Category Archives: Guest Posts

automem: Hands-Free RAII for D

Átila Neves has used both C++ and D professionally. He’s responsible for several D libraries and tools, like unit-threaded, cerealed, and reggae.

Garbage collected languages tend to suffer from a framing problem, and D is no exception. Its inclusion of a mark-and-sweep garbage collector makes safe memory management easy and convenient, but, thanks to a widespread perception that GC in general is a performance killer, alienates a lot of potential users due to its mere existence.

Coming to D as I did from C++, the one thing I didn’t like about the language initially was the GC. I’ve since come to realize that my fears were mostly unfounded, but the fact remains that, for many people, the GC is reason enough to avoid the language. Whether or not that is reasonable given their use cases is debatable (and something over which reasonable people may disagree), but the existence of the perception is not.

A lot of work has been done over the years to make sure that D code can be written which doesn’t depend on the GC. The @nogc annotation is especially important here, and I don’t think it’s been publicized enough. A @nogc main function is a compile-time guarantee that the program will not ever allocate any GC memory. For the types of applications that need those sorts of guarantees, this is invaluable.

But if not allocating from the GC heap, where does one get the memory? Still in the experimental package of the standard library, std.experimental.allocator provides building blocks for composing allocators that should satisfy any and all memory allocation needs where the GC is deemed inappropriate. Better still, via the IAllocator interface, one can even switch between GC and custom allocation strategies as needed at runtime.

I’ve recently used std.experimental.allocator in order to achieve @nogc guarantees and, while it works, there’s one area in which the experience wasn’t as smooth as when using C++ or Rust: disposing of memory. Like C++ and Rust, D has RAII. As is usual in all three, it’s considered bad form to explicitly release resources. And yet, in the current state of affairs, while using the D standard library one has to manually dispose of memory if using std.experimental.allocator. D makes it easier than most languages that support exceptions, due to scope(exit), but in a language with RAII that’s just boilerplate. And as the good lazy programmer that I am, I abhor writing code that doesn’t need to be, and shouldn’t be, written. An itch developed.

The inspiration for the solution I came up with was C++; ever since C++11 I’ve been delighted with using std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr and basically never again worrying about manually managing memory. D’s standard library has Unique and RefCounted in std.typecons but they predate std.experimental.allocator and so “bake in” the allocation strategy. Can we have our allocation cake and eat it too?

Enter automem, a library I wrote providing C++-style smart pointers that integrate with std.experimental.allocator. It was clear to me that the design had to be different from the smart pointers it took inspiration from. In C++, it’s assumed that memory is allocated with new and freed with delete (although it’s possible to override both). With custom allocators and no real obvious default choice, I made it so that the smart pointers would allocate memory themselves. This makes it so one can’t allocate with one allocator and deallocate with a different one, which is another benefit.

Another goal was to preserve the possibility of Unique, like std::unique_ptr, to be a zero-cost abstraction. In that sense the allocator type must be specified (it defaults to IAllocator); if it’s a value type with no state, then it takes up no space. In fact, if it’s a singleton (determined at compile-time by probing where Allocator.instance exists), then it doesn’t even need to be passed in to the constructor! As in much modern D code, Design by Instropection pays its dues here. Example code:

struct Point {
    int x;
    int y;

    // must pass arguments to initialise the contained object
    // but not an allocator instance since Mallocator is
    // a singleton (Mallocator.instance) returns the only
    // instantiation
    auto u1 = Unique!(Point, Mallocator)(2, 3);
    assert(*u1 == Point(2, 3));
    assert(u1.y == 3); // forwards to the contained object

    // auto u2 = u1; // won't compile, can only move
    typeof(u1) u2;
    move(u1, u2);
    assert(cast(bool)u1 == false); // u1 is now empty
// memory freed for the Point structure created in the block

RefCounted is automem’s equivalent of C++’s std::shared_ptr. Unlike std::shared_ptr however, it doesn’t always do an atomic reference count increment/decrement. The reason is that it leverage’s D’s type system to determine when it has to; if the payload is shared, then the reference count is changed atomically. If not, it can’t be sent to other threads anyway and the performance penalty doesn’t have to be paid. C++ always does an atomic increment/decrement. Rust gets around this with two types, Arc and Rc. In D the type system disambiguates. Another win for Design by Introspection, something that really is only possible in D. Example code:

    auto s1 = RefCounted!(Point, Mallocator)(4, 5);
    assert(*s1 == Point(4, 5));
    assert(s1.x == 4);
        auto s2 = s1; // can be copied, non-atomic reference count
    } // ref count goes to 1 here

} // ref count goes to 0 here, memory released

Given that the allocator type is usually specified, it means that when using a @nogc allocator (most of them), the code using automem can itself be made @nogc, with RAII taking care of any memory management duties. That means compile-time guarantees of no GC allocation for the applications that need them.

I hope automem and std.experimental.allocator manage to solve D’s GC framing problem. Now it should be possible to write @nogc code with no manual memory disposal in D, just as it is in C++ and Rust.

The New CTFE Engine

Stefan Koch is the maintainer of sqlite-d, a native D sqlite reader, and has contributed to projects like SDC (the Stupid D Compiler) and vibe.d. He was also responsible for a 10% performance improvement in D’s current CTFE implementation and is currently writing a new CTFE engine, the subject of this post.

For the past nine months, I’ve been working on a project called NewCTFE, a reimplementation of the Compile-Time Function Evaluation (CTFE) feature of the D compiler front-end. CTFE is considered one of the game-changing features of D.

As the name implies, CTFE allows certain functions to be evaluated by the compiler while it is compiling the source code in which the functions are implemented. As long as all arguments to a function are available at compile time and the function is pure (has no side effects), then the function qualifies for CTFE. The compiler will replace the function call with the result.

Since this is an integral part of the language, pure functions can be evaluated anywhere a compile-time constant may go. A simple example can be found in the standard library module, std.uri, where CTFE is used to compute a lookup table. It looks like this:

private immutable ubyte[128] uri_flags = // indexed by character

    ubyte[128] uflags;

    // Compile time initialize
    uflags['#'] |= URI_Hash;

    foreach (c; 'A' .. 'Z' + 1)
        uflags[c] |= URI_Alpha;
        uflags[c + 0x20] |= URI_Alpha; // lowercase letters


    foreach (c; '0' .. '9' + 1) uflags[c] |= URI_Digit;

    foreach (c; ";/?:@&=+$,") uflags[c] |= URI_Reserved;

    foreach (c; "-_.!~*'()") uflags[c] |= URI_Mark;

    return uflags;


Instead of populating the table with magic values, a simple expressive function literal is used. This is much easier to understand and debug than some opaque static array. The ({ starts a function-literal, the }) closes it. The () at the end tells the compiler to immediately evoke that literal such that uri_flags becomes the result of the literal.

