Colvin, Jonathan M. Davis, David Nadlinger, and Steven Schveighoffer came in early on, and were later joined by Kingsley Hendrickse and Ilya Yaroshenko. I was determined to be discriminating in implementing their suggestions, but they were so good that I agreed with and implemented most of them. And their criticisms were spot-on, catching coding errors, Big-O crimes, incorrect statements, and so much more. They taught me a few things I hadn’t known about D, cleared up a few misconceptions, and even spotted a couple of compiler bugs.

In the Foreword, Walter Bright says that this book, like D itself, is a labor of love. He is entirely correct. I first encountered D in 2003 and have been using it ever since. It’s just such a fun language. Though it’s a cliché to any long-time D user, I will tell anyone who cares to listen that this language is very much the sum of its parts; it’s not any one specific feature that makes D such a pleasure to use, but all of them taken together. Yes, it has its warts. Yes, it’s possible to encounter frustrating scenarios that require less-than-attractive workarounds. But, for me, my list of cons is nowhere near long enough to detract from the overall experience. I simply enjoy it. I want to see the cons list shrink and hope that more people see in the language what I see in it, so that one day ads looking for a D programmer are as common as those for other major languages. I accepted the offer to write this book as a way to contribute to that process. Most gratifyingly, I have received personal messages from a few readers letting me know that it helped them learn D. As a long time teacher, that’s a feeling I will never get tired of.