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Socket primitives.

Example See and

Christopher E. Miller, David Nadlinger, Vladimir Panteleev
class SocketException: object.Exception;
Base exception thrown by std.socket.
@property @safe string lastSocketError();
Returns the error message of the most recently encountered network error.
class SocketOSException: std.socket.SocketException;
Socket exception representing network errors reported by the operating system.
int errorCode;
Platform-specific error code.
@safe this(string msg, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null, int err = _lasterr(), string function(int) @trusted errorFormatter = &formatSocketError);
@safe this(string msg, Throwable next, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, int err = _lasterr(), string function(int) @trusted errorFormatter = &formatSocketError);
@safe this(string msg, int err, string function(int) @trusted errorFormatter = &formatSocketError, string file = __FILE__, size_t line = __LINE__, Throwable next = null);
class SocketParameterException: std.socket.SocketException;
Socket exception representing invalid parameters specified by user code.
class SocketFeatureException: std.socket.SocketException;
Socket exception representing attempts to use network capabilities not available on the current system.
nothrow @nogc @safe bool wouldHaveBlocked();
true if the last socket operation failed because the socket was in non-blocking mode and the operation would have blocked, or if the socket is in blocking mode and set a SNDTIMEO or RCVTIMEO, and the operation timed out.
enum AddressFamily: ushort;
The communication domain used to resolve an address.
Unspecified address family
Local communication (Unix socket)
Internet Protocol version 4
Novell IPX
Internet Protocol version 6
enum SocketType: int;
Communication semantics
Sequenced, reliable, two-way communication-based byte streams
Connectionless, unreliable datagrams with a fixed maximum length; data may be lost or arrive out of order
Raw protocol access
Reliably-delivered message datagrams
Sequenced, reliable, two-way connection-based datagrams with a fixed maximum length
enum ProtocolType: int;
Internet Protocol version 4
Internet Control Message Protocol
Internet Group Management Protocol
Gateway to Gateway Protocol
Transmission Control Protocol
PARC Universal Packet Protocol
User Datagram Protocol
Xerox NS protocol
Raw IP packets
Internet Protocol version 6
class Protocol;
Class for retrieving protocol information.


auto proto = new Protocol;
writeln("About protocol TCP:");
if (proto.getProtocolByType(ProtocolType.TCP))
    writefln("  Name: %s",;
    foreach (string s; proto.aliases)
         writefln("  Alias: %s", s);
    writeln("  No information found");

ProtocolType type;

string name;

string[] aliases;
These members are populated when one of the following functions are called successfully:
nothrow @trusted bool getProtocolByName(scope const(char)[] name);
false on failure
nothrow @trusted bool getProtocolByType(ProtocolType type);
false on failure
class Service;
Class for retrieving service information.


auto serv = new Service;
writeln("About service epmap:");
if (serv.getServiceByName("epmap", "tcp"))
    writefln("  Service: %s",;
    writefln("  Port: %d", serv.port);
    writefln("  Protocol: %s", serv.protocolName);
    foreach (string s; serv.aliases)
         writefln("  Alias: %s", s);
    writefln("  No service for epmap.");

string name;

string[] aliases;

ushort port;

string protocolName;
These members are populated when one of the following functions are called successfully:
nothrow @trusted bool getServiceByName(scope const(char)[] name, scope const(char)[] protocolName = null);

nothrow @trusted bool getServiceByPort(ushort port, scope const(char)[] protocolName = null);
If a protocol name is omitted, any protocol will be matched.
false on failure.
class HostException: std.socket.SocketOSException;
Class for exceptions thrown from an InternetHost.
class InternetHost;
Class for resolving IPv4 addresses.
Consider using getAddress, parseAddress and Address methods instead of using this class directly.
InternetHost ih = new InternetHost;

writeln(ih.addrList[0]); // 0x7F_00_00_01
writeln(ih.addrList[0]); // 0x7F_00_00_01

if (!ih.getHostByName(""))
    return;             // don't fail if not connected to internet