Functions are only evaluated at compile time if they need to be. uri_flags in the snippet above is declared in module scope. When a module-scope variable is initialized in this manner, the initializer must be available at compile time. In this case, since the initializer is a function literal, an attempt will be made to perform CTFE. This particular literal has no arguments and is pure, so the attempt succeeds.

For a more in-depth discussion of CTFE, see this article by H. S. Teoh at the D Wiki.

Of course, the same technique can be applied to more complicated problems as well; std.regex, for example, can build a specialized automaton for a regex at compile time using CTFE. However, as soon as std.regex is used with CTFE for non-trivial patterns, compile times can become extremely high (in D everything that takes longer than a second to compile is bloat-ware :)). Eventually, as patterns get more complex, the compiler will run out of memory and probably take the whole system down with it.

The blame for this can be laid at the feet of the current CTFE interpreter’s architecture. It’s an AST interpreter, which means that it interprets the AST while traversing it. To represent the result of interpreted expressions, it uses DMD’s AST node classes. This means that every expression encountered will allocate one or more AST nodes. Within a tight loop, the interpreter can easily generate over 100_000_000 nodes and eat a few gigabytes of RAM. That can exhaust memory quite quickly.

Issue 12844 complains about std.regex taking more than 16GB of RAM. For one pattern. Then there’s issue 6498, which executes a simple 0 to 10_000_000 while loop via CTFE and runs out of memory.

Simply freeing nodes doesn’t fix the problem; we don’t know which nodes to free and enabling the garbage collector makes the whole compiler brutally slow. Luckily there is another approach which doesn’t allocate for every expression encountered. It involves compiling the function to a virtual ISA (Instruction Set Architecture). This virtual ISA, also known as bytecode, is then given to a dedicated interpreter for that ISA (in the case in which a virtual ISA happens to be the same as the ISA of the host, we call it a JIT (Just in Time) interpreter).

The NewCTFE project concerns itself with implementing such a bytecode interpreter. Writing the actual interpreter (a CPU emulator for a virtual CPU/ISA) is reasonably simple. However, compiling code to a virtual ISA is exactly as much work as compiling it to a real ISA (though, a virtual ISA has the added benefit that it can be extended for customized needs, but that makes it harder to do JIT later). That’s why it took a month just to get the first simple examples running on the new CTFE engine, and why slightly more complicated ones still aren’t running even after 9 months of development. At the end of the post, you’ll find an approximate timeline of the work done so far.

I’ll be giving a presentation at DConf 2017, where I’ll discuss my experience implementing the engine and explain some of the technical details, particularly regarding the trade-offs and design choices I’ve made. The current estimation is that the 1.0 goals will not be met by then, but I’ll keep coding away until it’s done.

Those interested in keeping up with my progress can follow my status updates in the D forums. At some point in the future, I will write another article on some of the technical details of the implementation. In the meantime, I hope the following listing does shed some light on how much work it is to implement NewCTFE 🙂

  • May 9th 2016
    Announcement of the plan to improve CTFE.
  • May 27th 2016
    Announcement that work on the new engine has begun.
  • May 28th 2016
    Simple memory management change failed.
  • June 3rd 2016
    Decision to implement a bytecode interpreter.
  • June 30th 2016
    First code (taken from issue 6498) consisting of simple integer arithmetic runs.
  • July 14th 2016
    ASCII string indexing works.
  • July 15th 2016
    Initial struct support
  • Sometime between July and August
    First switches work.
  • August 17th 2016
    Support for the special cases if(__ctfe) and if(!__ctfe)
  • Sometime between August and September
    Ternary expressions are supported
  • September 08th 2016
    First Phobos unit tests pass.
  • September 25th 2016
    Support for returning strings and ternary expressions.
  • October 16th 2016
    First (almost working) version of the LLVM backend.
  • October 30th 2016
    First failed attempts to support function calls.
  • November 01st
    DRuntime unit tests pass for the first time.
  • November 10th 2016
    Failed attempt to implement string concatenation.
  • November 14th 2016
    Array expansion, e.g. assignment to the length property, is supported.
  • November 14th 2016
    Assignment of array indexes is supported.
  • November 18th 2016
    Support for arrays as function parameters.
  • November 19th 2016
    Performance fixes.
  • November 20th 2016
    Fixing the broken while(true) / for (;;) loops; they can now be broken out of 🙂
  • November 25th 2016
    Fixes to goto and switch handling.
  • November 29th 2016
    Fixes to continue and break handling.
  • November 30th 2016
    Initial support for assert
  • December 02nd 2016
    Bailout on void-initialized values (since they can lead to undefined behavior).
  • December 03rd 2016
    Initial support for returning struct literals.
  • December 05th 2016
    Performance fix to the bytecode generator.
  • December 07th 2016
    Fixes to continue and break in for statements (continue must not skip the increment step)
  • December 08th 2016
    Array literals with variables inside are now supported: [1, n, 3]
  • December 08th 2016
    Fixed a bug in switch statements.
  • December 10th 2016
    Fixed a nasty evaluation order bug.
  • December 13th 2016
    Some progress on function calls.
  • December 14th 2016
    Initial support for strings in switches.
  • December 15th 2016
    Assignment of static arrays is now supported.
  • December 17th 2016
    Fixing goto statements (we were ignoring the last goto to any label :)).
  • December 17th 2016
    De-macrofied string-equals.
  • December 20th 2016
    Implement check to guard against dereferencing null pointers (yes… that one was oh so fun).
  • December 22ed 2016
    Initial support for pointers.
  • December 25th 2016
    static immutable variables can now be accessed (yes the result is recomputed … who cares).
  • January 02nd 2017
    First Function calls are supported !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • January 17th 2017
    Recursive function calls work now 🙂
  • January 23rd 2017
    The interpret3.d unit-test passes.
  • January 24th 2017
    We are green on 64bit!
  • January 25th 2017
    Green on all platforms !!!!! (with blacklisting though)
  • January 26th 2017
    Fixed special case cast(void*) size_t.max (this one cannot go through the normal pointer support, which assumes that you have something valid to dereference).
  • January 26th 2017
    Member function calls are supported!
  • January 31st 2017
    Fixed a bug in switch handling.
  • February 03rd 2017
    Initial function pointer support.
  • Rest of Feburary 2017
    Wild goose chase for issue #17220
  • March 11th 2017
    Initial support for slices.
  • March 15th 2017
    String slicing works.
  • March 18th 2017
    $ in slice expressions is now supported.
  • March 19th 2017
    The concatenation operator (c = a ~ b) works.
  • March 22ed 2017
    Fixed a switch fallthrough bug.

