Monthly Archives: February 2018

The State of D 2018 Survey

NOTE: The survey is closed. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Strange things are afoot at the D Language Foundation. Odd noises and varicolored lights have been reported emanating from the cellar into the wee hours of the morning. Foundation members have been sighted, stumbling dazed and bleary-eyed in and out of the front door, arms full of mysterious black boxes. Neighbors whisper, and rumor has it that the spawn of so much secretive activity is only one arcane ritual away from seeing the light of day.

How right they are! For the past few weeks, the initiate Sebastian Wilzbach has devoted his energies to studying the Book of Modern Arcana in preparation for the ritual known as the State of D 2018 Survey. With feedback from those already steeped in the Dark arts, he has been refining the incantations of the ritual so that they prove most effective. Now, at long last, his preparations are complete and the ritual has been unleashed upon the world!

Upon the D community anyway.

And now it’s on you. This is your chance to turn your praise, complaints, and nitpicks into action. By participating in the State of D survey, you’ll be providing guidance to the D Language Foundation to help identify both short and long-term goals for the future development of D and its ecosystem.

A handful of initiatives are already coming together in the cellar. You’ll be able to read about them in more detail here as they are announced in the coming days, weeks, and months. The 2018 H1 document, presenting an overview of the current focus, will be announced soon. This survey will help build on existing plans, fill in the details of the general goals, and identify any course corrections that are necessary for 2018 H2 and beyond.

The Foundation is eager to address the issues that matter most to the community. Members frequently make their thoughts known in the forums, but the conversations can be long, sprawling, wandering, and hard to follow. The State of D Survey will allow the core team to see at a glance what’s going right and what’s not, and to focus their attention where it’s needed most. It could take 15 minutes or more of your time to complete, depending on the amount of thought you put into your answers. If you care about the D programming language, it’s well worth every minute.

We’ll leave the survey open for at least two weeks. A short while after it closes, we’ll publish the results here. From then on, the blog will cover what’s happening in response, providing updates on progress at reasonable intervals. Then next year we’ll do it all again.

Remember, D is a community-driven language, but not everyone is able to contribute as much as they would like. Whether you’re a frequent contributor or just getting started writing D programs, this is your chance to help make D an even better language than it is today.

Make your opinion count and take the survey!

DConf 2018 Munich: The Venue

The deadline for DConf 2018 submissions is this Sunday. If you’re on the fence about sending in a proposal, don’t still be poised there when midnight AOE strikes on the 25th! Come down before then on the submission side. If you’re selected to speak, you may be eligible for reimbursement for your hotel and travel expenses (reasonable expenses will be covered). This is our first time in Munich, and if you can pad out your visit by two or three days, there’s a lot to see while you’re there.

The venue is the NH Munich Messe hotel, located in the Zamdorf area of the city.

There’s a bus stop right outside that will get you to the Marienplatz and the New Town Hall, the world-famous center of the Bavarian capital, in short order. Not far from there, you’ll find the original Hofbräuhaus, where servers in traditional costumes pamper thousands of daily visitors from Munich and around the world, who come for the regional cuisine, music, folk dances, and historic atmosphere.

After you see the Old Town, be sure to make time for the modern world. The Deutsches Museum, which according to Wikipedia is the world’s largest science and technology museum, is a good place to start. With over 28,000 exhibits, it may be difficult to pull yourself away.

There are plenty of daytrip destinations outside of the city. One must-see spot is Neuschwanstein castle, one of the most recognizable structures in the world. World War II history buffs may be interested in a trip to Nuremburg. There are plenty of options for guided tours that can get you to these and other locations and back in a day, but it’s not difficult to get there on your own. Sites like TripAdvisor can help with the planning.

As for the hotel:

All the 253 rooms have just been refurbished, so you can expect stylish, comfortable bases. Nice touches include free Wi-Fi and pillow menus. Other highlights include a restaurant serving Bavarian dishes, a stylish lobby bar, and a compact fitness center. The Hotel also has Sky TV, allowing you to catch up on the day’s sporting events.

There’s a bar with a terrace which has the look and feel of a typical Bavarian beer garden. It’s surrounded by a little garden and is a great spot to enjoy a glass of wine or a light meal in the sunshine.