InternetAddress ia = new InternetAddress(ih.addrList[0], InternetAddress.PORT_ANY);
assert( == "" || == "",;

/* The following assert randomly fails in the test suite.
 * So just ignore it when it fails.
if (ih.getHostByAddr(ih.addrList[0]))
    string getHostNameFromInt =;

    // This randomly fails in the compiler test suite

    if (ih.getHostByAddr(ia.toAddrString()))
        string getHostNameFromStr =;
        writeln(getHostNameFromInt); // getHostNameFromStr
string name;

string[] aliases;

uint[] addrList;
These members are populated when one of the following functions are called successfully:
@trusted bool getHostByName(scope const(char)[] name);
Resolve host name.
false if unable to resolve.
@trusted bool getHostByAddr(uint addr);
Resolve IPv4 address number.
uint addr The IPv4 address to resolve, in host byte order.
false if unable to resolve.
@trusted bool getHostByAddr(scope const(char)[] addr);
Same as previous, but addr is an IPv4 address string in the dotted-decimal form a.b.c.d.
false if unable to resolve.
struct AddressInfo;
Holds information about a socket address retrieved by getAddressInfo.
AddressFamily family;
Address family
SocketType type;
Socket type
ProtocolType protocol;
Address address;
Socket address
string canonicalName;
Canonical name, when AddressInfoFlags.CANONNAME is used.
enum AddressInfoFlags: int;
A subset of flags supported on all platforms with getaddrinfo. Specifies option flags for getAddressInfo.
The resulting addresses will be used in a call to Socket.bind.
The canonical name is returned in canonicalName member in the first AddressInfo.
The node parameter passed to getAddressInfo must be a numeric string. This will suppress any potentially lengthy network host address lookups.
AddressInfo[] getAddressInfo(T...)(scope const(char)[] node, scope T options);
Provides protocol-independent translation from host names to socket addresses. If advanced functionality is not required, consider using getAddress for compatibility with older systems.
Array with one AddressInfo per socket address.
SocketOSException on failure, or SocketFeatureException if this functionality is not available on the current system.
const(char)[] node string containing host name or numeric address
T options optional additional parameters, identified by type:
  • string - service name or port number
  • AddressInfoFlags - option flags
  • AddressFamily - address family to filter by
  • SocketType - socket type to filter by
  • ProtocolType - protocol to filter by


// Roundtrip DNS resolution
auto results = getAddressInfo("");
assert(results[0].address.toHostNameString() ==

// Canonical name
results = getAddressInfo("",
assert(results[0].canonicalName == "");

// IPv6 resolution
results = getAddressInfo("");
assert(results[0].family == AddressFamily.INET6);

// Multihomed resolution
results = getAddressInfo("");
assert(results.length > 1);

// Parsing IPv4
results = getAddressInfo("",
assert(results.length && results[0].family ==

// Parsing IPv6
results = getAddressInfo("::1",
assert(results.length && results[0].family ==

@safe Address[] getAddress(scope const(char)[] hostname, scope const(char)[] service = null);

@safe Address[] getAddress(scope const(char)[] hostname, ushort port);
Provides protocol-independent translation from host names to socket addresses. Uses getAddressInfo if the current system supports it, and InternetHost otherwise.
Array with one Address instance per socket address.
SocketOSException on failure.


    auto addresses = getAddress("");
    foreach (address; addresses)
        writefln("  IP: %s", address.toAddrString());
catch (SocketException e)
    writefln("  Lookup failed: %s", e.msg);

@safe Address parseAddress(scope const(char)[] hostaddr, scope const(char)[] service = null);

@safe Address parseAddress(scope const(char)[] hostaddr, ushort port);
Provides protocol-independent parsing of network addresses. Does not attempt name resolution. Uses getAddressInfo with AddressInfoFlags.NUMERICHOST if the current system supports it, and InternetAddress otherwise.
An Address instance representing specified address.
SocketException on failure.


