Category Archives: The Language

Go Your Own Way (Part Two: The Heap)

This post is part of an ongoing series on garbage collection in the D Programming Language, and the second of two regarding the allocation of memory outside of the GC. Part One discusses stack allocation. Here, we’ll look at allocating memory from the non-GC heap.

Although this is only my fourth post in the series, it’s the third in which I talk about ways to avoid the GC. Lest anyone jump to the wrong conclusion, that fact does not signify an intent to warn programmers away from the D garbage collector. Quite the contrary. Knowing how and when to avoid the GC is integral to understanding how to efficiently embrace it.

To hammer home a repeated point, efficient garbage collection requires reducing stress on the GC. As highlighted in the first and subsequent posts in this series, that doesn’t necessarily mean avoiding it completely. It means being judicious in how often and how much GC memory is allocated. Fewer GC allocations means fewer opportunities for a collection to trigger. Less total memory allocated from the GC heap means less total memory to scan.

It’s impossible to make any accurate, generalized statement about what sort of applications may or may not feel an impact from the GC; such is highly application specific. What can be said is that it may not be necessary for many applications to temporarily avoid or disable the GC, but when it is, it’s important to know how. Allocating from the stack is an obvious approach, but D also allows allocating from the non-GC heap.

The ubiquitous C

For better or worse, C is everywhere. Any software written today, no matter the source language, is probably interacting with a C API at some level. Despite the C specification defining no standard ABI, its platform-specific quirks and differences are understood well enough that most languages know how to interface with it. D is no exception. In fact, all D programs have access to the C standard library by default.

The core.stdc package, part of DRuntime, is a collection of D modules translated from C standard library headers. When a D executable is linked, the C standard library is linked along with it. All that need be done to gain access is to import the appropriate modules.

import core.stdc.stdio : puts;
void main() 
    puts("Hello C standard library.");

Some who are new to D may be laboring under a misunderstanding that functions which call into C require an extern(C) annotation, or, after Walter’s Bright’s recent ‘D as a Better C’ article, must be compiled with -betterC on the command line. Neither is true. Normal D functions can call into C without any special effort beyond the presence of an extern(C) declaration of the function being called. In the snippet above, the declaration of puts is in the core.stdc.stdio module, and that’s all we need to call it.

malloc and friends

Given that we have access to C’s standard library in D, we therefore have access to the functions malloc, calloc, realloc and free. All of these can be made available by importing core.stdc.stdlib. And thanks to D’s slicing magic, using these functions as the foundation of a non-GC memory management strategy is a breeze.

import core.stdc.stdlib;
void main() 
    enum totalInts = 10;
    // Allocate memory for 10 ints
    int* intPtr = cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * totalInts);

    // assert(0) (and assert(false)) will always remain in the binary,
    // even when asserts are disabled, which makes it nice for handling
    // malloc failures    
    if(!intPtr) assert(0, "Out of memory!");

    // Free when the function exits. Not necessary for this example, but
    // a potentially useful strategy for temporary allocations in functions 
    // other than main.
    scope(exit) free(intPtr);

    // Slice the D pointer to get a more manageable length/pointer pair.
    int[] intArray = intPtr[0 .. totalInts];

Not only does this bypass the GC, it also bypasses D’s default initialization. A GC-allocated array of type T would have all of its elements initialized to T.init, which is 0 for int. If mimicking D’s default initialization is the desired behavior, more work needs to be done. In this example, we could replace malloc with calloc for the same effect, but that would only be correct for integrals. float.init, for example, is float.nan rather than 0.0f. We’ll come back to this later in the article.

Of course, it would be more idiomatic to wrap both malloc and free and work with slices of memory. A minimal example:

import core.stdc.stdlib;

// Allocate a block of untyped bytes that can be managed
// as a slice.
void[] allocate(size_t size)
    // malloc(0) is implementation defined (might return null 
    // or an address), but is almost certainly not what we want.
    assert(size != 0);

    void* ptr = malloc(size);
    if(!ptr) assert(0, "Out of memory!");
    // Return a slice of the pointer so that the address is coupled
    // with the size of the memory block.
    return ptr[0 .. size];

T[] allocArray(T)(size_t count) 
    // Make sure to account for the size of the
    // array element type!
    return cast(T[])allocate(T.sizeof * count); 

// Two versions of deallocate for convenience
void deallocate(void* ptr)
    // free handles null pointers fine.

void deallocate(void[] mem) 

void main() {
    import std.stdio : writeln;
    int[] ints = allocArray!int(10);
    scope(exit) deallocate(ints);
    foreach(i; 0 .. 10) {
        ints[i] = i;

    foreach(i; ints[]) {

allocate returns void[] rather than void* because it carries with it the number of allocated bytes in its length property. In this case, since we’re allocating an array, we could instead rewrite allocArray to slice the returned pointer immediately, but anyone calling allocate directly would still have to take into account the size of the memory. The disassociation between arrays and their length in C is a major source of bugs, so the sooner we can associate them the better. Toss in some templates for calloc and realloc and you’ve got the foundation of a memory manager based on the C heap.

On a side note, the preceding three snippets (yes, even the one with the allocArray template) work with and without -betterC. But from here on out, we’ll restrict ourselves to features in normal D code.

Avoid leaking like a sieve

When working directly with slices of memory allocated outside of the GC heap, be careful about appending, concatenating, and resizing. By default, the append (~=) and concatenate (~) operators on built-in dynamic arrays and slices will allocate from the GC heap. Concatenation will always allocate a new memory block for the combined string. Normally, the append operator will allocate to expand the backing memory only when it needs to. As the following example demonstrates, it always needs to when it’s given a slice of non-GC memory.

import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;
import std.stdio : writeln;

void main()
    int[] ints = (cast(int*)malloc(int.sizeof * 10))[0 .. 10];
    writeln("Capacity: ", ints.capacity);

    // Save the array pointer for comparison
    int* ptr = ints.ptr;
    ints ~= 22;
    writeln(ptr == ints.ptr);

This should print the following:

Capacity: 0

A capacity of 0 on a slice indicates that the next append will trigger an allocation. Arrays allocated from the GC heap normally have space for extra elements beyond what was requested, meaning some appending can occur without triggering a new allocation. It’s more like a property of the memory backing the array rather than of the array itself. Memory allocated from the GC does some internal bookkeeping to keep track of how many elements the memory block can hold so that it knows at any given time if a new allocation is needed. Here, because the memory for ints was not allocated by the GC, none of that bookkeeping is being done by the runtime on the existing memory block, so it must allocate on the next append (see Steven Schveighoffer’s ’D Slices article for more info).

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing when it’s the desired behavior, but anyone who’s not prepared for it can easily run into ballooning memory usage thanks to leaks from malloced memory never being deallocated. Consider these two functions:

void leaker(ref int[] arr)
    arr ~= 10;

void cleaner(int[] arr)
    arr ~= 10;

Although arrays are reference types, meaning that modifying existing elements of an array argument inside a function will modify the elements in the original array, they are passed by value as function parameters. Any activity that modifies the structure of an array argument, i.e. its length and ptr properties, only affects the local variable inside the function. The original will remain unchanged unless the array is passed by reference.

So if an array backed by the C heap is passed to leaker, the append will cause a new array to be allocated from the GC heap. Worse, if free is subsequently called on the ptr property of the original array, which now points into the GC heap rather than the C heap, we’re in undefined behavior territory. cleaner, on the other hand, is fine. Any array passed into it will remain unchanged. Internally, the GC will allocate, but the ptr property of the original array still points to the original memory block.