Editable and Runnable Doc Examples on

Sebastian Wilzbach was a GSoC student for the D Language Foundation in 2016 and has since become a regular contributor to Phobos, D’s standard library, and

This article explains the steps that were needed to have editable and runnable examples in the documentation on First, let’s begin with the building blocks.

Unit testing in D

One of D’s coolest features is its unittest block, which allows the insertion of testable code anywhere in a program. It has become idiomatic for a function to be followed directly by its tests. For example, let’s consider a simple function add which is accompanied by two tests:

auto add(int a, int b)
    return a + b;

    assert(2.add(2) == 4);
    assert(3.add(4) == 7);

By default, all unittest blocks will be ignored by the compiler. Specifying -unittest on the compiler’s command line will cause the unit tests to be included in the compiled binary. Combined with -main, tests in D can be directly executed with:

rdmd -main -unittest add.d

If a unittest block is annotated with embedded documentation, a D documentation generator can also display the tests as examples in the generated documentation. The DMD compiler ships with a built-in documentation generator (DDoc), which can be run with the -D flag, so executing:

dmd -D -main add.d

would yield the documentation of the add function above with its tests displayed as examples, as demonstrated here:

Please note that the documentation on is generated with DDoc. However, in case you don’t like DDoc, there are several other options.

Executing code on the web

Frequent readers of the D Blog might remember Damian Ziemba’s DPaste – an online compiler for the D Programming language. In 2012, he made the examples on the front page of D’s website runnable via his service. Back in those old days, the website of the D Programming language looked like this:

As a matter of fact, until 2015, communication with DPaste was done in XML.

Putting things together

So D has a unit test system that allows placing executable unit tests next to the functions they test, the tests can also be rendered as examples in the generated documentation, and there exists a service, in the form of DPaste, that allows D code to be executed on the web. The only thing missing was to link them together to produce interactive documentation for a compiled language.

There was one big caveat that needed to be addressed before that could happen. While D’s test suite, which is run on ten different build machines, ensures that all unit tests compile & run without errors, an extracted test might contain symbols that were imported at module scope and thus wouldn’t be runnable on A unittest block can only be completely independent of the module in which it is declared if all of its symbols are imported locally in the test’s scope. The solution was rather simple: extract all tests from Phobos, then compile and execute them separately to ensure that a user won’t hit a “missing import” error on Thanks to D’s ultra-fast frontend, this step takes less than a minute on a typical machine in single-core build mode.

Moreover, to prevent any regressions, this has been integrated into Phobos’s test suite and is run for every PR via CircleCi. As Phobos has extensive coverage with unit tests, we started this transition with a blacklist and, step-by-step, removed modules for which all extracted tests compile. With continuous checking in place, we were certain that none of the exposed unit tests would throw any errors when executed in the documentation, so we could do the flip and replace the syntax-highlighted unit test examples with an interactive code editor.

Going one step further

With this setup in place, hitting the “Run” button would merely show the users “All tests passed”. While that’s always good feedback, it conveys less information than is usually desirable.

Documentation that supports runnable examples tends to send any output to stdout. This allows the reader to take the example and modify it as needed while still seeing useful output about the modifications. So, for example, instead of using assertions to validate the output of a function, which is idiomatic in D unit tests and examples:

assert(myFun() == 4);

Other documentation usually prints to stdout and shows the expected output in a comment. In D, that would look like this:

writeln(myFun()); // 4

I initially tried to do such a transformation with regular expressions, but I was quickly bitten by the complexity of a context-free language. So I made another attempt using Brian Schott’s libdparse, a library to parse and lex D source code. libdparse allows one to traverse the abstract syntax tree (AST) of a D source file. During the traversal of the AST, the transformation tool can rewrite all AssertExpressions into writeln calls, similar to the way other documentation displays examples. To speak in the vocabulary of compiler devs: we are lowering AssertExpressions into the more humanly digestible writeln calls!

Once the AST has been traversed and modified, it needs to be transformed into source code again. This led to improvements in libdparse’s formatting capabilities (1, 2).

The future

As of now, there are still a small number of functions in Phobos that don’t have a nice public example that is runnable on Tooling to check for this has recently been activated in Phobos. So now you can use this tool (make -f posix.mak has_public_example) to find functions lacking public tests and remove those modules from the blacklist.

Another target for improvement is DPaste. For example, it currently doesn’t cache incoming requests, which could improve the performance of executed examples on However, due to the fast compilation speed of the DMD compiler, this “slow-down” isn’t noticeable and is more of a perfectionist wish.

I hope you enjoy the new “Run” button on the documentation and have as much fun playing with it as I do. Click here to get started.

Snowflake Strings

Walter Bright is the BDFL of the D Programming Language and founder of Digital Mars. He has decades of experience implementing compilers and interpreters for multiple languages, including Zortech C++, the first native C++ compiler. He also created Empire, the Wargame of the Century.

Consider the following D code in file.d:

int foo(int i) {
    assert(i < 3);
    return i;

This is equivalent to the C code:

#include <assert.h>

int foo(int i) {
    assert(i < 3);
    return i;

The assert() in the D code is “lowered” (i.e. rewritten by the compiler) to the following:

(i < 3 || _d_assertp("file.d", 2))

We’re interested in how the compiler writes that string literal, "file.d" to the generated object file. The most obvious implementation is to write the characters into the data section and push the address of that to call _d_assertp().

Indeed, that does work, and it’s tempting to stop there. But since we’re professional compiler nerds obsessed with performance, details, etc., there’s a lot more oil in that olive (to borrow one of Andrei’s favorite sayings). Let’s put it in a press and start turning the screw, because assert()s are used a lot.

First off, string literals are immutable (they were originally mutable in C and C++, but are no longer, and D tries to learn from such mistakes). This suggests the string can
be put in read-only memory. What advantages does that deliver?

  • Read-only memory is, well, read only. Attempts to write to it are met with a seg fault exception courtesy of the CPUs memory management logic. Seg faults are a bit graceless, like a cop pulling you over for driving on the wrong side of the road, but at least there wasn’t a head-on collision or corruption of the program’s memory.
  • Read-only pages are never swapped out by the virtual memory system; they never get marked as “dirty” because they are never written to. They may get discarded and reloaded, but that’s much less costly.
  • Read-only memory is safe from corruption by malware (unless the malware infects the MMU, sigh).
  • Read-only memory in a shared library is shared – copies do not have to be made for each user of the shared library.
  • Read-only memory does not need to be scanned for pointers to the heap by the garbage collection system (if the application does GC).