writeln("Enter IP address:");
string ip = readln().chomp();
    Address address = parseAddress(ip);
    writefln("Looking up reverse of %s:",
        string reverse = address.toHostNameString();
        if (reverse)
            writefln("  Reverse name: %s", reverse);
            writeln("  Reverse hostname not found.");
    catch (SocketException e)
        writefln("  Lookup error: %s", e.msg);
catch (SocketException e)
    writefln("  %s is not a valid IP address: %s",
        ip, e.msg);

class AddressException: std.socket.SocketOSException;
Class for exceptions thrown from an Address.
abstract class Address;
Abstract class for representing a socket address.


writeln("About port 80:");
    Address[] addresses = getAddress("", 80);
    writefln("  %d addresses found.", addresses.length);
    foreach (int i, Address a; addresses)
        writefln("  Address %d:", i+1);
        writefln("    IP address: %s", a.toAddrString());
        writefln("    Hostname: %s", a.toHostNameString());
        writefln("    Port: %s", a.toPortString());
        writefln("    Service name: %s",
catch (SocketException e)
    writefln("  Lookup error: %s", e.msg);

abstract pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe sockaddr* name();

abstract const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe const(sockaddr)* name();
Returns pointer to underlying sockaddr structure.
abstract const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe socklen_t nameLen();
Returns actual size of underlying sockaddr structure.
const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe AddressFamily addressFamily();
Family of this address.
const @safe string toAddrString();
Attempts to retrieve the host address as a human-readable string.
AddressException on failure, or SocketFeatureException if address retrieval for this address family is not available on the current system.
const @safe string toHostNameString();
Attempts to retrieve the host name as a fully qualified domain name.
The FQDN corresponding to this Address, or null if the host name did not resolve.
AddressException on error, or SocketFeatureException if host name lookup for this address family is not available on the current system.
const @safe string toPortString();
Attempts to retrieve the numeric port number as a string.
AddressException on failure, or SocketFeatureException if port number retrieval for this address family is not available on the current system.
const @safe string toServiceNameString();
Attempts to retrieve the service name as a string.
AddressException on failure, or SocketFeatureException if service name lookup for this address family is not available on the current system.
const @safe string toString();
Human readable string representing this address.
class UnknownAddress: std.socket.Address;
Encapsulates an unknown socket address.
class UnknownAddressReference: std.socket.Address;
Encapsulates a reference to an arbitrary socket address.
pure nothrow @nogc @safe this(sockaddr* sa, socklen_t len);
Constructs an Address with a reference to the specified sockaddr.
pure nothrow @system this(const(sockaddr)* sa, socklen_t len);
Constructs an Address with a copy of the specified sockaddr.
class InternetAddress: std.socket.Address;
Encapsulates an IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) socket address.
Consider using getAddress, parseAddress and Address methods instead of using this class directly.
enum uint ADDR_ANY;
Any IPv4 host address.
enum uint ADDR_NONE;
An invalid IPv4 host address.
enum ushort PORT_ANY;
Any IPv4 port number.
const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe ushort port();
Returns the IPv4 port number (in host byte order).
const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe uint addr();
Returns the IPv4 address number (in host byte order).
@safe this(scope const(char)[] addr, ushort port);
Construct a new InternetAddress.
const(char)[] addr an IPv4 address string in the dotted-decimal form a.b.c.d, or a host name which will be resolved using an InternetHost object.
ushort port port number, may be PORT_ANY.
pure nothrow @nogc @safe this(uint addr, ushort port);

pure nothrow @nogc @safe this(ushort port);
Construct a new InternetAddress.
uint addr (optional) an IPv4 address in host byte order, may be ADDR_ANY.
ushort port port number, may be PORT_ANY.
pure nothrow @nogc @safe this(sockaddr_in addr);
Construct a new InternetAddress.
sockaddr_in addr A sockaddr_in as obtained from lower-level API calls such as getifaddrs.
const @trusted string toAddrString();
Human readable string representing the IPv4 address in dotted-decimal form.
const @safe string toPortString();
Human readable string representing the IPv4 port.
const @safe string toHostNameString();
Attempts to retrieve the host name as a fully qualified domain name.
The FQDN corresponding to this InternetAddress, or null if the host name did not resolve.
AddressException on error.
const @safe bool opEquals(Object o);
Provides support for comparing equality with another InternetAddress of the same type.
true if the InternetAddresses share the same address and port number.
auto addr1 = new InternetAddress("", 80);
auto addr2 = new InternetAddress("", 80);