For the health-conscious, they also have a gym that’s open from 2:00 pm to 11:00 pm, and it can be opened at other times upon request. It was refurbished in 2015 and includes a sauna.

Most importantly for us, they are offering DConf attendees a discount on single rooms. Drop a line to to take advantage of this offer.

When the submission deadline passes this weekend, the next date to focus on is March 17th. That’s when the early-bird registration discount ends. Head over to the registration page before then!

Project Highlight: The D Community Hub

As has been stressed on this blog before, D is a community-driven language. Because of that, the ecosystem depends on the work of volunteers who are willing to contribute their time and open their projects to the community at large. From IDE and editor plugins to libraries in the DUB registry, it’s all about the efforts of people who are (usually) getting no monetary reward for their efforts.

There are some inherent downsides to that reality. Sometimes projects are abandoned. Sometimes they aren’t updated as frequently as users would like. This can become an issue for those who depend upon these projects, but it’s alleviated by the fact that most D projects are open source and their repositories are publicly available. To keep a project alive and up-to-date only requires more volunteers willing to pitch in.

That’s the motivation behind the D Community Hub (dlang-community) at GitHub. According to Sebastian Wilzbach, it started with Brian Schott’s popular tools used by several IDE and editor plugins:

There were maintenance issues with Brian’s (aka Hackerpilot) awesome projects. He has a full-time job and often could only respond to simple issues every few weeks. This meant that simple bug fix PRs sat in the queue for quite a while. For example, there was one case where the same PR to fix the Windows build script was submitted by three different people (there was no Windows CI at the time).

Brian’s projects weren’t the only ones that motivated the idea. Sebastian and Petar Kirov maintain the DLang Tour, and some of the projects they depend upon were either inactive or slow to update. However, Brian’s tools are widely used, so they started with him. Eventually, they convinced him to move some of his projects to the new organization and others followed.

Sebastian lays out the following benefits that have come from moving multiple projects from disparate developers under an umbrella group:

  • Common best policies (e.g. all repositories have GitHub branch protection)
  • No need to fork an inactive repository – work can be shared easily.
  • No dependence on a single person who might be busy or on vacation (this is especially important for swiftly pulling and releasing bug fixes )
  • One common location whenever updates are required (e.g. package bumps or deprecation fixes)
  • Many of the projects are enabled on the Project Tester (their test suite is run on every PR for the DMD, DRuntime, Phobos, Dub, and tools repositories to prevent regressions) – this is possible because many people have merge rights in case an improvement in the compiler finds critical bugs or deprecations are moved forward
  • Shared knowledge (e.g. all projects support “auto-merge” like the dlang repositories)
  • Automation with bots – Mark Rz (@skl131313) created a bot that automatically triggers update PRs whenever dependencies are updated (some of the projects in dlang-community still support builds with only git submodules and make)
  • Less overhead for automation with CIs (everyone can connect a repo to a third-party provider or restart a failing CI job)

It has also resulted in increased participation. For example, other D users have joined the group, and Sociomantic Labs (the D shop in Berlin that hosted the 2016 and 2017 editions of DConf) has taken over the release process for dfmt, Brian’s tool for formatting D source code.

There are currently 22 repositories in the dlang-community organization, including the following:

  • DCD (the D Completion Daemon) – an autocomplete program that is used by several D IDE and editor plugins
  • dfmt – a formatter for D source code, also used by many IDE and editor plugins
  • D-Scanner – a tool for analyzing D source code
  • dfix – a tool for automatically upgrading D source code
  • libparse – a library for lexing and parsing D source code
  • drepl – a DMD-based REPL for D
  • stdx-allocator – a frozen version of std.experimental.allocator (which is due for an overhaul)
  • containers – a set of containers backed by stdx.allocator to easily switch between different allocation strategies, with or without the GC
  • D-YAML – A YAML parser and emitter
  • harbored-mod – a documentation generator that supports both D’s built-in Ddoc syntax and Markdown

In addition to other D projects, there’s a repository set up specifically to discuss the dlang-community organization via GitHub issues, and repositories that contain artwork. If you decide to use any of these projects, the discussion repository is the place to ask for help when you need it.

Other projects may be added in the future. According to Sebastian, there are a few questions that form a set of loose criteria for inclusion under the dlang-community umbrella.