As long as the original array isn’t overwritten or allowed to go out of scope, this is a non-issue. Functions like cleaner can do what they want with their local slice and things will be fine externally. Otherwise, if the original array is to be discarded, you can prevent all of this by tagging functions that you control with @nogc. Where that’s either not possible or not desirable, then either a copy of the pointer to the original malloced memory must be kept and freeed at some point after the reallocation takes place, custom appending and concatenation needs to be implemented, or the allocation strategy needs to be reevaluated.

Note that std.container.array contains an Array type that does not rely on the GC and may be preferable over managing all of this manually.

Other APIs

The C standard library isn’t the only game in town for heap allocations. A number of alternative malloc implementations exist and any of those can be used instead. This requires manually compiling the source and linking with the resultant objects, but that’s not an onerous task. Heap memory can also be allocated through system APIs, like the Win32 HeapAlloc function on Windows (available by importing As long as there’s a way to get a pointer to a block of heap memory, it can be sliced and manipulated in a D program in place of a block of GC memory.

Aggregate types

If we only had to worry about allocating arrays in D, then we could jump straight on to the next section. However, we also need to concern ourselves with struct and class types. For this discussion, however, we will only focus on the former. The next couple of posts in the series will focus exclusively on classes.

Allocating an array of struct types, or a single instance of one, is often no different than when the type is int.

struct Point { int x, y; }
Point* onePoint = cast(Point*)malloc(Point.sizeof);
Point* tenPoints = cast(Point*)malloc(Point.sizeof * 10);

Where things break down is when contructors enter the mix. malloc and friends know nothing about constructing D object instances. Thankfully, Phobos provides us with a function template that does.

std.conv.emplace can take either a pointer to typed memory or an untyped void[], along with an optional number of arguments, and return a pointer to a single, fully initialized and constructed instance of that type. This example shows how to do so using both malloc and the allocate function template from above:

struct Vertex4f 
    float x, y, z, w; 
    this(float x, float y, float z, float w = 1.0f)
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.z = z;
        this.w = w;

void main()
    import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;
    import std.conv : emplace;
    import std.stdio : writeln;
    Vertex4f* temp1 = cast(Vertex4f*)malloc(Vertex4f.sizeof);
    Vertex4f* vert1 = emplace(temp1, 4.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f); 

    void[] temp2 = allocate(Vertex4f.sizeof);
    Vertex4f* vert2 = emplace!Vertex4f(temp2, 10.0f, 9.0f, 8.0f);

Another feature of emplace is that it also handles default initialization. Consider that struct types in D need not implement constructors. Here’s what happens when we change the implementation of Vertex4f to remove the constructor:

struct Vertex4f 
    // x, y, z are default inited to float.nan
    float x, y, z;

    // w is default inited to 1.0f
    float w = 1.0f;

void main()
    import core.stdc.stdlib : malloc;
    import std.conv : emplace;
    import std.stdio : writeln;

    Vertex4f vert1, vert2 = Vertex4f(4.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f);
    auto vert3 = emplace!Vertex4f(allocate(Vertex4f.sizeof));
    auto vert4 = emplace!Vertex4f(allocate(Vertex4f.sizeof), 4.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f);

This prints the following:

Vertex4f(nan, nan, nan, 1)
Vertex4f(4, 3, 2, 1)
Vertex4f(nan, nan, nan, 1)
Vertex4f(4, 3, 2, 1)

So emplace allows heap-allocated struct instances to be initialized in the same manner as stack allocated struct instances, with or without a constructor. It also works with the built-in types like int and float. Just always remember that emplace is intended to initialize and construct a single instance, not an array of instances.

If the aggregate type has a destructor, it should be invoked before its memory is deallocated. This can be achieved with the destroy function (always available through the implicit import of std.object).


The entirety of the text above describes the fundamental building blocks of a custom memory manager. For many use cases, it may be sufficient to forego cobbling something together by hand and instead take advantage of the D standard library’s std.experimental.allocator package. This is a high-level API that makes use of low-level techniques like those described above, along with Design by Introspection, to facilitate the assembly of different types of allocators that know how to allocate, initialize, and construct arrays and type instances. Allocators like Mallocator and GCAllocator can be used to grab chunks of memory directly, or combined with other building blocks for specialized behavior. See the emsi-containers library for a real-world example.

Keeping the GC informed

Given that it’s rarely recommended to disable the GC entirely, most D programs allocating outside the GC heap will likely also be using memory from the GC heap in the same program. In order for the GC to properly do its job, it needs to be informed of any non-GC memory that contains, or may potentially contain, references to memory from the GC heap. For example, a linked list whose nodes are allocated with malloc might contain references to classes allocated with new.

The GC can be given the news via GC.addRange.

import core.memory;
enum size = int.sizeof * 10;
void* p1 = malloc(size);
GC.addRange(p1, size);

void[] p2 = allocate!int(10);
GC.addRange(p2.ptr, p2.length);

When the memory block is no longer needed, the corresponding GC.removeRange can be called to prevent it from being scanned. This does not deallocate the memory block. That will need to be done manually via free or whatever allocator interface was used to allocate it. Be sure to read the documentation before using either function.

Given that one of the goals of allocating from outside the GC heap is to reduce the amount of memory the GC must scan, this may seem self-defeating. That’s the wrong way to look at it. If non-GC memory is going to hold references to GC memory, then it’s vital to let the GC know about it. Not doing so can cause the GC to free up memory to which a reference still exists. addRange is a tool specifically designed for that situation. If it can be guaranteed that no GC-memory references live inside a non-GC memory block, such as a malloced array of vertices, then addRange need not be called on that memory block.

A word of warning

Be careful when passing typed pointers to addRange. Because the function was implemented with the C like approach of taking a pointer to a block of memory and the number of bytes it contains, there is an opportunity for error.

struct Item { SomeClass foo; }
auto items = (cast(Item*)malloc(Item.sizeof * 10))[0 .. 10];
GC.addRange(items.ptr, items.length);

With this, the GC would be scanning a block of memory exactly ten bytes in size. The length property returns the number of elements the slice refers to. Only when the type is void (or the element type is one-byte long, like byte and ubyte) does it equate to the size of the memory block the slice refers to. The correct thing to do here is:

GC.addRange(items.ptr, items.length * Item.sizeof);

However, until DRuntime is updated with an alternative, it may be best to implement a wrapper that takes a void[] parameter.

void addRange(void[] mem) 
    import core.memory;
    GC.addRange(mem.ptr, mem.length);

Then calling addRange(items) will do the correct thing. The implicit conversion of the slice to void[] in the function call will mean that mem.length is the same as items.length * Item.sizeof.

The GC series marches on

This post has covered the very basics of using the non-GC heap in D programs. One glaring omission, in addition to class types, is what to do about destructors. I’m saving that topic for the post about classes, where it is highly relevant. That’s the next scheduled post in the GC series. Stay tuned!

Thanks to Walter Bright, Guillaume Piolat, Adam D. Ruppe, and Steven Schveighoffer for their valuable feedback on a draft of this article.