writeln(addr1); // addr1
assert(addr1 != addr2);
static nothrow @trusted uint parse(scope const(char)[] addr);
Parse an IPv4 address string in the dotted-decimal form a.b.c.d and return the number.
If the string is not a legitimate IPv4 address, ADDR_NONE is returned.
static nothrow @trusted string addrToString(uint addr);
Convert an IPv4 address number in host byte order to a human readable string representing the IPv4 address in dotted-decimal form.
class Internet6Address: std.socket.Address;
Encapsulates an IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) socket address.
Consider using getAddress, parseAddress and Address methods instead of using this class directly.
static pure nothrow @nogc @property ref @safe const(ubyte)[16] ADDR_ANY();
Any IPv6 host address.
enum ushort PORT_ANY;
Any IPv6 port number.
const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe ushort port();
Returns the IPv6 port number.
const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe ubyte[16] addr();
Returns the IPv6 address.
@trusted this(scope const(char)[] addr, scope const(char)[] service = null);
Construct a new Internet6Address.
const(char)[] addr an IPv6 host address string in the form described in RFC 2373, or a host name which will be resolved using getAddressInfo.
const(char)[] service (optional) service name.
@safe this(scope const(char)[] addr, ushort port);
Construct a new Internet6Address.
const(char)[] addr an IPv6 host address string in the form described in RFC 2373, or a host name which will be resolved using getAddressInfo.
ushort port port number, may be PORT_ANY.
pure nothrow @nogc @safe this(ubyte[16] addr, ushort port);

pure nothrow @nogc @safe this(ushort port);
Construct a new Internet6Address.
ubyte[16] addr (optional) an IPv6 host address in host byte order, or ADDR_ANY.
ushort port port number, may be PORT_ANY.
pure nothrow @nogc @safe this(sockaddr_in6 addr);
Construct a new Internet6Address.
sockaddr_in6 addr A sockaddr_in6 as obtained from lower-level API calls such as getifaddrs.
static @trusted ubyte[16] parse(scope const(char)[] addr);
Parse an IPv6 host address string as described in RFC 2373, and return the address.
SocketException on error.
class UnixAddress: std.socket.Address;
Encapsulates an address for a Unix domain socket (AF_UNIX), i.e. a socket bound to a path name in the file system. Available only on supported systems.
Linux also supports an abstract address namespace, in which addresses are independent of the file system. A socket address is abstract iff path starts with a null byte ('\0'). Null bytes in other positions of an abstract address are allowed and have no special meaning.


auto addr = new UnixAddress("/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket");
auto abstractAddr = new UnixAddress("\0/tmp/dbus-OtHLWmCLPR");

See Also:
@safe this(scope const(char)[] path);
Construct a new UnixAddress from the specified path.
pure nothrow @nogc @safe this(sockaddr_un addr);
Construct a new UnixAddress.
sockaddr_un addr A sockaddr_un as obtained from lower-level API calls.
const @property @safe string path();