  • Is there enough interest from the general public so that it is “worth maintaining”?
  • Is there a similar library with active development out there?
  • Is at least one DLang community member competent for the domain covered by the project? If no, is there anyone who’s willing to fill the role?

Sebastian and the others are looking to add a few features over time. These include:

  • More automatic documentation builds
  • Automatic build of binaries on new tags (especially for Windows)
  • d-apt: Sociomantic is working on moving d-apt to GitHub and enabling full automatic CI builds for it.
  • dfmt: Leandro Lucarella / Sociomantic is introducing neptune and a proper release process

For anyone interested in joining the dlang-community organization, there are two options. If you are already a well-known participant in the D community, simply ping one of the existing members for merge rights. For anyone else, the best approach is to start contributing to one or more of the dlang-community projects to build up trust. At some point, frequent trustworthy contributors will be welcomed into the fold.

As for the current contributors, Sebasitian says:

There are many people working behind the scenes on the dlang-community libraries. A special thanks goes to the active reviewers who make it possible that your potential PR gets merged in a timely manner.

  • Basile Burg
  • Brian Schott
  • Jan Jurzitza
  • Leandro Lucarella
  • Martin Nowak
  • Petar Kirov
  • Richard Andrew Cattermole
  • skl131313
  • Stefan Koch

If you have or know of a D project that is suffering from a lack of attention, bringing it to the dlang-community might be the way to breathe new life into it. Don’t be shy in asking for help.

Vanquish Forever These Bugs That Blasted Your Kingdom

Walter Bright is the BDFL of the D Programming Language and founder of Digital Mars. He has decades of experience implementing compilers and interpreters for multiple languages, including Zortech C++, the first native C++ compiler. He also created Empire, the Wargame of the Century. This post is the second in a series about D’s BetterC mode.

Do you ever get tired of bugs that are easy to make, hard to check for, often don’t show up in testing, and blast your kingdom once they are widely deployed? They cost you time and money again and again. If you were only a better programmer, these things wouldn’t happen, right?

Maybe it’s not you at all. I’ll show how these bugs are not your fault – they’re the tools’ fault, and by improving the tools you’ll never have your kingdom blasted by them again.

And you won’t have to compromise, either.

Array Overflow

Consider this conventional program to calculate the sum of an array:

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX 10

int sumArray(int* p) {
    int sum = 0;
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i)
        sum += p[i];
    return sum;

int main() {
    static int values[MAX] = { 7,10,58,62,93,100,8,17,77,17 };
    printf("sum = %d\n", sumArray(values));
    return 0;

The program should print:

sum = 449

And indeed it does, on my Ubuntu Linux system, with both gcc and clang and -Wall. I’m sure you already know what the bug is:

for (i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i)

This is the classic “fencepost problem”. It goes through the loop 11 times instead of 10. It should properly be:

for (i = 0; i < MAX; ++i)

Note that even with the bug, the program still produced the correct result! On my system, anyway. So I wouldn’t have detected it. On the customer’s system, well, then it mysteriously fails, and I have a remote heisenbug. I’m already tensing up anticipating the time and money this is going to cost me.

It’s such a rotten bug that over the years I have reprogrammed my brain to:

  1. Never, ever use “inclusive” upper bounds.
  2. Never, ever use <= in a for loop condition.

By making myself a better programmer, I have solved the problem! Or have I? Not really. Let’s look again at the code from the perspective of the poor schlub who has to review it. He wants to ensure that sumArray() is correct. He must:

  1. Look at all callers of sumArray() to see what kind of pointer is being passed.
  2. Verify that the pointer actually is pointing to an array.
  3. Verify that the size of the array is indeed MAX.

While this is trivial for the trivial program as presented here, it doesn’t really scale as the program complexity goes up. The more callers there are of sumArray, and the more indirect the data structures being passed to sumArray, the harder it is to do what amounts to data flow analysis in your head to ensure it is correct.

Even if you get it right, are you sure? What about when someone else checks in a change, is it still right? Do you want to do that analysis again? I’m sure you have better things to do. This is a tooling problem.

The fundamental issue with this particular problem is that a C array decays to a pointer when it’s an argument to a function, even if the function parameter is declared to be an array. There’s just no escaping it. There’s no detecting it, either. (At least gcc and clang don’t detect it, maybe someone has developed an analyzer that does).