Essentially, shoving as much as possible into read-only memory is good for performance, size and safety. There’s the first drop of oil.

The next issue crops up as soon as there’s more than one assert:

int foo(int i, int j) {
    assert(i < 3);
    assert(j & 1);
    return i + j;

The compiler emits two copies of "file.d" into the object file. Since they’re identical, and read-only, it makes sense to only emit one copy:

string TMP = "file.d";
int foo(int i, int j) {
    (i < 3 || _d_assertp(TMP, 2))
    (j & 1 || _d_assertp(TMP, 3))
    return i + j;

This is called string pooling and is fairly simple to implement. The compiler maintains a hash table of string literals and their associated symbol names (TMP in this case).

So far, this is working reasonably well. But when asserts migrate into header files, macros, and templates, the same string can appear in lots of object files, since the compiler doesn’t know what is happening in other object files (the separate compilation model). Other string literals can exhibit this behavior, too, when generic coding practices are used. There needs to be some way to present these in the object file so the linker can pool identical strings.

The dmd D compiler currently supports four different object file formats on different platforms:

  • Elf, for Linux and FreeBSD
  • Mach-O, for OSX
  • MS-COFF, for Win64
  • OMF, for Win32

Each does it in a different way, with different tradeoffs. The methods tend to be woefully under documented, and figuring this stuff out is why I get paid the big bucks.


Elf turns out to have a magic section just for this purpose. It’s named .rodata.strM.N where N is replace by the number of bytes a character has, and M is the alignment. For good old char strings, that would be .rodata.str1.1. The compiler just dumps the strings into that section, and the Elf linker looks through it, removing the redundant strings and adjusting the relocations accordingly. It’ll handle the usual string types – char, wchar, and dchar – with aplomb.

There’s just a couple flaws. The end of a string is determined by a nul character. This means that strings cannot have embedded nuls, or the linker will regard them as multiple strings and shuffle them about in unexpected ways. One cannot have relocations in those sections, either. This means it’s only good for C string literals, not other kinds of data.

This poses a problem for D, where the strings are length-delineated strings, not nul-terminated ones. Does this mean D is doomed to being unable to take advantage of the C-centric file formats and linker design? Not at all. The D compiler simply appends a nul when emitting string literals. If the string does have an embedded nul (allowed in D), it is not put it in these special sections (and the benefit is lost, but such strings are thankfully rare).


Mach-O uses a variant of the Elf approach, a special section named __cstring. It’s more limited in that it only works with single byte chars. No wchar_ts for you! If there ever was confirmation that UTF-16 and UTF-32 are dead end string types, this should be it.


Microsoft invented MS-COFF by extending the old Unix COFF format. It has many magic sections, but none specifically for strings. Instead, it uses what are called COMDAT sections, one for each string. COMDATs are sections tagged with a unique name, and when the linker is faced with multiple COMDATs with the same name, one is picked and all references to the other COMDATs are rewritten to refer to the Anointed One. COMDATs first appeared in object formats with the advent of C++ templates, since template code generation tends to generate the same code over and over in separate files.

(Isn’t it interesting how object file formats are driven by the needs of C and C++?)

The COMDAT for "hello" would look something like this:

db 'h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 0

The tty noise there is the mangled name of the COMDAT which is generated from the string literal’s contents. The algorithm must match across compilation units, as that is how the linker decides which ones are the same (experimenting with it will show that the substring CJBACGMB is some sort of hash). Microsoft’s algorithm for the mangling and hash is undocumented as far as I can determine, but it doesn’t matter anyway, it only has to have a 1:1 mapping between name and string literal. That screams “MD5 hash” to me, so that’s what dmd does. The name is an MD5 hash of the string literal contents, which also has the nice property that no matter how large the string gets, the identifier doesn’t grow.

COMDATs can have anything stuffed in them, so this is a feature that is usable for a lot more than just strings.

The downside of the COMDAT scheme is the space taken up by all those names, so shipping a program with the debug symbols in it could get much larger.


The caboose is OMF, an ancient format going back to the early 80’s. It was extended with a kludgy COMDAT system to support C++ just before most everyone abandoned it. DMD still emits it for Win32 programs. We’re stuck with it because it’s the only format the default linker (OPTLINK) understands, and so we find a way to press it into service.

Since it has COMDATs, that’s the mechanism used. The wrinkle is that COMDATs are code sections or data sections only; there are no other options. We want it to be read-only, so the string COMDATs are emitted as code sections (!). Hey, it works.


I don’t think we’ve pressed all the oil out of that olive yet. It may be like memcpy, where every new crop of programmers thinks of a way to speed it up.

I hope you’ve enjoyed our little tour of literals, and may all your string literals be unique snowflakes.

Thanks to Mike Parker for his help with this article.

A New Import Idiom

Daniel Nielsen is an Embedded Software Engineer. He is currently using D in his spare time for an unpublished Roguelike and warns that he “may produce bursts of D Evangelism”.

I remember one day in my youth, before the dawn of Internet, telling my teachers about “my” new algorithm, only to learn it had been discovered by the ancient Greeks in ~300 BC. This is the story of my life and probably of many who are reading this. It is easy to “invent” something; being the first, not so much!

Anyway, this is what all the fuss is about this time:

template from(string moduleName)
  mixin("import from = " ~ moduleName ~ ";");

The TL;DR version: A new idiom to achieve even lazier imports.

Before the C programmers start running for the hills, please forget you ever got burned by C++ templates. The above snippet doesn’t look that complicated, now does it? If you enjoy inventing new abstractions, take my advice and give D a try. Powerful, yet an ideal beginner’s language. No need to be a template archwizard.

Before we proceed further, I’d like to call out Andrei Alexandrescu for identifying that there is a problem which needs solving. Please see his in depth motivation in DIP 1005. Many thanks also to Dominikus Dittes Scherkl, who helped trigger the magic spark by making his own counter proposal and questioning if there really is a need to change the language specification in order to obtain Dependency-Carrying Declarations (DIP 1005).

D, like many modern languages, has a fully fledged module system where symbols are directly imported (unlike the infamous C #include). This has ultimately resulted in the widespread use of local imports, limiting the scope as much as possible, in preference to the somewhat slower and less maintainable module-level imports:

// A module-level import
import std.datetime;
void fun(SysTime time)
  import std.stdio; // A local import

Similar lazy import idioms are possible in other languages, for instance Python.

The observant among you might notice that because SysTime is used as the type of a function parameter, std.datetime must be imported at module level. Which brings us to the point of this blog post (and DIP 1005). How can we get around that?

void fun(from!"std.datetime".SysTime time)
  import std.stdio;

There you have it, the Scherkl-Nielsen self-important lookup.