const @safe string toString();
Get the underlying path.
class SocketAcceptException: std.socket.SocketOSException;
Exception thrown by Socket.accept.
enum SocketShutdown: int;
How a socket is shutdown:
socket receives are disallowed
socket sends are disallowed
enum SocketFlags: int;
Socket flags that may be OR'ed together:
no flags specified
out-of-band stream data
peek at incoming data without removing it from the queue, only for receiving
data should not be subject to routing; this flag may be ignored. Only for sending
struct TimeVal;
Duration timeout value.
inout pure nothrow @nogc @property ref @safe inout(tv_sec_t) seconds() return;
Number of seconds.
inout pure nothrow @nogc @property ref @safe inout(tv_usec_t) microseconds() return;
Number of additional microseconds.
class SocketSet;
A collection of sockets for use with
SocketSet wraps the platform fd_set type. However, unlike fd_set, SocketSet is not statically limited to FD_SETSIZE or any other limit, and grows as needed.
pure nothrow @safe this(size_t size = FD_SETSIZE);
Create a SocketSet with a specific initial capacity (defaults to FD_SETSIZE, the system's default capacity).
pure nothrow @nogc @safe void reset();
Reset the SocketSet so that there are 0 Sockets in the collection.
pure nothrow @safe void add(Socket s);
Add a Socket to the collection. The socket must not already be in the collection.
pure nothrow @safe void remove(Socket s);
Remove this Socket from the collection. Does nothing if the socket is not in the collection already.
const pure nothrow @nogc @safe int isSet(Socket s);
Return nonzero if this Socket is in the collection.
const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe uint max();
The current capacity of this SocketSet. The exact meaning of the return value varies from platform to platform.

Note Since D 2.065, this value does not indicate a restriction, and SocketSet will grow its capacity as needed automatically.

enum SocketOptionLevel: int;
The level at which a socket option is defined:
Socket level
Internet Protocol version 4 level
Internet Control Message Protocol level
Internet Group Management Protocol level
Gateway to Gateway Protocol level
Transmission Control Protocol level
PARC Universal Packet Protocol level
User Datagram Protocol level
Xerox NS protocol level
Raw IP packet level
Internet Protocol version 6 level
struct Linger;
Linger information for use with SocketOption.LINGER.
inout pure nothrow @nogc @property ref @safe inout(l_onoff_t) on() return;
Nonzero for on.
inout pure nothrow @nogc @property ref @safe inout(l_linger_t) time() return;
Linger time.
enum SocketOption: int;
Specifies a socket option:
Record debugging information
Allow transmission of broadcast messages
Allow local reuse of address
Linger on close if unsent data is present
Receive out-of-band data in band
Send buffer size
Receive buffer size
Do not route
Send timeout
Receive timeout
Retrieve and clear error status
Enable keep-alive packets
Minimum number of input bytes to process
Minimum number of output bytes to process
Socket type
Disable the Nagle algorithm for send coalescing
IP unicast hop limit
IP multicast interface
IP multicast loopback
IP multicast hops
Add an IP group membership
Drop an IP group membership
Treat wildcard bind as AF_INET6-only
class Socket;
Class that creates a network communication endpoint using the Berkeley sockets interface.
@trusted this(AddressFamily af, SocketType type, ProtocolType protocol);

@safe this(AddressFamily af, SocketType type);

@trusted this(AddressFamily af, SocketType type, scope const(char)[] protocolName);
Create a blocking socket. If a single protocol type exists to support this socket type within the address family, the ProtocolType may be omitted.
@safe this(scope const AddressInfo info);
Create a blocking socket using the parameters from the specified AddressInfo structure.
pure nothrow @nogc @safe this(socket_t sock, AddressFamily af);
Use an existing socket handle.
const pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe socket_t handle();
Get underlying socket handle.
pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe socket_t release();
Releases the underlying socket handle from the Socket object. Once it is released, you cannot use the Socket object's methods anymore. This also means the Socket destructor will no longer close the socket - it becomes your responsibility.
To get the handle without releasing it, use the handle property.
const nothrow @nogc @property @trusted bool blocking();