D as a Better C

Walter Bright is the BDFL of the D Programming Language and founder of Digital Mars. He has decades of experience implementing compilers and interpreters for multiple languages, including Zortech C++, the first native C++ compiler. He also created Empire, the Wargame of the Century. This post is the first in a series about D’s BetterC mode

D was designed from the ground up to interface directly and easily to C, and to a lesser extent C++. This provides access to endless C libraries, the Standard C runtime library, and of course the operating system APIs, which are usually C APIs.

But there’s much more to C than that. There are large and immensely useful programs written in C, such as the Linux operating system and a very large chunk of the programs written for it. While D programs can interface with C libraries, the reverse isn’t true. C programs cannot interface with D ones. It’s not possible (at least not without considerable effort) to compile a couple of D files and link them in to a C program. The trouble is that compiled D files refer to things that only exist in the D runtime library, and linking that in (it’s a bit large) tends to be impractical.

D code also can’t exist in a program unless D controls the main() function, which is how the startup code in the D runtime library is managed. Hence D libraries remain inaccessible to C programs, and chimera programs (a mix of C and D) are not practical. One cannot pragmatically “try out” D by add D modules to an existing C program.

That is, until Better C came along.

It’s been done before, it’s an old idea. Bjarne Stroustrup wrote a paper in 1988 entitled “A Better C“. His early C++ compiler was able to compile C code pretty much unchanged, and then one could start using C++ features here and there as they made sense, all without disturbing the existing investment in C. This was a brilliant strategy, and drove the early success of C++.

A more modern example is Kotlin, which uses a different method. Kotlin syntax is not compatible with Java, but it is fully interoperable with Java, relies on the existing Java libraries, and allows a gradual migration of Java code to Kotlin. Kotlin is indeed a “Better Java”, and this shows in its success.

D as Better C

D takes a radically different approach to making a better C. It is not an extension of C, it is not a superset of C, and does not bring along C’s longstanding issues (such as the preprocessor, array overflows, etc.). D’s solution is to subset the D language, removing or altering features that require the D startup code and runtime library. This is, simply, the charter of the -betterC compiler switch.

Doesn’t removing things from D make it no longer D? That’s a hard question to answer, and it’s really a matter of individual preference. The vast bulk of the core language remains. Certainly the D characteristics that are analogous to C remain. The result is a language somewhere in between C and D, but that is fully upward compatible with D.

Removed Things

Most obviously, the garbage collector is removed, along with the features that depend on the garbage collector. Memory can still be allocated the same way as in C – using malloc() or some custom allocator.

Although C++ classes and COM classes will still work, D polymorphic classes will not, as they rely on the garbage collector.

Exceptions, typeid, static construction/destruction, RAII, and unittests are removed. But it is possible we can find ways to add them back in.

Asserts are altered to call the C runtime library assert fail functions rather than the D runtime library ones.

(This isn’t a complete list, for that see

Retained Things

More importantly, what remains?

What may be initially most important to C programmers is memory safety in the form of array overflow checking, no more stray pointers into expired stack frames, and guaranteed initialization of locals. This is followed by what is expected in a modern language — modules, function overloading, constructors, member functions, Unicode, nested functions, dynamic closures, Compile Time Function Execution, automated documentation generation, highly advanced metaprogramming, and Design by Introspection.


Consider a C program:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    printf("hello world\n");
    return 0;

It compiles to:

push EAX
mov [ESP],offset FLAT:_DATA
call near ptr _printf
pop ECX

The executable size is 23,068 bytes.

Translate it to D:

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C) int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    printf("hello world\n");
    return 0;

The executable size is the same, 23,068 bytes. This is unsurprising because the C compiler and D compiler generate the same code, as they share the same code generator. (The equivalent full D program would clock in at 194Kb.) In other words, nothing extra is paid for using D rather than C for the same code.

The Hello World program is a little too trivial. Let’s step up in complexity to the infamous sieve benchmark program:

#include <stdio.h>

/* Eratosthenes Sieve prime number calculation. */

#define true    1
#define false   0
#define size    8190
#define sizepl  8191

char flags[sizepl];

int main() {
    int i, prime, k, count, iter;

    printf ("10 iterations\n");
    for (iter = 1; iter <= 10; iter++) {
        count = 0;
        for (i = 0; i <= size; i++)
            flags[i] = true;
        for (i = 0; i <= size; i++) {
            if (flags[i]) {
                prime = i + i + 3;
                k = i + prime;
                while (k <= size) {
                    flags[k] = false;
                    k += prime;
                count += 1;
    printf ("\n%d primes", count);
    return 0;

Rewriting it in Better C:

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C):

__gshared bool[8191] flags;

int main() {
    int count;

    printf("10 iterations\n");
    foreach (iter; 1 .. 11) {
        count = 0;
        flags[] = true;
        foreach (i; 0 .. flags.length) {
            if (flags[i]) {
                const prime = i + i + 3;
                auto k = i + prime;
                while (k < flags.length) {
                    flags[k] = false;
                    k += prime;
                count += 1;
    printf("%d primes\n", count);
    return 0;

It looks much the same, but some things are worthy of note:

  • extern (C): means use the C calling convention.
  • D normally puts static data into thread local storage. C sticks them in global storage. __gshared accomplishes that.
  • foreach is a simpler way of doing for loops over known endpoints.
  • flags[] = true; sets all the elements in flags to true in one go.
  • Using const tells the reader that prime never changes once it is initialized.
  • The types of iter, i, prime and k are inferred, preventing inadvertent type coercion errors.
  • The number of elements in flags is given by flags.length, not some independent variable.

And the last item leads to a very important hidden advantage: accesses to the flags array are bounds checked. No more overflow errors! We didn’t have to do anything
in particular to get that, either.

This is only the beginning of how D as Better C can improve the expressivity, readability, and safety of your existing C programs. For example, D has nested functions, which in my experience work very well at prying goto’s from my cold, dead fingers.

On a more personal note, ever since -betterC started working, I’ve been converting many of my old C programs still in use into D, one function at a time. Doing it one function at a time, and running the test suite after each change, keeps the program in a correctly working state at all times. If the program doesn’t work, I only have one function to look at to see where it went wrong. I don’t particularly care to maintain C programs anymore, and with -betterC there’s no longer any reason to.

The Better C ability of D is available in the 2.076.0 beta: download it and read the changelog.

Don’t Fear the Reaper

D, like many other programming languages in active use today, comes with a garbage collector out of the box. There are many types of software that can be written without worrying at all about the GC, taking full advantage of its benefits. But the GC does have drawbacks, and there are certainly scenarios in which garbage collection is undesirable. For those situations, the language provides the means to temporarily disable it, or even avoid it completely.

In order to maximize the positive impacts of garbage collection and minimize any negative, it’s necessary to have a good grounding in how the GC works in D. A good place to start is the Garbage Collection page at, which outlines the rationale for D’s GC and provides some tips on working with it. This post is the first in a series intended to expand on the information provided on that page.

This time, we’ll look at the very basics, focusing on the language features that can trigger GC allocations. Future posts will introduce ways to disable the GC when necessary, as well as idioms useful in dealing with its nondeterministic nature (e.g. managing resources in the destructors of GC-managed objects).

The first thing to understand about D’s garbage collector is that it only runs during allocation, and only if there is no memory available to allocate. It isn’t sitting in the background, periodically scanning the heap and collecting garbage. This knowledge is fundamental to writing code that makes efficient use of GC-managed memory. Take the following example:

void main() {
    int[] ints;
    foreach(i; 0..100) {
        ints ~= i;

This declares a dynamic array of int, then uses D’s append operator to append the numbers 0 to 99 in a foreach range loop. What isn’t obvious to the untrained eye is that the append operator makes use of the GC heap to allocate space for the values it adds to the array.