And so the tool to fix it is D as a BetterC compiler. D has the notion of a dynamic array, which is simply a fat pointer, that is laid out like:

struct DynamicArray {
    T* ptr;
    size_t length;

It’s declared like:

int[] a;

and with that the example becomes:

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C):   // use C ABI for declarations

enum MAX = 10;

int sumArray(int[] a) {
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i)
        sum += a[i];
    return sum;

int main() {
    __gshared int[MAX] values = [ 7,10,58,62,93,100,8,17,77,17 ];
    printf("sum = %d\n", sumArray(values));
    return 0;


dmd -betterC sum.d


Assertion failure: 'array overflow' on line 11 in file 'sum.d'

That’s more like it. Replacing the <= with < we get:

sum = 449

What’s happening is the dynamic array a is carrying its dimension along with it and the compiler inserts an array bounds overflow check.

But wait, there’s more.

There’s that pesky MAX thing. Since the a is carrying its dimension, that can be used instead:

for (int i = 0; i < a.length; ++i)

This is such a common idiom, D has special syntax for it:

foreach (value; a)
    sum += value;

The whole function sumArray() now looks like:

int sumArray(int[] a) {
    int sum = 0;
    foreach (value; a)
        sum += value;
    return sum;

and now sumArray() can be reviewed in isolation from the rest of the program. You can get more done in less time with more reliability, and so can justify getting a pay raise. Or at least you won’t have to come in on weekends on an emergency call to fix the bug.

“Objection!” you say. “Passing a to sumArray() requires two pushes to the stack, and passing p is only one. You said no compromise, but I’m losing speed here.”

Indeed you are, in cases where MAX is a manifest constant, and not itself passed to the function, as in:

int sumArray(int *p, size_t length);

But let’s get back to “no compromise.” D allows parameters to be passed by reference,
and that includes arrays of fixed length. So:

int sumArray(ref int[MAX] a) {
    int sum = 0;
    foreach (value; a)
        sum += value;
    return sum;

What happens here is that a, being a ref parameter, is at runtime a mere pointer. It is typed, though, to be a pointer to an array of MAX elements, and so the accesses can be array bounds checked. You don’t need to go checking the callers, as the compiler’s type system will verify that, indeed, correctly sized arrays are being passed.

“Objection!” you say. “D supports pointers. Can’t I just write it the original way? What’s to stop that from happening? I thought you said this was a mechanical guarantee!”

Yes, you can write the code as:

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C):   // use C ABI for declarations

enum MAX = 10;

int sumArray(int* p) {
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i)
        sum += p[i];
    return sum;

int main() {
    __gshared int[MAX] values = [ 7,10,58,62,93,100,8,17,77,17 ];
    printf("sum = %d\n", sumArray(&values[0]));
    return 0;

It will compile without complaint, and the awful bug will still be there. Though this time I get:

sum = 39479

which looks suspicious, but it could have just as easily printed 449 and I’d be none the wiser.

How can this be guaranteed not to happen? By adding the attribute @safe to the code:

import core.stdc.stdio;

extern (C):   // use C ABI for declarations

enum MAX = 10;

@safe int sumArray(int* p) {
    int sum = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i <= MAX; ++i)
        sum += p[i];
    return sum;

int main() {
    __gshared int[MAX] values = [ 7,10,58,62,93,100,8,17,77,17 ];
    printf("sum = %d\n", sumArray(&values[0]));
    return 0;

Compiling it gives:

sum.d(10): Error: safe function 'sum.sumArray' cannot index pointer 'p'

Granted, a code review will need to include a grep to ensure @safe is being used, but that’s about it.

In summary, this bug is vanquished by preventing an array from decaying to a pointer when passed as an argument, and is vanquished forever by disallowing indirections after arithmetic is performed on a pointer. I’m sure a rare few of you have never been blasted by buffer overflow errors. Stay tuned for the next installment in this series. Maybe your moat got breached by the next bug! (Or maybe your tool doesn’t even have a moat.)

The #dbugfix Campaign

Why so many bugs?

Every major release of DMD comes with a list of closed issues from Bugzilla. For example, looking at the changelog for DMD 2.078.0 shows the following counts for closed regressions, bugs, and enhancements: 51 for the compiler, 37 for the standard library, 6 for the runtime, 17 for the website, and 1 for the linker. That’s 112 total issues, the majority related to the compiler. The total number of closed issues fluctuates between releases, but the compiler and standard library normally get the lion’s share.