@property @trusted void blocking(bool byes);
Get/set socket's blocking flag.
When a socket is blocking, calls to receive(), accept(), and send() will block and wait for data/action. A non-blocking socket will immediately return instead of blocking.
@property @safe AddressFamily addressFamily();
Get the socket's address family.
const @property @trusted bool isAlive();
Property that indicates if this is a valid, alive socket.
@trusted void bind(Address addr);
Associate a local address with this socket.
Address addr The Address to associate this socket with.
SocketOSException when unable to bind the socket.
@trusted void connect(Address to);
Establish a connection. If the socket is blocking, connect waits for the connection to be made. If the socket is nonblocking, connect returns immediately and the connection attempt is still in progress.
@trusted void listen(int backlog);
Listen for an incoming connection. bind must be called before you can listen. The backlog is a request of how many pending incoming connections are queued until accepted.
protected pure nothrow @safe Socket accepting();
Called by accept when a new Socket must be created for a new connection. To use a derived class, override this method and return an instance of your class. The returned Socket's handle must not be set; Socket has a protected constructor this() to use in this situation.
Override to use a derived class. The returned socket's handle must not be set.
@trusted Socket accept();
Accept an incoming connection. If the socket is blocking, accept waits for a connection request. Throws SocketAcceptException if unable to accept. See accepting for use with derived classes.
nothrow @nogc @trusted void shutdown(SocketShutdown how);
Disables sends and/or receives.
nothrow @nogc @trusted void close() scope;
Immediately drop any connections and release socket resources. The Socket object is no longer usable after close. Calling shutdown before close is recommended for connection-oriented sockets.
static @property @trusted string hostName();
The local machine's host name
@property @trusted Address remoteAddress();
Remote endpoint Address.
@property @trusted Address localAddress();
Local endpoint Address.
enum int ERROR;
Send or receive error code. See wouldHaveBlocked, lastSocketError and Socket.getErrorText for obtaining more information about the error.
@trusted ptrdiff_t send(scope const(void)[] buf, SocketFlags flags);

@safe ptrdiff_t send(scope const(void)[] buf);
Send data on the connection. If the socket is blocking and there is no buffer space left, send waits.
The number of bytes actually sent, or Socket.ERROR on failure.
@trusted ptrdiff_t sendTo(scope const(void)[] buf, SocketFlags flags, Address to);

@safe ptrdiff_t sendTo(scope const(void)[] buf, Address to);

@trusted ptrdiff_t sendTo(scope const(void)[] buf, SocketFlags flags);

@safe ptrdiff_t sendTo(scope const(void)[] buf);
Send data to a specific destination Address. If the destination address is not specified, a connection must have been made and that address is used. If the socket is blocking and there is no buffer space left, sendTo waits.
The number of bytes actually sent, or Socket.ERROR on failure.
@trusted ptrdiff_t receive(scope void[] buf, SocketFlags flags);

@safe ptrdiff_t receive(scope void[] buf);
Receive data on the connection. If the socket is blocking, receive waits until there is data to be received.
The number of bytes actually received, 0 if the remote side has closed the connection, or Socket.ERROR on failure.
@trusted ptrdiff_t receiveFrom(scope void[] buf, SocketFlags flags, ref Address from);

@safe ptrdiff_t receiveFrom(scope void[] buf, ref Address from);

@trusted ptrdiff_t receiveFrom(scope void[] buf, SocketFlags flags);

@safe ptrdiff_t receiveFrom(scope void[] buf);
Receive data and get the remote endpoint Address. If the socket is blocking, receiveFrom waits until there is data to be received.
The number of bytes actually received, 0 if the remote side has closed the connection, or Socket.ERROR on failure.
@trusted int getOption(SocketOptionLevel level, SocketOption option, scope void[] result);
Get a socket option.
The number of bytes written to result. The length, in bytes, of the actual result - very different from getsockopt()
@trusted int getOption(SocketOptionLevel level, SocketOption option, out int32_t result);
Common case of getting integer and boolean options.
@trusted int getOption(SocketOptionLevel level, SocketOption option, out Linger result);
Get the linger option.
@trusted void getOption(SocketOptionLevel level, SocketOption option, out Duration result);
Get a timeout (duration) option.
@trusted void setOption(SocketOptionLevel level, SocketOption option, scope void[] value);
Set a socket option.
@trusted void setOption(SocketOptionLevel level, SocketOption option, int32_t value);
Common case for setting integer and boolean options.
@trusted void setOption(SocketOptionLevel level, SocketOption option, Linger value);
Set the linger option.
@trusted void setOption(SocketOptionLevel level, SocketOption option, Duration value);
Sets a timeout (duration) option, i.e. SocketOption.SNDTIMEO or RCVTIMEO. Zero indicates no timeout.
In a typical application, you might also want to consider using a non-blocking socket instead of setting a timeout on a blocking one.