DRuntime’s array implementation isn’t a dumb one. In the example, there aren’t going to be one hundred allocations, one for each value. When more memory is needed, the implementation will allocate more space than is requested. In this particular case, it’s possible to determine how many allocations are actually made by making use of the capacity property of D’s dynamic arrays and slices. This returns the total number of elements the array can hold before an allocation is necessary.

void main() {
    import std.stdio : writefln;
    int[] ints;
    size_t before, after;
    foreach(i; 0..100) {
        before = ints.capacity;
        ints ~= i;
        after = ints.capacity;
        if(before != after) {
            writefln("Before: %s After: %s",
                before, after);

Executing this when compiled with DMD 2.073.2 shows the message is printed six times, meaning there were six total GC allocations in the loop. That means there were six opportunities for the GC to collect garbage. In this small example, it almost certainly didn’t. If this loop were part of a larger program, with GC allocations throughout, it very well might.

On a side note, it’s informative to examine the values of before and after. Doing so shows a sequence of 0, 3, 7, 15, 31, 63, and 127. So by the end, ints contains 100 values and has space for appending 27 more before the next allocation, which, extrapolating from the values in the sequence, should be 255. That’s an implementation detail of DRuntime, though, and could be tweaked or changed in any release. For more details on how arrays and slices are managed by the GC, take a look at Steven Schveighoffer’s excellent article on the topic.

So, six allocations, six opportunities for the GC to initiate one of its pauses of unpredictable length even in that simple little loop. In the general case, that could become an issue depending on if the loop is in a hot part of code and how much total memory is allocated from the GC heap. But even then, it’s not necessarily a reason to disable the GC in that part of the code.

Even with languages that don’t come with a stock GC out of the box, like C and C++, most programmers learn at some point that it’s better for overall performance to allocate as much as possible up front and minimize allocations in the inner loops. It’s one of the many types of premature optimization that are not actually the root of all evil, something we tend to call best practice. Given that D’s GC only runs when memory is allocated, the same strategy can be applied as a simple way to mitigate any potential impact it could have on performance. Here’s one way to rewrite the example:

void main() {
    int[] ints = new int[](100);
    foreach(i; 0..100) {
        ints[i] = i;

Now we’ve gone from six allocations down to one. The only opportunity the GC has to run is before the inner loop. This actually allocates space for at least 100 values and initializes them all to 0 before entering the loop. The array will have a length of 100 after new, but will almost certainly have additional capacity.

There’s an alternative to new for arrays: the reserve function:

void main() {
    int[] ints;
    foreach(i; 0..100) {
        ints ~= i;

This allocates memory for at least 100 values, but the array is still empty (its length property will return 0) when it returns, so nothing is default initialized. Given that the loop only appends 100 values, it’s guaranteed not to allocate.

In addition to new and reserve, it’s possible to call GC.malloc directly for explicit allocation.

import core.memory;
void* intsPtr = GC.malloc(int.sizeof * 100);
auto ints = (cast(int*)intsPtr)[0 .. 100];

Array literals will usually allocate.

auto ints = [0, 1, 2];

This is also true when an array literal enum is used.

enum intsLiteral = [0, 1, 2];
auto ints1 = intsLiteral;
auto ints2 = intsLiteral;

An enum exists only at compile time and has no memory address. Its name is a synonym for its value. Everywhere you use one, it’s like copying and pasting its value in place of its name. Both ints1 and ints2 trigger allocations exactly as if they were declared like so:

auto ints1 = [0, 1, 2];
auto ints2 = [0, 1, 2];

Array literals do not allocate when the target is a static array. Also, string literals (strings in D are arrays under the hood) are an exception to the rule.

int[3] noAlloc1 = [0, 1, 2];
auto noAlloc2 = "No Allocation!";

The concatenate operator will always allocate:

auto a1 = [0, 1, 2];
auto a2 = [3, 4, 5];
auto a3 = a1 ~ a2;

D’s associative arrays have their own allocation strategy, but you can expect them to allocate when items are added and potentially when removed. They also expose two properties, keys and values, which both allocate arrays and fill them with copies of the respective items. When its desirable to modify the underlying associative array during iteration, or when the items need to be sorted or otherwise manipulated independently of the associative array, these properties are just what the doctor ordered. Otherwise, they’re needless allocations that put undue pressure on the GC.

When the GC does run, the total amount of memory it needs to scan is going to determine how long it takes. The smaller, the better. Avoiding unnecessary allocations isn’t going to hurt anyone and is another good mitigation strategy. D’s associative arrays provide three properties that help do just that: byKey, byValue, and byKeyValue. These each return forward ranges that can be iterated lazily. They do not allocate because they actually refer to the items in the associative array, so it should not be modified while iterating them. For more on ranges, see the chapters titled Ranges and More Ranges in Ali Çehreli’s Programming in D.

Closures, which are delegates or function literals that need to carry around a pointer to the local stack frame, may also allocate. The last allocating language feature listed on the Garbage Collection page is the assertion. An assertion will allocate when it fails because it needs to throw an AssertError, which is part of D’s class-based exception hierarchy (we’ll look at how classes interact with the GC in a future post).

Then there’s Phobos, D’s standard library. Once upon a time, much of Phobos was implemented with little concern for GC allocations, making it difficult to use in situations where they were undesirable. However, a massive effort was initiated
to make it more conservative in its GC usage. Some functions were made to work with lazy ranges, others were rewritten to take buffers supplied by the caller, and some were reimplemented to avoid unnecessary allocations internally. The result is a standard library more amenable to GC-free code (though there are still probably some corners of the library that have not yet been renovated — PRs welcome).

Now that we’ve seen the basics of using the GC, the next post in this series looks at the tools the language and the compiler provide for turning the GC off and making sure specific sections of code are GC-free.

Thanks to Guillaume Piolat and Steven Schveighoffer for their help with this article.

Editable and Runnable Doc Examples on

Sebastian Wilzbach was a GSoC student for the D Language Foundation in 2016 and has since become a regular contributor to Phobos, D’s standard library, and

This article explains the steps that were needed to have editable and runnable examples in the documentation on First, let’s begin with the building blocks.

Unit testing in D

One of D’s coolest features is its unittest block, which allows the insertion of testable code anywhere in a program. It has become idiomatic for a function to be followed directly by its tests. For example, let’s consider a simple function add which is accompanied by two tests:

auto add(int a, int b)
    return a + b;

    assert(2.add(2) == 4);
    assert(3.add(4) == 7);

By default, all unittest blocks will be ignored by the compiler. Specifying -unittest on the compiler’s command line will cause the unit tests to be included in the compiled binary. Combined with -main, tests in D can be directly executed with:

rdmd -main -unittest add.d

If a unittest block is annotated with embedded documentation, a D documentation generator can also display the tests as examples in the generated documentation. The DMD compiler ships with a built-in documentation generator (DDoc), which can be run with the -D flag, so executing:

dmd -D -main add.d

would yield the documentation of the add function above with its tests displayed as examples, as demonstrated here:

Please note that the documentation on is generated with DDoc. However, in case you don’t like DDoc, there are several other options.