This isn’t news to anyone who regularly follows DMD releases. But spend enough time on the forums and you’ll eventually see someone under the impression that bugs aren’t getting fixed. They cite the number of open issues in the database, or the age of some of the open issues, or the fact that they can’t find any formal process for fixing bugs. In reaction, it’s easy to point to the changelogs, or cite the number of closed issues in the database, or bring up the number of open issues in other language compilers. And, of course, to explain once again that this is a volunteer community where people work on the things that matter to them, and organizing groups to complete specific tasks is like herding cats.

That’s all quite reasonable, but really isn’t going to matter to someone who found the motivation to check D out, but is still looking for the motivation to stay. For me personally, I really don’t care how many issues are in the database, or the age of the oldest. All I care about is that it works for me. But I’m already invested in D. I don’t need to be motivated to stick around. And while I wouldn’t use a bug database as criteria to judge a new language, I can see that others do. It’s akin to looking at a stable repository on GitHub and dismissing it as abandoned because of its lack of recent activity. If you don’t see the whole picture, you can’t make an informed judgement.

If perception were the only issue, then it would simply be a matter of web design and PR. However, there have been, and are, people invested in D who have become frustrated because issues they reported, or that directly affect them, have languished in Bugzilla for months or even years. This can’t simply be dismissed as not seeing the whole picture. This is a matter of manpower and process. A number of issues are still open because there isn’t a simple fix, or perhaps because no one has taken an interest. The set of people who can solve complex issues is small. The set of people willing to work on issues that aren’t interesting to them is smaller. But again, how do you get a disparate group of volunteers of varying skill levels to devote their free time to fixing other peoples’ problems?

This is something the D community has struggled with as it has grown. There are no easy, comprehensive solutions without a full-time team of dedicated personnel, something we simply don’t have. However, it’s possible that there are opportunities to take baby steps and chip away at some of these issues without the complications inherent in herding cats.

The #dbugfix campaign

To recap, there are two primary complaints about the D bug-fixing process (such as it is):

  • Too many (old) bugs in the database
  • Bugs you care about aren’t getting fixed

In an effort to alleviate these problems, one baby step to chip away at it, I’m announcing the #dbugfix campaign.

It works like this. If there is an issue in D’s Bugzilla that you want to see fixed, whatever the reason (maybe it’s blocking you, or it’s annoying you, or it’s an enhancement you want, or you think it’s too old – it doesn’t matter), then either tweet out the issue number with #dbugfix in the tweet, or create a topic in the general forum with the issue number and #dbugfix in the subject line. I’ll monitor both Twitter and the forums and keep a running tally of issue numbers.

A week before a major version of DMD is released (starting with 2.080.0, which is slated for May 1), I’ll look at the tally and find the top five issues. I’ve already gotten people to commit to fixing at least two of the top five. That doesn’t mean only two. It could well be more. It depends on the complexity of the issues and how many other volunteers we can scrounge up. Hopefully, the two (or more) fixed bugs will be ready to be merged in the subsequent major release.

In the blog post announcing each major release, I’ll report on which bugs in the current release were fixed as a result of the campaign and announce the two selected for the subsequent release. If any of the top five from the previous release were not fixed, I’ll call for volunteers to help so that they can be squashed as soon as possible.

Yes, I know. We enabled voting on Bugzilla issues and that didn’t change anything. That’s because there was no real commitment to fixing any of the highest-voted issues. The votes simply served a guideline for the people browsing the database, looking for issues to fix. For this campaign, there really are people committed to fixing at least two of the issues that float to the top for every major release.

But two is not a lot! No, it isn’t. But it also isn’t zero. As I mentioned at the top of this post, dozens of issues are already fixed with each major DMD release. The problem (for those who see it as such) is that there’s currently next to zero community involvement in deciding which issues get fixed. This campaign gives the community more input into the selection process and it provides public updates on the status of that process. It is my hope that, in addition to changing perception and chipping away at the bug count, it encourages more people to help fix bugs.

If you would like to volunteer your time and knowledge to helping out with this campaign and increase the number of #dbugfix bugs fixed in each release, please email me at For everyone else, I’ve got a search for #dbugfix set up in my Twitter client, so start tweeting!