In order to fully understand what’s going on, you may need to learn some D-isms. Let’s break it down.

  1. When instantiating a template (via the ! operator), if the TemplateArgument is one token long, the parentheses can be omitted from the template parameters. So from!"std.datetime" is the same as from!("std.datetime"). It may seem trivial, but you’d be surprised how much readability is improved by avoiding ubiquitous punctuation noise.
  2. Eponymous templates. The declaration of a template looks like this:
    template y() {
        int x;

    With that, you have to type y!().x in order to reach the int. Oh, ze horror! Is that a smiley? Give me x already! That’s exactly what eponymous templates accomplish:

    template x() {
        int x;

    Now that the template and its only member have the same name, x!().x can be shortened to simply x.

  3. Renamed imports allow accessing an imported module via a user-specified namespace. Here, std.stdio is imported normally:
    void printSomething(string s) {
        import std.stdio;
        writeln(s);           // The normal way
        std.stdio.writeln(s)  // An alternative using the fully qualified 
                              // symbol name, for disambiguation

    Now it’s imported and renamed as io:

    void printSomething(string s) {
        import io = std.stdio;
        io.writeln(s);         // Must be accessed like this.
        writeln(s);            // Error
        std.stdio.writeln(s);  // Error

    Combining what we have so far:

    template dt() {
        import dt = std.datetime; 
    void fun(dt!().SysTime time) {}

    It works perfectly fine. The only thing which remains is to make it generic.

  4. String concatenation is achieved with the ~ operator.
    string hey = "Hello," ~ " World!";
    assert(hey == "Hello, World!");
  5. String mixins put the power of a compiler writer at your fingertips. Let’s generate code at compile time, then compile it. This is typically used for domain-specific languages (see Pegged for one prominent use of a DSL in D), but in our simple case we only need to generate one single statement based on the name of the module we want to import. Putting it all together, we get the final form, allowing us to import any symbol from any module inline:
    template from(string moduleName)
      mixin("import from = " ~ moduleName ~ ";");

In the end, is it all really worth the effort? Using one comparison made by Jack Stouffer:

import std.datetime;
import std.traits;

void func(T)(SysTime a, T value) if (isIntegral!T)
    import std.stdio : writeln;
    writeln(a, value);


void func(T)(from!"std.datetime".SysTime a, T value)
    if (from!"std.traits".isIntegral!T)
    import std.stdio : writeln;
    writeln(a, value);

In this particular case, the total compilation time dropped to ~30% of the original, while the binary size dropped to ~41% of the original.

What about the linker, I hear you cry? Sure, it can remove unused code. But it’s not always as easy as it sounds, in particular due to module constructors (think __attribute__((constructor))). In either case, it’s always more efficient to avoid generating unused code in the first place rather than removing it afterwards.

So this combination of D features was waiting there to be used, but somehow no one had stumbled on it before. I agreed with the need Andrei identified for Dependency-Carrying Declarations, yet I wanted even more. I wanted Dependency-Carrying Expressions. My primary motivation comes from being exposed to way too much legacy C89 code.

void foo(void)
#ifdef XXX /* needed to silence unused variable warnings */
  int x;
... lots of code ...
#ifdef XXX
  x = bar();

Variables or modules, in the end they’re all just symbols. For the same reason C99 allowed declaring variables in the middle of functions, one should be allowed to import modules where they are first used. D already allows importing anywhere in a scope, but not in declarations or expressions. It was with this mindset that I saw Dominikus Dittes Scherkl’s snippet:

fun.ST fun()
   import someModule.SomeType;
   alias ST = SomeType;

Clever, yet for one thing it doesn’t adhere to the DRY principle. Still, it was that tiny dot in fun.ST which caused the spark. There it was again, the Dependency-Carrying Expression of my dreams.


  • It must not require repeating fun, since that causes problems when refactoring
  • It must be lazy
  • It must be possible today with no compiler updates

Templates are the poster children of lazy constructs; they don’t generate any code until instantiated. So that seemed a good place to start.

Typically when using eponymous templates, you would have the template turn into a function, type, variable or alias. But why make the distinction? Once again, they’re all just symbols in the end. We could have used an alias to the desired module (see Scherkl’s snippet above); using the renamed imports feature is just a short-cut for import and alias. Maybe it was this simplified view of modules that made me see more clearly.

Now then, is this the only solution? No. As a challenge to the reader, try to figure out what this does and, more importantly, its flaw. Can you fix it?

static struct STD
  template opDispatch(string moduleName)
    mixin("import opDispatch = std." ~ moduleName ~ ";");


Testing In The D Standard Library

Jack Stouffer is a member of the Phobos team and a contributor to You can check out more of his writing on his blog.

In the D standard library, colloquially named Phobos, we take a multi-pronged approach to testing and code review. Currently, there are five different services any addition has to go through:

  1. The whole complier chain of tests: DMD’s and DRuntime’s test suite, and Phobos’s unit tests
  2. A documentation builder
  3. Coverage analysis
  4. A style checker
  5. And a community project builder/test runner

Using these, we’re able to automatically catch the vast majority of common problems that we see popping up in PRs. And we make regressions much less likely using the full test suite and examining coverage reports.

Hopefully this will provide some insight into how a project like a standard library can use testing in order to increase stability. Also, it can spark some ideas on how to improve your own testing and review process.

Unit Tests

In D, unit tests are an integrated part of the language rather than a library

size_t sum(int[] a)
    size_t result;

    foreach (e; a)
        result += e;

    return result;

    assert(sum([1, 2, 3]) == 6);
    assert(sum([0, 50, 100]) == 150);

void main() {}

Save this as test.d and run dmd -unittest -run test.d. Before your main function is run, all of the unittest blocks will be executed. If any of the asserts fail, execution is terminated and an error is printed to stderr.

The effect of putting unit tests in the language has been enormous. One of the main ones we’ve seen is tests no longer have the “out of sight, out of mind” problem. Comprehensive tests in D projects are the rule and not the exception. Phobos dogfoods inline unittest blocks and uses them as its complete test suite. There are no other tests for Phobos than the inline tests, meaning for a reviewer to check their changes, they can just run dmd -main -unittest -run std/algorithm/searching.d (this is just for quick and dirty tests; full tests are done via make).

Every PR onto Phobos runs the inline unit tests, DMD’s tests, and the DRuntime tests on the following platforms:

  • Windows 32 and 64 bit
  • MacOS 32 and 64 bit
  • Linux 32 and 64 bit
  • FreeBSD 32 and 64 bit

This is done by Brad Roberts‘s auto-tester. As a quick aside, work is currently progressing to make bring D to iOS and Android.