Executing code on the web

Frequent readers of the D Blog might remember Damian Ziemba’s DPaste – an online compiler for the D Programming language. In 2012, he made the examples on the front page of D’s website runnable via his service. Back in those old days, the website of the D Programming language looked like this:

As a matter of fact, until 2015, communication with DPaste was done in XML.

Putting things together

So D has a unit test system that allows placing executable unit tests next to the functions they test, the tests can also be rendered as examples in the generated documentation, and there exists a service, in the form of DPaste, that allows D code to be executed on the web. The only thing missing was to link them together to produce interactive documentation for a compiled language.

There was one big caveat that needed to be addressed before that could happen. While D’s test suite, which is run on ten different build machines, ensures that all unit tests compile & run without errors, an extracted test might contain symbols that were imported at module scope and thus wouldn’t be runnable on A unittest block can only be completely independent of the module in which it is declared if all of its symbols are imported locally in the test’s scope. The solution was rather simple: extract all tests from Phobos, then compile and execute them separately to ensure that a user won’t hit a “missing import” error on Thanks to D’s ultra-fast frontend, this step takes less than a minute on a typical machine in single-core build mode.

Moreover, to prevent any regressions, this has been integrated into Phobos’s test suite and is run for every PR via CircleCi. As Phobos has extensive coverage with unit tests, we started this transition with a blacklist and, step-by-step, removed modules for which all extracted tests compile. With continuous checking in place, we were certain that none of the exposed unit tests would throw any errors when executed in the documentation, so we could do the flip and replace the syntax-highlighted unit test examples with an interactive code editor.

Going one step further

With this setup in place, hitting the “Run” button would merely show the users “All tests passed”. While that’s always good feedback, it conveys less information than is usually desirable.

Documentation that supports runnable examples tends to send any output to stdout. This allows the reader to take the example and modify it as needed while still seeing useful output about the modifications. So, for example, instead of using assertions to validate the output of a function, which is idiomatic in D unit tests and examples:

assert(myFun() == 4);

Other documentation usually prints to stdout and shows the expected output in a comment. In D, that would look like this:

writeln(myFun()); // 4

I initially tried to do such a transformation with regular expressions, but I was quickly bitten by the complexity of a context-free language. So I made another attempt using Brian Schott’s libdparse, a library to parse and lex D source code. libdparse allows one to traverse the abstract syntax tree (AST) of a D source file. During the traversal of the AST, the transformation tool can rewrite all AssertExpressions into writeln calls, similar to the way other documentation displays examples. To speak in the vocabulary of compiler devs: we are lowering AssertExpressions into the more humanly digestible writeln calls!

Once the AST has been traversed and modified, it needs to be transformed into source code again. This led to improvements in libdparse’s formatting capabilities (1, 2).

The future

As of now, there are still a small number of functions in Phobos that don’t have a nice public example that is runnable on Tooling to check for this has recently been activated in Phobos. So now you can use this tool (make -f posix.mak has_public_example) to find functions lacking public tests and remove those modules from the blacklist.

Another target for improvement is DPaste. For example, it currently doesn’t cache incoming requests, which could improve the performance of executed examples on However, due to the fast compilation speed of the DMD compiler, this “slow-down” isn’t noticeable and is more of a perfectionist wish.

I hope you enjoy the new “Run” button on the documentation and have as much fun playing with it as I do. Click here to get started.

A New Import Idiom

Daniel Nielsen is an Embedded Software Engineer. He is currently using D in his spare time for an unpublished Roguelike and warns that he “may produce bursts of D Evangelism”.

I remember one day in my youth, before the dawn of Internet, telling my teachers about “my” new algorithm, only to learn it had been discovered by the ancient Greeks in ~300 BC. This is the story of my life and probably of many who are reading this. It is easy to “invent” something; being the first, not so much!

Anyway, this is what all the fuss is about this time:

template from(string moduleName)
  mixin("import from = " ~ moduleName ~ ";");

The TL;DR version: A new idiom to achieve even lazier imports.

Before the C programmers start running for the hills, please forget you ever got burned by C++ templates. The above snippet doesn’t look that complicated, now does it? If you enjoy inventing new abstractions, take my advice and give D a try. Powerful, yet an ideal beginner’s language. No need to be a template archwizard.

Before we proceed further, I’d like to call out Andrei Alexandrescu for identifying that there is a problem which needs solving. Please see his in depth motivation in DIP 1005. Many thanks also to Dominikus Dittes Scherkl, who helped trigger the magic spark by making his own counter proposal and questioning if there really is a need to change the language specification in order to obtain Dependency-Carrying Declarations (DIP 1005).

D, like many modern languages, has a fully fledged module system where symbols are directly imported (unlike the infamous C #include). This has ultimately resulted in the widespread use of local imports, limiting the scope as much as possible, in preference to the somewhat slower and less maintainable module-level imports:

// A module-level import
import std.datetime;
void fun(SysTime time)
  import std.stdio; // A local import

Similar lazy import idioms are possible in other languages, for instance Python.

The observant among you might notice that because SysTime is used as the type of a function parameter, std.datetime must be imported at module level. Which brings us to the point of this blog post (and DIP 1005). How can we get around that?

void fun(from!"std.datetime".SysTime time)
  import std.stdio;

There you have it, the Scherkl-Nielsen self-important lookup.

In order to fully understand what’s going on, you may need to learn some D-isms. Let’s break it down.

  1. When instantiating a template (via the ! operator), if the TemplateArgument is one token long, the parentheses can be omitted from the template parameters. So from!"std.datetime" is the same as from!("std.datetime"). It may seem trivial, but you’d be surprised how much readability is improved by avoiding ubiquitous punctuation noise.
  2. Eponymous templates. The declaration of a template looks like this:
    template y() {
        int x;

    With that, you have to type y!().x in order to reach the int. Oh, ze horror! Is that a smiley? Give me x already! That’s exactly what eponymous templates accomplish:

    template x() {
        int x;

    Now that the template and its only member have the same name, x!().x can be shortened to simply x.

  3. Renamed imports allow accessing an imported module via a user-specified namespace. Here, std.stdio is imported normally:
    void printSomething(string s) {
        import std.stdio;
        writeln(s);           // The normal way
        std.stdio.writeln(s)  // An alternative using the fully qualified 
                              // symbol name, for disambiguation

    Now it’s imported and renamed as io:

    void printSomething(string s) {
        import io = std.stdio;
        io.writeln(s);         // Must be accessed like this.
        writeln(s);            // Error
        std.stdio.writeln(s);  // Error

    Combining what we have so far:

    template dt() {
        import dt = std.datetime; 
    void fun(dt!().SysTime time) {}

    It works perfectly fine. The only thing which remains is to make it generic.

  4. String concatenation is achieved with the ~ operator.
    string hey = "Hello," ~ " World!";
    assert(hey == "Hello, World!");
  5. String mixins put the power of a compiler writer at your fingertips. Let’s generate code at compile time, then compile it. This is typically used for domain-specific languages (see Pegged for one prominent use of a DSL in D), but in our simple case we only need to generate one single statement based on the name of the module we want to import. Putting it all together, we get the final form, allowing us to import any symbol from any module inline:
    template from(string moduleName)
      mixin("import from = " ~ moduleName ~ ";");

In the end, is it all really worth the effort? Using one comparison made by Jack Stouffer:

import std.datetime;
import std.traits;

void func(T)(SysTime a, T value) if (isIntegral!T)
    import std.stdio : writeln;
    writeln(a, value);


void func(T)(from!"std.datetime".SysTime a, T value)
    if (from!"std.traits".isIntegral!T)
    import std.stdio : writeln;
    writeln(a, value);

In this particular case, the total compilation time dropped to ~30% of the original, while the binary size dropped to ~41% of the original.