Note While the receive timeout setting is generally quite accurate on *nix systems even for smaller durations, there are two issues to be aware of on Windows: First, although undocumented, the effective timeout duration seems to be the one set on the socket plus half a second. setOption() tries to compensate for that, but still, timeouts under 500ms are not possible on Windows. Second, be aware that the actual amount of time spent until a blocking call returns randomly varies on the order of 10ms.

SocketOptionLevel level The level at which a socket option is defined.
SocketOption option Either SocketOption.SNDTIMEO or SocketOption.RCVTIMEO.
Duration value The timeout duration to set. Must not be negative.
SocketException if setting the options fails.


import std.datetime;
import std.typecons;
auto pair = socketPair();
scope(exit) foreach (s; pair) s.close();

// Set a receive timeout, and then wait at one end of
// the socket pair, knowing that no data will arrive.
    SocketOption.RCVTIMEO, dur!"seconds"(1));

auto sw = StopWatch(Yes.autoStart);
ubyte[1] buffer;
writefln("Waited %s ms until the socket timed out.",

@safe string getErrorText();
Get a text description of this socket's error status, and clear the socket's error status.
@trusted void setKeepAlive(int time, int interval);
Enables TCP keep-alive with the specified parameters.
int time Number of seconds with no activity until the first keep-alive packet is sent.
int interval Number of seconds between when successive keep-alive packets are sent if no acknowledgement is received.
SocketOSException if setting the options fails, or SocketFeatureException if setting keep-alive parameters is unsupported on the current platform.
static @trusted int select(SocketSet checkRead, SocketSet checkWrite, SocketSet checkError, Duration timeout);

static @safe int select(SocketSet checkRead, SocketSet checkWrite, SocketSet checkError);

static @trusted int select(SocketSet checkRead, SocketSet checkWrite, SocketSet checkError, TimeVal* timeout);
Wait for a socket to change status. A wait timeout of core.time.Duration or TimeVal, may be specified; if a timeout is not specified or the TimeVal is null, the maximum timeout is used. The TimeVal timeout has an unspecified value when select returns.
The number of sockets with status changes, 0 on timeout, or -1 on interruption. If the return value is greater than 0, the SocketSets are updated to only contain the sockets having status changes. For a connecting socket, a write status change means the connection is established and it's able to send. For a listening socket, a read status change means there is an incoming connection request and it's able to accept.
SocketSet's updated to include only those sockets which an event occured. For a connect()ing socket, writeability means connected. For a listen()ing socket, readability means listening Winsock; possibly internally limited to 64 sockets per set.
the number of events, 0 on timeout, or -1 on interruption
protected pure nothrow @safe Address createAddress();
Can be overridden to support other addresses.
A new Address object for the current address family.
class TcpSocket: std.socket.Socket;
Shortcut class for a TCP Socket.
@safe this(AddressFamily family);
Constructs a blocking TCP Socket.
@safe this();
Constructs a blocking IPv4 TCP Socket.
@safe this(Address connectTo);
Constructs a blocking TCP Socket and connects to the given Address.
class UdpSocket: std.socket.Socket;
Shortcut class for a UDP Socket.
@safe this(AddressFamily family);
Constructs a blocking UDP Socket.
@safe this();
Constructs a blocking IPv4 UDP Socket.
@trusted Socket[2] socketPair();
Creates a pair of connected sockets.
The two sockets are indistinguishable.
SocketException if creation of the sockets fails.
immutable ubyte[4] data = [1, 2, 3, 4];
auto pair = socketPair();
scope(exit) foreach (s; pair) s.close();


auto buf = new ubyte[data.length];
writeln(buf); // data