Idiot Proof

In order to avoid pulling untested PRs, we have three mechanisms in place. First, only PRs which have at least one Github review by someone with pull rights can be merged.

Second, we don’t use the normal button for merging PRs. Instead, once a reviewer is satisfied with the code, we tell the auto-tester to merge the PR if and only if all tests have passed on all platforms.

Third, every single change to any of the official repositories has to go through the PR review process. This includes changes made by the BDFL Walter Bright and the Language Architect Andrei Alexandrescu. We have even turned off pushing directly to the master branch in Github to make sure that nothing gets around this.

Unit Tests and Examples

Unit tests in D solve the perennial problem of out of date docs by using the unit test code itself as the example code in the documentation. This way, documentation examples are part of the test suite rather than just some comment which will go out of date.

With this format, if the unit test goes out of date, then the test suite fails. When the tests are updated, the docs change automatically.

Here’s an example:

 * Sums an array of `int`s.
 * Params:
 *      a = the array to sum
 * Returns:
 *      The sum of the array.
size_t sum(int[] a)
    size_t result;

    foreach (e; a)
        result += e;

    return result;

    assert(sum([1, 2, 3]) == 6);
    assert(sum([0, 50, 100]) == 150);

// only tests with a doc string above them get included in the
// docs
    assert(sum([100, 100, 100]) == 300);

void main() {}

Run dmd -D test.d and it generates the following un-styled HTML:

Phobos uses this to great effect. The vast majority of examples in the Phobos documentation are from unittest blocks. For example, here is the documentation for std.algorithm.find and here is the unit test that generates that example.

This is not a catch all approach. Wholesale example programs, which are very useful when introducing a complex module or function, still have to be in comments.

Protecting Against Old Bugs

Despite our best efforts, bugs do find their way into released code. When they do, we require the person who’s patching the code to add in an extra unit test underneath the buggy function in order to protect against future regressions.


For Phobos, the documentation pages which were changed are generated on a test server for every PR. Developed by Vladimir Panteleev, the DAutoTest allows reviewers to compare the old page and the new page from one location.

For example, this PR changed the docs for two structs and their member functions. This page on DAutoTest shows a summary of the changed pages with links to view the final result.


Perfectly measuring the effectiveness of a test suite is impossible, but we can get a good rough approximation with test coverage. For those unaware, coverage is a ratio which represents the number of lines of code that were executed during a test suite vs. lines that weren’t executed.

DMD has built-in coverage analysis to work in tandem with the built-in unit tests. Instead of dmd -unittest -run main.d, do dmd -unittest -cov -run main.d and a file will be generated showing a report of how many times each line of code was executed with a final coverage ratio at the end.

We generate this report for each PR. Also, we use codecov in order to get details on how well the new code is covered, as well as how coverage for the whole project has changed. If coverage for the patch is lower than 80%, then codecov marks the PR as failed.

At the time of writing, of the 77,601 lines of code (not counting docs or whitespace) in Phobos, 68,549 were covered during testing and 9,052 lines were not. This gives Phobos a test coverage of 88.3%, which is increasing all of the time. This is all achieved with the built in unittest blocks.

Project Tester

Because test coverage doesn’t necessarily “cover” all real world use cases and combinations of features, D uses a Jenkins server to download, build, and run the tests for a select number of popular D projects with the master branches of Phobos, DRuntime, and DMD. If any of the tests fail, the reviewers are notified.

Style And Anti-Pattern Checker

Having a code style set from on high stops a lot of pointless Internet flame wars (tabs vs spaces anyone?) dead in their tracks. D has had such a style guide for a couple of years now, but its enforcement in official code repos was spotty at best, and was mostly limited to brace style.

Now, we use CircleCI in order to run a series of bash scripts and the fantastically helpful dscanner which automatically checks for all sorts of things you shouldn’t be doing in your code. For example, CircleCI will give an error if it finds:

  • bad brace style
  • trailing whitespace
  • using whole module imports inside of functions
  • redundant parenthesis

And so on.

The automation of the style checker and coverage reports was done by Sebastian Wilzbach. dscanner was written by Brian Schott.

Closing Thoughts

We’re still working to improve somethings. Currently, Sebastian is writing a script to automatically check the documentation of every function for at least one example. Plus, the D Style Guide can be expanded to end arguments over the formatting of template constraints and other contested topics.

Practically speaking, other than getting the coverage of Phobos up to >= 95%, there’s not too much more to do. Phobos is one of the most throughly tested projects I’ve ever worked on, and it shows. Just recently, Phobos hit under 1000 open bugs, and that’s including enhancement requests.

The D Language Foundation Google Summer of Code 2016 Postmortem

Craig Dillabaugh was first drawn to D by its attractive syntax and Walter Bright’s statement that D is “a programming language, not a religion”. He maintains bindings to the geospatial libraries shapelib and gdal, volunteered to manage the GSoC 2015 & 2016 efforts for D, and has taken it on again for 2017. He lives near Ottawa, Canada, and works for a network monitoring/security company called Solana Networks.

The 2016 Google Summer of Code (GSoC) proved to be a great success for the D Language Foundation. Not only did we have, for us, a record number of slots allotted (four) and all projects completed successfully, perhaps most important of all we attracted four excellent students who will hopefully be long time contributors to the D Language and its community. This report serves as a review for the community of our GSoC efforts this past summer, and tries to identify some ways we can make 2017 an equal, or better, success.


Back in 2011 and 2012, Digital Mars applied to participate in, and was accepted to, Google Summer of Code. In each of those years we were awarded three slots and had successful projects. Additionally, a number of long time D contributors, including David Nadlinger, Alex Bothe, and Dmitry Olshansky, were involved as students. Sadly, in the succeeding two years we were not awarded any slots. After 2014’s unsuccessful bid, Andrei asked on the forums if anyone wanted to take the lead for the 2015 GSoC, as he had too many things on his plate. This is when I decided to volunteer for the job.

I prepared for the 2015 GSoC and worked on getting some solid items for our Ideas page. I even prepared what I thought was a beautifully typeset document in LaTeX for our final submission. Needless to say, I was very disappointed when I had to copy/paste each section into the simple web form that Google provided for submissions. Sadly, that year we were rejected once more, though I felt our list of ideas was solid.

We applied again in 2016 for the first time as The D Language Foundation. Again, the community contributed lots of solid suggestions for the Ideas page and we were accepted for the first time in four years. I think that perhaps getting accepted involves a bit of luck, as our ideas were similar to, or repeated from, those that were not accepted in 2015. However, more effort was put into polishing up the page, so perhaps that helped.