What about the linker, I hear you cry? Sure, it can remove unused code. But it’s not always as easy as it sounds, in particular due to module constructors (think __attribute__((constructor))). In either case, it’s always more efficient to avoid generating unused code in the first place rather than removing it afterwards.

So this combination of D features was waiting there to be used, but somehow no one had stumbled on it before. I agreed with the need Andrei identified for Dependency-Carrying Declarations, yet I wanted even more. I wanted Dependency-Carrying Expressions. My primary motivation comes from being exposed to way too much legacy C89 code.

void foo(void)
#ifdef XXX /* needed to silence unused variable warnings */
  int x;
... lots of code ...
#ifdef XXX
  x = bar();

Variables or modules, in the end they’re all just symbols. For the same reason C99 allowed declaring variables in the middle of functions, one should be allowed to import modules where they are first used. D already allows importing anywhere in a scope, but not in declarations or expressions. It was with this mindset that I saw Dominikus Dittes Scherkl’s snippet:

fun.ST fun()
   import someModule.SomeType;
   alias ST = SomeType;

Clever, yet for one thing it doesn’t adhere to the DRY principle. Still, it was that tiny dot in fun.ST which caused the spark. There it was again, the Dependency-Carrying Expression of my dreams.


  • It must not require repeating fun, since that causes problems when refactoring
  • It must be lazy
  • It must be possible today with no compiler updates

Templates are the poster children of lazy constructs; they don’t generate any code until instantiated. So that seemed a good place to start.

Typically when using eponymous templates, you would have the template turn into a function, type, variable or alias. But why make the distinction? Once again, they’re all just symbols in the end. We could have used an alias to the desired module (see Scherkl’s snippet above); using the renamed imports feature is just a short-cut for import and alias. Maybe it was this simplified view of modules that made me see more clearly.

Now then, is this the only solution? No. As a challenge to the reader, try to figure out what this does and, more importantly, its flaw. Can you fix it?

static struct STD
  template opDispatch(string moduleName)
    mixin("import opDispatch = std." ~ moduleName ~ ";");


Testing In The D Standard Library

Jack Stouffer is a member of the Phobos team and a contributor to You can check out more of his writing on his blog.

In the D standard library, colloquially named Phobos, we take a multi-pronged approach to testing and code review. Currently, there are five different services any addition has to go through:

  1. The whole complier chain of tests: DMD’s and DRuntime’s test suite, and Phobos’s unit tests
  2. A documentation builder
  3. Coverage analysis
  4. A style checker
  5. And a community project builder/test runner

Using these, we’re able to automatically catch the vast majority of common problems that we see popping up in PRs. And we make regressions much less likely using the full test suite and examining coverage reports.

Hopefully this will provide some insight into how a project like a standard library can use testing in order to increase stability. Also, it can spark some ideas on how to improve your own testing and review process.

Unit Tests

In D, unit tests are an integrated part of the language rather than a library

size_t sum(int[] a)
    size_t result;

    foreach (e; a)
        result += e;

    return result;

    assert(sum([1, 2, 3]) == 6);
    assert(sum([0, 50, 100]) == 150);

void main() {}

Save this as test.d and run dmd -unittest -run test.d. Before your main function is run, all of the unittest blocks will be executed. If any of the asserts fail, execution is terminated and an error is printed to stderr.

The effect of putting unit tests in the language has been enormous. One of the main ones we’ve seen is tests no longer have the “out of sight, out of mind” problem. Comprehensive tests in D projects are the rule and not the exception. Phobos dogfoods inline unittest blocks and uses them as its complete test suite. There are no other tests for Phobos than the inline tests, meaning for a reviewer to check their changes, they can just run dmd -main -unittest -run std/algorithm/searching.d (this is just for quick and dirty tests; full tests are done via make).

Every PR onto Phobos runs the inline unit tests, DMD’s tests, and the DRuntime tests on the following platforms:

  • Windows 32 and 64 bit
  • MacOS 32 and 64 bit
  • Linux 32 and 64 bit
  • FreeBSD 32 and 64 bit

This is done by Brad Roberts‘s auto-tester. As a quick aside, work is currently progressing to make bring D to iOS and Android.

Idiot Proof

In order to avoid pulling untested PRs, we have three mechanisms in place. First, only PRs which have at least one Github review by someone with pull rights can be merged.

Second, we don’t use the normal button for merging PRs. Instead, once a reviewer is satisfied with the code, we tell the auto-tester to merge the PR if and only if all tests have passed on all platforms.

Third, every single change to any of the official repositories has to go through the PR review process. This includes changes made by the BDFL Walter Bright and the Language Architect Andrei Alexandrescu. We have even turned off pushing directly to the master branch in Github to make sure that nothing gets around this.

Unit Tests and Examples

Unit tests in D solve the perennial problem of out of date docs by using the unit test code itself as the example code in the documentation. This way, documentation examples are part of the test suite rather than just some comment which will go out of date.

With this format, if the unit test goes out of date, then the test suite fails. When the tests are updated, the docs change automatically.

Here’s an example:

 * Sums an array of `int`s.
 * Params:
 *      a = the array to sum
 * Returns:
 *      The sum of the array.
size_t sum(int[] a)
    size_t result;

    foreach (e; a)
        result += e;

    return result;

    assert(sum([1, 2, 3]) == 6);
    assert(sum([0, 50, 100]) == 150);

// only tests with a doc string above them get included in the
// docs
    assert(sum([100, 100, 100]) == 300);

void main() {}

Run dmd -D test.d and it generates the following un-styled HTML:

Phobos uses this to great effect. The vast majority of examples in the Phobos documentation are from unittest blocks. For example, here is the documentation for std.algorithm.find and here is the unit test that generates that example.

This is not a catch all approach. Wholesale example programs, which are very useful when introducing a complex module or function, still have to be in comments.

Protecting Against Old Bugs

Despite our best efforts, bugs do find their way into released code. When they do, we require the person who’s patching the code to add in an extra unit test underneath the buggy function in order to protect against future regressions.


For Phobos, the documentation pages which were changed are generated on a test server for every PR. Developed by Vladimir Panteleev, the DAutoTest allows reviewers to compare the old page and the new page from one location.

For example, this PR changed the docs for two structs and their member functions. This page on DAutoTest shows a summary of the changed pages with links to view the final result.


Perfectly measuring the effectiveness of a test suite is impossible, but we can get a good rough approximation with test coverage. For those unaware, coverage is a ratio which represents the number of lines of code that were executed during a test suite vs. lines that weren’t executed.

DMD has built-in coverage analysis to work in tandem with the built-in unit tests. Instead of dmd -unittest -run main.d, do dmd -unittest -cov -run main.d and a file will be generated showing a report of how many times each line of code was executed with a final coverage ratio at the end.

We generate this report for each PR. Also, we use codecov in order to get details on how well the new code is covered, as well as how coverage for the whole project has changed. If coverage for the patch is lower than 80%, then codecov marks the PR as failed.

At the time of writing, of the 77,601 lines of code (not counting docs or whitespace) in Phobos, 68,549 were covered during testing and 9,052 lines were not. This gives Phobos a test coverage of 88.3%, which is increasing all of the time. This is all achieved with the built in unittest blocks.