The Selection Process

Once we were accepted as a mentoring organization, the process of receiving student proposals began. We received interest from a large number of students from all over the world (about 35). In the end, a total of 23 proposals were officially submitted, ranging from very short–obviously last minute–pieces, to several excellent efforts, including Sebastian Wilzbach’s 20-page document.

Our selection process was, I felt, very rigorous. We had seven of our potential admins/mentors screen the initial proposals. This involved reading all 23 proposals, which was a significant amount of work. From this initial screening we identified eight students/proposals that we thought could become successful projects. We then had all mentors individually rank each of the shortlisted proposals, another significant time commitment on their part.

Finally, interviews were arranged with all eight students. In most cases, two mentors interviewed each student, and the interviews were fairly intense, job-style interviews that involved coding exercises. A number of our mentors were involved in this process, but I think Amaury Sechet interviewed all of the students. It is no small feat to arrange and then conduct interviews with students in so many different time zones, so a huge thanks to all the mentors, but Amaury in particular. Those involved in the screening/interview process included Andrei Alexandrescu, Ilya Yaroshenko, Adam Ruppe, Adam Wilson, Dragos Carp, Russel Winder, Robert Schadek, Amaury, and myself.

Awarding of Slots

The next step for our organization was to decide how many slots we would request from Google. I really had no idea what to expect, but I was hoping we might get two slots awarded to us, as there were many good organizations vying for a limited number of slots. We felt that most of the short-listed projects could have been successful, but decided to not be too greedy and requested just four slots. As it turned out, perhaps we should have asked for more; we were awarded all four. We then selected our top four ranked students from the interview process. They were, in no particular order:

  • Sebastian Wilzbach: Science for D – a non-uniform RNG (Ilya Yaroshenko mentor)
  • Lodovico Giaretta: Phobos: std.xml (Robert Schadek mentor)
  • Wojciech Szeszol: Improvements to DStep (Russel Winder mentor)
  • Jeremy DeHaan: Precise Garbage Collector (Adam Wilson mentor)

Summer of Code

Once the projects were awarded, I must say that most of my work was done. From there on the mentors and students got down to work. I tried to keep tabs on progress and asked for regular updates from both the mentors and the students. These were, in most cases, promptly provided.

While there were some challenges, and a few projects had to be modified slightly in some instances, everyone progressed steadily throughout the summer, so there were no emergencies to deal with. All of our students passed their mid-term evaluations and by the end of the summer all four projects were completed (although Jeremy has some on-going work on his precise GC). As a result, everyone got paid and, I presume, everyone was happy.

In addition to our original mentors, thanks are due to Jacob Carlborg (DStep) and Joseph Rushton Wakeling (RNG) for providing additional expertise.

Mentor Summit

Google offered money for students to attend academic conferences and present results based on their GSoC work. Google also offered to pay travel costs for two mentors to travel to the mentor summit in California. Regrettably, none of our students had the time to take advantage of the conference money, but Robert Schadek was able to attend the Mentor Summit from Oct 28th to 30th in Sunnyvale, California. There he was able mingle with, and learn from, mentors from the other organizations that participated.

Looking Forward

It is hard to believe, but the process starts all over again in a few short months. The success of this past year will create expectations for 2017, and I hope that we can replicate that success. A number of lessons were learned from this past year that we can carry forward into the next round. So in this section, I will try to distill some of what we learned to help guide our efforts in the coming year.

The Ideas Page and Advertising

Most of the work of identifying projects was carried out through the D Forums, with the odd email to past mentors. This was generally successful, but a number of proposals from previous years ended up being recycled. While it may be inevitable, it seemed that many of the proposal ideas were added at the last minute. Since a number of our best ideas from the 2016 page are now completed projects, we will need to replenish the Ideas page for 2017.

  1. We should post a PDF version of one of the successful proposals on our Ideas page to give students an example of what we expect. Although it was excellent, we likely shouldn’t use Sebastian Wilzbach’s treatise, as that may scare some people off.
  2. Try to get a decent set of solid proposals with committed mentors earlier in the process. In 2016 a number of the mentors were signed up at the last minute. The earlier the proposals are posted the more time we have to polish them and make them look more attractive.

Interview and Selection Process

The selection process went well, but was a lot of work. Having input from a number of different mentors/individuals was invaluable.

  1. Streamline the selection process, but reuse much of what was done last year. Having a rigorous selection process was a key contributor to 2016’s success.
  2. Start the interview portion of the selection process earlier so that we have more time to set up and carry out the interviews.

Project Progress and Mentoring

Much of the success of an individual project involves having a good relationship and work plan between the student and mentor. From this perspective, the organization isn’t heavily involved. Since all of our students worked well with their mentors, even less organizational administration was required. This is a byproduct of good screening and a solid set of ideas, and being fortunate enough to get good students.

However, there are areas where we could have run things a bit better. Students and mentors were asked to regularly provide updates on their progress, and they generally did this well, but there was no formal reporting process. Also, it would be worthwhile to have a centralized collection of project timelines/milestones where administrators and others involved in the projects (we had a few individuals working in advisory roles) can keep an eye on project progress.


  1. We should keep a centralized version of project timelines somewhere (ie. Google Docs Spreadsheet) where we can check on project milestones. This should be shared with all individuals involved in a project (student/mentors/advisors/admins).
  2. Have a more formalized process for students and mentors reporting on their progress. This would involve weekly student updates and biweekly mentor updates.


The 2016 GSoC was a great success, and with any luck will be a good foundation for our successful participation in the year to come. We were fortunate that everything seemed to fall nicely into place, from our being awarded all four projects, to having all of our students complete their projects. Perhaps Sebastian, Lodovico, Wojciech or Jeremy will be involved again as students (or even mentors), and in any case continue to contribute to the D Language.

Happy New Year from the D Language Foundation

Ali Çehreli uses D professionally at, is the author of Programming in D, and is frequently found in the D Learn forum with ready answers to questions on using the language. He also is an officer of the D Language Foundation.

Happy 2017!

2016 was filled with many great things happening for the D community:

All of that was achieved by you through your direct contributions or the donations that you’ve made.

We look forward to another great year filled with many cool things happening in the D world. We can’t wait to see your work on D in 2017, some of which we hope to hear about at DConf 2017. 😀

Big Performance Improvement for std.regex

Dmitry Olshansky has been a frequent contributor to the D programming language. Perhaps his best known work is his overhaul of the std.regex module, which he architected as part of Google Summer of Code 2011. In this post, he describes an algorithmic optimization he implemented this past summer that resulted in a big performance win.

Optimizing std.regex has been my favorite pastime, but it has gotten harder over the years. It eventually became clear that micro-optimizing the engine’s state copy routine, or trying to avoid that extra write, wasn’t going to cut it anymore. To move further, I needed a new algorithmic improvement. This is how the so-called “Bit-NFA” came to be implemented. Developed in May of this year, it has come a long way to land in the main repository.

Before going into details, a short overview of the engine is called for. A user-specified pattern given to the engine first goes through a compilation process, where it gets transformed into a bytecode program, along with a bunch of lookup tables and auxiliary data-structures. Bytecode implies a VM, not unlike, say, the Java VM, but far simpler and more specific. In fact, there are two of them in std.regex, one that evaluates execution of threads in a backtracking manner and another one which evaluates all threads in lock-step, resolving any duplicates along the way.

Now, running a full blown VM, even a tiny one, on each character of input doesn’t sound all that high-performance. That’s why there is an extra trick, a kickstart engine (it should probably be called a “sidekick engine”), which is a dumb approximation of the full engine. It is run over the input first. When it spots something that looks like a match, the full engine is run to check it. The only requirement is that it can have no false negatives. That is, it has to detect as positive all matches of the regex pattern. This kickstart engine is the central piece of today’s post.

Historically, I intended for there to be a lot of different kickstart engines, ranging from a simple ‘memchr the first byte of the pattern’ to a Boyer-Moore search on the prefix of a pattern. But during the gory days of GSOC 2011, a simple solution came first and out-shadowed all others: the Shift Or algorithm.

Basically, it is an NFA (Nondeterministic Finite Automation), where each state is a bit in a word. Shifting this word advances all the states. Masking removes those that don’t match the current character. Importantly, shifting also places 0 as the first bit, indicating the active state.

With these two insights, the whole process of searching for a string becomes shifting + OR-masking the bits. The last point is checking for the successful match – one of the bits is in the finish state.

Looking at this marvelous construction, it’s tempting to try and overcome its limitation – the straight-forward execution of states. So let’s introduce some control flow by denoting some bits as jumps. To carry out a jump, we just need to map every combination of jump bits to the mask of the resulting positions. A basic hashmap could serve us well in this regard. Then the cycle becomes:

  1. Shift the word
  2. Capture control flow bits
  3. Lookup control flow table
  4. Mask AND with control flow bits
  5. Check for finish state(s) bits
  6. Mask OR with match filter table

In the end, we execute the whole engine with nothing more than a hash-map lookup, a table lookup, and a bit of bitwise operations. This is the essence of what I call the Bit-NFA engine.

Of course, there are some tricky bits, such as properly mapping bytecodes to bits. Then there comes Unicode.. oh gosh. The trick to Unicode, though, is having a fast path for ASCII < 0x80 and the rest. For ASCII, we just go with a simple table. Unicode is a two-staged variation of it. Two-staging the table let’s us coalesce identical pages, saving space for the whole 21 bits of the code point range.

Overall, the picture really is worth a thousand words. Here is how the new kickstart engine stacks up.

This now only leaves us to optimize the VMs further. The proven technique is JIT-ing the bytecode and is what top engines are doing. Still, I’m glad there are notable tricks to speed up regex execution in general without pulling out this heavy handed weapon.

GSoC Report: std.experimental.xml

Lodovico Giaretta is currently pursuing a Bachelor Degree in Computer Science at the University of Trento, Italy. He participated in Google Summer of Code 2016, working on a new XML module for D’s standard library, Phobos.

GSoC-icon-192I started coding in high school with Pascal. I immediately fell in love with programming, so I started studying it by myself and learned both Java and C++. But when I was using Java, I was missing the powerful metaprogramming facilities and the low level features of C++. When I was using C++, I was missing the simplicity and usability of Java. So I started looking for a language that “filled the gap” between these two worlds. After looking into many languages, I finally found D. Despite being more geared towards C++, D provides a very high level of productivity, as correct code is easier to read and write. As an example, I was programming in D for several months before I was bitten by a segfault for the first time. It easily became one of my favorite languages.

The apparent lack of libraries, my lack of time, and the need to use other languages for university projects made me forget D for some time, at least until someone told me about Google Summer of Code. When I discovered that the D Foundation was participating, I immediately decided to take part and found that there was the need for a new XML library. So I contacted Craig Dillabaugh and Robert Schadek and started to plan my adventure. I want to take this occasion to thank them for their great continuous support, and the entire community for their feedback and help.

This was my first public codebase and my first contribution to a big open source project, so I didn’t really know anything about project management. The advice about this field from my mentor Robert has been fundamental for my success; he helped me improve my workflow, keep my efforts focused towards the goal, and set up correctness tests and performance benchmarks. Without his help, I would never have been able to reach this point.

The first thing to do when writing a library is to pick a set of principles that will guide development. This choice is what will give the library its peculiar shape, and by having a look around one finds that there are XML libraries that want to be minimal in terms of codebase size, or very small in terms of binary size, or fully featured and 101% adherent to the specification. For std.experimental.xml, I decided to focus on genericity and extensibility. The processing is divided in many small, quite simple stages with well-defined interfaces implemented by templated components. The result is a pipeline that is fully customizable; you can add or substitute components anywhere, and add custom validation steps and custom error handlers.

From an XML library, a programmer expects different high level constructs: a SAX parser, a DOM parser, a DOM writer and maybe some extensions like XPath. He also expects to be able to process different kinds of input and, for std.experimental.xml, to “hack in” his own logic in the process. This requires a simple, yet very flexible, intermediate representation, which is produced by the parsing stage and can be easily manipulated, validated, and transformed into whatever high-level construct is needed. For this, I chose a concept called Cursor, a pointer inside an XML document, which can be queried for properties of a given XML node or advanced to a subsequent one. It’s akin to Java’s StAX (Streaming API for XML), from which I took inspiration. In std.experimental.xml, all validations and transformations are implemented as chains of Cursors, which are then usually processed by a SAX parser or a DOM builder, but can also be used directly in user code, providing more control and speed.

Talking about speed, which in XML processing can be very important, I have to admit that I didn’t spend much time on optimization, leaving a lot of space for future performance improvements. Yet, the library is fast enough to guarantee that, for big files (where performance matters), an SSD (Solid State Drive) is needed to move the bottleneck from the fetching to the processing of the data. Being this is an extensible and configurable library, the user can choose his tradeoffs with fine granularity, trading input validation and higher level constructs for speed at will.

To conclude, the GSoC is finished, but the library is not. Although most parts are there, some bits are still missing. As a new university semester has started, time is becoming a rare and valuable resource, but I’ll do my best to finish the work in a short time so that Phobos can finally have a modern XML library to be proud of. I also have a plan to add more advanced functionality, like XML Schemas and XPath, but I don’t know when I’ll manage to work on that, as it is quite a lot to do.