Project Tester

Because test coverage doesn’t necessarily “cover” all real world use cases and combinations of features, D uses a Jenkins server to download, build, and run the tests for a select number of popular D projects with the master branches of Phobos, DRuntime, and DMD. If any of the tests fail, the reviewers are notified.

Style And Anti-Pattern Checker

Having a code style set from on high stops a lot of pointless Internet flame wars (tabs vs spaces anyone?) dead in their tracks. D has had such a style guide for a couple of years now, but its enforcement in official code repos was spotty at best, and was mostly limited to brace style.

Now, we use CircleCI in order to run a series of bash scripts and the fantastically helpful dscanner which automatically checks for all sorts of things you shouldn’t be doing in your code. For example, CircleCI will give an error if it finds:

  • bad brace style
  • trailing whitespace
  • using whole module imports inside of functions
  • redundant parenthesis

And so on.

The automation of the style checker and coverage reports was done by Sebastian Wilzbach. dscanner was written by Brian Schott.

Closing Thoughts

We’re still working to improve somethings. Currently, Sebastian is writing a script to automatically check the documentation of every function for at least one example. Plus, the D Style Guide can be expanded to end arguments over the formatting of template constraints and other contested topics.

Practically speaking, other than getting the coverage of Phobos up to >= 95%, there’s not too much more to do. Phobos is one of the most throughly tested projects I’ve ever worked on, and it shows. Just recently, Phobos hit under 1000 open bugs, and that’s including enhancement requests.

How to Write @trusted Code in D

Steven Schveighoffer is the creator and maintainer of the dcollections and iopipe libraries. He was the primary instigator of D’s inout feature and the architect of a major rewrite of the language’s built-in arrays. He also authored the oft-recommended introductory article on the latter.

d6In computer programming, there is a concept of memory-safe code, which is guaranteed at some level not to cause memory corruption issues. The ultimate holy grail of memory safety is to be able to mechanically verify you will not corrupt memory no matter what. This would provide immunity from attacks via buffer overflows and the like. The D language provides a definition of memory safety that allows quite a bit of useful code, but conservatively forbids things that are sketchy. In practice, the compiler is not omnipotent, and it lacks the context that we humans are so good at seeing (most of the time), so there is often the need to allow otherwise risky behavior. Because the compiler is very rigid on memory safety, we need the equivalent of a cast to say “yes, I know this is normally forbidden, but I’m guaranteeing that it is fine”. That tool is called @trusted.

Because it’s very difficult to explain why @trusted code might be incorrect without first discussing memory safety and D’s @safe mechanism, I’ll go over that first.

What is Memory Safe Code?

The easiest way to explain what is safe, is to examine what results in unsafe code. There are generally 3 main ways to create a safety violation in a statically-typed language:

  1. Write or read from a buffer outside the valid segment of memory that you have access to.
  2. Cast some value to a type that allows you to treat a piece of memory that is not a pointer as a pointer.
  3. Use a pointer that is dangling, or no longer valid.

The first item is quite simple to achieve in D:

auto buf = new int[1]; 
buf[2] = 1;

With default bounds checks on, this results in an exception at runtime, even in code that is not checked for safety. But D allows circumventing this by accessing the pointer of the array:

buf.ptr[2] = 1;

For an example of the second, all that is needed is a cast:

*cast(int*)(0xdeadbeef) = 5;

And the third is relatively simple as well:

auto buf = new int[1];
auto buf2 = buf;
delete buf;  // sets buf to null
buf2[0] = 5; // but not buf2.

Dangling pointers also frequently manifest by pointing at stack data that is no longer in use (or is being used for a different reason). It’s very simple to achieve:

int[] foo()
    int[4] buf;
    int[] result = buf[];
    return result;

So simply put, safe code avoids doing things that could potentially result in memory corruption. To that end, we must follow some rules that prohibit such behavior.

Note: dereferencing a null pointer in user-space is not considered a memory safety issue in D. Why not? Because this triggers a hardware exception, and generally does not leave the program in an undefined state with corrupted memory. It simply aborts the program. This may seem undesirable to the user or the programmer, but it’s perfectly fine in terms of preventing exploits. There are potential memory issues possible with null pointers, if one has a null pointer to a very large memory space. But for safe D, this requires an unusually large struct to even begin to worry about it. In the eyes of the D language, instrumenting all pointer dereferences to check for null is not worth the performance degradation for these rare situations.

D’s @safe rules

D provides the @safe attribute that tags a function to be mechanically checked by the compiler to follow rules that should prevent all possible memory safety problems. Of course, there are cases where developers need to make exceptions in order to get some meaningful work done.

The following rules are geared to prevent issues like the ones discussed above (listed in the spec here).

  1. Changing a raw pointer value is not allowed. If @safe D code has a pointer, it has access only to the value pointed at, no others. This includes indexing a pointer.
  2. Casting pointers to any type other than void* is not allowed. Casting from any non-pointer type to a pointer type is not allowed. All other casts are OK (e.g. casting from float to int) as long as they are valid. Casting a dynamic array to a void[] is also allowed.
  3. Unions that have pointer types that overlap other types cannot be accessed. This is similar to rules 1 and 2 above.
  4. Accessing an element in or taking a slice from a dynamic array must be either proven safe by the compiler, or incur a bounds check during runtime. This even happens in release mode, when bounds checks are normally omitted (note: dmd’s option -boundscheck=off will override this, so use with extreme caution).
  5. In normal D, you can create a dynamic array from a pointer by slicing the pointer. In @safe D, this is not allowed, since the compiler has no idea how much space you actually have available via that pointer.
  6. Taking a pointer to a local variable or function parameter (variables that are stored on the stack) or taking a pointer to a reference parameter are forbidden. An exception is slicing a local static array, including the function foo above. This is a known issue.
  7. Explicit casting between immutable and mutable types that are or contain references is not allowed. Casting value-types between immutable and mutable can be done implicitly and is perfectly fine.
  8. Explicit casting between thread-local and shared types that are or contain references is not allowed. Again, casting value-types is fine (and can be done implicitly).
  9. The inline assembler feature of D is not allowed in @safe code.
  10. Catching thrown objects that are not derived from class Exception is not allowed.
  11. In D, all variables are default initialized. However, this can be changed to uninitialized by using a void initializer:
    int *s = void;

    Such usage is not allowed in @safe D. The above pointer would point to random memory and create an obvious dangling pointer.

  12. __gshared variables are static variables that are not properly typed as shared, but are still in global space. Often these are used when interfacing with C code. Accessing such variables is not allowed in @safe D.
  13. Using the ptr property of a dynamic array is forbidden (a new rule that will be released in version 2.072 of the compiler).
  14. Writing to void[] data by means of slice-assigning from another void[] is not allowed (this rule is also new, and will be released in 2.072).
  15. Only @safe functions or those inferred to be @safe can be called.

The need for @trusted

The above rules work well to prevent memory corruption, but they prevent a lot of valid, and actually safe, code. For example, consider a function that wants to use the system call read, which is prototyped like this:

ssize_t read(int fd, void* ptr, size_t nBytes);

For those unfamiliar with this function, it reads data from the given file descriptor, and puts it into the buffer pointed at by ptr and expected to be nBytes bytes long. It returns the number of bytes actually read, or a negative value if an error occurs.

Using this function to read data into a stack-allocated buffer might look like this:

ubyte[128] buf;
auto nread = read(fd, buf.ptr, buf.length);

How is this done inside a @safe function? The main issue with using read in @safe code is that pointers can only pass a single value, in this case a single ubyte. read expects to store more bytes of the buffer. In D, we would normally pass the data to be read as a dynamic array. However, read is not D code, and uses a common C idiom of passing the buffer and length separately, so it cannot be marked @safe. Consider the following call from @safe code:

auto nread = read(fd, buf.ptr, 10_000);

This call is definitely not safe. What is safe in the above read example is only the one call, where the understanding of the read function and calling context assures memory outside the buffer will not be written.

To solve this situation, D provides the @trusted  attribute, which tells the compiler that the code inside the function is assumed to be @safe, but will not be mechanically checked. It’s on you, the developer, to make sure the code is actually @safe.

A function that solves the problem might look like this in D:

auto safeRead(int fd, ubyte[] buf) @trusted
    return read(fd, buf.ptr, buf.length);

Whenever marking an entire function @trusted, consider if code could call this function from any context that would compromise memory safety. If so, this function should not be marked @trusted under any circumstances. Even if the intention is to only call it in safe ways, the compiler will not prevent unsafe usage by others. safeRead should be fine to call from any @safe context, so it’s a great candidate to mark @trusted.

A more liberal API for the safeRead function might take a void[] array as the buffer. However, recall that in @safe code, one can cast any dynamic array to a void[] array — including an array of pointers. Reading file data into an array of pointers could result in an array of dangling pointers. This is why ubyte[] is used instead.

@trusted escapes

A @trusted escape is a single expression that allows @system (the unsafe default in D) calls such as read without exposing the potentially unsafe call to any other part of the program. Instead of writing the safeRead function, the same feat can be accomplished inline within a @safe function:

auto nread = ( () @trusted => read(fd, buf.ptr, buf.length) )();

Let’s take a closer look at this escape to see what is actually happening. D allows declaring a lambda function that evaluates and returns a single expression, with the () => expr syntax. In order to call the lambda function, parentheses are appended to the lambda. However, operator precedence will apply those parentheses to the expression and not the lambda, so the entire lambda must be wrapped in parentheses to clarify the call. And finally, the lambda can be tagged @trusted as shown, so the call is now usable from the @safe context that contains it.

In addition to simple lambdas, whole nested functions or multi-statement lambdas can be used. However, remember that adding a trusted nested function or saving a lambda to a variable exposes the rest of the function to potential safety concerns! Take care not to expose the escape too much because this risks having to manually verify code that should just be mechanically checked.

Rules of Thumb for @trusted

The previous examples show that tagging something as @trusted has huge implications. If you are disabling memory safety checks, but allowing any @safe code to call it, then you must be sure that it cannot result in memory corruption. These rules should give guidance on where to put @trusted marks and avoid getting into trouble:

Keep @trusted code small

@trusted code is never mechanically checked for safety, so every line must be reviewed for correctness. For this reason, it’s always advisable to keep the code that is @trusted as small as possible.

Apply @trusted to entire functions when the unsafe calls are leaky

Code that modifies or uses data that @safe code also uses creates the potential for unsafe calls to leak into the mechanically checked portion of a @safe function. This means that portion of the code must be manually reviewed for safety issues. It’s better to mark the whole thing @trusted, as that’s more in line with the truth. This is not a hard and fast rule; for example, the read call from the earlier example is perfectly safe, even though it will affect data that is used later by the function in @safe mode.

A pointer allocated with C’s malloc in the beginning of the function, and free‘d later, could have been copied somewhere in between. In this case, the dangling pointer may violate @safe, even in the mechanically checked part. Instead, try wrapping the entire portion that uses the pointer as @trusted, or even the entire function. Alternatively, use scope guards to guarantee the lifetime of the data until the end of the function.

Never use @trusted on template functions that accept arbitrary types

D is smart enough to infer @safe for template functions that follow the rules. This includes member functions of templated types. Just let the compiler do its job here. To ensure the function is actually @safe in the right contexts, create an @safe unittest  to call it. Marking the function @trusted allows any operator overloads or members that might violate memory safety to be ignored by the safety checker! Some tricky ones to remember are postblit and opCast.

It’s still OK to use @trusted escapes here, but be very careful. Consider especially possible types that contain pointers when thinking about how such a function could be abused. A common mistake is to mark a range function or range usage @trusted. Remember that most ranges are templates, and can be easily inferred as @system when the type being iterated has a @system postblit or constructor/destructor, or is generated from a user-provided lambda.

Use @safe to find the parts you need to mark as @trusted

Sometimes, a template intended to be @safe may not be inferred @safe, and it’s not clear why. In this case, try temporarily marking the template function @safe to see where the compiler complains. That’s where @trusted escapes should be inserted if appropriate.

In some cases, a template is used pervasively, and tagging it as @safe may make too many parts break. Make a copy of the template under a different name that you mark @safe, and change the calls that are to be checked so that they call the alternative template instead.

Consider how the function may be edited in the future

When writing a trusted function, always think about how it could be called with the given API, and ensure that it should be @safe. A good example from above is making sure safeRead cannot accept an array of pointers. However, another possibility for unsafe code to creep in is when someone edits a part of the function later, invalidating the previous verification, and the whole function needs to be rechecked. Insert comments to explain the danger of changing something that would then violate safety. Remember, pull request diffs don’t always show the entire context, including that a long function being edited is @trusted!

Use types to encapsulate @trusted operations with defined lifetimes

Sometimes, a resource is only dangerous to create and/or destroy, but not to use during its lifetime. The dangerous operations can be encapsulated into a type’s constructor and destructor, marked @trusted, which allows @safe code to use the resource in between those calls. This takes a lot of planning and care. At no time can you allow @safe code to ferret out the actual resource so that it can keep a copy past the lifetime of the managing struct! It is essential to make sure the resource is alive as long as @safe code has a reference to it.

For example, a reference-counted type can be perfectly safe, as long as a raw pointer to the payload data is never available. D’s std.typecons.RefCounted cannot be marked @safe, since it uses alias this to devolve to the protected allocated struct in order to function, and any calls into this struct are unaware of the reference counting. One copy of that payload pointer, and then when the struct is free‘d, a dangling pointer is present.

This can’t be @safe!

Sometimes, the compiler allows a function to be @safe, or is inferred @safe, and it’s obvious that shouldn’t be allowed. This is caused by one of two things: either a function that is called by the @safe function (or some deeper function) is marked @trusted but allows unsafe calls, or there is a bug or hole in the @safe system. Most of the time, it is the former. @trusted is a very tricky attribute to get correct, as is shown by most of this post. Frequently, developers will mark a function @trusted only thinking of some uses of their function, not realizing the dangers it allows. Even core D developers make this mistake! There can be template functions that are inferred safe because of this, and sometimes it’s difficult to even find the culprit. Even after the root cause is discovered, it’s often difficult to remove the @trusted tag as it will break many users of the function. However, it’s better to break code that is expecting a promise of memory safety than subject it to possible memory exploits. The sooner you can deprecate and remove the tag, the better. Then insert trusted escapes for cases that can be proven safe.

If it does happen to be a hole in the system, please report the issue, or ask questions on the D forums. The D community is generally happy to help, and memory safety is a particular focus for Walter Bright, the creator of the language.